Taking Chances

By crimson14

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Two girls living ordinary lives, became friends and started falling for each other. But with challenges comin... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
The Red String Of Fate (mini sequel)

Chapter Twenty-Six

20.1K 538 36
By crimson14

Chapter Twenty-Six

Charlie’s POV

Days went fast and before I knew it, only a month to go before graduation and 2 weeks to go before final exams which means, no more new lessons so the only thing were doing in class are review lessons, recorded review quizzes and recitation and it's seriously stressing me out, add to that, the idea of my girlfriend pregnant, although exciting but also nerve-wracking

“I should get a job” I said as I took a sip my soda

Spencer turned to me with a what-the-hell-are-you-talking-about face, “What the hell are you talking about?” Which she eventually said out loud

“I was thinking, since summer vacation is near anyway, I should start working now so I could earn more, I’m just waiting for the acceptance letter from St. Xavier, I’ve also applied for a soccer scholarship and an honor scholarship, just in case the other scholarship backfires”

“O-kay? If you’re a scholar then what would you do with the money IF you happen to get a job?”

“It’s for the baby” I said simply, “He/she will need stuff you know”

“Yeah but wouldn’t Elise and her mom be all over that?”

“Well, yeah, but Aunt Cath is busy with work and Elise will continue her studies and she doesn’t have a scholarship so Aunt Cath is paying for her college an-”

“So you’re going to provide for Elise’s baby?” Spencer interjected

“”Our” baby and yes, I will help them provide for the baby”

“And we’re talking about a summer job right? Only a summer job”

“No, I was actually thinking of working continuously while I attend college, I know it’ll be a bit difficult but I can do it. I’m good at time management and I’m a multi-tasker”

“You’re crazy and I think you’re going overboard with this baby thing”

“No I’m not, I have everything planned it my head and it’s going to go smoothly”

“And what kind of job would you be getting? You’re only 16 yrs old Charlie, my family owns hotels and restaurants and they won’t even let me be a dishwasher! And I’m 17!”

“I could work at one of the convenient stores here, or computer shops, I saw one hiring when I was on my to school, I could ask for an afternoon shift so I could work after school”

“I still think this is crazy and your mom will not be happy about this”

“Who says she has to know?” I looked at Spencer with a smile

“Oh no, you are not dragging me into this!”

“Please Spencer, all you gotta do is keep this a secret and cover for me if I was out too late. Please?” I spoke “Please? I’ll kneel and beg you if I have to”

Spencer sighed heavily, “Fine, but once this got out of control, I’m telling your mom”

I quickly embraced Spencer, “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” I kissed her cheek, “I owe you big time!”

Spencer jokingly wiped her cheek, “yeah, yeah, finish your burger so we can go home”

I smirked and started eating my cheeseburger


Elise’s POV

“Will it be okay if I get a job?” Charlie asked as she layed on my bed while playing with her iPad

“You’re kidding right? Please tell me you’re kidding” I replied as I turned away from my laptop

Charlie looked at me with a serious expression

“Oh God you’re not kidding!”

“Oh c’mon! Is it really a big deal if I get a job?” Charlie reacted as she put down the iPad

“If you’re doing it for the baby, yes!” I said and sighed heavily “I knew this would happen”

“What will?” Charlie then sat up, “look, when I ask to be your baby’s other mommy, I meant it in all aspects and that includes providing for the baby”

“I don’t want you to get too wrapped up around the baby” I said frankly then sat next to Charlie, “I know you meant what you said, but you’re on your way to college and you’re still figuring out what to do with your life, I don’t want the baby to add more pressure to what you’re already dealing with”

“But I already have everything figured out, I know what course I’m getting and how I’m gonna enter St. Xavier, the only thing I need to do is pass my exams and get my diploma and I’m home free!”

“Not everything you plan in advance follows suit, you need to have a back-up plan, and that’s what I want you to do, instead of getting a job” I said “College is difficult Charlie, whatever you do there will shape your future career”

“So, just to make things clear, you are against the idea of me providing for our baby?” Charlie asked, her tone mixed with a bit of sarcasm

“No, I’m against you getting a job instead of focusing on your studies” I replied straightforwardly “Providing doesn’t necessarily mean money, you can provide for our baby by being there for us when we need you”

Charlie sighed in defeat then moved closer and embraced me from behind, but I pulled away and looked at her, “I’m very serious about this Charlie” I said sternly “Promise me you won’t get a job and you’ll focus on school“

“Okay I promise, I’ll study hard and maybe do the back-up thing”

I smiled, “good girl” then I kissed Charlie’s lips


Charlie’s POV

The next day after soccer practice, I quickly went to the various places I know that are hiring. I know i promised Elise that i wouldn't get a job, but I strongly feel that i need to do and what she doesn't know won't hurt her right?

