Reese and Rhode's One Shots

By photofrnd54

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This book will be a compilation of one shots of Reese and Rhode's I will try and make them long chapters if... More

Birthdays at work
Hospital Stay
Tough Day
Drinks (Part 1 of 2)
Next Morning (Part 2)
Got Stood Up
Skyline View
He Promised
Almost Lost Him
Four Days To Long
Nap in the Lounge
Taylor Ashlyn Reese
An Unexpected Visit
A Morning Suprise
Why Me
I'm Scared
Auction Night
Emilia Marie
Car Accident
Promise me
46 Days 7 Hours and 22 Minutes
Girls Night Out
Your world not mine
Should of done this sooner
Get Well
Against Regulations
Will You?
We will make it
A Long Day
He's Sick
I'm Fi... Fine
Connor's Party
Have you seen Sarah?
Its You... (Part 1)
Fishing Date (Part 2)
Will you stay with me?
Windy City Sammies (Part 3)
She's your wife?
Birthday Dinner
What am I to you?
She was attacked
She Said No
Breakfast with Tay
I Miss You
Its Now or Never
It's okay It's okay
What was that?
First Christmas
First Christmas (re-uploaded)
Christmas Windows
Gender Party

I Do

855 11 2
By photofrnd54

Connor's pov
We arrive at the hospital. Will is my best man and Ethan is a groomsmen. The girls are already here. We help the rest of the staff set up for the ceremony on the roof top. Then put white linen down for the aisle for Sarah to walk down. The flowers arrive about 20 minutes later. " Will, can you go give the girls their bouquets " I say to him. "Sure man" Will says. "So you ready to get married?" Ethan asks me. "I'm so ready. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with Sarah." I say with a smile.
Wills pov
Sarah is using one of the conference rooms to get ready. The blinds are drawn in case Connor happens to walk by. I knock on the door and Nat says "who is it?" "It's Will" I say as she opens the door." I came to give you guys flowers and chat with the bride." I say as I walk in. Sarah’s like the sister I never had. Jay and I are so close with her. "Hey Will" Sarah says. "We'll give you guys space to talk we're gonna go see how things are going on the roof top.” April says. "Sarah you look incredible. Connor’s one lucky guy." I say. "He may be lucky but so am I. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with him."  She says with a smile. We talk for while longer until Nat knocks, pokes her head in and says "It's almost time to walk down the aisle." "You ready." I say "Yeah more than ready." Sarah Says
Sarah’s Pov
It's time. Time to walk down the aisle and become Mrs Rhodes. I’m so excited. I head up to the roof entrance.   My father is walking me down the aisle. We head through the doors. I'm hidden by the brick wall so Connor can't see me yet. “You look amazing sweetheart.” He says “Thanks dad” I say with a smile.  Dad and I turn the corner and I see Connor wipe away a tear. I'm trying so hard not to cry myself. I don't wanna ruin my makeup. When I reach Connor he takes my hand in his.
Connor's pov
I can't see Sarah yet but I know she's behind the brick wall. Second later she turns the corner. She takes my breath away and a tear falls down my cheek. I wipe it away. She looks so gorgeous. The dress is amazing on her. When she finally reaches me I take her hand in mine. "you look absolutely stunningly beautiful " I say to her " thank you" she say back trying not to cry.
Sarah's Pov
"Dearly beloved we are gathered here today to witness these two in Holy matrimony. The Chaplin says. I can't help but smile I'm so excited. Connor and I have written our own vows but also plan on saying the traditional vows. "do you Connor Rhodes take Sarah Reese to be your wife? Do you promise to love, honor, cherish and protect her, forsaking all others and holding only to her forevermore?" The Chaplin says. "I do" Connor says. "do you Sarah Reese take Connor Rhodes to be your husband? Do you promise to love, honor, cherish and protect her, forsaking all others and holding only to her forevermore? He says. "I do" I say with a huge smile. "The couple also has written their own vows. Connor will you please recite your vows to Sarah" Chaplin says.
Connor's pov
I hold Sarah’s hand and look into her eyes. I give her a wink and start. "Sarah Reese you are an incredible women and a loving Friend. You are my best friend and partner in life. We work a strenuous job. We've been through so much but it's only made us stronger. For there is nothing we cannot face if we stand together. You are my better half. You have made me a better person. I promise to hold your hand every night and to never let us lose our spark. On this day I give you my heart. My promise, that I'll love you forever and always.” I say
Sarah's pov
"Sarah you may now recite your vows to Connor." Chaplin says. “Connor Rhodes you are a remarkable man an amazing friend. You have made me a better person, I feel truly blessed because I've found you." I say as I tears of joy fall. Connor releases my hand from his and takes a tissue and dabs my tears away. "You know me better than anyone else in this world and somehow still you manage to love me. We've been through a lot. We’ve been injured, I got kidnapped. But no matter what we go through it makes us stronger. You are my best friend and my one true love. On this day I give you my heart. My promise, that I'll love you forever and always.
Chaplains pov
May we have the rings please. I say as Will takes them from the necklace around Owen. I take the rings for him. I hand Connor the ring. Repeat after me and place the ring on her finger. "With this ring I thee Wed" Connor says as he slips the ring on Sarah's finger. I then hand Sarah her ring. Repeat after me and place the ring on his finger. "With this ring I thee Wed. She says sliding the ring on his finger. I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride
Sarah's pov
I heard those words "I know pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride" they couldn't come fast enough I was so excited. The second the Chaplin said those words Connor's lips crash on to mine. He even gives me a little dip during the kiss. He pulls me back up, we turn and face everyone. As we walk out everyone blows bubbles at us and we head to the  reception.
Connor's pov
We have the reception on another part of the roof that still overlooks the skyline. We strung faire lights over head to add light and a romantic feel to the place. It's amazing it reminds me of the ceiling of Molly's with the lights being strung from end to end. There's a wooden dance floor in the middle with tables all around for the guest to sit. Sarah and I are standing against the brick wall waiting to get announced I turn to her "you look so beautiful babe. I love you." I say "I love you too" she says seconds later we get announced in by the DJ.  "Welcome the newly married couple Mr. And misses Rhodes." He says says as we dance In.
Sarah's pov
After we get announced we head straight into our first dance. Connor and I picked "My Best Friend" by Tim McGraw. Connor spins me around the dance floor then hold me close as we dance. He puts one hand on my upper back and one my lower back. At the end of the song he gives me one last dip. After our dance the speeches are given. Then dinner is served. We had a choice of chicken or steak with roasted potatoes, corn and rolls. After we eat everyone gets up and dances. The night is going perfect. We got to watch the sunset over the city skyline. “what are you think?” Connor says as he comes up behind me wrapping his arms around me. “just how lucky we are to have each other and have such amazing friends to share this day with.” I say smiling I the background the music starts to play. "Mrs. Rhodes may I have this dance. " he says to me pulling me to the floor. "I'll never get tired of hearing that. The night wraps up and we head home.

Hey long time no post. Sorry about that. Still been sick and with busy holiday and work didn't have the time. But I finally found some time to post. I hope you enjoy the story. As always feel free to vote and comment. Or leave a story line suggestion. I will really try my best to post next week.

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