The Sexy Triangle || Keith Po...

By Nialovebug18

14.7K 461 175

Read Falling for Each Other before reading this! It's been 2 1/2 years since Nia Rene decided to end her pre... More

This is Quincy
Why would you say that
Keith we cant-Yes we can
Hi Mommy
What are we gonna do
Nia Im Yours
Nia...I love you
Thank you Quincy
I do
Book 3???
Book 3 baby

Im Scared

868 32 19
By Nialovebug18

Nia Pov

I woke up gasping. I quickly sat up and put both hands on my 8 months and 3 week bump. I took a deep breath and turned my feet to the edge of the bed. Seeing if another pain would come.

I was scared and my water didn't break yet and Keith was sleep next to me. I didn't want to wake him just yet, but then a sharper pain came into my body which causes me to gasp and moan, "Ow!" Keith shifted but didn't wake up.

"Keith!" I said through the pain. He moved more but didn't get up. "KEITH!" I yelled now in tears as another pain came directly after I called his name the first time. He jumped up instantly he got off the bed and ran to my side and getting on his knees in front of me.

"Are you okay!? Is baby boy okay?!" He said frantically. And in that moment I realized I wasn't just scared I was terrified.

"Call Quincy...Call my parents." I said trying to stay calm. Keith grabbed his phone and was grabbing my hospital bag at the same time.

When Kieth finally came back to me after I had 2 more terrible pains I was so uncomfortable and didn't know how to feel or what to do. I just cried.

"Baby I know it's scary right now and I know you're in pain. Let me get you to the hospital." He said. He grabbed my hand and helped me up. But my legs were weak and I fell to my knees. I let Keith's hand go and grabbed my bump wrapping my arms around it.

"KEITH!" I screamed loudly. His eyes grew big and he picked me up bridal style. We were in the car and at the hospital before I even could realize. He carried me and the hospital in.

"Excuse me! My wife is having intense and close contractions! She also fell hardly!" He said and I could hear all the fear in his voice

The nurse ran a wheel chair and Keith sat me softly down and the woman pushed me off. Keith was right next to me. I was in too much pain to care or pay attention to ANYTHING around me but my baby.

We got to a room and they began to check me and I wasn't having it right now. All I wanted was to hold me son. "Well you're only 2cm right now ma'am, some women have intense labor and very intense contractions, you can have an ep-" the doctor said but I cut him off before he could finish.

"No! Absolutely not!." I said. I knew all the negative effects this drug could have on my child. I wasn't going to risk anything!

"We will be back to check on you in about an hour okay!" He said.

"Yes thank you." Keith said because he could see I didn't want to talk. Soon after she left I saw Quincy walk in.

"How you doing beautiful?" He asked walking to my side dapping up Keith.

"I'm pushing through this, I want to do all natural so the pain is killing me." I said holding the rail as I felt. another intense pain on its way.

"Is my daughter okay!?" I heard my mom say as she and my dad walked in just as the contractions came back sharp. I grabbed the side of the bed and took a deep breath. Quincy and Keith both put a hand on me.

"Wait!" My mom said quick cause she knew what was about to come from me.

"GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME!" I yelled pissed off, uncomfortable and irritated.

"She hates to be touched when she's in pain, it makes it worse for her." My mom said. The boys looked scared and backed up.

"I'm sorry you have to go through this pain." Quincy said.

"He's worth all of this." I said with my eyes closed. I heard my parents sit down and I tried not to focus on the pain.

-7 hours later-

"Well, Ms.Nia you still are at 4cm." He said.

"She's been at 4cm since the 3rd time you check on her, that was at 2am, why is my daughter not dilating?" My father said sounding concerned and irritated.

"Well sir this is all up to Nias body and the baby. We can try to speed this up with drugs but like Ms.Nia has made known multiple times she wants her labor and delivery 100% natural, they only way I will administer drugs is if her life or your grandsons life is in danger." He said. He better fucking say that shit louder for niggas in the damn back!

"Thank you Doctor. Newton." I said.

"Nia you okay?" Driah who came an hour ago with Woody.

