Chapter 6 "It's Perfect"

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Four days have gone by.
Before being discharged, Dr. Charles recommended Shaylynn try yoga for stress.
She found a class, but it wasn't for her.
Instead of yoga, she started going to a kickboxing class and Cruz's Zumba class.

Shaylynn has the day off from work.
She has her appointment at the Fertility Center today.
Pulling into the parking lot, she hurries and gets out of her SUV. Of all days, it picks today to really snow.
Shaylynn walks in and up to the receptionist, "Hello, Shaylynn! I'll let Dr. Smith know you're here."
"Thank you!" Shaylynn says sitting down.
After twenty-five minutes, Shaylynn's told she can go back.
She walks back to the doctor's office and knocks on the door.
"Come in" she hears from inside.
Shaylynn walks in, "Have a seat," Dr. Smith tells her.
She sits down, putting her coat on her legs, "I have the results!" he tells her.
"Can you just write it down and put it in an envelope? I would much rather find out the results at home" she tells him.
"I can do that," Dr. Smith tells her, "Since that was the reason for this appointment, do you have any questions for me?"
"Can you tell me anything about the surrogate other than what I already know?" Shaylynn asks him.
"The Center owns a floor at one of the condominium complexes. After a surrogate is confirmed pregnant, we move her and whoever else is in her family into one of the condos. We provide everything for her and have a medical professional on the grounds at all times. For your surrogate, it's her and her son" Dr. Smith tells her.
"How old is her son?" Shaylynn asks.
"He's four," Dr. Smith says.
"Can you tell me why she decided to be a surrogate?" Shaylynn asks him.
"I can't, sorry!" he tells her.
"That's alright! If she requests something that the Center won't provide, please let me know! The same goes for her son. If you find out that he wants something, let me know. I'm sure he's confused as to why he and his Mommy moved to a strange place" Shaylynn tells him standing up, "Thanks for your time!"
"Don't forget your envelope!" Dr. Smith says holding it out to her.
"Thanks!" she says, then walks to the door and walking out of the office.
Shaylynn walks out of the building to find the snow has really picked up.

On her way home, a snow plow passes her and a few other cars sending them into the ditch.
"You've got to be kidding me!" Shaylynn shouts out, "If you pulled that shit over in the Middle East, a tank would blow your ass up!" she shouts at the snow plow driver.
She gets out of her SUV and sees the others are getting out of their vehicles, "Is everyone alright?" Shaylynn asks them.
They all shake their heads 'yes', "What are you going to do now? He basically plowed us in with snow. You know the tow companies are going to be overwhelmed!" a woman says.
A little boy standing beside her starts pulling on her coat, "Maybe they can help?" he says pointing down the road.
Shaylynn turns around to see three Fire Trucks heading their way, turning on their lights.
The Fire Trucks stop back aways, the little boy's eyes get big watching their lights.
Two Firemen come walking toward them, "What happened?" one asks.
Shaylynn turns around, "A slow plow ran us off the road!" she says looking at Casey.
"Is everyone alright?" he asks.
"Yes, we're all fine! Just shaken up" the other woman tells him.
"We'll get you guys out!" Severide says.
"Why don't you guys come back to Engine and sit inside while we get things ready," Casey says.
"Really?! We can sit in a Fire Truck?!" the little boy says with excitement.
Casey and Severide smile, "Yes! You need to stay warm!" Casey tells him.
Casey escorts the young boy, his mother, and the elderly couple that was in the other car back to Engine.
"Are you coming from your appointment?" Severide asks Shaylynn as they walk together back to Engine.
"Yes," she tells him.
"And?" he asks.
"I don't know yet. I have the results in my bag. I was going to look at once I got home" she says.
"Alright," Severide says looking disappointed.
All the Engine guys have gotten out of the truck to make room for the others. Severide opens the driver's door for Shaylynn and helps her up inside. Once she's in, he closes the door.
Shaylynn looks to her side and sees the little boy sitting in the seat beside her.
"Do you know him?" the little boy asks.
"He's my husband," Shaylynn tells him looking out the windshield watching Severide work.
The fire crews get the cars out of the ditch, sending the elderly couple along with the mother and son on their way.
Severide walks up to Shaylynn, "You'll call me after you find out the results?" he asks her with puppy dog eyes.
Shaylynn rolls her eyes, "Oh heaven forbid, I'll do it here!" she says getting into her SUV, grabbing her bag.
She grabs the envelope out of her bag and starts opening it.
Pulling out an ultrasound picture, Shaylynn, and Severide study it.
"It's twins!" Shaylynn says seeing two small circles.
Severide gets a huge smile on his face, "We're having twins!" he yells to everyone.
"I better be going!" Shaylynn tells him.
"Alright," Severide says opening her door for her, "Be careful!" he tells her before closing the door.
Shaylynn starts up her SUV and drives off, Severide watching her drive away.
Capp comes walking up beside Severide, "You two need to get back together!" he says.
Severide looks at him, "She's seeing Jay" he tells Capp.
Capp starts laughing, "What are you laughing at?" Severide asks him.
"Jay's just a stand-in until YOU do something AMAZING and get her back!" Capp says.
"And what do you suggest?" Severide asks.
"Think about what she likes! Do something she hasn't ever done before! You'll think of something!" Capp tells him. "Looks like everyone is ready," Capp says.
He and Severide start walking back to the Squad truck.

Heat In The City (Raging Inferno) Ruling Chicago #3 (Chicago Fire/Chicago PD)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora