Fem Creepypasta X Male reader

By MegaDerp123

806K 9.5K 7.6K

Its my first time making a creepypasta story so go easy on me. Im gona put this out there now I dont really h... More

You and your rough past
The Intruder
Meeting the pasta family Pt 1
Meeting the pasta family pt 2
Meeting the pasta family pt 3
Meeting the pasta family pt 4
What a crazy day
Punching bag
4 strangers
Its your call
Behind the mask
Dont tell me...
The rematch
update - chapter delay
The Anniversary
It's Just a scratch
Its just a scratch pt 2
Its just a scratch Pt3
Quick question for you guys
Shocking experience
Shocking experience pt 2 (50K WOOO)
Apologies and surprises
Situation update
Disappearances Part 2 (100k WOOOOOO)
Spin the bottle! (>FILLER<)
Angels respect
Happy New Year!!!!!!
--Not A chapter!--
Diary (and discord announcement)
Chp 35
An idea
Chp 37

A secret test

14.1K 201 99
By MegaDerp123

It's finally here! BUT I am really on the fence about the chapter to be honest. I've written about 4 or 5 routes this chapter could have taken (the word doc is like 8k words) but this is the one I went with so thoughts on it are appreciated. Hopefully 2 months away from this didnt leave me too rusty :/ but I'll let you guys be the judge of that.

Thankfully Clockwork was lying in her bed with her arm covering her eyes so it seemed safe to enter. Her room was dark, the curtains were closed and the lights were off but seeing as the sun was still up there was still some light piercing through the curtains. As I went in I left the door partially open so the others could get in faster but as I was about to step away from the door Clockwork spoke. "Can you close the door?" she asked with a hint of annoyance in her tone. Not wanting to aggravate her I did as she asked and closed it putting me a little more on edge. "So Clockwork uh....how are you doing?" I asked unsure of how to start. "I'm Fine." She plainly responded. "You seem a Honestly I'm fine Y/n." she insisted. "Then look me in the eye and tell me that". Clockwork stayed silent as though she was ignoring me but that told me more than enough. "That's what I thought." I said as I walked over and sat next to her. "Can you just go? I don't feel like talking anymore." She said as she turned her back to me. "Nope. You can either turn around and talk to me or I'm going to keep bugging you." I said but she stayed silent again. I sighed as I got off her bed and walked to window to open her curtains. I was slightly blinded by the sudden rush of light entering the room but quickly adjusted to it. I turned around to speak to Clockwork again but she wasn't on her bed anymore. Before I could react I felt a pair of arms grab me around my stomach from behind.

Clockwork had snuck behind me when my back was turned and grabbed me from behind pulling me close as she rested her head against my back. Admittedly my heart was going crazy as I wasn't sure if she was having a tick or not but seeing as she wasn't twitching or anything I assumed I safe for now. "Finally feel like talking?" I asked trying not to sound nervous. "What do you think of us?" Clockwork suddenly asked leaving me confused. "You mean you and the other girls?" I asked to clarify to which she nodded. "Hmm..." I paused as I thought about what to say then continued. "I think you all are amazing to be honest. Sure you all have your quirks and....Psychotic tendencies but I think I'm a lucky guy to have been able to meet you all. And it might not have been on the best of terms but everything worked out. To be honest I was surprised when I first came here, every girl in this house was sexy hell to put it bluntly. But to top it off you weren't all these mindless blood crazed freaks, you actually care and look out for each other like a big family. And like any family you have your fights but ultimately stick together and even allowed someone like me to become part of it. I owe you girls a lot which is why I want to help you right now." I turned to Clockwork and grabbed her by the shoulders and was about to continue but I noticed her twitch slightly making me stop in my tracks. "C-clockwork?" I said hoping I was mistaken and she was still ok but she never answered. As I carefully went to back away she suddenly spoke. "You really do know how to flatter a girl don't you?" she said before grabbing me by the shirt and pulling me close. "I really love that about you~" she whispered then pushed me away making me stumble back and fall onto the bed. I looked to Clockwork in surprise, her demeanour was completely different from before and I could already tell this wasn't like her other ticks, her personality had definitely changed but it seemed like she was still in control somehow.

