You're So Annoying βœ”οΈ

By _xXUnicornSlayerXx_

2.6M 116K 91.3K

I continue throwing pebbles at his window, a grin on my face. He finally opens his window, glaring at me. "W... More



70.6K 3.1K 2.6K
By _xXUnicornSlayerXx_

Frost's p.o.v
Y'all that gif tho 😭😍

   Chapter Five: Ms. Hugster is here

Nova took me out to get coffee. He's been acting real strange. First he's grumpy, then he's nice, then grumpy, and then nice. And then he invites me to his practice and takes me out to get coffee? But get this. After we got back and lunch finished, he's been ignoring me.

Hashtag mood swings.

Oh god... I sounded like one of Rose's followers.

It's seventh period now, English, the place where we have assigned seats. Ew. The class where, I don't sit next to Manon. Oh the horror!


I do sit behind Nova.. heh... heh. And it's a great opportunity to erk him.

We're supposed to be reading in silence, but I don't like reading. Especially about history. While everyone is reading, I continue poking Nova's back. Slowly, he turns around.

"What do you want?!" he hisses. I survey around the room, acting like I can't hear him. I fight the smile threatening to form. He turns back around and poke his back again.

I then begin kicking both of his chair legs, and poking him with my pencil.

"Matthews I swear to god," he grumbles loudly. Ms. Yang shushes us with a frown.

Rude. He was talking and she interrupted him.

I look at Manon and give her a thumbs up. She then scribbles something down, and hurls a balled up paper all the way across the room. It hits me square on the face, causing a couple of students to snicker. Ms. Yang glances at us before she goes back to whatever she's doing. She makes an 'open' movement and I do so.

Nova looks pissed. You better stop before you make something snap in his head.

I snicker, flattening the paper out.

Why? It's not like he's going to do anything. He's been acting like a big softie.

I wait till Ms. Yang isn't looking, and chuck it.

Are you sure? I think he knows we're talking about him because he's glaring at me.

Get this. Earlier, he took me out for coffee but now he's mad at me. #confued.

Before I could finish writing my response, Nova whips around, snatching it off my desk. He stuffs in his binder, right as the bell rings.

Oh my... he knew! He knew the bell was going to ring and he snatched my-

He then grabs my arm and yanks me out of the desk. He picks up my binder, and rushes out of the classroom with me.

Not again...

As we zoom down the hallway, I give the passing people a grin. I nearly tripped a few times. He pushes through them all like a rude person. We walk into the gym, "Nova why are you so grumpy? Earlier you were nice! What happened?" I ask as he starts walking to the girls locker room.

"Go change," he growls, leaning down, "hurry up," I snatch my binder out of his arms and run into the locker room.

Once I changed, I cautiously walked out. No need to run into his chest again. I had to leave my binder in there because somebody wouldn't stop by my locker, like I asked him to. I begin to walk around.

Suddenly as I'm walking by, an arm flies out in front of me, stopping me. Turning my head, I see no other person than Nova. Such a surprise.

"Uh.. what's up...?"

And it was at this moment, I suddenly realize, Nova has trapped me with the wall.

Hashtag cliché.

I've got to stop.

"Why are you so happy?" he randomly asks, putting his other arm by my head. His eyes narrow, and mine widen. I gulp at our faces closeness.

"Um, w-what?" I sputter. I then notice his eyes becoming glossy.

Is he going to cry?! Someone get a camera.

"Monday you were happy even though I insulted who knows how many times. Tuesday at the mall, you were happy even though you weren't in a happy situation. Earlier, when Adrian came, you were happy. Why are you so fucking happy. Is there anything that makes you sad?"

"You're happy, annoying, irritating.. don't you ever stop to think about how others feel?"

"Are you on your period?" I tease, but only make him more mad.


The guy acts like he has actual mood swings.

"I'm happy because I choose to be. I'm not saying you should, but you are responsible for your own happiness. I only like to help. And Nova, you're acting like it's a crime to be happy.. it's okay to be happy,"

God this is awkward.

"You should be asking why you aren't happy." I muster up a bright smile.

I should make my own book..

"Why aren't I happy? Why aren't I happy? It's because there's nothing to be happy about." he then slams his fist against the wall before storming away.

"I can't stand you! You and your fucking happiness can go eat shit!" he shouts at me, slamming the gym doors shut, leaving me and everyone else startled.

Okay.. tell me that wasn't random.

