Deadly Attachment

By CristianoCR7Ronaldo

317K 10.5K 2.4K

" you don't know me " the russian woman flinched. " but i'd like to " Katya Volkov is a Russian assassin nav... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 41

3.6K 122 93
By CristianoCR7Ronaldo

- be with me and only me. choose me always because i'll always choose you.

I crawled underneath the large blanket and through the pillows that acted like pillars. I had created a pillow fort and in my opinion, it was truly magnificent. One of the best I have ever created. It was large enough for no more than four adults, which was perfect since there were only two in this home.

I was camped inside the fort when I heard Natasha's voice. "Katya where--" And then I assumed she saw it because the next words were these: "Get out of there! We have dinner with Steve and Bucky in less than an hour! What do you think you're doing?" I saw her silhouette from outside the blankets. 

"Forget the dinner!" I shouted. "Come here and be the queen of this fort, we will have popcorn for dinner."

"I'm serious, Katya. Get out of there." I could hear the seriousness in her voice.

"We can rule the galaxy together, my love!"

She sighed. "What have you been watching on TV lately?" She asked, starting to deconstruct my fort.

I began to pout, crossing my arms like a child. "Star Wars," I grumbled. "The Clone Wars cartoon episodes."

She laughed one she saw my pouting figure. "You really are a child." She offered me a hand, which I reluctantly took. "Go get dressed and dress casually. We're not going someplace fancy, just a regular diner."

I groaned but still got ready. Dressed in light jeans and a royal blue shirt, I walked into the kitchen. Natasha was standing with her back faced toward me. I whistled when I caught sight of her, she was wearing tight dark jeans and a leather jacket with a white shirt underneath.

Once she heard my whistle, she rolled her eyes. "We better get going if we want to make it on time."

"What are we going to drive?" I asked. 

"You choose." Natasha grabbed her phone off the charger plugged into the wall. "I'm up for anything."

I grinned and picked up keys to my bike. "Ready?" She looked at the keys and back at me. Nodding, we both went out to my bike and I got on the front, Natasha hopped on the back, putting one arm around my waist.

I pulled out of the garage at an insane speed, and Natasha smacked the back of my head. "I'm a human! You're going to get me killed!" I only laughed, knowing that I had complete control over the bike and would never let anything happen to Natasha.

Parking the bike, I checked my watch. "Ten minutes. I could've done better." I shrugged off the bike, offering my hand to Natasha.

"You could have killed me." She glared, but it was half-hearted.

I kissed her cheek and took her hand, leading her inside. It was a regular looking diner as if it were pulled from the late 1960's. I loved those years. They also had some aged music, starting with Summer of '69 by Bryan Adams.

Bucky and Steve were seated on one side of the booth and when they saw us, Steve raised a hand to get our attention. Smiles were shared as Natasha took a seat on the other side of the booth.

Around us, people were starting to notice that four Avengers were having dinner at the same regular diner they were at.

"My favorite couple," Steve gave us a warm smile. "Thanks for taking my invitation."

"My favorite couple," Natasha returned the smile. "Thanks for inviting us. We almost didn't make it, thanks to Galactic Ruler here." She nodded in my direction and I tried to look offended.

Bucky snorted, leaning forward on his elbows, pushing his hat up a bit so he could see us. "What'd she do?" He asked.

"She built a fort and invited me to be the queen as we, and I quote, "rule the galaxy together." That sounds exactly like her, doesn't it?" Natasha still held my hand and now she gave it a squeeze.

Steve and Bucky chuckled at the thought, nodding. "That sounds exactly like her." The ladder gave a teasing glance in my direction. "I'm not surprised."

"Give me some credit, guys." I let go of Natasha's hand so I could wrap my arm around her shoulders. "We'd be pretty good galactic rulers."

Steve grinned, saying, "I'd be worried if it were just you, Katya. But saying Natasha will be there with you, I'm not as worried anymore."

"What are you saying, Rogers? Are you claiming I am unfit to rule on my own?" I tried to act offended, but a smile escaped my lips before I could smother it.

The blond man leaned back with a smile. "Have you ever seen Star Wars?"

My eyes widened. "I worship Star Wars. It is an insult to assume I haven't watched it." My heart started pounding at the sound of my favorite movie series.

"Well, your rule would be similar to if Jar Jar Binks were put in charge of the galaxy. Lots of pretending that he knew what he was doing, but on the inside, he knew nothing. There would be lots of "fuck it" moments if you were a galactic ruler."

"I don't take that as an insult." I folded my arms. "Jar Jar was a great Representative for Naboo, I wouldn't doubt his ability to rule the galaxy."

Natasha started to laugh. "You two are so weird."

"Have you even seen Star Wars, Natasha?" Steve had asked. Natasha shook her head no, and all three sets of eyes turned to face her.

I was so confused at what had just happened. "Say that again..." I stared at her with such confusion it made her laugh. "You have never watched Star Wars?"

"Not one movie." She shrugged as if it were no big deal.

"Natasha. You don't know what you're missing." I was completely serious, making Natasha laugh again. Looking at Steve and Bucky, they were quite serious about this too.

