His Favorite [TomTord]

By BlueCipher0

1.1M 32.8K 92.4K

The Red Army has made their move years ago, War raged throughout the world against them. Nothing worked with... More

The Rebellion
Deal or No Deal?
Radio Problems
Starting Small and a Plan
Different Offer
A Start to Something Unpredictable
New Home, New Job
Blue Leader:Good Children, Others:Wild Dogs
New Uniform for Blue Leader
Tomi and Faults
How do we fix this? Oh wait, Red's Got It Covered
When Everyone Realizes Red Leader is Extremely Dangerous Because of Tom
Get Back to Work, I'm Busy
New Eyes for the Blind
Blue Leader, or so the Red Soldiers call him
Red Leader's Distraction/Blue Leader's Role
Play Time and Familiar Soldier
Drunk Accidents
Bubbling Emotions Are Never True
Origins/Missing Him
The Fury of an Army
Watching and an Option?
Care and Relationships
Visit and Jealousy
Prepare Yourself
Experiment #999 Little Devil
Battle Outcome
Words Heal
Wrong Time
Searching "I Know You"
You're Coming Home
Don't Mess with Torm
Happy Birthday
Oh no...
Looks like Angry Parents, but is Actually Really Worried Parents
Request of a Mother
Not the End

Let's Talk

24.6K 671 2K
By BlueCipher0

~+Week Later: Red Army Base+~

It's been a week since the incident with the Blue Army. Every soldier was back on track with their normal duties and helping each other through work.

Tord, before heading to the cells, apologized to Tom first. From the heart, he sincerely apologized for saying what he said to the other man.

"Listen Tom," he runs the back of his neck as his good eye carefully looks to meet Tom's eyes. "I just want to say sorry about earlier. I didn't mean all those things I said about you."

The brunet merely smiles forgivingly at Tord. "It's fine Tord, our emotions got the best of us. Let bygones be bygones and move on. Okay?"

Tord nods in agreement, Paul comes up to greet the two before pulling his son away to take care of other matters concerning Connor. There, Tord and Tom went their separate ways after chatting for a while longer. Tord promises Tom he would fix up a new set of VR goggles for him later after he was done with his work.

Paul then leads Tord away, so he is going to fulfill that promise of slowly torturing Connor until he was begging to end his life already.

+Medical Ward+

Tom sits on his temporary bed in the medical ward. Tord had one of his soldiers deliver his new eye set a moment ago. So he's setting them up now.

"And let's turn it on." His finger pushes the one button, letting the device come to life. The familiar view of the medical ward takes his vision up on the screen.

"You alright over there Blue?" Grace calls from the other side of the curtain while she's helping one of the wounded soldiers.

Tom looks to his left seeing two shadows. "I'm fine Grace, I finally have my sight back too."

He hears her laugh lightly as she goes back to treating the soldier she's with. Tom looks to the small table to his left, smiling he reaches over to pick up his radio.

"Hey, does anyone know where the Commie is? I need to speak with him."

Soldiers were voicing their replies on the chafed channel.

"No clue Blue Leader."

"I think I saw him head for the cells Blue."

Tom shakes his head, chuckling at the responses. Then he hears Paul's voice on the radio address him.

"Tom, Red Leader's working on something right now in the cells. He told everyone already to stay out while he's working down here, including you."

"Including me, huh?" Tom rolls his green digital eyes. He assumes Tord is doing something weird again. "Alright, but tell him to meet up with me later in the dining hall. I want to talk about something with him over lunch."

This time Patryk answers him cheerfully, "We'll inform him as soon as he's done!"

With that, they end the chat. Tom slowly gets off the bed to stand up and stretch. Man, he had a lot of catching up to do since he took a week off from work.

"Grace, I heading to my office to finish up some work!" He shouts over to her as he starts his way out of the medical ward.

"Don't force yourself Blue! If you feel faint, just come back."

"Will do!"

+Cells: With Tord+

Tord wipes his forehead with his arm, smearing little drops of blood across his skin. His other hand places his tool down on the tray on the elevated table next to him.

"P-plea-se- s-st-op..."

The Red Leader looks down at the man on his knees unamused, giving him a bland hum. "I did say you asked for this. You stepped out of line and put yourself here because of your stupid actions." He picks up another fun tool from the tray.

Connor grits his teeth as Tord puts pressure on one of his bruises, pressing fingers onto the purple spot on his side.

"What's so special about him anyway?" He says trying to keep his voice steady. "Is it because of the monster hiding within him, your old pet?" The red haired man dares look at Tord in his one good eye. "Or is there something else going on?"

