Fate / Sacred Fire

By SdarkDeathgod

673 38 0

Set in an alternate universe from the Fate series. The second Holy Grail War is about to begin and with this... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Seven
Final Chapter

Chapter Thirty Six

3 0 0
By SdarkDeathgod

In an unexpected twist, Dianna purposely missed Zerra and revealed that Victor was her true objective.Dianna points her crossbow at Valerie, who was in disbelief. Part of Victor's body was torn apart as he lies motionless on the ground. The Queen cautiously approach the vampire to check on his condition. She notice that his body was already starting to heal itself but in a slow pace.

Queen's Voice: Zerra, he's starting to regenerate. It won't be long until he'll be back at full strength. Kill his Master before he recovers.

Zerra, who was still in a daze, come back to her senses once she heard the Queen's voice in her head.

Zerra: U-Understood...(murmurs)

Sensing that something was different with Dianna, Zerra stands next to her. They have a conversation without taking their eyes off of Valerie.

Zerra: What's going on? Why'd you do something like that?
Dianna: I'm not her Servant anymore.
Zerra: What...?

Valerie couldn't believe what she just heard. Despite her wound, Valerie force herself to get on her knees.

Valerie: That's...not possible...(coughs)

Dianna: But it is. As of now, you are no longer my Master. Victor's Noble Phantasm was rendered useless. I....am free.
Valerie: How...? How can that be...?

Dianna points at Jun, much to everyone's surprise.

Dianna: Its because of him.
Valerie: Wh-What...?
Zerra: Jun? He...did something?
Dianna: That shock wave from earlier. It was made of the mana that he has been absorbing all this time. I believe that what released me from Victor's bind.
Zerra: Now that you've mentioned it, it did felt different.
Valerie: That brat was able to cancel out a Noble Phantasm? Is...there no limit to what he can do...? (coughs)
Dianna: Well, it doesn't matter if you believe me or not. But that doesn't matter since I'll end your life. You'll pay for humiliating me. You treated me like some personal toy. As a Dragon, my pride was tarnished! I'll have your head! (eyes glow)

Just then, Jun shouts in pain before collapsing to the ground nex to Nia. Zerra and the Queen quickly goes to his side while Dianna continues keeping an eye on Valerie.

Zerra: Jun! What happened?! Speak to me!
Queen's Voice: Master!

Jun: S-Sorry about that. It's alright. I'm...I'm fine. That last amount of mana had some kick.
Zerra: Jun, are you saying that you did it? You managed to absorb all the mana?

Jun: Yeah, it...was harder than expected. Now, I have to return some of Nia's mana.
Queen's Voice: You have to do it now. Her face had gone pale.
Jun: Zerra, could you place my hand on hers? I think I can't move. My body is still adjusting to the amount of mana I just absorbed.
Zerra: Of course.

Zerra takes Jun's hand and place it over Nia's. Mana slowly starts to flow from Jun to Nia. Moments later, the color of Nia's face returns to normal, although she was coming in and out of consciousness.

Jun: How is she?
Zerra: Don't worry Jun. I think she'll be fine now.
Jun: Thank goodness.

Jun gives a sigh of relief as he was finally able to relax. Meanwhile, Dianna's crossbow was starting to glow red as she aims at Valerie.

Dianna: Hear that? Your plan has hit rock bottom. It's over Valerie. You're done.
Valerie: No, it's not over yet.
Dianna: Give it up. The Grail won't be making it's appearance.

Valerie goes quiet for a moment. Dianna then notice that Valerie's body was emitting a dark aura around her. Feeling the pressure from it, Dianna steps back a bit as she keeps her guard up.

Valerie: Fine. Then I'll just get the Grail the hard way.
Dianna: You have to get through me first.
Valerie: That's his job.
Dianna: What? (murmurs)

Suddenly, Victor comes from behind and impales Dianna using his own hand with its sharp nails. Dianna takes a peek behind her to see that most of Victor's body was already healed although his new arm was still in the middle of it's regeneration.

Dianna: V-Victor.....
Victor: That was a bad move, Servant Dianna. You had the chance to finish me and you blew it. You should have taken it more seriously and used all your magic on that attack.
Dianna: I...I did...
Victor: Really? Then that means I'm a lot tougher than I thought.

Dianna: You're...a monster. T-That's what you are....

