1D age play

By starwarsfan20

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My 1st ever age play as I been reeding other wattpad aorthers 1D age plays books More

Stress out Baby Liam
Potty training toddler Harry perants lilo
Baby Niall petants Lirry
One direcshon daddy's and baby y/n
Sick baby Louis daddy Harry
Day out and nap time in the car on the way home toddler Zayn perants niam
Kid Louis happy Christmas and happy birthday daddy's 1D boys
Todler y/n perants lilo uncles the three orther boys
Baby harry and baby y/n perants 1D boys
Happy birthday baby zayn
Baby y/n and todler liam perants the 1D boys
Happy birthday baby harry daddy louis
Kid Liam newborn baby y/n parents narry
Baby Niall baby y/n perants larry and Ziam
An update
Baby y/n perants lilo
Upset zayn he goes into headspace and y/n is in headspace perants 1D boys
Easter egg hunt with all the one direction boys mummy y/n
Baby Louis and baby y/n perants larry
An update
Omg what the heck
A personal Sunny day at the beach toddler Natalie parents larry uncles niam
Personal one for young child Natalie daddy's 1D boys
A/n what the heck
What the hell
Happy birthday niall
What the hell happend to my 1D ageplay
Larry happy birthday to you my little baby harry
What the hell
What the hell
Omg what the hell
Omg what the hell happend
Holliday young natalie big brother liam whit perants
Personal one shot age play for natalie
What the hell happend
Hell hell hell omg omg omg what hapeend
Omg what the hell
What the hell 15k reads
What the hell happend
Todller natalie kid loius perents larry
Hell my book 18k
Hell 20k reads
21k reads

Baby y/n perants ziam

874 5 0
By starwarsfan20

Y/n 24 age play of a new born baby
Daddy Liam
Dada zayn
It was a normal day in the PayneMalik household and y/n was go off to college but little did the PayneMalik family know is that when they get a phone call from
y/n's college to ask them if they can come to get her as she had a accident in her trousers.
Liam pov:
Today I had to wake y/n up so she could go to college I got her up and ready for college.
Y/n pov:

When my daddy Liam came and he said hi Sweetie time to get up Because you got college today okay daddy I said still feeling sleepy when I got up I went to the bathroom the toilet then wash my hands
Then my daddy help me get ready for the day because sometimes I needed a bit of help.
Zayn pov:

When Y/N Came down she kissed me and her daddy and she says bye daddy bye dada I'm going now we saying unison bye love have a good day at college.
Y/n's pov

When I got to college I went into lesson doing lesson I needed the toilet so I asked my teacher if I could go to the toilet she said yes I could so I quickly went to the toilet but I had felt my trousers as I pull them down I knew I had wet myself and I started to cry one my friends Hurd me my friend calls through the door if I was okay she then go to get my teacher my teacher then called me to ask me if I could unlock the toilet door and then when I did she know at I had wetted myself so she then said oh darling I get my phone and then call your daddy's to come and get you and then thay will take you home ok, ok miss I say.
Y/n's teacher chatting to Liam in normal
Liam words are in bold

Y/n's teacher Hello is this PayneMalik household.

Liam yes this is who Is calling.

Y/n's teacher oh hello Mr Payne it y/n's teacher here from the college y/n had a little bit of an accident in her pants so I was wondering if you could come and get her and take her home I've cleaned up a little but she might need some spare knickers and trousers brort to her.

Liam yeah sure I'll be on my way and I'll probably bring her dada along to say he can come and pick her up as well.
Y/n's teacher okay thanks see you soon.
Liam okay can I talk to y/n please, hay love I Hurd at you have had a accident in your trousers humm humm ok lovely me and dada are coming to get you and we bring you home ok love humm humm ok bye.
Y/n's teacher thanks PayneMalik we see you soon.
Zayn pov

Liam had come in to tell me that we had to go to college to pick up Y/n as she had an accident in her trousers so we headed to y/n's college to get her we must know that she had accidentally slipped into her headspace and she must slipped into new born baby age as y/n love be are baby as she was Liam little sister as her and his mum passed away last year to a illness as she passed away 3rd feb in 2016 thay were both 22 year old as the both of them were born in August 1993 and his and her dad passed away to an illness throat cancer she was only 16 years old and he was 17 years old and her sisters were busy with work and there boyfriends when we got there Liam went to get her and I had seated the boot up so she could have a nappy on her when he bought her back to the car I say hi baby girl it ok now we hear love let get you change and then take you to macdonald's
Humm how does that sound.
Liam pov
We Get to McDonald's and I ordered what we would like for lunch when we paid and had it given to us we pulled up so we could eat it in the car we sat in the back when we pulled up with Y/n then we ate after we ate Y/n let out a small yawn but she didn't want me to leave her so zayn said at he would drive home I had thank my husband for doing it and I had sat with Y/n we both fell asleep and Zayn looked back and smiling at me and Y/n.
Zayn pov

When we got home I smiled at my family and I took a quick pic of my family then I quietly woke my husband up and said that we were home and he quietly pick up a still sleeping y/n and he put it her in her playpen in the sitting room to let her finish off having her nap later on she woke up and she played with her toys and I was going to go and get dinner ready but my husband had say no love you play with y/n I do the dinner as a thank you for driving me and are baby girl home ok love.
Liam pov:
I had finished dish up the tea and then I called my husband to come and have it and to bring him are little baby girl too to have her dinner.
Zayn pov

Arthur we had finished dinner I took y/n up to have her bath when she had finished her bath I gotten her out and then I got her dressed ready for bedtime and I took her down stairs to her daddy and I had got to wash up then I did her a bottle of milk so she can go to sleep so when it was finished I then went to go to get her as it was my turn to put her to bed when we got upstairs and into her bedroom I got her a book to read whist she was drinking her bottle of milk.
Liam pov:
I was wondering why my husband had not come down stairs and sit with me so I got up and then went upstairs to get him I found him and he was asleep in the rocking chair with are little baby girl I took a quick picture of them sleeping and then I got y/n and then put her in her cot I then put the baby monitor on and I putted her mobile whit little Star Wars lights on and I then put off her lights and I then pick up my husband and I carry him to my and his bedroom and I putted him in bed I then placed a kiss on him and whispered night my husband I love you and I soon fell asleep too.
A/n hay so it me so I have not putted zayn in one of these age plays as a daddy so I did this one whit Liam to he was daddy and zayn was dada and I did Liam mum as my real mum and dad both died and hear interesting fact I decided at y/n is little sister who is me and Liam is the old brother but me and him both sheared birthday mine is 11/08/1993 and his birthday is 29/08/1993 but I thought he would be my big brother and I would been his little sister and the reason why y/n had wetted herself was inspired by me I was at school one day when I was probably about 17 and 18 I was having lunch when I giggled and I had accidentally wetted myself and I had an embarrassing moment and speaking of moments I went on a couch to covendail hall and I need to go to the toilet so I went in the couch and then I got stuck in there I kept my calm and I knocked on the couch toilet door and I called out can everyone let me out I got stuck in so whit the staff and my help I got out and I the vowed that I would never use the couch loos again if I did I would never look it but it was the most embarrassing moment when you got friends with you on the couch and I went by Wolverhampton where Liam Payne's lives so more up date on here and remember like comment on box or inbox me on Wattpad
Word count 1491 words

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