Chapter 8 "Great Chicago Fire"

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"I have to go! I need to talk to Boden!" Shaylynn says hanging up.
Shaylynn walks out of the room and goes back into Boden's office.
She walks in and up to Connie, "Hi, Shaylynn! What do you need?" Connie asks her.
"I need to speak to Chief if he isn't busy. I need to apologize to him!" Shaylynn tells her.
"Go ahead and go on in!" Connie tells her.
Shaylynn walks over to the door but still knocks. She sees Boden wave her in.
Quickly walking in, she closes the door behind her.
"Hello, Shaylynn! Is there something I can do for you?" he asks her.
"First real quick, I want to apologize for Kelly not coming back here last night! He was only to come in for a little while, then leave. But we started talking, we both started getting tired, and fell asleep" she tells him.
Boden smiles at her, "Shaylynn, it's alright! I knew where he was! If I needed him, I would have called or stopped by!"
Shaylynn smiles at him, "Now, I need for the Firehouse to be evacuated, but not look like it's being evacuated!" she tells him.
Boden gives her a confused look, "You want me to evacuate the Firehouse, but make it look like it's not being evacuated?"
"Yes! Don't Firehouse's have fire drills like schools?" Shaylynn asks winking at him.
"What's this all about?" Boden asks her.
"I'm not supposed to say anything, but since it's you....the DHS received information that these terrorist groups are going to plant pipe bombs in all the Firehouses throughout Chicago, blow them up, then start fires all over the city. Basically causing another great Chicago fire!" she tells him, "I found a pipe bomb where the extra oxygen tanks are."
"Alright. I'll set off the alarm" Boden tells her.
"Thanks, Chief!" Shaylynn tells him, then walks out of his office.

Walking out the side door, she makes a call.....
"Dean, the Firehouse is going to be evacuated! I'll grab the suspect when she comes out!" Shaylynn tells him.
"So it's another woman?" he asks her.
"Yes! You mentioned that the other woman you brought in smelled like rubber cement glue, so does this one! And I know that type of glue isn't used here in the Firehouse because Connie can't stand the smell. Which makes me think this woman is staying away from Connie" Shaylynn tells him.
"Let me know when you have her!" Dean tells her.
Shaylynn hangs up and waits.

The alarm goes off throughout the Firehouse to indicate there's a fire inside.
Everyone stops, wondering what's going on. Walking to the doors, they see Boden standing there.
"What's going on?" Otis asks him.
"It's a fire drill. Don't ask questions, do what you would do if the Firehouse was on fire!" Boden says.
"What, get the proper stuff and put the fire out?" Otis says sarcastically.
Boden gives him a look, "First, EVERYONE would get out of the building!" he says with an upset look on his face.
"Alright! Alright!" Otis says walking out.

Shaylynn watches as everyone walks out of the Firehouse, keeping a close eye on the office staff. Finally the last few from the office come out, Moon being one of them. Of course, she's running her mouth about how it's cold outside and that it's stupid that a Firehouse is doing a fire drill.
Shaylynn walks up behind her and puts handcuffs on her wrists, "Hey! What are you doing?" Moon asks.
"I'm taking you into custody!" Shaylynn tells her.
"Aren't you supposed to say you're under arrest?" Moon asks her.
"I'm not a cop!" Shaylynn says pushing her away from the other ladies.
Everyone is watching, wondering what's going on.
Shaylynn puts Moon into her SUV and locks the doors. She pulls her phone out of her pocket.
"I got her!" Shaylynn tells Dean.
"Great!  I'll have the bomb squad head your way now! They're finishing up at 103" he tells her, "Get everyone back away from the building" he tells her, then hangs up.
Shaylynn starts walking up the driveway, "Alright everyone! Can I have you all go across the street, I would appreciate it!" Shaylynn shouts.
All of them look at her, "What's going on?" Herrmann asks her.
"I can't say!" Shaylynn tells him.
"Come on, Shaylynn! What's going on?" Otis asks.
"If I could tell you, don't you think I would?! Now, let me do my job! Please, everyone, walk across the street!" Shaylynn tells them.
"Alright, everyone! You heard her! Walk across the street!" Boden yells out.
Everyone finally starts walking across the street.
Shaylynn walks up to Boden, "Thank you, Chief!" she tells him.
He smiles at her, "Anytime!" he says and starts walking across the street himself.
Shaylynn looks down the street, waiting on the bomb squad when she feels a presence beside her. She looks and sees Severide standing there.
"What's going on?" Severide asks her.
"I can't tell you, Kelly!" Shaylynn tells him.
"Seriously? You can't tell me?!" he says surprised, "Would you be able to tell Jay?" he asks.
Shaylynn looks at him, "Kelly, please don't ruin what we had last night! I had a wonderful time, but if you keep running your mouth, it's going to ruin things! And no, I wouldn't be able to tell Jay what's going on either!" she tells him.
"I'm sorry! I was just wondering why you put handcuffs on Moon and put her in your SUV" he says to her.
"Worried about her, are you?" Shaylynn asks him.
"No!" Severide tells her.
"Then why as..." she starts to say, "It doesn't matter! She's a suspect" Shaylynn tells him.
"A suspect in what?" Severide asks her.
"In the case I'm working on!" she tells him as she sees the bomb squad coming down the street.
They pull into the Firehouse driveway.
Shaylynn walks away from Severide and walks up to them.