Dianna coughs out blood. Victor pulls out his hand from her body but quickly grabs her by the collar of her uniform to prevent her from falling.

Victor: We're all monsters.
Dianna: No, you're the only one who acts like one.

Victor stabs her once again but this time on the heart. He then throws her to the side as she hits a merry-go-round ride with great force. The old ride collapses on top of Dianna and gets buried underneath the pile of metals. Zerra saw everything that had happened.

Zerra: Servant Dianna...
Jun: Zerra, it's fine. Do what you must. You're the only one who can stop them now.
Zerra: But I can't leave you!
Jun: I'll be fine. I promise. Now, go with the Queen. Stop Valerie.

Zerra thinks about it but eventually agrees with Jun.

Zerra: Let's go. Jun is counting on us. (looks at Queen)
Queen's Voice: Alright. (nods)

Zerra and the Queen now faces the duo of Valerie and Victor. Valerie stands in front of her Servant and examines his condition. At this time, his arm has now completely healed.

Valerie: That took you longer.
Victor: Oh shut up. That girl's Noble Phantasm did more damage than expected.
Valerie: Whatever. Just dispose of the remaining ones.
Zerra: You are seriously underestimating us if you think we'll go down that easily.
Queen's Voice: Your deaths will be by our hands.
Valerie: I think that you're the ones who are underestimating us. I will show you what fear looks like.

Valerie burst into a cloud of thick black smoke before circling around Victor.

Zerra: What's going on?!
Queen's Voice: Please be on guard, Servant Zerra.

The smoke then enters Victor's body through his mouth, nose and ears. The Servant starts laughing in an evil way as his body structure begins to change. The muscles on his upper body had turned so large that his butler's uniform rips itself apart, revealing his bare chest. His skin had also turned dark as a pair of bat-like wings sprout from his back. His face had now bat-like features as his fangs grew sharper. With his transformation now complete, he gives a loud and intimidating roar. Zerra and the Queen was in disbelief of what they were seeing.

Zerra: He...transformed.
Queen's Voice: He truly is a monster now.

Victor gives another terrifying roar before slamming both fists on the ground, causing the earth to shake and tremble. Zerra and the Queen backs away as the ground splits open a bit from where they were standing a few moments ago. Victor then speaks but this time, his voice was deeper and echoes a little.

Victor: You have no chance in defeating me now, Servant Zerra.
Zerra: What the hell happened to you? You were ugly before but now you're beyond that.
Victor: Joke all you want since it'll be your last words.
Zerra: Where's Valerie! Tell me!
Victor: Oh she's right here.

Victor points at himself, which leaves the two woman in confusion.

Zerra: I...I don't understand.
Queen's Voice: I believe he means that he and his Master fused together. Isn't that right, monster?
Victor: It was the only way to activate my second Noble Phantasm.
Zerra: S-Second...?
Victor: Noble Phantasm: Dracula's Legacy. It requires a lot of negative energy to activate. Fortunately, my Master is full of it since she mainly uses dark magic.
Zerra: I see. But that just made this easier for me.
Victor: How so?
Zerra: If you die, she dies as well.

Victor mockingly laughs at Zerra before answering her back.

Victor: True. But that won't happen. You'll be dead under my feet before you could even do something like that.
Zerra: Then...lets dance! (eyes glow)

Zerra launch herself toward Victor, ready to swing her flaming sword. As she pass his, she slash Victor by the stomach before landing a couple of feet behind him. She looks around to see that the area where she slashed him was on fire but Victor doesn't seem to care as he turns around and glares at her.

Zerra: Oh shit...(murmurs)

Victor delivers a swift but powerful jab to Zerra's face before following it up with an uppercut. Despite the painful blows, Zerra manage to stay on her feet although she was stumbling a bit.

Zerra: B-Bad move....
Victor: What?

Suddenly, Victor gets impaled by the Queen's sword from the back. Victor roars in pain but endures it at he swats the Queen with one of his huge arms. She goes flying backwards before hitting the ground hard. Her sword remains lodged in Victor's body.

Victor: You damn second-rate Servant! I'll have your head for that!
Queen's Voice: Not so fast.

The Queen holds up her hand. The rapier then starts moving on its own, dealing more damage to the already severe wound. Victor roars in pain once more as he grabs the handle of the sword and rips it out from him.

Victor: That's it! You'll die first! (looks at Queen)
Queen's Voice: You first!