Tord puts the tool in his hand back down on the tray. His other hand letting go of Connor's bruise. He takes out a remote to get the chains holding the Blue Army Leader to pull him up to his feet.

"Thomas is someone who is off limits-" Tord rounds his arm back to punch Connor in the face.

"Arh!" Conner spits to the cell floor when he tastes blood from his split lip.

Tord grips onto the front of the man's clothes. "He is a dangerous man right after me. You don't know what we've been through in the past, but we had our fair share of shit in our lives." He pushes him back with force that make the cuffs bite at Conner's wrists.

"And the little monster? What were your true intentions with it?"

Tord gives a strong roundhouse kick that leaves the victim breathless. "Not it, but he. Tomi..." He sighs feeling regretful, Tord shakes his head to show he won't explain anymore.

"Red Leader?"

Tord turns to face Paul standing outside of the cell. "What is it Paul?"

"Tom is looking for you. He says he would like to speak with you over lunch about something." Paul had to hold back a grin when he saw Tord's slight panic expression.

"Uh, I'll be done in a moment. Just need to clean up first." He says rushed as he looks down at his ruined clothes from the bloody mess.

"You better not keep him waiting honey!~" Patryk teases loudly from the end of the hallway.

Tord groans at the teasing tone. He doesn't know why he's the least bit flustered about it while he goes over to the table with a VR set sitting on top. "Seems our little session was held short today, but I'm not gonna leave you here to wallow in silence." He picks up the device and walks back over to Connor with a smirk. "Thanks to a little trip to hell years back. I figured this little tool will do just nicely to show your worst fears while you drown in your own screams."

Connor didn't believe him for a second as Tord came closer to him to strap the device onto his face.

"Hope you enjoy~"

Tord turns the device on with a simple press of a button.

+Tom's room+

Tom decided to change his black tie to a checkered pattern one. He can't always wear his simple black one all the time.

He goes over to his desk and pulls out a little black bag he kept with him all this time.

"You going to talk to her mother?" Tomi asks with curiosity. The past week, his little monster has been calling him Mother all this time. Tom only let it because Tomi was right in some weird aspect.

"I'm just going to check on how she's doing." Tom opens the small bag and pulls out a piece of glass from a mirror the size of his hand. The shard was from the same mirror that let him and his friends meet their girl counterparts. "Tamara?" He says as he pokes his finger through the glass.

At first, Tom thought he would feel the fabric of the bag she kept her shard of the mirror in but was met with little fingers holding his finger.

"Tami, are you touching my mirror again?" A female voice asks from the other side.

"Umm.., No mama." The person who must be holding his finger said.

Tom felt the little fingers let him go and he pulls his finger back. The mirror from the other side is picked up to show his girl counterpart.


"Yeah, how's it going over there Tamara?" Tom asks as he watches her bend down and picks up a young child who looks like her.

Tamara rolls her digital eyes, "Miss Red Leader here is busy torturing a leader who kidnapped me earlier this week." She sees Tom looking at the little girl in her arms with question. "Tom, meet Tami, my little monster gal made with my DNA. Tori helped her remember how to unpossess me, so here she is."

Tami waves at Tom with a childish smile. "Hello, Mr. Tom! Mama has told me a lot about you!"

Tom smiles back kindly, "It's a pleasure to meet you too young lady." Tomi wanted to say hi too so he took control from Tom for a bit. "Hello Miss Tamara, Hi Tami!"

Tamara looks surprised at the tone change. "Tomi, you're still possessing Tom?" While Tami waves back at Tomi happily.

"I'm actually going to see if Tord knew how to separate Tomi and me today over lunch," Tom tells her after getting control back from Tomi. Tamara giggles lightly as her little monster hugs her around the neck. "Is there anything I should be aware of if we split?"

The female counterpart hums as she thinks, snapping her fingers when she remembers one. "You keep your omega genetics."

"You gotta be f-"

"Tom, children a present." Tamara reminds him.

"-udging me." Tom ends quickly. His digital eyes close for a moment and sighs. "Fine, I'll live with it."

"Witness, I need you in my office in 10 minutes." A different female voice comes from the other side of the mirror. "And bring Tami with you."

"I guess that's our cue to leave. Call us again once Tomi is out. He and Tami can have a little play date if they like." Tamara grins as Tami waves at him.

Tom chuckles and waves back, "Will do Tamara."

The both of them store the mirror shard back in the bag and put it away in their desk.

Tom breaths out and runs a hand through his hair. He glances at the clock, "I better get going too."

He leaves his room to head towards the dining hall. His soldiers see him and they greet him happily.

Red soldiers were kind enough to escort him halfway since they fear he would somehow get lost again.

When he got to the dining hall, he found it full of soldiers. Blue and Red soldiers were mixed up at tables and getting to know each other better, there was even some playful fighting going on too.

