Ziall One Shots -Closed-

By RosyPetals

134K 2.9K 878

Just a collection of Ziall one shots. More

Ziall One Shots -Open-
The Table Games
Say Something
Come Wake Me Up
Fallen Together
After Its Said and Done
Be My Valentine
How to Put it Back in
Save Me, I'm Drowning
Broken Messages
A Soon to be Mother's Day
Kisses in the Gym
Learning to Love Christmas
Weren't You Happy?
Ziall's Tattoos
Snippets 2

Picky Business Man

4.9K 93 17
By RosyPetals

Name: Yeahoran

Pairings: Ziall


Summary: Niall is a very picky guy when it comes to airplanes. Niall is a business man and travels a lot while Zayn is a flight attendant. Every time Niall travels anywhere, he would surely book the airplane Zayn works in. 


    Niall hadn't meant to, but he accidentally stayed up longer than he wanted to searching for a good plane. And in turn, he had overslept, missing his alarm by an hour. So that's how Niall found himself rushing to get to the airport on time and not miss his airplane. 

    Checking his watch for what seemed like the millionth time, he drummed his fingers impatiently on the seats of the taxi he was riding in. The minutes until ten o'clock seemed to be racing by, and Niall didn't like that. If he didn't make that plane and get over to America by Tuesday, he might not have a job anymore. 

    "Is there any way you could go any faster?" Niall asked again, his eyes flickering to his watch. Twenty three minutes until they would close the boarding. The driver-whether he heard Niall or not-didn't step on the gas, didn't go faster. With a sigh, Niall thumped back against the seats, crossing his arms over his chest. 

    It wouldn't be the first time Niall had missed a plane. The last time he had missed it, his boss had almost fired him, but he had somehow managed to keep his job. Niall had promised that he wouldn't miss a plane again, but how was he to know this would happen? Niall could only hope that he'd get some kind of miracle that would magically make him able to get on his plane in time. 

    Ever since Niall was little, he wanted to do something that had to do with music. He had been thinking that he would join a band as a guitarist. However, he had given up on that dream and signed contracts for new bands instead. It wasn't what Niall wanted to do, but it was better than nothing. 

    After six more agonizing minutes, the cab pulled up to the airport. As soon as the car came to a halt, Niall flew out of the back seat, tossing a ten dollar bill onto the passenger seat as he hurried to the back for his luggage. Maybe, just maybe he would make it. 


    Somehow, Niall had made the plane in time. They were just about to close it off, but Niall had managed to get on and was now seated in one of the red plush seats they had to offer. There was no one sitting beside him, yet Niall chose to sit in the seat closest to the aisle. A breath of relief left his pink lips as he dropped his head back against the headrest, his eyes closing. He didn't want to be bothered for the rest of the trip. 

    "Excuse me, sir, but could I offer you a drink?" As soon as the voice reached Niall's ears, his eyes snapped open to see who the beautiful voice belonged to. Standing just the row in front of him was a boy about his own age, silky looking black hair jelled into a quiff atop his head. The boy was wearing the uniform, just like the other flight attendants, one that was a white t-shirt with the airline's name on the front in bold red letters. Niall's eyes fixed themselves upon the boy's tattoos, which were inked all over his arms. 

    The boy turned his head towards Niall, their eyes meeting briefly until the boy turned back to the passengers in front of the blonde. The boy had the most gorgeous eyes Niall had ever seen-a honey brown that you could get lost in. Niall had never known that a person could be as beautiful as the one in front of him. So lost in his thoughts, Niall didn't even notice that the boy was next to him until his music-like voice was streaming to his ears again. 

    "Excuse me, sir, but could I offer you a drink?" He asked, a smile stretched across his lips. The air seemed to leave Niall's lungs, and he sat there dumbfounded for a moment. A blush covered his face as he nodded, mentally cursing himself. Here was this cute boy standing in front of him, and all he could do was sit and gawk. "Would you like water or another one of our beverages?" 

    "Uh, water's fine. Thank you," Niall managed to spit out, still ogling the boy in front of him. The boy nodded and kept moving, asking the person behind him the same thing. With a sigh, Niall slouched in his seat, his face red. That had been his chance to strike up a conversation with the cute boy, and he ruined it. He would just have to wait until the boy came back to have it. 


