Come Back For Me | Jughead Jo...

By honey_starlight

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❝I don't know what you went through, and I know we aren't going to go back to where we were for a long time... More

Chapter 1: Nostalgia
Chapter 2: Locker Buddies
Chapter 3: Rekindle
Chapter 4: Youth
Chapter 5: Sleep Over
Chapter 6: Confidential
Chapter 7: Venom
Chapter 8: Bad boy
Chapter 9: Abandoned
Chapter 10: Conflict
Chapter 11: The Truth
Chapter 12: The Hurt
Chapter 13: Caretaker
Chapter 14: Realization
Chapter 15: Pressure
Chapter 16: You Came Back
Chapter 17: Behind Closed Doors
Chapter 18: Security
Chapter 19: Reveal
Chapter 20: Panic
Chapter 21: Reality
Chapter 22: The List
Chapter 23: Redemption
Chapter 24: Retreat
Chapter 25: False Promise
Chapter 26: Grief
Chapter 27: Cold
Chapter 28: Reunion
Chapter 29: A New Day
Chapter 30: Revelation
Chapter 31: Deprived
Chapter 32: Slither
Chapter 33: Restoration
Chapter 34: Bang!
Chapter 35: Desperation
Chapter 37: Reach
Chapter 38: Heart Beat
Chapter 39: I'm Staying

Chapter 36: Search Party

3.9K 112 45
By honey_starlight

↳ Monday

May. 15th↲

My eyes felt heavy, my heart beating in my head as loud noises from above me forced my eyes open. As my lids raised, my head lolled back and forth. It was a poor attempt at trying to snap out of this dreary haze I was engulfed in, but it wouldn't go away.

Everything was slightly blurry, but I could make out certain things. There was a couple of metal racks with bulks of beer and boxes on it. Across the way was a large heavy door, locked twice. My head fell to the side as I tried to observe my surroundings. To my right, the room went even further with another door, open, which seemed to be a small dimly lit closet. There were more racks. I turned to my left, where the wall was closer. A table was set against the dingy white brick walls. On it was a tray with needles and knives. But what caught my eye was the gun.

I then heard someone rummaging in the closet. I quickly panicked, pulling my arms only to find that I was tied down with ropes. They were itching my wrists, pulling at my skin, causing it to be red and irritated.

I would've screamed for help, but any noise I let out was weak. I had no energy flowing through me, as though I was drugged. It wouldn't surprise me if I were.

I watched as Derek walked through the door with a chair. My heart rate spiked, my eyes widening. Tears slipped down my cheeks.

He looked at me and then gave a half smile. "Hey, Catherine..." he greeted gently. "Seems that you're feeling the morphine. Eh?"

He dragged the chair to the table, before turning it towards me. After sitting down, he crossed his leg over his thigh and relaxed, watching with amusement.

"You got nothing to say? Not even a scream? A holler?" He questioned. "Go ahead. I'll give you one shot at someone hearing you."

I began to cry softly, but built up my yell. I shifted a little and let in a deep breath.

I screamed at the top of my lungs. "H...heEEEEELP!"

My voice was frail and weak and felt as though if I were more conscious I could've done better. I blew my one shot, and he knew that I would.

"Ooooh! Nice try, but you see... the walls are soundproof. I mean, you tried though," he clasped his hands, smiling a little at my pain.

I looked at him with pure anger brewing in my soul.

His smile quickly faded into anger. "Hey. You're the one that got with me in the first place. You wouldn't be in this situation if you hadn't gotten with me."

"Worst decision I've ever made," I uttered out.

Suddenly, metal items clattered on the table and Derek rushed over to me with a blade. He pressed it to my cheek, sitting down on my lap as if I were a chair. Just an object.

He got close to me. Close enough so that I could see his stubble, his bloodshot eyes, his under-eye circles, and smell the alcohol on his breath.

He pressed his blade into my cheek. "Nah. You have a pretty face. As for your body..." he glided his blade from my cheek to my shoulder.

"P-please," I sobbed, looking away with my eyes shut.

He forcefully grabbed my cheeks and turned my face to him. "Look at me when I talk to you."

I kept my eyes closed, crying even more. He gave me a hard smack.


My eyes shot open to find him angry. He made eye contact and then smiled.

"There's that vulnerability I was looking for..." he leaned closer, still holding my cheeks. He pressed his lips to mine, which I rejected. He didn't care.

He pulled away and looked at me again.

"You know, I saw your dance," he told me. "The one to get into the Serpents. You in that tight black lingerie," he breathed on me, caressing my cheek. "When I first met you, it was interesting. You were so naive. So innocent. Now?"