"Well then.. everyone just.. go outside and do something productive.." Mr. W says as he begins to leave.

"Oh Mr. W!" I yell, stopping him. "Please tell Nova if I made him mad.. I'm sorry."

He nods, leaving.

Let me try to clear this up for myself. Nova can't stand me.. because I'm happy?

This is too confusing!

So... he's trying to say that I'm happy and that I don't think about how others feel? What does that mean? That doesn't make sense!

I am confuzzled.

Oh my god.. what if he's depressed?! I will cry if he is. This could explain why he's being extra grumpy and moody. Oh no..

That means.. I've been making things worse!

Someone slap me with a chicken's ass.

"Hey Iris, can I ask you something?" I jog up to Iris, a shy bookworm and kind of my friend. She's one of the few girls who aren't blinded by Rose's richness.

"Sure.." she says with a shy smile.

"If somebody asks you why you're happy, and then say there's nothing to be happy about, could they be depressed?"

"Possibly.. but sometimes something is going on at home that's been throwing them off. Why what's up?" she answers, confusion taking over her features.

"There's something wrong with my friend," I state, and put on a determined look.

"And I'm going to find out."


School finished, and I waited in the stadium for the football practice. Manon came with me, and now we're watching them practice. It's been at least an hour.

When they're done, I plan to apologize to Nova in my least annoying/irritating way.

If that's even possible.

"Do you think he's depressed?" I ask her, watching Nova throw the ball.

"No.. he isn't acting like it.." she responds with a sigh. "I talked to Cole and he said that Nova had a rough weekend.. so he could be taking it out on you."

I twirl my sweatshirt string, "I feel so bad you know? I was only annoying and messing with him to have fun, and make him smile, 'cause he's 'cold hearted'," I quote. She throws her arms around me, giving me a tight hug.

"Don't feel bad. I'm sure he understands you meant no harm."

Nova looks up at me, and stops running, as if he's surprised. Soon, he goes back to running, acting like he never saw me. I watch him with my brows furrowed.

He's too confusing.

"Hey Manny, Cole sure does look nice in that uniform, huh?" I delightedly nudge her, my lips curling into a grin.

"That's my man you're checking out." she jokes with a blush. I laugh and a little bit of weight gets lifted off my shoulders.

I honestly don't know what I would do with her. We've stuck together for so many years, I can't bare to think about being without her.

"Go hit the showers!" I hear their coach yell and they scramble.

Singing in the shower! La da dee, la da daa, la daAa.

"And that's our cue." I jump up, dusting my butt off while following Manon down the stadium. We walk into the parking lot, and hop in my car. We drove home, talking about Madea's Boo two.

"Bye!" I wave as she enters her house. I hear a soft bye before I go inside. I get blasted in the face with the delicious smell of cooking.

"Ma? I hope that food is for me!" I chuckle and walk into the kitchen. Mom is at the stove, flipping an egg.

"You thought. I'm the pregnant woman here," she puts on a sly smirk. I laugh and grab an apple. The sound of a car pulling up had me running out the kitchen. I drop my apple onto the

I look out the window, practically smashing into it. Sure enough, Nova steps out of his car, trudging up to his house. Hm. He looks hungry..

Like me- Frost! This isn't about you.

That's it! I'll apologize with food! Who doesn't like food? Especially free food.

I know I do.

"I made homemade pizza if you want some! It's in the stove!" Mom calls out. I run back into the kitchen and whip open the oven.

I carefully pull the pizza out and set it down. It's still hot, so that means it's still fresh. Grabbing a plate, I scoop a few pieces onto it, but leave a few pieces for me.

"Hey ma, I'll be right back," I tell her, and leave the kitchen. I take my time and walk down my porch, trying not to spill the food. I walk onto Nova's porch, and ring the doorbell.

Mrs. Hurkins opens it, "Oh hello Frost! What a surprise!"

Mrs. Hurkins actually doesn't look like Nova at all. She has long, long dirty blonde hair, and striking blue eyes. Her skin is a peachy color with a few freckles, like Nova.

I politely smile, "Hello Mrs. Hurkins.. how was your day?"

"My day was great, thank you for asking! How was yours?"

"It was.. interesting." I reply, "um.. is Nova here? This are for him. My mom made it," I show her the pizza slices.

"Yes of course! Come in, come in." she moves to the side, gesturing for me to walk in. I gulp, taking slow steps.

