By heisamuyi

502 72 0

Living a life of progress, Sophia was good at her job, one of the best in her firm. But as recent activities... More

Chapter 1 (Fetish)
Chapter 2 (Back Again)
Chapter 3 (The Truth)
Chapter 4 (The Truth 2)
Chapter Five (Fake Life)
Chapter 6 (The Book Revealed)
Chapter 7 (Abilities)
Chapter 8 (The Book 2)
Chapter 9 (Stranger Things)
Chapter 10 (Suspicions)
CHAPTER 11 (The Story)
CHAPTER 12 (Bold and Beautiful)
Chapter 13 (LIMBO)
Chapter 14 (GoodBye)
Chapter 15 (Gone)
Chapter 16 (Rescuing Dwayne)
Chapter 17 (Abdul)
Chapter 18 (The End)
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Twelve Year Later

16 1 0
By heisamuyi

The story continues...

Shin's POV

I had been working a lot these past few weeks, and I had not been home early enough, only until after dinner. Even though Ji Woo can stay alone at home, I know he still misses having me around. That's why, I am not going to be late for his birthday today.

I stopped by a cake store on my way back on an early leave from work. It had been long since I did something nice for him, and I want to make it special. Ever since Mom and Dad died in that crash, I'm all his got.

We take care of each other, I with the finances, which is why I work a lot, and he with cleaning up the house and preparing the meals. I thank God everyday, that he was more interested in learning cooking from my mom than I was, and I get to go home everyday knowing something delicious is awaiting to fill my empty stomach.

Taking the train is the fastest way from Pusan to Kwangju. So I had prepared myself, cake in one hand, myself by the train station waiting for the train to arrive and Ji Woo's number dialing on my phone in the other hand. It was his idea of me to get him a phone, so he could reach me incase of an emergency which never really happens.


"Ji Woo..."


*sigh* "You never seem to sound lively anytime I call"


I smile. Even though he acts all tough I know he is glad to hear my voice.

"Do you know what day today is?" I asked him.

"Why would you care." Then the line went dead. It seems my reason for having to call him wasn't said, so it ended badly.

I dropped my phone from my ear and just waited.

The recent disasters occurring in major cities as in fact skyrocketed in the past twelve years, and many of the citizens are fleeing these cities by the hundred. For those families who lost siblings or loved ones, we all share our deep condolences. But those families who are still in these chaos, living the city is the best advice. If you can find a slight opportunity, it's best to take it and leave. I am Eun-Sung, live from Taejon we have lots of stories to share...

I turned away from the woman dressed in blue on TV.  It had been twelve years since that weird wave hit Korea and since then weird things had been happening, especially in Taejon, which is why getting back now made all the more sense. The whole world has gone to shit and Taejon is the worst of it, who knows how it would spread considering it is very close to Kwangju.

A lot of people had gathered now, waiting for the train to come back. Suddenly a man shows up, blood all over his shirt and one of his hands covering what I supposed was the cause of his blood and the other trying to keep himself steady as a walked quickly away from a hooded man.

Everyone became frightened and started running but I just stood there frozen in my spot, listening to the helpless man cry for help. Until I couldn't take it any longer.

I rushed over to where he had falling and tried to lift him up. Because of his injury, he couldn't walk very well, which made his body heavy on mine and therefore slowed our walking, the hooded man caught up to us.

He raised his kodachi high and then brought it back down on us. I did the very first thing that came into my mind, defend, but since there wasn't anything to defend myself with, I used my hands. The blade cut throw my hand, and the color red was everywhere on the sleeves of my ash cotton jacket.

I found myself screaming on the floor, my brothers packaged cake was on the floor and the bleeding man was by the opposite wall from mine, in a pool of his own blood. I held my hand that had been struck and looked up to find the hooded man hovering me. Before I realized what was going on, he had stabbed me twice in the heart. Darkness covered my eyes slide down the wall, my last view from the world was the hooded man kicking away the cake I bought for my brother.

I could not stop him, I couldn't even feel myself anymore. All I could do was stare at his picture on my phone background and the spilled vanilla cake that was supposed to bring us closer together. I didn't want to die, I didn't want to leave Ji Woo alone, I wanted to be there for him. But as my eyes embraced the darkness, I knew that was only hope.

I wanted to post another book of this but I just decided to post it here instead.

The continuation of the story was inspired by a Japanese anime...and I hope it does flow well with everyone else.

Anyways what do you think of the come back...

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