He grabbed my neck.

"Now you're a serpent slut."

With that, he sliced my collarbone. I winced in pain, moving around violently. He grabbed my face again and made me look at him once more.

"I can't forget you as long as you're alive. You are going to die soon. When I'm ready," he told me in a chilling, promising tone. "But before you do, I'll make sure you suffer like I did when you tried to get rid of me."

"But you're the one that left!" I cried out. "You hit me! You hurt my friends!"

"And I would do it all again if I could!" He shouted in my face, before cutting my arm. I let out a scream and cried even louder. The blood blossomed from my skin and dribbled down.

He got off of me, returning to the table.

"You're getting too talkative. You ever try Jingle-Jangle?" He asked, preparing the swirled paper stick for me.

I looked around, trying to figure out where I was before I was drugged again. I couldn't place my finger on it. It could be anywhere, but what I did know was that it was underground because of the lack of windows and coldness.

Derek walked over to me and forced my head back. "If you don't swallow this, there will be more blood. Got it?"

I nodded slightly, sniffling a little. With that, he forced my mouth open and poured it in. I swallowed all that he gave me and didn't feel the effects immediately.

"Now, as much as I could watch you cry and whine, I have more important things to do. So I'll see you whenever I feel like coming back. Could be an hour. Could be two days from now. Either way, you're stuck here, sweetheart."

With that, I began to feel the effects of Jingle-Jangle. I returned to my lucid state, which seemed worse than earlier. Derek packed away all of the metal objects but left the gun. He left out of the double-locked door, turned the lights off, and then locked them again.

I was trapped in the dark. All alone with myself and my weak screams, knowing that I may never be heard.

↳ Tuesday

May. 16th↲

Riverdale High moved on from Catherine as if it was no big deal.

I walked down the halls to see the cheerleaders bickering with each other, Cheryl and all the other prestigious girls. I passed the lounge room where Archie, Reggie, and the jocks all messed around with each other, giving nuggies, rough shoves, as their heavy laughs filled the room.

My eyes fell to the floor as I paced to my locker, hoping that if I walked faster the day would pass faster.

I opened my locker, grabbing the textbook I needed for next class. As I clutched the book, I glanced over at Catherine's locker. There was nothing special about it, but my mornings were glummer.

She'd grab what she needed and then closed her locker. Immediately she'd lean on it and talk to me about her mind as I rummaged through mine. Or I'd let her quiz me on a test I needed to pass. Although I wasn't gifted in school, because of sheer laziness, Catherine always made sure I did my work. Naturally, she was an honor roll student and had a bright future.

She still does, but it's just a matter of finding her before it's too late.

I slammed my locker shut, a sudden burst of frustration. It caught some looks from others. Small groups of friends glared at me before conversing with each other; probably about Catherine or how weird I am.

There was no time to be hung up on the little things like gossip. With that in mind, I went to class.

Each period passed slowly, and I found myself looking at the clock more often than not. It was difficult to concentrate with Catherine being the only thing on my mind. She wouldn't want me to let my grades slip away, but I just couldn't help it.

Lunch felt almost like a godsend. I burst through the double doors and expected the skies to be clear and the grass to smell fresh and trimmed. To my disappointment, it was a cloudy day again, with very gentle sprinkles. It placed an even bigger dent in my mood, feeling as though I had no way to clear my head.

I scanned the outdoors and found everyone under a large shady tree, sitting on a red bench.

Hurriedly, I made it over to find them all with concerned faces.

"Jughead? You have no food?" Veronica asked, surprised and worried.

Normally when Catherine was at home sick, I would grab the free cafeteria slop. I had lost my appetite and haven't eaten since yesterday.

"Nah. I have more important things," I brushed it off, slinging my backpack into the table. I dug around—for a brief second—and pulled out piles and piles of posters. They all had a picture of Catherine on it. She was smiling and dazzling. It was my favorite photo of her, even though all of her photos were my favorite.

"Here," I handed stacks to everyone hurriedly, dividing them all somewhat equally. "I even bought tape last night for everyone."

I dug even further into my back and pulled out good quality scotch tape. I would've gotten the cheap kind, but these posters needed to stay up.

"If you need more posters, just tell me and I'll make them."

"Here, Jug," Betty gestured to the seat across from her, where Jingles and I would've normally sat. "You look pale. You need to eat!"

"I said I'm fine," I stood my ground. "Now, we need to talk about the search party. My dad and some Serpents are going through Fox Forest. And I talked with Sheriff Keller, and he says he'll look around Sweet Water River because of Jason, but he'll travel downstream. We obviously won't cover all the land, but search parties will be every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday," I rambled, stumbling over some words. I had so many words and thoughts to say, and my brain was shoveling them out of my mouth.

"Slow down, Jughead," Archie scoffed with a slight grin. "You've got it all figured out. You need to relax!"

I began to grow annoyed at how much they were all babying me. I obviously don't have it "all figured out" if she's not here right now.

"I'm going to go hang some posters in the halls while I have time. Catch you guys later."

I grabbed some paper from my bag, zipped it up, and threw it over my shoulder before walking away.

"He's losing it. I feel so bad for him," I overheard Kevin say to the others as I grew more distant.

I let it go since Kevin likes to start gossip as soon as someone leaves the table.

As I neared the doors, I heard footsteps run towards me.

Before I could process anything, Archie's hand hit the door, opening it for me. I turned to him with a look of confusion, before seeing Betty follow right behind him.

"We're not letting you do this alone, Jug," Archie told me, holding the door open.

Betty nodded and smiled softly. "She's our friend too, and if there's anything that helps we're ready to do it."

I let out a sigh of relief with a slight smile. "Thanks, guys. I really need help with this." I turned towards the empty halls. "Betty, you take the ground floor. Archie, you take upstairs. I'll do the gym and outside."

"Yes, sir!" Archie gave a salute, before rushing down the hall with Betty. I watched them walk with such determination and then turned outside again. I went from table to table, telling everyone about the search party and handed out some papers to those who wanted them.

I got an overwhelming amount of support, even from the meanest kids in school. By the end of lunch, I felt more confident about finding Catherine.

↳ Saturday

May. 20th↲

The forest was damp, making it harder to scour. I walked beside my dad, who lead the other serpent guys and gals. It was difficult having to comb through the forest, kicking around sticky wet leaves and looking under every rock.

Catherine's name echoed all around the forest, which seemed useless. It's not like she would be hiding behind a tree, or in the branches. If anything, she'd be in the ground or in a shack. I prayed for a shack.

My phone rang, which made my heart skip a beat. It was Archie, who was by Sweet Water River.

Hurriedly, I answered.

"Anything?" I asked, desperate.

"I was going to ask you that," Archie replied.

I let out a sigh. "Nothing. Just trash and leaves," I shook my head.

"Give it time, son," my dad assured, narrowing his eyes at the trees and branches. "It's a good thing we haven't found nothin' yet."

He had a point.

Suddenly, I heard hollers and shouts come across Archie's line.

"Oh, shit," was all he said.

"What? Archie? ARCHIE?" I shouted, scared.

"You gotta come over here, fast."

I gave my dad a panicked look, which he quickly understood. He turned to everyone searching.

"Keep on lookin' everyone! Remember, the cut off time is five! We'll meet at the Wyrm after!"

With that, we both ran out of the forest, our hearts racing with fear.

Hurriedly, we hopped on my dad's bike and hauled ass to Sweet Water River, which was a mere ten-minute drive. Once we made it, we ran inside.

I shouted Archie's name several times until I heard a response. We followed the commotion until we caught up with everyone.

The Sheriff held a bag with a leather jacket; the same one I gave her and the same one she wore that day.

"T-that's good, right? No body?" I stammered, looking at my dad and the Sheriff for assurance.

Sheriff Keller looked down at the ground, letting out a sigh. "Look closer, boy. There's blood."

I looked closer, as told. My eyes widened upon seeing the crimson substance hidden in on the dark colors of the jacket. In fact, it was nearly coated with it.

I began to shake violently, tears welling in my eyes.

"Fuck!" I shouted, grabbing a fistful of my hair.

"It could be anyone's blood, Jug. It can be a random jacket. Who knows?" Archie tried to calm me.

"It's hers. I bought it for her," I sniffled.

"But there's still no body, son," my dad's hand laid supportively on my shoulder. "We oughta keep lookin, right Sheriff?"

He nodded, looking at me. "She's still out there. It's just a matter of time before she shows up."

I looked down at my hands to see that they were shaking. The thought of Catherine being dead, leaves barely covering her body, bugs eating her heart out, killed me inside. It would be such a careless and disrespectful way to kill someone, especially Catherine.

My shaking got out of control as images of her being dead, flashed through my mind and overwhelmed me. Her voice echoed in my head over and over.


I could practically feel her reach out to me. My heart raced, my brain crowded. Before I knew it, my body gave up and I collapsed onto the ground.

Catherine is probably dead, and if she isn't, she's in hell.

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