Everyone across the street is speechless and doesn't know what to say watching the bomb squad walk into the Firehouse.
Within five minutes, the bomb squad has taken care of the pipe bomb and leaves heading to the next Firehouse.
"All clear!" Shaylynn shouts.
Everyone starts walking back over to the Firehouse, "You could have told us! Otis tells Shaylynn.
"No, I couldn't!" Shaylynn tells him as he walks past her.
"Don't mind him!" Cruz tells her as he, Capp, and Tony walk up to her along with Casey, Dawson, and Severide.
"It's alright! I've had plenty of people act like that toward me! There are always going to be ones who think they know better then you and things should have been done their way or they should know everything that's going on!
I know a lot of people think the guys and I have this "Superhero complex" because we are always "saving" people, which is funny really! Then they talk about all this "technology" we have. It's the same stuff the military uses and now citizens can purchase. Our stuff is in no way better than what you guys have! What we have, the CFD can purchase if they would only come out of pocket for it, but of course, the higher-ups are tight asses! The suits are nothing special! They certainly aren't Iron Man suits! But what these people never see or want to remember are the people we couldn't save! We can't always save everyone! I couldn't save Marshall and the rest of his Firehouse! Out of everyone, don't they think I would have saved him?!" she asks, "I've lost people on the battlefield. There have been a lot of families in the Middle East we couldn't save, more then I would like to talk about. It's heartbreaking listening to families scream while they're burning alive in fires because if you go and try to save them you and your unit will be compromised and killed by the enemy. Or finding bodies of dismembered children lying in their beds...."
Severide can see Shaylynn's eyes start to change. She's about to go into her dark place, he puts his hand on her shoulder.
She looks at him, "I'm fine!" she tells him.
"Don't think twice about them!" Capp tells her, "It sounds like they're jealous because they're not as badass as you!"
Shaylynn laughs, "You sound like my Commanding Officer when I was made Sniper over all these guys I was with in the Marines. Seriously, we have lost more people than what we have saved!" she tells them, "I better be going! I need to be getting Miss Thing to the DHS."
All of them say goodbye to Shaylynn and start walking up the driveway, except Severide.
They start walking over to her SUV, "Shift is over tomorrow, would it be alright if I stopped by?" Severide asks her.
She turns around to look at him, "Why do you want to stop by?" she asks him.
"I thought maybe you would like to go out on a date?" he says smiling.
"A date?" she asks surprised.
"Yeah, you know like we used to do. Or are you busy already?" he asks her with a worried look.
"No, I haven't made any plans. But it would be best to call or text me before you stop by to make sure I'm there. This case has been a real bitch!" she tells him.
"I can do that!" Severide says with a smile as he moves closer to her, putting his hands on her hips, moving her back against the back of her SUV.
He starts kissing her, Shaylynn putting her hands on each side of his face.
Inside the Firehouse, Capp, Cruz, and Tony walk away from the door smiling.


It's been one of those days!

Because it's been one of those days, here's a chapter for my WONDERFUL readers!

Heat In The City (Raging Inferno) Ruling Chicago #3 (Chicago Fire/Chicago PD)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora