Pain & Glitches: Part 1: Pain...

By banana8050

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An accident during training leaves Chase injured, and sulking Adam to go missing. To top it all off, an old e... More

Chapter 1: The Accident
Chapter 2: Big Mistake
Chapter 3: Chase? Chase!
Chapter 4: Taken & Amnesia
Chapter 5: Phone Calls & Faults
Chapter 6: Memories
Chapter 7: Realizations
Chapter 8: Issues
Chapter 9: Failed Expirements
Chapter 11: Awake
Chapter 12: Different Pain
Chapter 13: Understanding
Chapter 14: The Cure
Chapter 15: Problem Solving
Chapter 16: Going Home

Chapter 10: Finally Free

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By banana8050

~I do not own Lab Rats~

Douglas's POV:

Experiment: No Pulse

Purpose: Makes it feel as if you have no pulse. Can use to trick enemies into thinking you're dead.

Test Subject: A small dog, possibly a Chihuahua.

Result: Failure

Side Effects: Turned the paw of the dog blue. Possibly some small blue coloring of skin. Otherwise, unknown.

My eyes are wide the entire time I read the label of the needle that was injected into Chase. At the same time I gave the smallest chuckle when I think of how good I am at faking my own death.

Coming out of my quick thought, I rush straight out of the room and into the next. I am shocked by the sight in front of me.

Donald has tears streaming out of his eyes, leaning over a blue Chase.

Wait! A blue Chase?! How did his entire body turn blue in a matter of about fifteen minutes?!

"What happened?" I quickly ask.

Donald looks up at me with sad eyes and says, "I don't know."

"How can you not know?"

"I was setting up Bree's heart monitor, and when I finished and looked back, he was like this!" My eyes drift over to where Bree is placed, and her heart monitor is perfectly set up. Everything's normal, for Bree's heart rate that is. Nothing else is at this moment, and I don't know if 'normal' will ever be the word to describe all our lives.

"What's in your hand?" Donald suddenly asks me. I look down at the needle in my right hand, and I toss it over to him. He is barely able to catch it.

"Is this what was injected into Chase?"

"Yeah, but the only side effect recorded on their is the blueness of the skin."

"Did it ever go away?" I look away, guilty. "Douglas, what did you do?" He suddenly gasps. "Did you kill the dog?"

"What? No, no, no, why would I kill it? It wasn't dying."

"You tried to kill my son."

"My son, Donnie. Always has been, and always will be."

"So, what did you do with the dog?"

"Well, since there was no use in keeping it. I kind of, might have, sort of, dropped him off at the animal shelter and ran." Donald was listening to me intensely, but is taken aback by that.

"You didn't keep the dog?! Didn't you want to know what happened, what if there are more side effects? Ones that could cause serious damage. Douglas, when will you ever realize what you have done?" I'm not sure what to say after that.

"Show me to your lab, I might be able to find an antidote." I am still speechless, so I just nod and lead him out of the room. We go down a couple hallways, and onto a hidden elevator.

The whole elevator ride is filled with awkward silence, until I decide to break the ice. "I didn't know it would go this far. I never knew that any of this was going to happen."

"How could you? But it all needs to stop, now."

The elevator ding and its door opening, stops me from having to respond. I am very grateful for that, because I have no idea what I would've said.

"Nice lab, better than your others." Donald compliments as he looks around. I would say that I am particularly proud of this lab.

The walls are all a light gray, and the floor is concrete. In the back right are three capsules, along with a small computer area next to them. Smack dab in the middle of the room is my main cyber desk, which right now is cluttered with multiple piles of paper. The back left of the room is where the emergency exit is, along with a self-destruct button. You have to break the glass, however, to get to it.

On the left wall are multiple screens that show the footage from my security cameras, so I can keep a close eye on everything. There is a lounging chair placed in front of them, where I tend to sit to watch or rest. Finally, on the right there is a counter with some inventions and weapons I have been working on. Along with those, there is a science area set up for my experiments that I sometimes do.

"You work over there," I say as I point to the area. Donald nods and places himself on one of the two bar stools set up in front of it. "You can also keep an eye on Bree and Chase from there. I have one of my security cameras set up in there." I point to a specific one on the far bottom right. "Here, I'll put it on the big screen."

I forgot to mention that I have a large screen in the middle of all the security footage, where I can watch TV or a specific camera.

I rush over to the cyber desk, and type in a few things. Instantly, the footage of Bree and Chase is shown on the big screen, and nothing seems to have changed. Donald doesn't move, he just keeps examining the needle.

"I'll just leave you, so, yeah." I awkwardly walk away.

"Thank you," I come to a haunt as Donald says that.

"Um, you're welcome?" I say unsurely as a small smile creeps on my face.

"Don't think that I forgive you, though." The smile fades, but is still there the slightest bit.

