Epilogue 2: One Big Change

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College wasn't really that bad..really. I mean Maya and I saw each other lot, Menry was still endgame, and I saw Alex over the weekends--and ofc we still texted. We've all came such a long way from just being in Charlotte...

--7 YEARS LATER-- (A/N: sorry for all these time jumps;)but it'll be worth it in the end;)

"Sis, guess what?!" Maya jumps in excitement.

"Ooh what?" I jump up and down with her.

"..Henry proposed," Maya shows me the diamond ring on her finger.

"Aww," I coo.

"You never know..maybe Alex will propose soon," Maya smirks.

"Eh maybe," I shrug. "I mean everyone's getting married..Ava and Tessa got married. And..Ava got pregnant..."

"They must really love each other," Maya smirks.

"Omg, you're so dirty," I giggle.

"Did they have a double wedding?" She asks.

I shake my head, sarcastically," No, they're best friends, but they refused."

Maya giggles," Just like us..if he does propose.."

I just shrug,"...we have been dating for a while now.."

"If you call 7 1/2 years awhile sure.." Maya playfully rolls her eyes.

"Fine, more than awhile," I chuckle.

"Anyways,  are you ready for the show tonight--oh right you're performing too!" Maya reminds me.

"No not this time. Aiono wanted to go solo," I try not to giggle.

"I GET IT!" Maya giggles.


"Where's Alex--isn't he suppose to be on the stage?" Maya asks.

"He's probably backstage, lemme check," I tell her.

"Maybe he's waiting for you," Henry suggests.

I laugh, as I get up to find Alex.


"I knew you were back here--why aren't you up there?" I ask Alex, who was standing there with his guitar.

"Relax, Sari. I'm going right now," he relaxingly says. "But I can see that you're almost about to die of happiness..what happened this time?" He asks, jokingly.

"MAYA's GETTING MARRIED!" I exclaim, giggling.

"Ooh that gives me an idea," Alex smirks. "Aand I better get going.."

"Good luck," I tell him.

"I won't need luck as long as your here.."

*flashback to Charlotte De-Tour Concert*

I run back to my seat, next to Maya, as Alex starts the show.

"Aww, I feel my Salex Hart filled with giggles," Maya jokes.

"Did something happen that you'd like to fill us in about?" Henry adds.

I shake my head and laugh," Nothing happened guys..Alex just has something last minute planned.."

"What if it's for Salex?" Menry choruses.

"I mean every show I come to, he does something special for me, so this can't be any different," I shrug with a smile.

"Maybe tonight's gonna be different.." Maya murmurs.



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