    The boy didn't come back. Instead, it was another boy with brown eyes and hair in a quiff as well. He wasn't nearly as cute, but he wasn't bad looking either. "Here you are, mate," the boy smiled, handing Niall a water bottle from the cart he was pushing. Niall gave a small smile as he reached out and took it, dropping it into his cup holder. "So what brings you here?" 

    "Work," Niall answered, leaning back in his chair. "I have to go and visit a new music group called Little Mix to see if they'd like a contract with us." The boy in the uniform nodded, a smile on his face. 

    "Sounds interesting. What if they don't want your contract?" He asked, running a hand through his hair. Niall shrugged, his eyes wondering around the plane to see if the other flight attendant was anywhere to be seen. 

    "We haven't exactly had that happen, so I'm not sure." The boy kept talking, but Niall stopped listening as he spotted the raven haired lad standing with another flight attendant, laughing at something the blue eyed boy said. He looked even more hot when he laughed, his head thrown back and eyes lit up. Niall longed to be the one making him laugh. 

     "And you're not listening," the flight attendant standing beside Niall chuckled, bringing Niall back to what was going on. A blush painted Niall's cheeks as he muttered out an apology. "Nah, don't apologize. I can see you checking out Zayn over there. He's a good kid, personality and looks." So Zayn was his name. To Niall, he thought it was the best name in the world. Zayn was practically an angel, of course his name was going to be just as beautiful. 

    Zayn's eyes scanned over the passengers on the plane, skimming right over Niall. "He's hot," Niall breathed, his eyes lingering on Zayn before coming back to the boy in front of him. The boy nodded in agreement, both of them looking over at the tattooed boy. 

    "You should say hi to him, I think he'd like that," the boy suggested, wheeling his cart down the aisle to the other passengers to give them their waters and other drinks that were being served on the plane. With a sigh, Niall tore his eyes away from Zayn and leaned back in his chair. It was going to be a long ride. 


    It was hours later that the plane landed, and Niall still hadn't managed to muster up courage to say hi to Zayn. So with a sigh, Niall stood up, stretching out his sore back. He had fallen asleep for most of the trip, but outside the windows, the sky was light, and Niall predicted that it was some time around one o'clock California time. However, by checking his phone, he was surprised to see that it was only eleven. 

    With a shake of his head, Niall made his way to the door of the plane, a yawn escaping his lips. Without warning, Niall was knocked off his feet by a bigger force, landing hard on his bottom on the floor. "Shoot! I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there!" Looking up, Niall saw that it was none other than Zayn standing there, a worried expression on his face. "Here, let me help you." Niall allowed the taller boy to help him to his feet, his heart hammering frantically in his chest. 

    "I-It's okay," Niall stuttered, regaining his composure. "I'm fine. Thanks." A smile spread across Niall's face just standing this close to Zayn, being able to see the tattoos inked onto Zayn's arm. 

    "I'm so sorry. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going," Zayn apologized again, his face getting red. Niall just laughed a little and shook his head. 

    "It's fine. I don't mind. It's always an honor to get swept off my feet by cute boys," Niall blurted before he could stop himself. His eyes went wide with horror at what he said, but Zayn just chuckled at it, a giant grin on his face. 

    "Why thank you. You're not half bad looking yourself," Zayn winked, laughing again as Niall's face became red like a tomato. And with that, the raven haired lad took off to the back of the plane, leaving Niall standing there by himself. 


    The dial sounded through Niall's hotel room as he shrugged his coat off, his phone on speaker on the three legged table in one of the corners. Sweat had formed as beads on his forehead already, and he had only been wearing his coat for fifteen minutes outside. He hated California, and this was only his fifth day being there. 

    "This is Simon," a voice answered the phone. 

    "Hey, boss, it's Niall," Niall sighed, unlacing his shoes. He wished he didn't have to dress so nicely for his jobs in hot places. Not only did he want to see if it actually was possible for him to get a tan, but he also hated sweating all the time. 

    "Niall! How'd it go with the girls, did they sign it?" 

    "Of course they did. They were so enthusiastic about it as well." 

    "That's great! I don't know how you do it, Horan, but you do it well. You're the only one who has gotten everyone to sign with us." 

    "Thanks, boss." 

    "Now, listen, I want you to come home tomorrow, rest up for a few days, and then go out to Australia to sign this group that want to name themselves Five Seconds of Summer, okay?" 

    "Sounds okay." 

    "Perfect. I'm going to let you go now, I've got another call coming in from Andy." 

    "Alright, bye." 