The Queen snaps her finger and as she did, her sword glows brightly, blinding Victor for the moments. He drops the weapon and place his hands on his eyes.

Victor: M-My eyes! Damn witch! I'll get you for that!

The Queen gets up and runs toward the vampire with Zerra doing the same. The Queen grabs her sword and impales Victor with it once again. Meanwhile, Zerra stands behind Victor and stabs him on the back with her fiery sword as well.

Zerra: How do you like that?! Hurts doesn't it?
Victor: ENOUGH!!!

In his rage, Victor violently swings both arms around as both women gets hit by it. Still clinging to their weapons, the two falls hard on the ground. Now with his eyesight coming back, he turns his attention to the Queen. Victor jumps high in the air and lands directly on top of her, crushing her in the process. As the dust settle, Zerra sees that the Queen was lying motionless with one of Victor's feet on her head. Zerra slowly gets on her feet but doesn't move since Victor was staring her down.

Zerra: Don't you dare do it.
Victor: I told her that she'd be the first to go. And I never go back on my words.
Zerra: I'll stop you before--!
Victor: Go ahead and try! Even if you manage to injure me, I would have already crushed her little head! I'll be easy! Like breaking an egg!

Zerra didn't know what to do and just stands there. During this time, the Queen talks to her via telepathy and only her.

Queen's Voice: It's alright, Servant Zerra. I've done all that I could. I might die now but I'll never truly be gone. I'll still live on as Master Jun's familiar.
Zerra: Even so! I can't stand watching someone go through something horrible!
Queen's Voice: I see. But if you don't harden your heart just this one time, you'll never be able to beat him. I'll give you the opening. You better take it.
Zerra: Wait! What are you saying? W-What are you--?!

With one thrust of her sword, the Queen pierces Victor on the same leg that was on top of her head. He again shouts in pain before staring at the Queen with rage in his eyes.

Victor: You damn insect! Die!!!
Queen's Voice: Then I'll drag you down with me....

Victor was just about to crush her head when her body glows brightly. In an instant, she explodes in a ball of fire that sends a powerful shock wave in all directions. Thick smoke covers the area of the blast while Zerra could only stand and watch. Moments later, a coughing Victor exits the smoke and gets on all fours. He was breathing heavily and seemed to be injured from the explosion.

Victor: T-That damn woman....I had no idea she could self-destruct like that....

Once on his feet, he notice Zerra standing several feet from him. She glares at him while two enormous fireballs were hovering just above her hands.

Victor: You still resist after what you've seen? Not even your friend's sacrifice was enough to finish me off. You think you have what it takes to end me?

The vampire gets on his feet and as he does, his wounds were already starting to heal themselves up.

Victor: No matter how many times you wound me, my regeneration will always intervene.
Zerra: Then I'll just keep hitting you until your healing ability can't keep up anymore.
Victor: What...? (murmurs)

Zerra's wings appear on her back and flies up in the air.

Zerra: Phoenix Blast: Flaming Inferno! (eyes glow)

Zerra throws both fireballs at Victor and upon impact, it explodes in a ball of fire. On closer look, Victor could be seen moving a little once the smoke cleared. He looks at Zerra with a grin on his face.

Victor: Is...that all you've got...?

He wasn't grinning for too long when he sees that Zerra had already created two new huge fireballs on her hands. Not only that, several other fireballs were materializing around her every few seconds or so.

Victor: Oh you have got to be kidding me--.
Zerra: Phoenix Blast: Flaming...Barrage!!! (eyes glow)

Zerra again throws her fireballs at Victor, causing another powerful explosion. She continues by launching one fireball after the other in a never ending explosion of flames. After a few minutes of Zerra's endless assault, she finally stops. She was breathing heavily as she takes the time to rest a little.

Zerra: Beat that, bastard.

Thick smoke covers a large area from all the explosion. Zerra looks around and tries to find Victor but couldn't due to low visibility.

Zerra: Did I kill him....? (murmurs)

Suddenly, Victor comes flying through the thick smoke and tightly grabs Zerra by the neck. Before she could even try and escape, Victor impales Zerra on the chest area by delivering one powerful punch. Zerra remains conscious through all this and couldn't believe her current condition. Meanwhile, Jun had saw everything back on the ground. He stands up and was feeling helpless for not able to do anything at the moment.

Jun: Z....Zerra...!!!

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