The Lavery Twins

By Drummstixx

2.1M 43.8K 11.1K

Growing up with Shane and Matt - the Lavery twins next door, Holly can't seem to get rid of them. With her d... More

The Lavery Twins
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 1
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 2
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 3
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 4
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 5
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 6
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 7
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 8
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 9
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 10
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 11
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 12
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 13
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 14
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 15
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 16
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 17
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 18
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 20
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 21
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 22
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 23
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 24
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 25
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 26
The Lavery Twins - Epilogue

The Lavery Twins - Chapter 19

49K 1K 160
By Drummstixx

Hey guys, sorry for le wait. My laptop broke, because it's a douchebag. BUT i fixed it, because I'm just so frickin intelligent like that ...

exams are next week, and i havent been studying...AT ALL. LOOOL. yeah, it's so funny until i fail everything :p buuuut, it's fine. as long as i upload on wattpad, right? *widens eyes*

SOO. here's the deal. I completely forgot what the date is supposed to be in the story, I know it's summer vacation, but I can't remember the exact day....and I'm too lazy to go back and see, so I'm just comig up with whatever. If I'm wrong...*shrugs*, sue me I guess...

LALALALA. GOD, okay school is so stressful. It's exams and CA's and all that shizz. SUMMER NEEDS TO COME NOW. LIKE NOWWWW.

Anyways, here ya go!

vote/comment/like/fan <3



Chapter 19.


Jack came to check up on us that evening. He was just casually stopping by, just to chat and whatnot. It's not like we were hiding anything from him, since everything crazy we did was outside the cabin. Morgan and Jordan had their rooms locked, so that's crossed off the list of 'Things Jack Does NOT Need to See'. The guys hid all their porn under the beds. Yeah, they watch porn. Amber and I caught them one night when we were getting something to drink. Were they embarrassed? No. They wanted us to join them.

So anyways, Jack came and brough pizza from the town, which honestly was really good. Small town pizza is probably the best pizza I have ever tasted, which is why I stole Matt's piece. Of course he threw in something about how my mouth just can't get enough.

I lost track of the days. I would have completely forgotten what dimension I was in if I haven't turned my phone on for the first time on this entire trip. It was the 27th of June, and it was almost time to leave. My dad wanted us back before Canada Day (Yes, we're Canadian....).

Jack left at around 4:30, and Morgan and I were sprawled on the floor in our room playing cards. Go Fish, to be exact, because we're just so cool.

"I don't wanna leave," she frowned, putting a pair of cards in her pile. She sighed, "I'm gonna miss all of you."

I nodded, agreeing with her. Damian and Morgan moved a while ago, and it's not everyday we'd get to see them. Same with Jordan, and I'd even miss Brandon and Rachel.

"Well," I said, "we don't have to be back until July 1st."

"True," Morgan said, then nodded toward my cards. "Do you have a six?"

I looked at my handful, biting the insides of my cheek. "Nope. Go fish."

"Crap," she muttered, and reached into the pile. "So..."

I looked up at her, cocking an eyebrow. "So, what?" I placed my cards down neatly, and placed my hands in my lap.

Morgan grinned at me, biting her lower lip. "I think.....I think something's going on." She quickly looked over my shoulder, making sure nobody was around.

I blinked, and felt my cheeks reddening. "Um, what?" What could this girl possibly know?

"Holly," Morgan smiled, her voice getting quieter as she scooted closer towards me. "I think there's something going on with my brother."


"Uh-huh," she nodded, her smile growing wider. "I don't know, but"

"Spit it out already," I whispered, curious at what was going on through her head. Morgan giggled.

"I don't know, Holly, it seems crazy, but....I think maybe my brother....might" Morgan's eyes widened, as if she couldn't believe what she just said.

I tried to stay serious, really, I tried to. I know what I saw, and I knew I should keep it to myself. Maybe I should defend Damian and tell Morgan he's not....but....of course, me being a stupid fan girl, I had to break out in an insanely huge grin.

"Um, really? You think so?" I asked, trying not to laugh. Morgan nodded, her face getting a little more serious.

"I don't know, it's probably just me," she shrugged, waving the topic off. "I mean, how could my brother be gay? That's just crazy!"

"I know," I exclaimed, rolling my eyes as if it was obvious he wasn't gay. "This is Damian we're talking about."

"Exactly," Morgan grimaced, and pretended to shiver. "Gosh, like what's wrong with me?"

"I know, what the hell's wrong with you, you weirdo," I muttered, raising an eyebrow. Morgan laughed.

"I really miss your complete utter sarcasm, Hollywood," Morgan commented, looking up at me. "You and Ally. I mean, you two haven't changed at all. I mean, obviously you look different, like Holly you're freaking sexy know what I mean, right?"

