Chapter 18 "Be My Date"

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After a couple of hours, Shaylynn comes downstairs. She walks into the living room and sits down by Severide. He can tell she's upset.
"Are you doing anything tonight?" he asks her.
"Nope! I'll probably be right here curled up on the couch. Why?" she asks him.
"Gabby, Herrmann, and Otis are having a New Years Eve party at Molly's. Would you like to be my date?" he asks her with a smile, "No strip clubs involved!"
Shaylynn looks at him surprised, "KELLY!" she says swatting him on the arm.
Severide starts laughing at her, "I would love to be your date tonight!" she tells him.
Severide smiles bigger, "I'll pick you up at eight!" he says while he stands up.
"Where you going?" she asks him.
"Back to Tony's. I have to get ready also!" he says winking at her.
Shaylynn stands up and follows Severide to the door.
He grabs his coat and puts in on, "I'll see you later tonight!" he tells her, then kisses her.
After he walks out the door Shaylynn closes it. She smiles big not being able to wait until tonight.
Finding out the information she did, she needs to unwind.
Shaylynn decides to get ready early and a good thing too, she can't decide what she wants to wear. So she does what any woman would do, text pictures to her sister and let her decide.
Taking her phone she takes pictures of a few looks she's come up with.
After about five minutes, her phone goes off.

Sam: You want me to pick your outfit??????

Shaylynn: Yes!

Sam: You're going to Molly's with Kelly for a New Years Eve party?

Shaylynn: Yes....

Two minutes go by.

Sam sends a picture back of the dress she likes with hearts all over it.
Shaylynn starts laughing.

Shaylynn: I take it you like that outfit the best by the hearts?

Sam: YEP! Please have fun!

Shaylynn: Thank you, Sam! And I'll try!

Heading to the bathroom, she puts the dress back on.

It's going on eight.
Shaylynn as switched over to a little clutch, putting all her essentials in it. Getting into the coat closet, she finds her good coat and pulls it out.
She walks to the kitchen to get a bottled water. As soon as she grabs it out of the refrigerator, there's a knock at the door.
Walking out of the kitchen she walks to the front door and opens it. She sees Severide standing there and her heart skips a beat.

 She sees Severide standing there and her heart skips a beat

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"Come in!" she tells him.
Severide walks in, he closes the door behind him while Shaylynn grabs her coat.
He turns around and really sees what Shaylynn's wearing. Taking her coat from her, he helps her put it on.
"You know we could just stay here!" Severide tells her then starts kissing her neck.
"Not going to happen! As much as I would love to stay here with only you, that would lead to other things. Plus I've been looking forward to this! I need a distraction from the information I found out today!" she tells him.
Severide smiles at her, "Then let's get going!"
Shaylynn takes her keys out of her clutch, Severide takes her keys from her and opens the door.
She walks out with Severide behind her locking the door. He puts his arm out to help her down the steps and out to his truck.
As he helps Shaylynn up into his truck, he looks down at her left hand and sees she's wearing the ring he gave her for Christmas. This puts a huge smile on his face.
After Shaylynn's in, Severide hurries over to the driver side. He gets in and drives off.


Severide finally finds a parking space around Molly's big enough to park his truck in.
He looks around and notices that no sidewalks have been shoveled from the recent snow other than Molly's sidewalks.
"Stay there!" he tells Shaylynn as she gets out of the truck.
He makes his way over to the passenger side and opens her door, "What are you doing?" Shaylynn asks him.
Severide positions himself to pick her up, "Put your arm around my neck!" he tells her.
Shaylynn does what he tells her. Severide puts his other arm under her legs and picks her up out of the truck. As Severide backs up, Shaylynn pushes the door shut. Severide then locks the doors from his key fob.
Shaylynn wraps her other arm around his neck, "Why are you doing this?" she asks him.
"Other than the sidewalks outside of Molly's, no one else has shoveled! And you're in open-toed heels!" he tells her.
Shaylynn smiles.
Finally making it to Molly's, Severide puts Shaylynn down, "Thank you!" she tells him.
Severide smiles at her, "Ready to go in?" he asks.
"Let's go!" she says.
Severide opens the door for Shaylynn. She walks in with Severide behind her.

The blast of cold air gets everyone's attention inside Molly's.
Everyone turns toward the door to see Severide and Shaylynn walk in together.
Severide walks up beside Shaylynn and grabs her hand, they start walking toward the table Casey and Dawson are at.
A lot of smiles appear on people's faces seeing Severide and Shaylynn together and holding hands.

After sitting with Dawson and Casey for over an hour, Halstead walks in with his brother and Natalie.
Shaylynn sees him as does Severide.
She puts her hand on Severide's arm, he looks over at her "Are you ready to leave?" he asks her.
Shaylynn smiles, "Sure! I'll be right back!" she says getting up heading to the bathroom.
"Don't let Jay ruin the night for you guys!" Casey tells him.
"I'm not! I have something else planned and we need to be leaving to make it there in time!" Severide tells him.
Shaylynn comes walking back to the table. Severide stands up and helps her with her coat.
"See you guys later!" Severide tells Casey and Dawson after he puts his coat on.
"Bye, guys! Have a Happy New Year!" Shaylynn tells them.
Severide grabs Shaylynn's hand and leads her through Molly's. Once to the door, he opens it for her, Halstead watching everything.
This time to get Shaylynn to the truck, Severide bends down and throws her over his shoulder.
Shaylynn starts laughing.
On the way, Severide smacks her on the ass, "OUCH! Hey, that wasn't nice!" she tells him.
Severide starts laughing at her.
He unlocks the truck, opens her door and helps her inside.
He walks to the driver side and gets in, "So what are we doing?" Shaylynn asks him.
"You'll see!" he says starting up the truck and driving off.


Pulling up in front of the Adler Planetarium, Severide gets out and walks over to Shaylynn's side.
He opens the back door and pulls out a pair of boots, he then opens her door.
"Kelly, what are you doing?" Shaylynn asks him with a little laugh.
"You're going to be standing outside! Now give me your feet!" he says with a smile.
Shaylynn gives him a foot, he takes off her heal and puts the boot on her foot. He repeats with the other foot.
"Come on!" he says sticking his hand out to her.
Shaylynn gets out of the truck.
They walk over to the water, "It's almost time!" Severide says looking at his watch.
Happy New Year!" he says to Shaylynn then kisses her.
Fireworks start going off over Lake Michigan near Navy Pier.
Shaylynn turns around so she can see the fireworks, Severide wraps his arms around her, "This night is perfect!" she tells him.
Severide smiles.

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