Capture Me

By ilyssmharry

34.5K 941 125

You have me. Until every last star in the galaxy dies. You have me. Sequel to Arrest Me Warning: Mature conte... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter 24

Chapter Two

2.2K 50 5
By ilyssmharry

I had been doing homework for the past 3 hours and I was about to die of boredom. I had edited my essay and made a study guide for the quiz I had on Wednesday. I was too excited to actually study so I figured I would do that tomorrow.

I decided that I should probably eat before I went because who knows what crappy food the campus serves or if we would even go out to get food. I made myself a quick sandwich and ate it as I walked upstairs and started picking out outfits.

I hadn't been out in a while so I was a little nervous. I had been to college parties when I was in high school but never when I was actually in college. I picked out a few outfits because I wasn't sure if there was a specific way I should dress. When I was younger, I would dress in whatever would get me the most attention from guys and it usually always worked. I still wanted to look sexy but I didn't want to get as much attention.

I packed the bag and shoved all of my makeup in as well. I got a text from Katie that she was 10 minutes away so I went through my shoes and found two pairs that I figured would match.

I walked downstairs with the bag and waited on the couch watching TV until I got that text that she was there. When she arrived, I grabbed my stuff and headed outside with a smile on my face.

"I'm so excited that you're coming!" Katie smiled when I climbed in the front seat. She pulled me in for a big hug and then started turning around so she could drive down the driveway.

"Me too. I can't wait." I let out a big sigh. "I'm a little nervous though."

"I totally feel ya. But once you get a few shots in you you'll be good," She laughed. I nodded with a laugh. I honestly hadn't even thought about drinking tonight, but I guess it was normal to drink so why not. I wouldn't drink as much as I used to though. I needed to control myself.

20 minutes later we pulled up to Katie's dorm and climbed out. The campus looked much more different at night than during the day. We were both freezing so we booked it inside and got inside her room.

Her room was absolutely adorable. Everything was an off white color and earthy tones that made you want to snuggle under a blanket and read a book. "I love your room," I smiled as I put my stuff on the floor. Part of me wished I had a dorm room and went through the typical college experience. But most of me wanted to be at home with Zayn.

"Thanks so much. It feels like home." She smiled.

"Agreed," I laughed. She showed me where I could do my makeup so I sat down and started covering my face with foundation. She looked through my outfits for me and helped me choose the perfect one. She choose my black thigh-high boots and a red skin tight dress with long sleeves that had a plunging neckline.

"All of the guys are going to be drooling," Katie laughed as she started her own makeup.

"I hope not," I laughed. "Zayn might have to hurt them if they start drooling over me."

"Where is he tonight?"

"Work," I sighed. "If he wasn't working, I wouldn't have come."

"Totally understandable."

We sat in silence for the next half an hour as we did our makeup. We didn't want to talk and accidentally mess something up. Katie turned on music halfway through that put me in the mood to dance.

"Zayn should totally come to a party one day," Katie offered. I know she was just trying to be polite but parties and Zayn were not a thing I could imagine.

"Maybe. I'll have to ask him. I don't think it would look too good if a cop was partying with drunk underage kids," I laughed and finished up my mascara. Katie finished her makeup at the same time too and she started pouring a few shots.

"My friends, Margaret and Hannah, are coming in about a half an hour," Katie smiled as she screwed the cap for the vodka on. She handed me a shot and we both downed them almost instantly. The liquid burned my throat as it went down and I felt the familiar warmth go down my stomach.

"Can't wait to meet them," I smiled at her. We both stripped down and started getting dressed. I pulled the dress on and was surprised with how well it fit. There was no way I was going to be able to wear a bra because of the neckline so I opted for bra-less. I pulled the shoes on too and zipped them up the back before looking at myself in the mirror.

I hadn't worn anything this scandalous out in months. Of course, I had worn things for Zayn but those didn't count in my book. I couldn't stop staring at myself in the mirror. I looked damn good.

I was going to take a photo and send it to Zayn but I didn't want to torture him at work. "Wow, you look so good." Katie commented as she readjusted her top so more cleavage was showing.

"Thank you," I smiled and started fixing my hair in the mirror. I decided to leave it down because it would annoying to curl it or straighten it for the night. I didn't need to do it anyways and it would be a waste of time.

"You're so lucky you have big boobs...I'm struggling over here," Katie laughed and squeezed her chest. I could tell she was wearing a push-up bra but the idiot boys at the parties would just see boobs and zoom right over.

"You look great, Katie. I think you'd look weird with big boobs," I laughed and she shrugged with a smile. She was now in the process of curling her hair. She had gorgeous hair with so many highlights that so many people, including myself envied.

"Let's take one more shot before they get her!" Katie said with one half of her head curled. I laughed as she quickly poured out two shots and handed me one. We both took them at the same time and then put the glasses down. "Much better." Katie laughed and turned the music up.

I could feel myself relax more as the alcohol hit my system. I no longer had a sense of nervousness in my stomach. I was ready to go out.

* * *

Margaret and Hannah were basically the same person as Katie. They were both really fun and knew how to have a good time. Margaret was a psychology major and Hannah was undecided like me. We had all done two rounds of shots before we were finally ready to leave.

It was a decently long walk up to where all of the parties were because they were in the upperclassmen houses. I tripped a few times but caught myself. I wasn't nearly that drunk; it had to be the shoes because they were pretty high for heels.

"I hope Jeremy and I f.uck tonight," Margaret smiled as we walked past some dorms. Jeremy and Margaret had been dating or hooking up, I was sort of unsure, for at least a month. I had heard all about it while we were hanging out in Katie's room. Margaret wasn't sure Jeremy even liked her because he didn't seal the deal yet.

"You nearly did last weekend but you said no!" Hannah laughed.

"Both of us said no, Hannah," Margaret smiled. "I was not about to have sex with him for the first time while I was in the middle of my period!" We all laughed and nodded in agreement. "Am I being too pushy with him? Like it's been a month and a half nearly and he won't do some stuff."

"Seems to me like the only time you want to do stuff is when you're drunk," Katie smirked. "Maybe he doesn't want to sleep with you while you're drunk."

"Well, in that case, I'm not getting f.ucked tonight," Margaret laughed.

A few minutes later we were at a party. There was loud music coming from inside the house and one person already standing outside puking. He didn't know how to handle his alcohol, I guess.

We walked right inside and I was immediately enveloped in the smell of beer and warmth from about 200 bodies crammed into a house that could certainly not hold that many people. I clung to the girls as we made our way throughout the house in a little pack. We found the kitchen and immediately, I grabbed a beer. I didn't even like beer but I just wanted to hold onto something.

The other girls started talking to some guys and Margaret was in deep conversation with the guy I assumed was Jeremy. I could feel eyes on me as I stood there awkwardly. The guys were not being very discreet about giving me the "up-down."

Someone pushed by behind me and I felt his hand graze my bum. I rolled my eyes and walked into another room. The living room was a full on dance party. Everyone was grinding and I'm pretty sure one couple was on the verge of tearing each other's clothes off.

"I've never seen you here," I heard a deep voice say from beside me. I looked up and saw a handsome man with medium brown hair and bright blue eyes.

"I've never been to a party here," I smiled politely. I was glad I found someone to talk to so I didn't have to stand there awkwardly again.

"Not much of a partier?" He smiled and took a sip of his beer.

"I used to be but it got boring," I shrugged.

"I can see that. The same people, same drama, same everything every weekend can get real dull real fast," He nodded. "Do you go here?"


"Are you a freshman?"

"Yup, you?"

"I'm a junior," He smiled back.

"Cool!" I said and turned my attention to the group of guys that started yelling 'chug' as a girl chugged beer through a funnel.

"Someone's gonna be hungover in the morning," I heard him say and I turned back around and laughed. "I never got your name..."

"Ava, and yours is?"

"Mike," He smiled and shook my hand.

"How formal," I joked. He shrugged and took another sip of his beer.

"So um, do you want to get out of here?" He asked suddenly and my eyes widened. "Is that too soon?" I was surprised by the audacity of what he had said. He was probably used to girls throwing themselves at him and saying yes, not questioning the voice behind the question.

"I have a boyfriend," I smiled awkwardly. Now that I knew he wanted to f.uck me I felt very awkward all of the sudden.

"Oh, I'm sorry for assuming..." He blushed.

"You're fine," I smiled at him. "I'm gonna go find my friends now. It was nice to meet you."

"You too, Ava," He smiled and I turned around quickly. I made my way back to the kitchen where I found my friends all giggling with a group of guys.

"Where'd you go?!" Hannah smiled when she saw me.

"To go check out the rest of the party until I just got asked if I wanted to 'get out of here' so I left," I gave her an exasperated smile.

"You look like you need a shot," Hannah said and poured out two shots, both for me. I downed them quickly and felt the same warm feeling overcome me. Within minutes, I was drunk.

"Let's go dance," I smiled at Katie and grabbed her hand, pulling her away from some guy she was talking to. She reluctantly followed me to the crowded living room and we started to dance. We were the only people that were actually dancing and a lot of eyes were on us.

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