I sigh, and say, "I know." Without another word, I head into the elevator, and leave him to his work.


Adam's POV:

A bright light wakes me up, and my eyes take a minute to adjust to the light. When they do, I am met by the smiling face of Leo holding a flashlight in my face. I bolt straight up, and rush over to hug him, but I run straight into the cage. Leo winces as I hit face, but I don't feel any pain.

"Leo! How did you get here?" He is about to answer, but I stop him. "No, wait, don't answer that yet. Can you get me out of here?" He smiles and jiggles some keys in front of my face. A smile instantly grows on my face.

"How did you get those?" I ask excitedly. I am practically jumping, I can't wait to get out of here.

"It wasn't as hard as you may think," he starts. "Would you believe that Douglas was dumb enough to leave them on a table inside the hospital room?" His smile suddenly darkens. "I saw Bree and Chase, Adam, they don't look so good." Realization suddenly hits me, and my smile disappears.

"Are they okay? Wait, what happened to Chase? He seemed fine to me last time I saw him, besides the fact that he lost his memories. Otherwise he looked fine, what happened?" Leo shakes his head.

"I have no idea, sorry. I was searching for Douglas when I came across the room. The door was closed, but a beeping coming from inside craved my curiosity. So I went in, and was shocked by the sight. Bree was so pale, and was hooked up to a heart monitor, which is where the beeping was coming from. But Chase, poor, poor, Chase, I didn't know what to think when I saw him."

"What do you mean?"

"His whole body was blue! I had rushed forward, and touched his skin. It was freezing! He wasn't even shivering, which worried me. That's when I had noticed the keys on the table next to Bree. Not wanting to get caught, I had grabbed the keys and rushed out of there, not looking back." My eyes weld up with tears.

"I'm so, so sorry Adam. Here, let me get you out." Leo fingers through the various keys, trying a multiple of them on the lock. I start to get annoyed after the eleventh one.

"How many keys does a guy need?" He asks frustrated. Finally I hear a triumphant 'click' of the lock and Leo silently cheers, "Yes!" He pulls the cage door open, and I rush out to hug him.

I must've hugged him a bit to hard, as Leo starts struggling in my arms to get free. I release him, and he gasps a bit for air. "Sorry."

"It's-It's fine," Leo says through gasps.

"Now, where's Douglas? I ought to pound him for what he did."

"I'm not sure, but there's a couple other people we have to free first."


"Follow me," Leo says as I follow him out of the room and down some halls. He leads me through a door and into a large room. In the middle of the room are two cages, containing two completely different people. One has a young girl, and the other contains a familiar looking man.

The girl looks at me with curiosity, while the man still has his back turned to me.

"Who are they?" I whisper/ ask Leo.

"Well, you should already know Dr. Hudson." I suddenly remember him, he was Chase's doctor. "While the other is his daughter, Lily." She gives me a small wave.

Leo walks up to Dr. Hudson's cage first, trying multiple keys. I get annoyed once more by the multiple tries, but he finally gets the door open on the eighth key. Dr. Hudson suddenly stands up to face us, with a very surprised look on his face.

"You got the keys?" He asks.

"Duh," Leo says as had jiggles the key in Dr. Hudson's face, who swats them away. "Don't doubt me." Dr. Hudson only smiles and promptly walks out of his cage.

Next, Leo tries to open Lily's cage, and it only takes three tries before it does. I am so grateful for that. Lily pops out of her cage, and straight into her dad's arms. Leo and I share a smile.

After they release, Lily runs and gives Leo a hug as well. "Thank you, thank you. You've freed us!" She yells excitedly.

"I'm still confused. How did you get here in the first place?" I ask.

Dr. Hudson is about to talk, when I remember why he's there. "You, don't talk. I still have a bone to pick with you." It shuts him up when I crack my knuckles as I speak.

"Adam, what do you mean?" Leo asks, and I suddenly remember that he doesn't know that this guy is a big backstabber.

"Since you don't know, let me tell you what that this guy has done. He's the reason that Chase is here in the first place. He's the one that kidnapped Chase, and brought him here to Douglas." Leo instantly gives a death stare at Dr. Hudson. "I know, because he left a note explaining."

Leo and I glare directly at Dr. Hudson, but Lily suddenly intervenes.

"Don't you remember, though, that he only did it because Douglas kidnapped me. He had blackmailed my dad into bring Chase here, only because he wanted to save me." Lily explains.

"Whoops, I guess I kind of forgot about that part." Leo gives me a small glare. "Hey, in my defense I was still kind of woozy after being knocked out when Bree told me." I put my hands up in surrender, and Leo gives me a small punch in the arm.

"Well, leaving that out, almost made me want to rip this guy to shreds." Leo complains.

"Sorry?" I say unsurely.

"It's fine," the three of them all say, almost in sync.

