Born To Kill - Book I {Rewrit...

GrissyQuinn द्वारा

580K 15.3K 3.2K

"Lesson one. Never cross Alexander Valentino" I pressed on one of the knives in his hand. "Lesson two. Never... अधिक

Important Authors Note
*Prologue: Taken*
*Chapter 1: Recruited*
*Chapter 2: Omerta*
*Chapter 3: The Valentino Family*
*Chapter 4: Demons*
*Chapter 5: Back up*
*Chapter 6: First Job*
*Chapter 7: Thirst for blood*
*Chapter 8: Looking at the stars*
*Chapter 9: Spies & Revelations*
*Chapter 10: Girls of the Mafia Pt.1*
Chapter 11: Girls of the Mafia Pt 2
*Chapter 12: Shattered Walls*
*Chapter 13: Ruthless*
*Chapter 14: Killers*
*Chapter 15: Famiglia*
*Chapter 16: Una Serata Romantica*
*Chapter 17: Explosions*
*Chapter 19: The Benefit*
*Chapter 20: Chaos*
*Chapter 21: Euphoria*
*Chapter 22: Justice*
*Chapter 23: The Calm*
*Chapter 24: The Storm*
*Chapter 25: X marks the spot*
*Chapter 26: Haunting Pasts*
*Chapter 27: Broken*
*Chapter 28: Into Pieces*
*Chapter 29: Skylar*
*Chapter 30: Nothing else Matters*
*Chapter 31: Diamond*
*Chapter 32: Love Death & Blood*
*Chapter 33: A battle ends but a war begins...*
Authors note:

*Chapter 18: Letting go & Moving on*

15.3K 441 64
GrissyQuinn द्वारा




My eyes opened to a set of arms still wrapped around me. Alexanders breathing was steady and a bit relaxing as he slept. He had fallen asleep instantly once we settled into place. I however had no such luck.

Insomnia riddled me for hours on end. Finally, I decided to take a short walk to clear my head. Slowly, slipping out of Alexanders grasp, I slip on one of his t-shirts that was laying around the room and padded out of the room.

Before I knew it, I end up in the garden where I somehow always end up when I can't sleep. The night was silent, and the sky was cloudy. Even in the darkness of the garden, there were no stars to be seen thanks to the clouds. It seemed like it was going to rain but none the less I found myself sitting down on the grass.

My mind went back to Alexanders touch on my body and how I panicked at the last second. I was so sure, I was ready to move on from my demons and in a way, I did. I just didn't go all the way through like I thought I was ready to do.

Tears ran down my face as I thought about everything. I don't know how much time passed before I felt Alexander sit next to me on the grass. Wiping the tears from my eyes, I look over at him.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were asleep."

"I actually woke up the moment you left but I figured you needed a bit of time alone." He said as he gently moved my gaze to look at him "Skylar, you need to talk to me. I've given you time and if you don't want to, I'm not going to force you, but you have to tell me what's been haunting you all these years."

I knew he was right, I needed to tell him what I had been through, not just for him but for me as well. I needed to open to people again, I need to be the Skylar I was or a stronger version of her.

"When I first started at D. Impero, it's safe to say I wasn't the best at completing the tasks I was given. I was bad at combat and I was even worse at weapons. Mainly because I didn't want to be good at them in the first place. All I wanted was my life back, I was heart broken that my parents were part of this other life I was so disgusted at. Jeremy was doing his best at training me and being there for me, he was making sure I didn't go through any harsh training, but my father had other plans." I swallowed back the tears that were already threatening to spill.

"I was asleep one night, I remember my body was aching all over from how hard I worked at training. I woke up to some guys grabbing me and sticking a needle in my neck that put me right back to sleep. I don't know how much time passed before I woke up tied to a chair and my father entering the room I was in. He looked so calm, he didn't even care how I was being treated. Yet for some reason I had hopes my father was still in there but then he did what made me realize he was never who I thought he was."  A cold breeze made me shiver as I continued to speak. I wasn't looking at Alexander, but I knew he was listening.

"My father told me he had been looking at my reports, he was ashamed that his down daughter couldn't even hold a gun properly. He said it was lack of motivation and that he had the perfect solution for it. He had sent Jeremy out on a mission that lasted more than a week just, so he could leave me with the most disgusting man on the planet. His name was Johnson. He didn't just create my demons, he became my demons. He broke me into unrecognizable pieces."

"What did he do to you?" Alexander asked softly as tears streamed down my face.