I first went to the local computer shop, hoping that they need another person to handle the various computer parts which, luckily, I’m very familiar with. I entered and quickly asked about the job hiring but they told me that they already hired someone

one down, next stop, the mini grocery store by the corner, and there, they told me, “I’m sorry but you’re underage for the job”

So I left, feeling a bit disappointed

There’s only one place left, “The Little Tea Pot”, owned by the old but friendly Mrs. Rogers

I entered and went straight to the counter

“Hello! What would you be ordering today?” the girl at the counter greeted

“Hello! Um, actually, I’m here for the waitressing job” I replied

“Okay, please come this way then”

The girl then guided me to a small table near a window and asked me to wait for a bit and offered me green tea. A few minutes later, I saw Mrs. Rogers walking towards me, I quickly stood and greeted her

“My, my, you’re quite a young girl, and still in her school uniform! You’re by far the youngest to apply” She smiled and slowly sat down

I remained quiet as Mrs. Rogers looked at me, “Don’t get this the wrong way my dear but your uniform is from a known private school, the kind were only children from well-off families can afford”

“I wouldn’t say my family is “well-off”, more of an average type family ma’am”

She smiled “well then that certainly makes me even more curious to know your intentions for applying for the job”

“Um, sorry for asking this ma'am, but shouldn’t you be asking me about my skills?”

“Such an observant girl, a very likeable trait” she spoke “I suppose your skills would be the appropriate thing to ask you, but I want to know your intentions first”

I planned on lying about my reason, I would say that I need the money for college because my parents cut me off, or I don’t want to be a burden to my mom but seeing Mrs. Rogers's kind smile made me re-think and eventually led to…

“Mrs. Rogers, I want the job because, I need the money to, um, help a very special friend. She’s in a bit of trouble and I really want to help her” I said “but I don’t want to burden my mother by asking her for money...”

Mrs. Rogers nodded slightly, “So, you are applying to be a waitress to help a friend?”

“Yes ma’am” I replied respectfully, “and honestly I would take any job right now, I would even mop floors if I have to”

Mrs. Rogers let out a small giggle, “A girl like you mopping floors, that would be a unique sight for this worn-out eyes of mine” she then slowly stood, and my hope of getting the job was slowly disappearing

“Well then, come by tomorrow after school so you can start” she spoke

My eyes widened as I look up at the elderly woman, “does this mean I got the job?”

“You most certainly do” she smiled warmly

I quickly stood and gently but excitedly shook Mrs. Rogers’s hand, ”Thank you very much, you won’t regret hiring me, I promise”

Mrs. Rogers gave me a soft laugh. I then left the tea house happily

When I got home, I quickly went to my room and wrote a schedule so I could keep track of things


The next day, just as Mrs. Rogers instructed, I went to the tea house straight after doing a quick soccer practice. When I got in, I was met by the girl at the counter

“Hey!” she greeted and reached out her hand “I’m Melissa, I’m the assistant manager and head of the crew here”

Melissa looked like the pretty yet responsible girl next door, no wonder she’s the head here. I bet if she and Elise talked, they would easily get along, I think they’re the same age or maybe Melissa is older

I took her hand and shook it, “nice to meet you, I’m Charlie”

“Okay Charlie, let’s go to the back and I’ll tell you everything you need to know about the place”

I nodded and followed her to the staff room. There, she showed me my locker and gave me my uniform, which is a light green polo shirt and black pants. She told me that I don’t need to buy new shoes as my black school shoes would do nicely.

Melissa then explained my schedule, my shift starts at 4 pm and ends at 9 pm. the tea house runs 24 hours so I could extend my time if I wanted to. She told me that I have to move swiftly at the same time be very nice and courteous as the place is known to have a friendly, relaxing vibe. It also never run out of customers and can be jam packed during the afternoon. My main job is to get and placed the orders as soon as possible so the customers don’t have to wait long. Quick but proper placement of orders, another thing the tea house is known for

After the brief instructions, I was introduced to all the staff, including the other waiters, the pastry chef and the people behind the kitchen and they welcomed me kindly

“Okay, that’s all you need to know” Melissa said “Oh and here, you need this before you start”

Melissa then took out my name tag from her pocket and pinned it on my shirt, “There you go, now you can start”

“Thank you” I smiled

“No problem, let me know if things are getting too overwhelming for you”

I nodded and went to serve my very first customer

Everything is going according to plan, all I have to do know is kept everything going smoothly and not let my mom and Elise know that I’m working. And that’s not hard to do. Mom doesn’t like tea so I definitely won’t see her come in and Elise isn’t familiar with the street here so I’m good. Okay, good luck to me!

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