Tom walks up to the counter to grab his tray of lunch. "Hey Sadie!"

"Blue! Do you have a request or do you want today's special?" The red headed teen asks her green eyes shining with delight.

"I'll just have the special today." Sadie nods as she heads to the back of the kitchen to grab his lunch.

Tom wait a bit until she comes back with his tray of food. "Thanks, Sadie."

"No problem Blue." She waves him off as Tom leaves to go search for an open seat.

He eventually finds one by the wall, a simple table for 4 people to sit at. Tom takes a seat and begins eating, if Tord's not here yet he might as well start without him.

Meanwhile, Tord had gotten redressed quickly out of his bloody uniform and into a fresh one. He's running through the halls to skid to a stop in front of the dining hall doors. He fixes his jacket, then walks into the room a little breathless.

Looking left and right he finds Tom sitting on the other side of the room near the wall. The Red Leader approaches the table, Tom noticing him when he sits down across from him.

"Well aren't you a little late," Tom says teasingly as he noticed Tord fast breathing pattern. "Did you run all the way here?"

"Who says I did?" Tord mused as he tries to calm his breathing.

"Your breathing does. Aren't you going to get lunch?

"I already ordered one of my soldiers to bring it up to me once they see me in here." Tord leans back in his seat finally getting himself back to pace. "So what's this I hear about needing to talk to me about something?"

Tom picks up his drink, "Well I was wondering if you knew how Tomi can unpossess me." He takes a sip to let the words sink into Tord's mind. "And who said you could use my DNA idiot?"

Tord brings up his hand to stop Tom from asking further questions. "Hold on, how did you know I created Tomi from your DNA?"

"Connor showed me the first document video of you man-made monster. I believed you called it AMC-R0 short for Army Monster Child- Red Project 0." He watched Tord look stunned for a moment before looking angry. "Apparently the Yellow Army has been providing them information in payment for protection."

'Note to self, do something about the informational system of the Yellow Army.' Tord thinks to himself. One of Tord's soldiers comes up with his try of today's special. They put it in front of him and leave after saluting the two leaders. "Well to answer your first request, I do know how Tomi can unpossess you. But he should know how to do that on his own."

"About that, he actually lost some of his memories during a fight with one of our neighbors." Tord looks at Tom curiously. "Long story short, Tomi got knocked out by superpowers."

Tord shakes off the questions and goes with the answer. "For the question, you leave your DNA all over the place. I simply just took a strand of your hair."

"And when exactly was this? If I remember correctly you still had your right arm when I saw that video."

Tord shrugs his shoulders after taking a bit of his roast beef sandwich. "When I still lived you guys and had been working with my army for some time now. I was working on creating a monster with strong genetics and it's not that easy to get strong DNA. I needed two of them to put together, so I used yours with someone else."

Tom slaps his forehead, "You created an actual child with monster features and abilities Tord. He's also some many years old?" He was unsure of Tomi's true age but still crosses his arms over his chest in disappointment at Tord.

"I know, I did something wrong and I regret that. I was planning to just raise him within the army since his human biology is to appear as a little kid forever."

At least that explains to Tom why Tami still looks like 5 or 6 year old toddler. "So who did you mix my DNA with anyways?"

"Umm... that's confidential."

"Tord, I basically had a kid who was born from me and someone else that grew possibly in some weird science tube," Tom says to make Tord feel somewhat guilty.

"They wish to remain unknown," Tord responds with flustered cheeks.

"Fine, but tell them to come talk to me when they are ready to speak up. I just want to tell them sorry for having to get mixed up in this little project."

Tord nods slowly as he nibbles on the edge of the last piece of his sandwich. He can definitely not tell Tom who the other DNA is from, it would probably have him faint on the spot or worse.

The two of them continue to eat in silence for a while longer. Tom threw out his leftover first since he got full and waited for Tord to finish so he and Tomi can get separated.

"Ready to do this?" Tord asks once he throws his trash away.

"Let's get this done, you have a video meeting at 6 with your generals who are fighting in Russia."

The both of them head out of the dining hall and go for one of the unoccupied labs. When they reach one of them, they head inside and prepare. Tord gets on of the smaller medical gowns while Tom sits on the medical tables.

"You're gonna have to get Tomi to be in control. He's the one that has to split from you." Tord tells him.

"Alright, "Tom relaxes and fades out of control while Tomi grabs the controls this time. "Hi, Tordy!"

"Hello Tomi," Tord greets he young monster with a gentle smile. "I heard you lost some of your memories from Tom."

"Yeah, but I got most of them back when those mean guys showed me those videos. The only one I don't remember is how to unpossess someone." Tomi explains to the man in front of him.

