Heat In The City (Raging Infe...

By RonnaSweeney51317

23.3K 559 91

The third installment in the Ruling Chicago series. Published Dec 11, 2017 More

Prologue is up
Chapter 1 "Strange Things & Forgery"
Chapter 2 "O-M-G"
Chapter 3 "Angel Tree & A Christmas Present"
Chapter 4 "Played Your Cards Right"
Chapter 5 "Follow Your Heart"
Chapter 6 "It's Perfect"
Chapter 7 "Rubber Cement Glue"
Chapter 8 "Great Chicago Fire"
Chapter 9 "Screaming"
Chapter 10 "Nut Case"
Authors Note
Chapter 11 "Magical Hugs"
Author Announcement
Chapter 12 "Dark Place"
Chapter 13 "A Detective & A Firefighter"
Chapter 14 "Madness"
Chapter 15 "Texas Sheet Cake"
Chapter 16 "Havoc At A Strip Club"
Chapter 17 "Public Enemy Number One"
Chapter 18 "Be My Date"
Chapter 19 "Back To Life"
Chapter 20 "Over To The FBI"
Chapter 21 "Fire From Her Wrath"
Chapter 22 "Had In LA, Stays In LA"
Chapter 23 "Haven't Changed"
Chapter 24 "Under The Circumstances"
Chapter 25 "2018? It Was Just 2010"
Chapter 26 "Job Comes First"
Chapter 28 "Wait For Me"
Chapter 29 "Masked Ball"
New Series

Chapter 27 "Only Memories"

508 19 2
By RonnaSweeney51317

Later on in the day, Mary stops by Shaylynn's house.
"How are you doing?" Mary asks Shaylynn seeing her head.
"I guess I'm okay. That is if losing eight years of your life is being okay" Shaylynn tells her.
"I'm sure it will come back! You just have to give it time!" Mary says, "How about we go and see where Kelly works! Maybe going there will trigger something" Mary says seeing Shaylynn yawn,
"Why don't you go and take a nap and I'll see what I can do!" Mary tells her.
"Okay," Shaylynn says apprehensively about going to the Firehouse.
She walks out of the kitchen and heads upstairs.
Mary takes out her phone.
"Firehouse 51, Connie speaking. How may I help you?"
"Hi, Connie! My name is Mary, I'm Shaylynn's friend. I was wondering if we could come by to see if anything at the Firehouse will trigger her memory. Would it be alright if I brought her by in a little while?" Mary asks.
"Sure! The Chief won't mind! If they're not here, Shaylynn and you are still more then welcome to walk around the Firehouse" Connie tells her.
"Thank you, Connie! We'll be seeing you in a little while!" Mary tells her.
"Not a problem!" Connie says hanging up.
Connie makes sure to relay the message to Boden.
Boden leaves his office and finds everyone in the Common area, "Alright everyone, listen up! Shaylynn's friend is going to be bringing her to the Firehouse to see if anything will help her trigger her memory" he tells them, "Just treat her like you would if this wouldn't have happened alright!"

An hour later, Mary pulls up in front of the Firehouse.
"Are you ready?" Mary asks as Shaylynn stares at the building.
"I'm not so sure about this!" Shaylynn tells her, "Do you really think this is a good idea?" Shaylynn asks.
"Yes! Something has to trigger your memories!" Mary says.
Both of them get out of the car and walk up the Firehouse driveway. Shaylynn looks at the building as though she's walking to her death.
Mary and Shaylynn walk through the Firehouse door.
Most of Squad is sitting at their table. They look over and see the two lady's walk in.
"Hey Shaylynn!" they all say together.
"Severide! Shaylynn's here!" Capp yells at him.
Shaylynn looks around and sees him about ready to close a door on the Squad truck.

He closes the door and walks over to her, "Do these lazy bums look familiar?" Severide asks her.
Shaylynn shakes her head 'no' "I'm sorry guys!" she says with a sad look on her face.
All of them look at her and see she's upset she can't remember them, "It's alright! Don't worry about it!" Cruz tells her, "To start off, I'm Joe Cruz," he tells her.
"I'm Capp," Capp says.
"And I'm Tony," he tells her.
"Guys, I'm so sorry! I'm sure this is awkward for you" Shaylynn tells them, she looks at Severide, "Maybe this wasn't a good idea! It's just going to make people feel awkward around me!"
"No, it's not! They want to help you remember!" Severide tells her, "Follow me, the rest are in the Common area.
Shaylynn and Mary follow behind Severide into the rest of the Firehouse. When they reach the Common area everyone sees them and smiles.
Shaylynn looks around and sees all the firefighters, "I'm sorry I can't do this!" she says looking at Mary and Severide.
She turns around and walks out the doors.
Both of them look at each other and follow Shaylynn out.
When she starts walking past the Squad table, Shaylynn grabs her chest. Cruz and Capp instantly jump up and grab her arms.
"Shaylynn, are you alright?" Cruz asks her.
"I can't breathe," she tells him.
They hurry and sit her down in the big chair. Her heart is beating fast and she can't catch her breath.
Severide rushes over to her, crouches down, and grabs her hands, "Shaylynn, look at me!" he tells her, Shaylynn looking at him, "Listen to me, slow down your breathing. Take a deep breath in and slowly exhale" he says, Shaylynn doing what he says, "Do it again!"
Shaylynn takes another deep breath in and slowly exhales. She does this over and over again until her breathing is back to normal along with her heart rate.
"Are you alright?" Severide asks her.
"Yes, thank you! But I have to get out of the Firehouse!" she tells him.
Severide helps her stand up, Shaylynn looks at the Squad guys, "I'm sorry guys! Thank you for trying to help me!" she tells them.
Mary, Shaylynn, and Severide walk out of the Firehouse and down the driveway to Mary's car.
Shaylynn looks at Severide, "Thank you for trying to help me!" she tells him and gives him a hug.
Severide looks at Mary who has a sad look on her face.
"Shaylynn...." Severide starts to say.
"I better let you get back inside!" Shaylynn says backing up from him.
She and Mary get in the car, Severide starts making his way up the driveway.
Once Severide is out of sight, Shaylynn breaks down crying, "Shaylynn, what's wrong?" Mary asks.
"The only memories that were triggered were the ones of Marshall!" Shaylynn tells her wiping her eyes.
"I'm so sorry! Let's go see your Dad" Mary says pulling away.


