The Good Boy Stopped Us From...

By CUniQue_Love

168K 8.4K 1.1K

Third and final sequel to The Bad Boy Hit Me In The Face With A Baseball Bat More

Chapter 1- Better For Me
Don't worry. I'm posting a Chapter right after this
Chapter 2- Strange Feelings
Chapter 3- Feed Me Lies So I Can Cope
Chapter 4- Keep Your Mouth SHUT
Chapter 5- Male Fragility
Chapter 6- I'm Okay
Chapter 7- The Weirdo Cousin
Chapter 8- Through Billie's Eyes
Chapter 9- The Worse Ones
Chapter 10- Other People
Chapter 11- The Sarah I Met
Chapter 12- He Hated Me
Chapter 13- He Used Me
Chapter 14- Your Decisions
Chapter 15- Real Love
Chapter 16- Senses
Chapter 17- Blame the Cookies
Chapter 18- The Cult of Sarah
Chapter 19- Old Harley
Chapter 20- Picture Perfect
Chapter 21- Romeo's Best Friend
Chapter 22- Happy Together
Chapter 23- The Truth About Hayden
Chapter 24- Without A Girlfriend
Chapter 25- Anyone
Chapter 26- The Good Boy
Chapter 27- Mekhi's Anxiety
Chapter 29- Users and Abusers
Chapter 30- One-sided
Chapter 31- Bad Person
Chapter 32- What Is Love
Chapter 33- In The Act pt1
Chapter 34- In The Act pt2
Chapter 35- The Crimes of Another
Chapter 36- The Body Within I Dwell
please read
Chapter 37- Deal or No Deal
New Book: The kind I want to write
Chapter 38- A Loving Embrace
Chapter 39- Broken Machine
Chapter 40- Better Mekhi
Chapter 41- Goodbye Selfish Harley
Chapter 42- Sox
Chapter 43- Some Time Alone
Chapter 44- Stranger
Chapter 45- Alone
Chapter 46- The True Soulmate
Chapter 47- Shocker
Chapter 48- Love
Chapter 49- Accidents Happen
The Last Author Message

Chapter 28- Now You Know

2.7K 168 14
By CUniQue_Love

Flynn P.O.V:

    I sat in my writing intensive class beside Riley trying not to smile. My face kept gaving away how I felt. I smirked and furrowed my brows feeling Riley's stare. It made me uncomfortable but for some reason I didn't want her to look away.

    I never really knew how it felt to have someone love you that you didn't feel that way about. Now I knew how Harley felt when I stared at the back of her head in class.

  I turned to Riley and smiled. "Hi."

She gave me an awkward smile Then she turned away.

I snickered then I looked at the professor.

*  *  *

After class, Riley and I started making our way to the cafeteria.

We walked in silence until she touched my shoulder.

"I can't do this," she shook her head.

I furrowed my brows at her. "Do what?"

She shut her eyes and took a deep breath. "I know you may not want me... But I really...really like you. And I'm going to tell Oliver, whether it breaks up my friendship with him or not."

I shook my head and sighed. "Riley, I understand. But is it really worth it-"

"Yes," she blurted out, opening her eyes. "You're worth it," she smiled.

I looked down.

"You may not see it...You may not see the way people see you...but I can tell you. You're sweet and kind...and you're not afraid to feel. You put yourself before others. And you barely care what people think. You just care about how things may affect them. You're not perfect. But you're the kind of person I want in my life."


"Was kind, sweet...but he's changed. He's not the same. And even if he was...he's doesn't fit the type of person I want as much as you do."

She didn't fit the type of person I wanted either. She had some qualities I found attractive but she wasn't the person I wanted to be with...the kind of person. But the longer I stared at her the more I realised that life and love were about taking chances. Life isn't meant to stay in one place. We're meant to move along a path.

"Okay," I gulped.

"Okay what?" Her eyes grew.

"We can tell Oliver. But I'll do the talking."

She smiled. "Even better."

*  *  *

Oliver sat at a table with Sylvia. They were both talking and eating.

Riley squeezed my wrist. "I'm nervous."

"Yeah," I nodded.

We walked into the cafeteria and made our way over to the table.

"Hey," Oliver said with a burger filled mouth.

Sylvia crinkled her nose. "Swallow before you speak, or don't speak at all."

I nervously chuckled as I sat down.

Riley sat down beside me.

"Where have you guys been?" Oliver sucked the ketchup off of his thumb, something he would freak out about months ago.

"We were talking," I gulped then I took a deep breath. "Oliver, how did you get over Riley?"

Everyone froze.

Riley shot a wide-eyed look at me.

Oliver chuckled. "Uhm...Put me on the spot here. I guess I realized that me and Riley had nothing in common."

Riley looked down.

"We just thought we were meant to be because we both thought we were in love. But it wasn't really love."

Riley nodded staring at me. "Yeah."

"How did you know?" I shrugged.

"Because he annoyed me," Riley giggled. "We shared interests but...he wanted different things to me."

Oliver agreed. "I wanted to move to the city-"

"And I wanted to stay here. I wanted kids."

"And I'm still thinking about it."

I squinted at him. "So...those were the little things that broke you both up?"

"There was obviously much much more." He chuckled. "Like you, for instance."

"Me?" I put my hand on my chest.

"Well, Riley started talking about you more and more. It was like she was in love with you or something."

Riley looked at him.

"I realized that you wanted what she we broke up. We weren't really meant to be," he looked at her. "From what I've learned from my mother and father, there are many people in the world that you are compatible with but there are more that you aren't. And you shouldn't waste your time on a person because they seem like they're good for you. Be with someone who makes you a better person." He looked at me. "Harley made you unhappy...Find someone who makes you the opposite."

I looked at my hands and gulped. "I'll try to." I could feel the hope drain from Riley.

She suddenly stood. "I have to use the bathroom."


She walked away.

I sighed. "She wants me to date her. I can't."

"I don't mind," Oliver shrugged. "I mean...I was in love with her and it feels a little awkward-but you two make more sense to me-"

"No. I knew you wouldn't mind. But I can't date her because I don't want to be in a relationship right now. I want to be alone. I don't want someone to depend on me for anything. I spent years in love with Harley trying to be what I thought she might want and what I thought my dad might want. I don't really know who I am yet." I furrowed my brows.

"Then tell her that."

I furrowed my brows then I sighed.

"What is it?" Sylvia leaned over with concern.

"Now I know how Harley felt. This is why we didn't work out. She doesn't know who she is and I've been in her way...Maybe relationships aren't cut out for the immature."

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