She walked towards me with a sway in her hips and gently pushed me back on the bed as she laid on top of me. "What's the matter little mouse you look confused~?" she asked in a sultry tone as she ran her hand across my chest. She was by no means wrong, I couldn't make sense of the situation. She was definitely mid-tick but she wasn't trying to straight-up rape or kill me so I couldn't tell if I was in danger or not. "Clockwork you-" I started but clockwork placed her finger over my mouth to stop me "You want to know what's going on don't you? The answer is simple really, I've learnt to somewhat control my ticks now." She said. "Wha- How?" I said in surprise. "Don't worry about the details but I learnt to supress the tick enough that I stay sane however my personality still changes as I'm sure you can tell~" she explained. "Oh and the girls knew about me trying to learn how to control my ticks, they set up this little scenario to test if I really could control myself." She added. "Wait so I was just a guinea pig? Better yet, why did you need to lie to me about this?" "Well it wasn't quite a lie, we just kept certain details a secret is all." She said. "You girls better get your asses in here!" I yelled as I wanted to give them all a piece of my mind but they never came. "I wouldn't count on them showing up anytime soon." Clockwork said bringing my attention back to her. "They likely heard everything you said to set me off and are too embarrassed to come in." She added. It took me a moment to realise what she was talking about and I immediately went red. "I need to stop getting carried away when I talk..." I mumbled. "Aw I think that's one of your best traits though~" she said as she used her index finger to raise my head and look at her. Her face was so close to mine I couldn't help but break into a bit of a nervous sweat. "Hehe I can see why some of the other girls enjoy teasing you so much, your reactions are adorable~."

The current clockwork reminded me a lot of Angel and the way she liked to mess with me. "Don't tempt me Y/n, its hard enough to resist as it is~" she said almost in a moan. I need to put some space between us before she loses control or better yet before I do. I tried to back away but she pulled herself closer every time. "Why do you keep trying to get away from me Y/n? I'm not going to hurt you~" she cooed. "I'm more worried about you losing control, I'd be screwed if were this close. Probably in more ways the one..." Clockworks look suddenly changed when I said that, she became a little more serious and she got off of me. I sat up and looked at her wondering if I insulted her but that didn't seem like the case. "You think that the tick is making me do this don't you?" she said but before I could say anything she continued. "It's not. These are my own feelings, the tick just gave me the confidence to express them." She said leaving me speechless. The look in her eye spoke volumes, there was no doubt that this was Clockwork talking and not the tick. "So... do me a favour and close your eyes." She said almost sounding like an order. I did as she asked but I couldn't help but tense up a little as I didn't know what to expect from this new Clockwork. "Like this?" I asked. "Relax. I don't plan on hurting you." She reassured me. I took a deep breath and exhaled making my previously tensed muscles relax. I could feel Clockwork move around on the bed and get closer to me. I had to fight the urge to peak to see what she was up to but my questions were answered as I felt something warm and soft press against my lips. I could tell straight away what it was and I had no intention to fight against her. Clockwork leant deeper into the kiss before breaking away. "Wow..." was all I could say making her giggle a little. "See now that wasn't so bad... was... it...?" she trailed off as she suddenly collapsed on the bed. "Clockwork!?" I quickly grabbed her and pulled her close to see if she was ok but thankfully she was just sleeping. I sighed in relief before picking her up and placing her in bed. Controlling her tick must have really worn her out so I decided to leave her be for now and let her rest. As I reached the door I looked back to Clockwork peacefully sleeping in her bed with a small smile on her face bringing a smile to my own.

I left the room, quietly closing the door behind me and thought about what to do next. I wanted to get back at Jane and the others for not telling me to be honest but I wasn't sure if it's worth the risk of it backfiring. That's when an idea popped into my head and I made my way to set it in motion.