"Well now that's cleared up, I'm still confused on one thing." Leo says.

"What?" Dr. Hudson asks.

"How did she get here?" Leo asks as he points to Lily, and her face instantly pales.

"So, how did you get here?" Her dad asks, very interested.

"Um, uh, do we really have to talk about this now?" Lily asks, hoping to ignore the question.

"Lily, sweetie, what did happen? You do realize you're going to have to tell us sooner or later. You might as well do it now, and get it over with." Her dad tries to convince her.

Lily shifts her eyes at us, biting her lip unsure. Finally, she sighs, and says. "Alright, I'll tell you."


Lily's POV:

"Alright, I'll tell you." I finally give in, and they all smile. I was really hoping that this would never come up on conversation, but I guess it didn't work out how I hoped.

"Let me set the scene for you. Imagine walking through the cramped hallway of the eighth grade wing, even though you're a seventh grader. Well, that's what I was doing, because, lucky me, that's where I have my advanced English class. I'm considered the shortest one in my grade, and I am usually mistaken as a sixth grader."

"At my school the eighth graders jus adore picking on the sixth graders, so that's what was happening. Nothing too major, though, just knocking my supplies out of my hand, pushing me into the sides of lockers, and stuff like that. Nothing that would truly hurt me." I look over to my dad for a moment, and he is looking at concerned. I had never told him about this before, because I was afraid that he would call the school.

"Well, I was sitting in class, when I had realized I was missing my notebook. It had fallen when my stuff was knocked down, and I had forgotten to pick it up. So, I was excused to go get it. The hallway was completely empty, which is strange, because it usually never is. It felt nice getting to walk through the empty halls with no one pushing or shoving you. I looked all over for my notebook, and strangely I found it next to the back door that we rarely ever use."

"I went over to pick it up, but a foot stepping on it stopped me. When I looked up, I saw that Douglas man looking down at me, with a friendly smile on his face." I suddenly stop myself, realizing I has forgotten to mention something.

"I should mention that I am an extremely gullible person, which is why this next part happens. You see, Douglas kindly picked up my notebook for me, and gave it back to me. I thanked him, and started to walk away, when he stopped me. He told me that he was a colleague of my dad's, and that something had happened to him."

"He explained that he was in an ambush at his hospital, and was injured. I was skeptical at first, but when he mentioned the hospital I figured he was telling the truth. No one knows that my dad works at a hospital, you know, it being top secret and all." I stop to take a breath, and continue on.

"He said that my dad had requested to see me immediately, and I believed him. Douglas led me out the back door, and into his helicopter. The helicopter made this seem even more true. He then flew me here, instead of the hospital, and before I could do anything, he knocked me out. I woke up in the cage, and had been in there ever since then." When I finish I avoid eye contact with them, and the look on my face is pure guilty.

"Why didn't you tell me this?" My dad asks, coming toward me, but I back away.

"Because of how stupid I was! You have always to be careful around strangers, let alone get I a vehicle with one!" I yell at him, making eye contact again. I can slightly feel hot tears pricking my eyes.

"Lily, none of this was your fault. That story was really believable, and I would've even fell for it." Leo says, trying to comfort me.

"Me too," my dad says, as I let him put a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"Same here," Adam says joining in. All three of them try to comfort me, and I finally realize the truth.

I give my dad a hug, with tears still coming out of my eyes. "I'm so, so, so sorry Dad." I says as I cry into his shirt. He rubs comforting circles around my back.

"Sh, sh, it's okay." He says. I let go, and step back. "Is possible for us to leave at all?" Leo suddenly smiles and gestures to a door behind us.

"Thank you so much for all of this, you have all been so kind and helpful. I don't know if we'll ever be able to repay you." My dad says smiling.

"It's fine, there will be no need." Leo suddenly reaches into his pocket and pulls out a smaller set of keys. "Here, use the gold colored key to fly the helicopter outside. You can just set it on autopilot, and set in the coordinates in the gps." My dad grabs the keys and smiles.

"Thank you, again." He says. "Goodbye, until we meet again." My dad starts leaving, but I stay back.

"I'll meet up with you in a second." I say, and my dad nods and leaves. I rush up to Leo and Adam, and give them a big hug. "Thank you both so much for helping, you are amazing, don't you forget that."

"We won't," Adam smiles.

"And whatever you do, don't ever give up." I say with a big smile. "I also hope you're siblings get better soon. I wish them and you the best of luck." On that note I give them gone last hug, and wave goodbye as I leave.

I slowly close the door behind me, smiling, and rush into the helicopter to meet back up with my father. He smiles at me, and we head home.


A/N: I honestly did not plan on giving Lily a POV in the story, but I decided it was fitting. I also wanted to do that for her exit. You know, one last hurrah! Thanks for reading! :P

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