I've never been in the Hurkins' house. I've barely even see Nova's room. All I know is he blocks his privacy with a blue curtain, and he always has.

Like, hello. I'm a nosey person, I need to know what's going on. I'm always in peoples business.

I look around, a unexpected gasp escaping me.

(A/N: you can imagine how it looks like😊)

"Wow.. Mrs Hurkins.. I love your house!" I exclaim, looking around. Everything is so neat and organized. It looks cleaner than my room to be honest.

"Thank you dear but please, call me Tatum. Oh and Nova is upstairs. I'll be down here if you need me." she smiles elegantly, walking away.

Tatum. It has a ring to it, whatever that means. My mom told me that's what my grandpa said when he first met me, and she told him my name.

I wish my mom was innocent like her. But no. I tell her that I talked to a walking thing with a dong, and a has passion for boobs, and she'll start planning my first kid's name.

I glide up the staircase, slowly. Taking in all the details. My eyes stop on a photo of young Nova. I snort.

What kind of hairstyle is that!?

Wait.. I actually have no room to talk. My hairstyle was way worst.

I look at another photo and see Rose and Nova. Why hasn't he taken that down? Pff. I shouldn't care, it's his life.

Not mine.

I continue my long treacherous journey, until I spot Pudge. "Hi Pudge!" I bend down, "Don't scratch my hand off now.." I maunder to myself, hesitantly scratching his ears. He lets out a meow and licks my hand.

"You're so cute," I giggle as he rolls on his back. I caress his belly. He purrs, rubbing his head against my leg. I can see why Nova picked him. He's such a sweetheart, and he's soft.

Like Nova's hair.

I stand back up, and successfully keep all pieces on the plate. I walk down the hall, glancing at all the other doors. Crap. She never told me which one was his.

Let's not get lost now.

"I got to see which room is his.." I mutter, observing each door. "Come on.. think.. which one would be Nova's."

'Probably the one that says Nova on it.' a nagging voice interrupts my train of thought.

I approach the door, and knock twice. "Nova? It's me.. Frost. I brought you some pizza.. my mom made it.."

"Go away, I don't want any." I hear a muffled voice say.

"It's pepperoni, and it's really good. I swear it's not poisoned," I chuckle, but get no response.


"Nova please open the door, I'm sor-"

"Matthews I said go away." he cuts me off.

Rude. I was in the middle of talking, and he interrupted me.

I open his door to find his room pitch black. "Freckles? It's me. I brought you some pizza." I struggle to find his light switch. Once I flick it on, I snicker at him. He's wrapped in a blanket burrito, lying in his bed, with his head face down.

"Damn it Matthews I said I don't want to be bothered." he grumbles.

"Technically you said, go away." I correct him. He lifts his head, glaring. I shrug innocently. He plops it back down, mumbling something under his breath. I set the plate down, walking towards him.

"Ms. Hugster is here.." I grin, and lean down. I place one knee on his bed and I manage wrap my arms around him.

"Come on, everyone loves Ms. Hugster's hugs." I press my cheek against his head.

He sighs, "You're fucking weird."

"There's my Nova! Where have you been?! I missed your insults, grumbles and glares," I coo, hugging him more tightly.

"I didn't miss you." he remarks, turning his head so our cheeks are connected and touching.

"Yeah you did," I say, "everyone misses me. Including you."

"Nobody misses... you.." he tiredly retorts, and I raise a brow.

"Are you tired?"


"Sure you aren't. Does this make you tired?" I rub my cheek against his and he squirms. I laugh, and keep doing it.

"S-Stop," he begins to chortle. I giggle like a little child.

"See? Everyone loves a hug from Ms. Hugster. You just can't deny my hugs."

"God you're so annoying."

"I know."


YyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaAaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAaaaaauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuUUuuuuuuuuUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUuuuuuuauauauauauauauauauauauauauauauauauauauauua.... sooooooololololoalalalalalalalalallalalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, rararararararararaaeaearaeaEEAEAEAEAEAEAEARARARAEAEAEAEEARARAHAJAKAKAKAKAKKAKAKAKAKKAAAAAAA!


My inner Beyoncè came out.

Y'all are going to have to excuse half of this monstrosity I have made.

It was typed at like, 3 am without any coffee.

I hope you enjoyed this monster!

Don't forget to vote and comment!

... please...

Lots of pizza🍕❤️


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