"I spent what felt like days in and out of consciousness with just enough water to keep me alive and just bites of bread. I was whipped, stabbed, almost drowned as he yelled at me that was I was born to kill, to kill, to kill and to kill with no mercy. I'm pretty sure everyone heard my screams of mercy. 'P-Please-e S-Stop' I pleaded before electricity flowed through my legs, arms and abdomen making me seize and cry out in pain. He didn't listen though, he didn't care if I died right there and then. I remember his exact words. 'I will not stop until I feel you have the right motivation!' and then he sent electricity again and I screamed again in pain until I passed for what felt like the thousandth time in the time I was there." I looked to see Alexander trying not to burst out with rage and just looked at me with compassion.

"For all the years I spent at D. Impero, every time I did something wrong, even the smallest thing like forgetting to how to put together a sniper riffle, I was punished by being sent to Johnson and his torturous ways. My dad got what we wanted though, he motivated me to be the very best weapon he could have. After that I gave my everything just, so I wouldn't be sent back to him. For seven years, he broke me, he tortured me, he... raped me." I heard Alexanders short intake of breath but before he could say anything I continued talking.

"I was 19 and I was given a job to kill a man, but I refused. Because of that I was sent to Johnson for a week. I cried, and I begged my father to have mercy but he just grinned and let him take me. I must have screamed and begged for him to stop until I had no voice left but that didn't stop him from... from taking the only thing I had left..."

I choked on my tears and sobbed as Alexander wrapped his arms around me. "I'll kill the bastard with my bare hands for doing that to you."

"No need... I already did." 

"That's my girl" he hugged me tighter.

His girl? His words made my heart skip and for once in my life, I felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. I didn't feel like crying anymore. His arms gave me all the comfort I needed.

"I still need to take down my father. Maybe he didn't ruin me himself, but he did nothing to stop it, he encouraged it. When I told him what Johnson had done to me, you know what he said? He said 'Good. Maybe that will make you less useless to me.' After that, nothing and no one stopped Johnson from breaking what little was left of me. Before I left D. Impero I made my father a promise. That the day I stepped back into that place, would be the day I killed him and that's a promise I intend to keep."

"I promise you Skylar. I will do everything in my power to help you take him down. He will regret ever being alive."

"He wanted to make me into a weapon that would be feared. Well he's going to fear the very thing he created."


"HA! I knew it! You all owe me and Eric 50 bucks!" Alexa shouted triumphantly.

"Oh man!" Jeremy groaned

"I shouldn't have raised the fucking bet" Angelo protested as he reached for his wallet.

"Bitches better have my money!" Eric exclaimed. The benefit at Armani's was in two weeks and he was here going over the last of the details.

"What are you guys talking about?" I asked confused. Alexander stood next to me with the same serious and confused expression as me. Two weeks had passed after that night I opened to Alexander and after a war with my inner self I decided to give us a chance. Alexander was an amazing man and I couldn't deny my feelings for him. We had been secretly dating for two weeks and we had just told everyone the news.

"Well you see..." Alexa started with a guilty expression on her face. "We kind of made a bet on you guys dating."

"You what?" Alexander asked.

"Well Alexa and Eric said you guys would be dating by the end of this month and Jeremy and I said it would be by next month." Angelo explained. "Dammit, Alex! You couldn't have kept it in your pants a bit longer? I mean now I'm - OUCH!" Alexander punched him in the arm. "What the hell man? I'm out 100 bucks and now my arm hurts. You're a horrible best friend! "

"You forget I'm also your boss, moron. Serves you right for placing bets on my personal life!"

Shaking my head as the two argued. I turned to Jeremy and Alexa "A bet? Really guys?"

Jeremy shrugged "Oh c'mon Sky can you blame us? Since we started working for him, you've changed and in a good way. You stopped being Nyx and embraced Skylar, you told him what you went through, you look happier and are more open to others. We just knew you guys would end up dating, so we decided to have a little fun with it."

I couldn't help but chuckle "You guys are the worst best friends ever." I laughed and hugged them tightly.

"Hey! Where's my hug, linda?" Eric spoke up with a cocky smirk expanding his arms and walking towards me.

"You are not off the hook, moron." Alexander spoke grabbing Eric by the collar of his shirt and pulled him away before he could reach me.

Shaking my head, I stare at the three guys fighting and cursing.

"What in the world is all this yelling?"  Lianna walked into the living room along with Cas and Cat.