"Nat," Bucky began, "Steve and I watched it when I joined the Avengers. We went on a spree watching everything we missed while being...gone. It's the best thing we've ever done."

Now Natasha was starting to get it. "Is it really that good?" We all nodded. "Well, I guess I'll have to watch it someday." She said nonchalantly, smiling at the waiter that just appeared.

"Screw someday, we're watching it as soon as we get home." I huffed, turning my attention to the teenage boy who was starting to piece together who we all were.

"You're..." His eyes widened at Natasha and Steve. Bucky and I took no offense, as we were the lesser-known Avengers. "You're...the...the..."

"Take your time...Ace." I read his name tag and his eyes flew to me. 

"The Avengers." He whispered the last word and we all nodded. "Have you decided what you want?" His voice was shaking and it took all of me to hide the laugh that was bubbling to my lips. I absolutely loved mortals who stumbled over me and my friends.

Ace took our orders and quickly disappeared behind the swinging door. "Mortals," I sighed with a smile. "Funny little things." Natasha narrowed her eyes at me and elbowed my exposed ribs. "You three don't count, you all are genetically altered super humans. Of course, you're not in the same boat as the regular mortals."

In the next moment, a girl who seemed about ten years old walked up while holding a smaller boy's hand. He seemed to be about seven.

Steve was the one to speak first, as he was the best with children. I don't consider myself bad with them, but no one had the same touch as Steve did.

"Hi there," He smiled. "What's your names?"

"I'm Madison and my brother is Mason." She was nervous and I placed the idea that she should calm down and relax a bit. She accepted it instantly and started to smile. "Can you sign our book?" She asked, handing over a comic book. It was a new edition, I could tell. What surprised me, was the sight of myself on the cover behind Natasha.

Natasha seemed to notice it too because she smiled an encouraging and excited smile. I was surprised. Was I really in a comic book? Impressive, even for me.

"Of course." Steve took the book with a smile and signed his name on the inside cover. He handed it to Bucky who signed it, and then Natasha was next. I was last to sign it before handing it back to the kids.

"Thank you." The little girl smiled and went to hug Steve. He let her hug him and since Natasha and Bucky were on the insides of the booth, they shook the girl's hand. I was still in shock when I gave the girl a hug, but relaxed more when we all did the same for her brother.

They moved back to their parents, and the first thing I said was, "Did you guys see it?" My voice was barely above a whisper. The three of them seemed to know what I was talking about because they all had an amused look on their faces when they nodded. "I was on the cover of the comic book."

"You're in it too," Bucky told me.

My eyes widened. "I'm in it? As a character? Are you sure?" They all nodded and I leaned back in my seat, as starstruck as Ace was when he first recognized us.

"Ask Peter if he could get a few comics for you. It would be weird if any of us went in there buying our own comics." Bucky suggested.

"I will." I nodded. "I definitely will. I'll only believe I'm actually in the comics once I see it."

"You underestimate your importance, Katya. The world knows what you and Natasha did at the Hydra base and what you eventually did against Doom. It wasn't exactly a quiet affair." Steve's words made me very happy. "And now that those pictures of you and Natasha going to the wedding together, I'm sure fans are creating fan stories about you two."

"Fanfictions, Steve," Bucky spoke. "They're called fanfictions."

"There is a lot of you two," Natasha stated. "Lots of art too."

Steve nodded. "I saw some and there are some really talented people out there. And then there are the others that just make that art and stories for pleasure." He shuddered.

"I hope there aren't any of those out there about us yet." Natasha gave me a wary look.

"Don't count on it," Bucky smirked, turning his phone towards us. In the search bar was Black Widow and Archangel.

"Hey," I frowned. "My name is Black Mamba, not Archangel."

"Too bad." Bucky grinned, putting his phone in my hands and pressing on images. "They picked a better name for you. It works with who you are, anyways."

"Don't worry, you don't need to change your costume," Steve assured me.

"You knew about this?" I raised an eyebrow.

"We all did." He shrugged.

I scrolled through the pictures, which were all of Natasha and I kissing or fighting together or doing something very stimulating. "I'm definitely not an Archangel. I'm almost the polar opposite" I huffed, handing Bucky's phone back once I was sure I didn't want to see more.

"They don't know that you're a fallen angel. All they know is that you're some sort of angel after someone caught Thor around New York and asked who you were. He said you were a literal angel, so the public and the fans got a little creative." Steve started on his meal that Ace had just placed in front of us. "Your hero name should be the last thing you're worried about. That fanart and...fanfictions...about you and Natasha are getting pretty creative."

"They think we were in the Red Room together." Natasha was on Tumblr, reading someone's theory on the two of us.

"I never knew you had Tumblr." I looked at her curiously.

She smiled, saying, "I'm on all social media. The main reason is to just watch any suspicious behavior, but I have fun with it sometimes."

"You learn something new every day," I mumbled.

"So," Bucky tried to fight off a smile. "Katya is going to get some comic books from Peter and check up on all the fanart and fanfictions going around, as well as social media. Natasha is going to watch Star Wars. I guess you guys have your week planned out for you." He looked pleased with himself as if this was his plan all along.

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