--10 minutes later—

3rd person pov

After hearing Y/ns conversation with Clockwork Jane, Jill, Jackie and Jess all became overwhelmingly embarrassed and couldn't handle anymore. They all quickly left after forgetting their reason for being there in the first place. Now they are sat in the living room trying to calm down.

Jane pov

I never knew Y/n thought so highly of us so hearing all that so suddenly really threw me off, even Jess and Jill were embarrassed. "What's with that asshole saying all that all of a sudden? He can be such a kiss ass sometimes..." Jess said fighting hard to hide her blush. "Aww Jess is all embarrassed isn't that cute." Jill teased. "Try saying that when your cheeks aren't as red as a baboons ass." Jess swiftly retorted making Jill go even redder. Even when they're embarrassed they don't fail to argue with each other, its honestly amazing. "Hey Jane?" Jackie called catching my attention. "Uh yea what's wrong Jackie?" I responded. "What do you think of Y/n? As a guy I mean..." she asked which quickly stopped Jess and Jills bickering as they were clearly interested as well. All eyes on me and I could feel my cheeks flare up. Why did Jackie have to ask me such a weird question so suddenly?! It was a genuine question but I couldn't find the words to answer her. "What's wrong with me?! It's just a simple question!" I mentally screamed. I calmed myself and was about to speak when the tv suddenly switched on startling everyone as Benny appeared. "You guys need to come to my room asap!" she yelled clearly panicked. "What's wrong Benny?" Jackie asked. "It's Y/n, Clockwork got him and he's hurt really bad." She explained. We all looked at each other realising the mistake we made and not wasting another second we all rushed upstairs to Benny's room. I all but kicked the door down to find Y/n lying on the ground covered in blood. "Where were you guys?" Y/n asked weakly. Benny rushed to his side and held up his head as he spoke "Why didn't you come in when she snapped? I-*coughs* I thought that was the plan?". I couldn't muster any words, none of us could we were too overcome with guilt. "Hold still." Benny ordered as she began to tend to his wounds. "Gahhh" Y/n cried out in pain making me flinch. "Y/n I-" I started when Jackie suddenly grabbed my shoulder stopping me. She sniffed the air which made me wonder what she was doing but she continued as she got closer to Y/n. Jackie crouched down next Y/n and dragged her finger through some of Y/ns blood before putting it in her mouth to taste it. "What the hell?" Jess yelled in confusion. "Jackie what are you doing!?" I shouted. She suddenly whipped out her scalpel and went to stab Y/n in the groin. We were about to try stopping her when Y/n suddenly kicked himself from beneath Jackie and smacked into the wall behind him.

Y/n pov                    

"AHHHHH OK OK OK! I'M FINE IT WAS JUST A PRANK!" I yelled in a panic. "I thought I could smell something, that blood of his was ketchup." She said turning back to the others. Their looks turned from a mix of shock and confusing to pure anger as they all slowly approached me without a word. "B-Benny! A little help!?" I shouted as I looked over to where she was but my partner in crime had already bailed leaving me to deal with 4 very unhappy killers. "Son of a bitch... Hey uh so that was a fun little prank huh? No hard feelings right?......right?" I said hoping to defuse the situation but by this point they were all practically on top of me. "Hehe Mercy?" was the last thing I said as the 4 of them proceeded to give me the beating of a life time. "Note to self: Don't try pranking anyone ever again....".

So there it is! I'm hoping you guys enjoyed the chapter but if you didnt then feel free to tear into me in the comments. I did try to touch on the romance side of things a bit more in this chapter but I'm not going balls deep with it just yet. I cant exactly have them all suddenly throwing themselves at you all of a sudden now can I? Although I'm sure some of you would be more than happy with that... ANYWAY I hope you enjoyed this chapter regardless and I will see you all in the next one (hopefully not in 2 months this time XD).

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