"Alexander is angry because these idiots" I motioned towards Eric and Angelo who had gone silent along with Alexander who was glaring daggers at them. "Along with these two" I motioned towards Alexa and Jeremy who smiled "made a bet on when Alexander and I would start dating and Alexander is furious, though I honestly think its all just fun."

"You guys are dating?!" Catalina shrieked as she clapped her hands together in excitement.

"Already?!" Cassian groaned taking out some cash from his wallet and placing it on his moms' hand.

"Ma, you too?!" Alexander exclaimed.

"Oh hush, Alexander. Don't be such a grumpy pants. Its all in good fun and I got to win $100 from your brother."

Everyone laughed.

"Seriously, Alexander lighten up." I grinned and walked over to him placing a kiss on his cheek.

"Alright" he settled and laughed a bit.

"Oh! I have an amazing idea! Lets all go out to dinner and celebrate. I might have a new daughter, and may I say, its about damn time." Lianna laughed.

"Hell yeah, I'm starving!"  Cassian exclaimed as he draped a shoulder around Alexander and me. "So, um Alexander, does this mean you have dibs on the hot assassin?"

Alexander punched him in the arm and chased him out of the house as we all shook our heads and laughed.


"C'mon, love. You have to trust me, okay?" 

"Alright, alright."  I laughed as Alexander led me somewhere. After spending the day together, he had insisted he had a surprise for me. I was now blindfolded and walking to wherever he was taking me to.

Alexander and I had been dating for almost a month now and I had to admit it had been the happiest three weeks of my life. Alexander could be a big mafia boss but inside he was a real gentleman. He showered me with love and gentleness and I reveled in it. I had never felt so loved in my life. I was falling hard for Alexander Valentino and though I was still a bit afraid, I was determined to make it work. He never ceased to amazement.

Alexander finally stopped guiding me and I heard him shuffling around. "Can I take off the blindfold now?"

"Yes, go ahead"

Taking off my blindfold, my eyes began to adjust to the brightness of the room. Looking around I had to hold in a gasp. I was in the most beautiful music room I've ever seen. Polished hardwood floors, beautiful arched lights in the ceiling. Guitars stood at one corner, a beautiful shiny black piano with a leather chair on the other end of the room. Instruments all around.

"Oh my god, Alexander. This room is beautiful, is this your big surprise?" I turn to him with a grin. I've always loved music and this room was just beautiful.

"Its part of it" he smiled as he went to a corner of the room and came back with a small familiar case. I knew what I was before I had it in my hand and I was near tears.

"Is- is that what I think it is?"

"I remembered on our first date, you told me you loved to play the violin, that it was your solace and escape." He handed me the case "I wanted to bring that back for you."

With shaking hands, I opened the case to see the most beautiful violin I've ever seen. Shining black wood, lined with silver strings.  I picked it up in my hand and admired it. The familiar feeling of it in my hand made my heart swell. "Oh Alexander, its so beautiful." I picked up the black bow and positioned the violin to play but for some reason I couldn't bring myself to start playing.

It had been years since I last even touched a violin, what if I wasn't good enough anymore?

"Why don't you play it?"

"I haven't played a violin in years, I don't know if I'm good enough"

Without a word, Alexander sat down in front of the piano. "I haven't played the piano for years either, so how about we start again together. Ill start and you try to play along."

I smiled and walked closer to the piano "Deal."

(Cue the song)

Without another word, Alexander started playing. As soon as he started playing I recognized the song and after a deep breathe I closed my eyes and started playing the violin. My hands moved the bow gracefully across the strings. I lost myself in the melody of Alexanders piano and let the familiar feeling of the violin take me. It had been so long, and I missed it so.

We played together, no words, no lyrics just us and the beautiful melody of our instruments beautifully blended together. I felt tears prickling my eyes as I played, feeling the peace, I hadn't felt in years. Before I knew it, I was twirling around the room laughing as I played. When the song finally ended my cheeks were wet with happy tears and a smile decorated my face.

"See? I told you" Alexander walked towards me and placed his hands on my hips pulling me towards him "When you have a certain passion for things, it doesn't matter how much time passes, you never forget. Your body just reacts to the familiar feeling."

I smiled wrapping my arms around him without letting go of the violin "Thank you so much, Alexander. You have brought out the best part of me again and I have no idea how to thank you."

Alexander grinned as he caressed my face gently "I think I can think of a few ways" and with that he kissed me. His lips gently pressed against mine and we kissed until all my sense of time disappeared.

But one thought remained... I think I love him.




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