"It's fairly easy for you to do. First, start off with a calming breath."

Tomi follows along, breathing in and out, relaxing his posture.

"Now think about separating yourself from Tom. You and he are two individual people."

Tomi pictures in his mind him and Tom separating two different bodies. He would go back to his childlike form and Tom would just still be himself.

Tord watches as a purple aura surrounds their form. The wisps of that aura become a bundle to move next to Tom's body. It solidifies to take the form of a young Tom look alike, except he has small horns sticking out of his head and a small tail waving behind them.

"Now open your eyes."

Tom and Tomi open their eyes. Both turn to look at each other in surprise.

"I have my body back!" Tomi exclaims happily as he jumps into Tom's lap. "Woohoo!!!"

Tom and Tord chuckle at the bundle of joy snuggling in the brunet's lap.

"You know, he might make the base go crazy now that he's out and about."

"Pfft, please," Tord says as he comes closer to place his hand on Tomi's head who giggles at the touch. He puts the small medical gown on the Tomi to cover him up. They'll have to get the uniform department to make his clothes later. "If anything he'll dive them mad."

"You might be right."

~A month later~

"New recruits this way!" Kevin shouts for new people joining the Red Army.

Bell nudges him, "You gotta be louder Kevin! We do this once a year, put some power into it." The high ranking soldier monitoring around says. "RECRUITS MOVE ON IN, PRESENTATION WILL BE STARTING SOON!" She shouts into the megaphone.

The new recruits were covering their ears at the fierce volume.

"I think you broke their eardrums Miss Bell." Kevin laughs awkwardly as he has lost some of his hearing as well. "But I know where you're getting at. The Red Army doesn't accept new loads of soldiers during the year, but on one specific day of each year."

Bell nods as she hooks her mic back to her belt. "Got that right soldier. This so we can prevent a lot suspicion of spies that might enter our base. We also do background checks just in case one does happen to get in."

New soldiers continue to file into the large assembly room. Once they were all in, they would be giving a presentation, then go through a screening of their background. After that, they would pick what they would like to be a part of in the army.

Red soldiers were filed along the sides of the room for security reasons like always.

Tord enters the assembly room, his presence is quickly known and everyone silences. He comes up on stage to stand behind a podium with a smile.

"What a great day for new recruits to come join our ranks!" The Red Leader compliments as he settles his hands on the podium. "Welcome everyone to the Main Base of the Red Army. I greet you as the Red Leader of this Army."

A couple people in the crowd applaud before settling down again.

"Before we move on any further, we will be doing a background check of all of you." Tord gestures his arm for some of his soldiers to come stand in front. "My soldiers here will be going through your files and deal with your approval if you qualify to continue on. Please line up and speak with them." He checks something on his clipboard.

"Oh, before I forget, if you are a Yellow Army soldier disguised to spy and retrieve information. I will gladly deal with you personally." He says in a cold tone that makes the new recruits shiver. "Carry on." Going back to usual tone.

The process of background checks was long, which is why they had to take a whole day off at the base to get everyone sorted. When all of them had gotten through, only 3 of them being Yellow Army soldiers, Tord went on with his speech after telling his soldiers to send the Yellow soldiers to the cells.

"Continuing on, now that we have gotten you cleared up. We will now show you the layout of the base."

The lights were dimmed and a projector was turned on to show a layout of the base. Tord explained to them easily how the base worked and where specifics places were. The lights came back on slowly letting everyone's eyes adjust.

Tord checks the time on his robot arm. "It seems it close to lunch now. Please feel free to find free space in the room to sit. Our cooks will come at any moment to deliver and hand out food."

While everyone was finding a seat. One new recruit moved out of sight and hearing range while another surveys everyone in the room with calculating eyes. The one recruit brings up their watch to relay some quick report.

"Green, Purple, I made it in safely."

Would you look at that, another chapter? Lol

Also for people who keep asking where to give me fanart. If you want to send it to me email, use this - bluewriter0@gmail.com or you can tag me if you have an art book.

More fanart piling up, you guys are so sweet and adorable for doing these ^^ Keep it up soldiers XD


These sketches are done by @Akira_Vargas

Relate to comment section and two different chapters.

These two pieces of art are done by @Flowercannibal

Amazing I must say! Amazing~! 10/10 relates to the end of last chapter and the one before that one.

This adorable piece of art is from @take_me_in_a_forest

Melted my heart actually by the cuteness level lol ^^ relates to last chapter

I'm in love with this one! Made by @Jyx_Charlii

Thank you so much for another amazing art for this fanfic! Relating to the end of last chapter, so cute ^^

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