Jelsa One-Shots

Oleh Casey1416

8.6K 296 11

These are just short stories that I write sometimes. I won't have a regular schedule for updating, I just wil... Lebih Banyak

Maybe Later
Paper Air Planes
Bad Pickup Lines
Best Pickup Line
Teacher's Ship Too
Didn't Think You'd Say Yes
Unexpected Date
Whoops: I Love You
Build- ❤️- Bear
Steal The Bra
Worth It
Drunken confession
Ice Cream Education
'Pop'ing The Question
Meeting Jack Frost
Sorry You Deserved It
First Impressions
Rolls Have Been Swapped

Meeting With The Boss

300 9 0
Oleh Casey1416

Elsa groaned and slammed her hand on her phone, shutting off her alarm. She had forgotten about her meeting with her boss today and got shitfaced last night. Elsa got out of bed and went to take a shower. She had an hour to get ready for the meeting. She couldn't exactly remember what it was for but didn't really care at the moment. Elsa dried herself off and slipped into a light blue high-low strapless dress. She grabbed some wedges and then some simple blue earrings.

"I don't want to deal with my hair!" She whined and grabbed her brush. She decided at simple slightly messy bun would be ok for now. Once she was ready she grabbed a donut from her kitchen and ran out the door.


Elsa knocked on Mr. Frost's door and dug through her purse for pain medicine. She found it and popped it into her mouth right as Mr. Frost opened the door. He raised an eyebrow but just let her in without a word.

"How are you today Elsa?" he asked and sat down at his desk, gesturing for her to take a seat as well. She took a seat.

"I'm fine Mr. Frost, how are you?" She lied about having the worst headache in the world. She couldn't remember anything about last night. But at least she didn't wake up next to a random guy this morning.

"Fine, thank you. Now, as for why you're here."

"Right. Why is that again?" She asked and Jack gave her a confused look.

"Uh, your promotion? And...last night" he said the last part so quietly and Elsa didn't hear him.

"Right! I remember now." Elsa smiled. Jack looked at her as if she had three heads. He then sighed and a small smile appeared on his face and he shook his head.

"You're hungover arent you?" He asked. Elsa shook her head violently and then held her head in pain.

"N-no... maybe." She then said and Jack smirked.

"I told you to go home before you drank too much. Your friends promised they'd get you back."

"They did! Wait a minute... You, told me not to drink too much? You were there!" She said in horror. Her boss saw her drunk. Oh god, how could this get any worse?

"I was indeed there. I especially loved the part when you kissed me and the tried to grind against me." Elsa gasped and stood up.

"Oh god... I didn't!" She said. Jack grinned and nodded his head.

"Oh, but you did. It was rather amusing." Elsa buried her face in her hands and almost cried from embarrassment. Jack stood and walked over to her. He removed her hands from her face.

"I'm so sorry I kissed you, sir." She said. Jack smiled at her and moved her hands around his neck. She looked at him with wide eyes.

"You didn't let me finish the story." Jack leaned in and his lips were next to her ear. And then he said it. Those four words that sent shivers down her spines and made her face flush. 

"I kissed you back."


Just want to say thank you for all the reads and votes I'm getting! I love you guys and I'm glad you are enjoying the stories. 


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