I nodded, smirking. "I think I do. And yes, I miss you too Morgan." I honestly did. I felt myself sigh as I thought about how after we leave the cabin, we're barely going to be able to see each other again.

"We should do this every summer," I suddenly suggested. "All of us, every summer, at the cabin."

A huge grin spread across Morgan's face, and her eyes lit up. "Yes! Every Summer."

"Shake on it," I extended my arm, and Morgan gladly shook it, confirming our plans. I don't want to never see them again, even Rachel and Brandon. Once every year, during the summer, we could do this all again.

"Now, let me beat your ass at this game," Morgan said, picking her cards up. I playfully rolled my eyes as we got back to our oh-so-exciting game of Go Fish.





I felt like I was locked in some kind of mental gay closet. Or Narnia, they could be the same thing. Damian and I were sneaking around, doing...whatever, and I felt so....guilty almost. When people were around, Damian completely changed into a whole other person. He was...well...Damian, I guess. A part of me was confused. Either Damian was just a really good actor or he suddenly became posessed when there were people around. Whatever. The both of us agreed that once we leave this place, there's not much we can do about our 'relationship'. It's true, too. Everybody lives at least two hours from here, and Rachel and I are stuck in this town. I'm fine with it, though. It's not like I wanted to settle down or anything. I'm not looking for a relationship, and I'm pretty sure neither is Damian.

Other than all of that, I couldn't help but be concerned about Shane. Me and him were sitting on the couch watching random cartoons, since we don't really have many channels up here. I'm pretty sure this show was in French....I couldn't tell if it was, or if they were just speaking gibberish.

"Shane..." I muttered, looking at him. He looked really down, and he had these dark circles under his eyes. I don't think any of us have been getting much sleep, probably 'cause of the heat.

Shane blinked, and looked at me. "Yeah?"

I raised an eyebrow. "You okay, man?" For a few days, Shane's been acting all pissy. I didn't really want to intrude, just incase it was something...I shouldn't know about, but now I was kind of worried. Shane and I have became good friends, and I kind of want to know what's up with him.

Shane sighed. "Yeah," he finally said, leaning back into the recliner. "Sorry, I'm just tired."

I smirked. "Join the club. I don't even think we have air conditioning....."

"That sucks."

"Yeah...." I trailed off, knowing I should probably shut up. I know it's stereotypical, but I'm still afraid of guys with face piercings. Just a phobia. Facepiercaphobia.

It suddenly got a bit awkward, and I kept my eyes glued to the TV as I watched the little ugly ass gibberish cartoons run around. So, there was obviously something else wrong with Shane. I absentmindedly fixed the hem of my shirt, and smoothed it out. I scratched the back of my neck, and sighed.


I looked over, and Shane was looking at me. He moved the hair out of his face. "Sorry," he said, "I'm not trying to be a dick. I'm just....I just--"

"It's fine, Shane," I shrugged. "I'm not some annoying ass chick. I'll let you be if you want."

"No, no, stay. Watch this inhuman show with me." His eyes lit up amusingly.

I chuckled. "What is it, french?"

"German, I think."

"Why the fvck do we have German TV shows? That's messed up."

Shane laughed. "I don't even know, like....what, are they naked?"

"What the hell are they anyways? Some kind of camel hippo things? They're so fat!"

Shane and I went on and on about this one cartoon that was playing on TV. We were both laughing, but holy shit, those things were ugly as hell. Scary, almost. I'm gonna have nightmares.

Suddenly, the screen door slid open, and Damian came in, wearing black basketball shorts shirt. Fvck him, what's he trying to accomplish?

"Hey guys," Damian grinned, his eyes darting to me. I gave him a silent shrug as he hesitantly walked over to the couch. "What the...." his eyes widened as he looked at the TV. Shane and I exchanged looks, and the both of us burst into laughter.

Damian scowled. "What are you guys watching? What is this, some kind of mentally disturbed porn?"

I grinned as I picked up the remote, turning the volume up. "Lets dignify this language."

We listened as the creature-hippo things talked to each other.

"ba shing gwuaf trala troll pola blobv ret e braslaffe po asd ting ya."

Okay. What the actual fvck. "It's Turkish," I guessed.

Shane smirked. "No, dude, it's Korean."


"Yeah....or Inuit." His eyes widened.

Damian smirked. "Where'd you get Inuit from?"

"I don't know, I'm just guessing." Shane laughed. "It's alien. Lets just settle with that, okay?"

"Maybe they're talking in Sim," I suggested, shrugging. Damian groaned.

"Please do not speak of that game," Damian whined. "It's so annoying!"


"My sister plays that games 24/7. They don't even speak english. I tried it out once, for hours I was trying to change the language settings because I thought it was in Russian or something!"

Shane and I laughed. "No," I said, rolling my eyes after, "they have their own language."

"Well I know that now!"