    It had been three days after Niall had gotten home from California when he got the call from his boss, telling him to fly out to Australia. He had made sure to set his alarm way earlier than he really had to get up, just taking extra precaution in case it didn't go off like the last time. By the time that Niall had gotten dressed and ready, he still had time to kill. 

    So, hopping in a taxi, he decided to get something to eat at the airport. Breakfast at the Starbucks there wasn't what he had been hoping for, but it would have to do. He had just started eating his muffin when the tinkle of bells sounded through the small, cozy shop, signalling that someone had come in. Niall's eyes flickered up to see that it was Zayn that had entered. 

    The taller boy's eyes scanned the room, landing on Niall. A smile stretched across his face as he waved to the blonde, causing a small blush to form on Niall's pale face. Zayn remembered him. Taking a sip of his drink, Niall's eyes followed Zayn up to the counter, where he purchased things quite similar to Niall. 

    "May I sit here?" Zayn asked as he approached Niall, a muffin in one hand, a drink in the other. Niall nodded as Zayn took a seat across from him. "Taking another plane?" 

    "I am." 

    "Taking my plane?" Zayn asked, a smile working its way onto his face as he bit into his muffin. 

    "Plan on it." 

    "Good. That's good. I never got your name?" 

    "Niall," the blonde smiled, reaching his right hand across the table to shake Zayn's. 

    "Zayn," Zayn spoke, taking Niall's hand firmly. "Why are you going to Australia today?" 

    "Work, I've got to go and offer this new band a contract." 



    The two lapsed into silence, an enjoyable one. Taking another sip of his drink, Zayn looked over Niall, taking in the red t-shirt, blonde flop of hair, and crystal blue eyes. "You're really pretty," Zayn said softly, smiling at the red of Niall's cheeks. 

    "T-Thanks," Niall choked out, internally screaming. "Y-You're hot." Niall hadn't meant to say the last one out loud, but Zayn didn't seem to mind, as he threw his head back and laughed. 

    "Why thank you, Niall," he smiled happily, downing the last of his drink. "Well, I've got to go. May I have your number?" 

    "Sure," Niall mumbled, not believing that Zayn wanted his number. He was allowed to fangirl inside. Niall scribbled down his number on a napkin and handed it to Zayn, who shoved it in his pocket. 

    "Thanks. See you later?" Niall nodded, watching as Zayn took his trash to the bin before leaving. With a sigh, Niall leaned back in his chair, his day a thousand times better than it had started off. 


Hey, Ni, wanna get something 2 eat? -Zayn xoxo

    With a smile, Niall hopped out of bed to get dressed, shooting Zayn his answer of a yes. It had been three months since the day at Starbucks, and the two had gotten really close, texting every day and seeing one another almost every other day, as Zayn was traveling around a lot and couldn't always make it. 

    Niall was on a three week vacation currently, being able to spend more time with Zayn when he was off of work. Niall had realized two and a half months ago that he was in love with Zayn, yet he was too afraid to let Zayn know how he really felt about the brown eyed boy, in fear of rejection. So with a sigh, Niall got ready to meet Zayn. 


    Zayn glanced back over the table he had set out, complete with a purple table cloth-the only one he could find-two wine glasses, plates, and silverware. A few white roses sat in the middle of the table in a vase, setting a romantic mood. Zayn was still debating whether or not to take it down, knowing that he could have gotten the wrong impression about Niall's feelings. What if Niall really didn't love him after all and he made a fool of himself? 

Sounds perfect. You picking me up or are we meeting somewhere? -Niall ox

    With a smile, Zayn replied, letting the blue eyed boy know that he would be picking him up. Zayn made up his mind, knowing that if he didn't tell Niall how he felt know, Niall would never know. Sighing, Zayn grabbed his keys as he headed out to meet the boy who had stolen his heart. 


    It wasn't long before Zayn showed up at Niall's house, honking to let the Irish boy know that he was there. With a giant grin on his face, Niall practically skipped outside, quickly opening the passenger door and plopping down on the seat. "Hey, Ni, you look great," Zayn greeted, his eyes skimming Niall's body. 

    "Thanks, you look lovely as well," Niall replied, folding his hands in his lap. The drive there was silent for the most part, but neither boy minded it, choosing to listen to the radio instead. An upbeat and fast song was playing, one that Niall didn't know, but Zayn seemed to. His head was bobbing up and down and his fingers were tapping the steering wheel to the beat. 

