Chapter 15 "Texas Sheet Cake"

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"You alright?" Dean asks Shaylynn as she walks up to him wiping tears off her face.
"I'm fine! Let's get this done so we can go home! It's Christmas Eve!" she tells him.
They walk off and get to work.

Casey walks over to Severide, "Man, are you feeling alright? You're white as a ghost!" he tells Severide
"I think that's the end!" Severide tells Casey turning around and walking away.
Casey catches up with him, "Kelly, don't say that! It's Christmas Eve, miracles can happen!  You're still going through what you told me you were going to do, aren't you?"
Severide looks at Casey and shakes his head 'yes'.

A charity has stepped forward to help the families that have been displaced by bringing buses to the scene to transport them to a waiting school gym where they've set up cots.
Everyone finishes up on the scene and all head their opposite ways.


Shaylynn parks out front of Hanks house.
Olive is in town with Daniel, so she and Sam are coming to his house for Christmas Eve.
The night goes on with having dinner and a visit from Alvin dressed up as Santa Claus.
Shaylynn and Sam say goodnight and goodbye to Olive and Daniel as she takes him upstairs to put him to bed.
They both then say goodbye to Hank and walk outside.
"Shaylynn, how you doing?" Sam asks her as they walk down the steps, "Things seemed pretty intense between you and Kelly today."
Shaylynn shakes her head, "I don't know what to do or what to think! When I think things are going good something usually hits me in the gut! I thought Kelly and I were trying to get back together."
Sam looks at Shaylynn, "Do you love Kelly?"
"I love him with all my being! But does he love me?" Shaylynn questions.
"He must love you! That night.." Sam stops, "That one night he wouldn't give up on you. He was almost in tears thinking you weren't coming back from your last episode."
Shaylynn smiles, "I guess all I can do is wait and see!" she says, "I'll see you tomorrow!" she tells Sam.
They hug and walk to their vehicles.


Walking into her house, Shaylynn sees the Christmas tree is lite up and a fire is going in the fireplace.
Then she smells it, Texas Sheet Cake like her Mom used to make at Christmas time.
Shaylynn sits her bag down, hangs up her coat, and takes off her boots. She starts walking to the kitchen, when she walks in she sees Severide standing there.
"Kelly, what are you doing?" she asks him.
"Well, you did invite me over this morning, remember. If I didn't come I would be spending Christmas alone and I wasn't about to do that!" he tells her.
"But the Texas Sheet Cake," she says.
"What about it? You don't like it?" Severide asks her.
"Oh no, I love it! My Mom made it for Christmas" she tells him.
"Really? That's funny because my Mom made it at Christmas time also" he tells her, "That's why I made it. It's a lot easier to make it in your kitchen then at Tony's" he tells her.
"Kelly, is this going to work?" Shaylynn asks him.
"Is what going to work? Us?" he asks her.
Shaylynn shakes her head 'yes'.
"It seems anymore if something's broke people want to throw it away and not even try to fix it. They figure they can just go out and get a new one. I'm not like that, I want to fix what's broken! I don't want to go out and get something new! I LOVE what I have and I WANT to fix it!" Severide tells her walking around the kitchen island, up to her and kisses her.
Shaylynn starts kissing him back, "Alright! Let's get some Texas Sheet Cake. I have a movie all ready to watch!" he tells her.
Shaylynn smiles at him. She takes a plate from the counter and a glass.
They both walk into the living room and sit down on the couch. Severide grabs the remote, pushes a button, and The Polar Express starts playing.
Shaylynn let's out a little laugh, "What?" Severide asks her.
"A big bad Fireman watching the Polar Express!" she says laughing more.
"It's a good movie and perfect for tonight!" he states with a smile on his face.
They finish their cake and sit their plates on the coffee table.
Severide sits back into the corner of the couch. He grabs Shaylynn's arm and pulls her over to him.
She stands up to go and grab a fuzzy blanket. When she walks back over to the couch, Severide has situated himself so his back is against the arm of the couch and his legs are stretched out. Shaylynn sits down between his legs, leans back and puts her head against his chest as he puts his arms around her. Shaylynn covers them up.

Heat In The City (Raging Inferno) Ruling Chicago #3 (Chicago Fire/Chicago PD)Where stories live. Discover now