"Well considering my cervix won't fucking open! I'm great." I said annoyed at her damn question! Like who the hell ask that to a women who's been in labor for 8 hours!

-9 hours later-

"Ms. Nia it's time to push! You're 10cm. But we need to limit the people in the delivery room, 2 people okay." He said and everyone knew who was gonna be picked so my Mom, Dad, Driah, and Woody left.

"Are you ready?" He asked as they adjusted my leg up on to the two mini steps.

"I'm scared." I said grabbing Quincy and Keith's hand.

"You got this." Quincy said

"I know you can do it." Keith said

"Nia push in 5. 4. 3. 2. 1! Push push push." He said a little below yelling but very calm! I pushed and I started to squeeze both of their hands beyond hard.

"AHHHHHH!" I yelled.

"Damn yo grip is strong." Quincy said.

"Nigga she almost broke my hand." Keith said

"Bruise gonna be all on us later." They both laugh and I gave them both a look.

"I. Am. Having. A. Baby! Shut the hell up!" I said.

"Push Nia!" He said once again.

"I can't! It hurts so much!" I cried as tears started to come out and I was shacking my head.

"Nia I need you to push!" He said

"Come on baby!" Keith said.

"Nia he's waiting to meet you!" Quincy said. I pushed hard and held my breath.


"Nia one more push." He said loudly.

"No! Somethings wrong!" I cried.

"Nia PUSH!" He yelled.

I took a deep breath and pushed as hard as I could holding onto their hands for life. "FUUUUCK!" I yelled and then there was the greatest relief in my entire life and I collapsed back down but there was no cry.

"NURSE! Cord wrapped around neck! He can't breath!" The doctor yelled.

"WHAT!" I yelled. I instantly started crying hard.

"YO WHATS HAPPENING." Keith yelled as we watched them rush over to the side of the room and about 5 nurses crowded around my sons pale body.

"HELP HIM!" Quincy yelled.

Keith leaned down and hugged me tight then he stood back up. And after about 35 seconds that felt like eternity I finally heard it! That beautiful cry that sounded so perfect to me. Sounded like a Marvin Gay love song.

"Dad can you come cut the cord." They said. As my baby cried. Quincy smiled at Keith and Keith smiled back. They walked over and cut the cord together. They cleaned him quickly and and brought him to me for skin to skin contact. I held him against me so softly.

"I love you so so so much!" I said looking at the most perfect baby.

"We swabbed his mouth, now we just need you twos sample the nurse said. They walked up and swabbed their mouths and I just stared at my son.

Quincy and Keith both held him. And it was beautiful. They finally let my family back in and everyone got a chance to hold him.

"What did you name him?" Woody asked.

"Im not telling you guys yet." I laughed. I looked and Quincy and Keith. Me and Quincy picked out a name if he was ours and me and Keith did the same.

-4 hours later-

Everyone had left but Quincy and Keith. They both were eager to find out if they were the father

"Knock knock." A lady with documents walked in.

"Hi." I said tired.

"We have the results if you'd like to hear them now." She said.

"Yes please. Could you wake them." I said sweetly. She walked over the where the were laid looking adorable. With Quincy head on Keith shoulder and Keith head on top of Quincy's. I promise they love each other low key. She lightly tapped them and they sat up.

"So I'm a read the DNA test for you guys. And just let you know who the father is..."She said with a smile. I was nervous. I knew regardless I would have help from both of these incredible men. "So for sweet baby boy over here. His daddy is...Mr.Keith Powers." She said. Keith instantly had tears in his eyes. He got up and picked up our son and baby boy shifted a little. Keith just held him to his body as a tear left his eye.

"Congrats man." Quincy said patting his shoulder.

"Respect brother." Keith said.

"I'm a let y'all be ard. Have y'all moment. Y'all deserve it." He said hugging me and then leaving.

"You ready to officially name our son."

"I'll write it down on his birth certificate later." The lady said walking out.

"Carter James Powers." We said.

Keith handed Carter to me. He smiled at me and then bent down and kissed me.

This is the moment that I never wanted to end

End of Pov

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