Arriving at District 21, Shaylynn and Mary walk inside.
When they get inside, Trudy sees them and comes out from behind the bench, "Shaylynn! How are you?" she asks.
"I'm fine, thank you," she says.
"I'm sorry, it's Trudy," Trudy tells Shaylynn.
Shaylynn smiles at her, "I brought her here so she could see her Dad" Mary tells Trudy.
"Go ahead and go up then. Shaylynn's fingerprints should work" Trudy tells them.
"Thank you, Trudy!" Shaylynn says.
Trudy smiles at her and goes back behind the bench as the ladies walk up the steps. Shaylynn puts her hand on the scanner. A buzzer sounds indicating the door is unlocked.
"You go ahead and go on up! I'll wait down here for you!" Mary tells her.
Walking up the stairs, Shaylynn hears Hank talking.
She gets to the top and stops, she listens to what Hank is talking about.
Shaylynn walks further so she can see the board Hank is standing in front of, she gets a pissed off look on her.
"What the hell have Ian Grey and Martin Hicks done now?" Shaylynn blurts out.
Everyone turns around and looks at her as Hank walks over to her, "Shaylynn, why are you here?"
"Mary thought it would be good for me to come here!" she tells him as he leads her to his office, "Why are those two on your board?" she asks again.
"Now is not the time! Especially after your accident!" Hank tells her.
"When will it be a good time?" she asks him.
Hank stares at her, "I have to get back out there, so you stay here!" he tells her.
Hank walks out and up to Antonio to talk to him, while Halstead slips into the office, "How you doing?" he asks her.
Shaylynn looks over at him, "Jay, right?" she asks.
He smiles at her, "That's right! You remember me?"
Shaylynn shakes her head 'no', "Sorry I don't. Kelly told me your name when I saw a picture of you."
"Where did you see a picture of me?" Halstead asks her.
"On my phone," she tells him.
He gets a huge smile on his face.
"Did we date? Because I had some pretty revealing pictures of you" she tells him.
"Figures Kelly didn't tell you everything about me!" Halstead says.
"What about you? Did we date?" Shaylynn asks again.
"Yes, we dated!" Halstead tells her.
"When did we date?" she asks.
"Last month!" Halstead tells her.
Shaylynn looks at him shocked, 'What do you mean we dated last month? I'm married!" she tells him.
"You two are estranged! He should have told you all of this!" Halstead tells her.
"What happened to make us estranged? Do you know?" Shaylynn asks him.
"He cheated on you!" he says.
Shaylynn's face turns red thinking about what Austin did to her while they were engaged, "I can't believe Kelly would do that to me! And now he's acting all nice!"
"I guess you two were trying to work things out before your accident" Halstead tells her.
Shaylynn rubs her head, "I have to leave!" she says standing up.
She walks past Halstead, he grabs her arm, "I'm sorry if I hurt you in any way!" he tells her, "That was not my intent!"
Shaylynn smiles at him, "I know! All of this is very confusing to me right now. I'm married to a man that I don't remember or know if he even loves me because he cheated on me. But it seems I can't be mad at him because I turned around and cheated on him with you" she says. "I better be going!"
Shaylynn walks out of Hank's office, "Are you leaving already?" Hank asks her seeing her walk to the stairs.
"Yes. My head is starting to hurt and I'm getting tired" she tells him.
"Alright! Please take care of yourself!" Hank tells her.
She smiles, "I will!"
Shaylynn walks down the stairs and meets back up with Mary, "That was quick!" Mary says.
"I'm ready to leave!" Shaylynn says walking to the door that leads outside, Mary follows her.

They get into the car, Mary can tell somethings wrong, "Shaylynn, what's wrong?" she asks.
"My husband cheated on me! Then I turned around and cheated on him!" she tells Mary.
"Your Dad told you that?" Mary asks.
"No! Jay Halstead did!" Shaylynn tells her, "What am I going to do? Jay said that Kelly and I were trying to fix things before this happened!"
"What do you want to do?" Mary asks her.
"I don't know! I mean you've seen Kelly! DAMN! I would be stupid not to try and work things out with him, but with this new information, I don't know how he really feels about me. Then there's Jay. DAMN again!" Shaylynn says.
Mary laughs at her, "You can attract them!" she says, "What are you going to do?"
"I really don't know!" Shaylynn says looking out the window watching Halstead walk out with the Intelligence Unit.  

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