    Although Niall was currently twenty-two, this was the first date he had ever been on-if Zayn considered this a date. Niall had never really had much time to find love between school and work. Yet Zayn had somehow managed to squirm his way into Niall's life and set butterflies in Niall's stomach whenever he caught the brown eyed boy's attention. 

    After a few more minutes of driving, they arrived at Zayn's house. "I thought we were going to pick up food?" Niall asked confused as Zayn shut the engine off. Zayn just smiled and unbuckled, climbing out of the car. Niall followed suit, wishing that Zayn would stop being so mysterious and tell him what his plans were. 

    "Come here," Zayn grinned, his eyes lighting up. Niall couldn't help but smile as well, heading over to where the older boy was standing. 

    "Zayn what-" 

    "Shh," Zayn chuckled as he put his hands over Niall's eyes. "Just go with it." With a small huff of annoyance, Niall crossed his arms. "You're so adorable, Ni." Niall's cheeks heated up as Zayn slowly began to lead him towards the house, taking extra caution to make sure that Niall didn't stumble over anything and hurt himself. That would definitely kill the mood. 

    "Are we there yet?" Niall asked, one of his hands hanging onto Zayn's wrist, as if it made him feel better to know that Zayn was right there, despite his hands being over the blonde's eyes. Zayn just chuckled softly, sending shivers down Niall's back. 

    "Could you reach out and open the door?" Zayn asked, his breath hot on Niall's neck. Doing as he was told, Niall located the doorknob, twisting it and pushing it forward. "Great job, Nialler." Niall grinned at the nickname, one of many Zayn had given him. Niall couldn't help but be a sucker for love, it was always one of his dreams. "And there!" 

    Suddenly Zayn removed his hands to show Niall what he had set up before he had gone to pick Niall up. With a gasp, Niall glanced at the effort Zayn had put into the fancy little dinning area. "Zayn, it's beautiful. What's it for?" He asked, his eyes meeting Zayn's once again. 

    "For you," Zayn smiled. "Niall, we've known each other for a few month now, but ever since I first laid eyes on you, I couldn't stop myself from thinking about you all the time. You were so beautiful-and still are-and I'll never be able to thank you enough for actually wanting to be my friend. But I want to be more then friends. Niall, I've loved you for a long time now, and I don't know if I'm moving to fast or if you feel the same way at all. All I know is that I, Zayn Malik, am deeply in love with a blonde Irishman named Niall Horan." 

    Frozen in his spot, Niall couldn't do anything but stare at Zayn, praying that this wasn't a dream. Zayn liked him? "Y-You really mean it?" Niall stuttered, searching the older boy's eyes to see if this wasn't just some cruel joke. Zayn nodded, his smile fading as Niall continued to show no reaction. 

    "I mean, if you don't feel the same way, that's fine. I just had to say it before-" 

    "I love you too." 

     "But honestly, we can just go back to being friends. That's okay. I can- Wait. Did you just say you love me?" Zayn asked, shock now on his face as well. A small smile crossed Niall's lips as he nodded, taking a step closer to the older boy. 

    "I did." Zayn's heart was pounding in his chest as he wrapped his arms around Niall's waist, pressing closer to the blonde. 

    "Can I kiss you?" Zayn asked timidly, one of his large hands coming up to rest on Niall's pale cheek. Niall nodded again, closing his eyes and puckering his lips. He had never been kissed before, that much was obvious, but Zayn didn't care as he smashed their lips together, his hands trying to pull Niall closer, even though he couldn't possibly get any closer. 

    Niall was the first to pull back for air, his eyes resting on Zayn. This was it. This is what he had been waiting for for a long time. "I love you," Niall whispered, laying his head down on Zayn's chest, the smile refusing to leave his face. He didn't try hard to make it go away, though, he liked it there. 

    "I love you too. Should we eat?" With a laugh, Niall nodded, and they both sat down to eat. Niall pulled his chair to the other side, where Zayn was sitting. With a smile, Zayn wrapped one arm around the blonde's waist, using his other hand to eat. 


Note: It's done! Only took a few months. I hope I did okay. I don't know how planes work, I don't know how Starbucks works. I basically know nothing about what I just wrote. But I hope it was good anyway. I hope it was satisfying for you. Sooooo sorry for the long wait, I'm a huge procrastinator. But it's summer and I've got more time for writing! 

Comment your thoughts? 

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