I grinned at him, and when Shane turned away to fix his pillow, Damian winked at me. I blushed, and scowled at him.

Matt came in through the screen door, shutting it behind him. He was also not wearing a shirt, and his hair was a bit damp.

"It's so hot," he muttered, grimacing. Damian nodded in agreement. Matt heard the cartoon in the background, and he slowly turned to the TV, probably wondering what the hell was wrong with us.

"Pedhiphiles," he said, slumping down onto the couch. He glanced over at Shane, who suddenly turned angry again. Matt narrowed his eyes for a second, then let out a dramatic sigh.

"Oh, Shaney," Matt said. "Why the long face there bro?" There was almost a sickly amusing tone to his voice, and my eyes widened as Damian and I looked at each other.

"What long face?" Shane said venomly. "I'm fine. You?"

"I'm fantastic," Matt emphasized. "Speaking of fantastic....where's Holly?"

I shrugged. "Upstairs with Morgan."

Matt's eyes lit up. "Oh," he said, and his eyes turned back to the TV. Shane shoved his hands into his pockets. This guy's wearing jeans and a's like 40 degrees.

"Well," Damian announced, glancing over at me. "I'm going to go upstairs....." He raised an eyebrow at me, waiting for me.

I cleared my throat. "Um, yeah....uh, me too." I got up from the coach, and Damian and I went upstairs, making it look casual, as if we weren't about to head to his room to make out or anything. No, obviously we wouldn't do that...




Great. Matt and I were left here alone, me pretending to be interested in this creepy-ass show, and Matt just sitting there, staring at nothing.

"So," Matt began, "I guess you caught us."

I rolled my eyes. "Fan-fvcking-tastic."

Matt grinned. "You're not mad or anything, are you?"

"Why the fvck would I be mad?" I snapped, wishing I could be strong enough to pick up this recliner couch and smash him with it. If I had the proper strength, I would have beaten some real sense into my brother years ago.

"I don't know, Holly's been our friend forever. She's our neighbour...and you know....whatever." Matt shrugged.

"Well, you should quit it," I said, raising an eyebrow at him. Matt mimicked my expression.

"Why should I?" He asked, narrowed his eyes. "It's not like there's anything going on."

"But, there is," I said.

"No, Holly's....nothing special to me like that. We're just...."

"Friends with benefits?" I questioned. Matt shrugged.

"Sure, call it what you want, I guess. Shane, why are you getting so worked up over nothing?"

"Holly's not nothing, Matt. I really wish you understood that about people. People aren't your little 'nothings'."

Matt blinked. "Um....okay...."

"You're such an asshole," I snapped.

"How?" He snapped back, his hair falling into his eyes. Matt had such a short temper, it's not even funny. Actually it is. I could see his face turning red already.

"Matt, I don't care what the hell you do. You can use girls, throw them away whenever you want. They're all worthless sluts anyways. But Holly's not. Don't do this to her."

"And....who the fvck are you to tell me what to do?" Matt questioned.

"You don't deserve her," I said, growing more angry. I did not want to blow up right now. I was honestly ready to punch Matt out, but I had to control myself.

"Oh, really, I don't deserve her?" Matt asked, amused. "And what makes you think you do?"

"I didn't say that."

"You're just jealous, Shane. You always turn into a little bitch when I get something that you don't."

I gritted my teeth, and before I could say anything, Matt spoke up. "Don't worry about what Holly and I do. Don't worry about me, I'm fine. Holly's fine, there's nothing wrong here."

"That's not what I'm--"

"Okay, Shane, like you've been PMS-ing lately. It's really killing my buzz, bro." Matt raised his eyebrows as he got up. My knuckles were turning white from clenching them so hard.

"Matt," I snapped, getting to my feet. "You don't get it, do you!"

"What's there not to get?" Matt shrugged. "Shane, teenagers do shit. Okay, you know the saying YOLO? You Only Live Once? Okay, well...." he stepped closer. He looked into my eyes. "Here's my motto, FISH."

"Fish?" I narrowed my eyes.

"Fish. Fvck It Shit Happens. Now," he patted my head, "remember FISH. Besides, Holly's cool, she's not like the other girls."

"I know, that's why--"

"And, you know...." Matt's cheeks turned pink, "maybe....I her more than I should."

My brother walked away, leaving me dumbstruck as I stood there, my jaw hanging open.

Screw YOLO....Screw FISH.

More like ICFBT. I Can't Fvcking Believe This.




asdfghjhgfdeswaqdqihbudq. OMG sorry. I'm so stressed out....I hate exams and CA's.


next chapter coming sooooon. I'm starting to really, really like this story :D

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Seriously. Vote/comment/like/fan ;D

I wanna put some more boyxboy shizzzz in here, but....I know alot of you are probably against that....blah. Well *sigh*.....I'll keep the boyxboy stuff for reading, not writing lol.

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