The Betrayed Hero.

By LeahBates2

1.6M 46.1K 21.2K

Harry Potter never thought his life would turn out like this. Harry goes through a Creature Inheritance and... More

Chapter 1 - Inheritance?
Chapter 2 - Gringott's (Part One.)
Chapter 3 - Gringott's (Part Two.)
Chapter 4 - The Meeting.
Chapter 5 - The Past.
Chapter 6 - More Vaults?
Chapter 7 - Horcrux's and Lesson's.
Chapter 8 - Lesson's and the Dursley's.
Chapter 9 - End of the Dursley's.
Chapter 10 - Seeing the Vault's (Part 1.)
Chapter 11 - Seeing the Vault's (Part 2.)
Chapter 12 - Confrontation.
Chapter 13 - Diagon Alley.
Chapter 14 - Remarking.
Chapter 15 - Meeting of Mates.
Chapter 16 - 2 Weeks Later.
Chapter 17 - Reunion.
Chapter 18 - Vampire Nation.
Chapter 19 - Harry Potter Missing?
Chapter 20 - Unexpected Messages.
Chapter 21 - Christmas.
Chapter 22 - Wedding and Bonding (Part 1).
Chapter 23 - Wedding and Bonding (Part 2).
Chapter 24 - Plans.
Chapter 25 - Attack.
Chapter 26 - Information and Tonks.
Chapter 27 - New Home and Surprise.
Chapter 28 - More Surprises.
Chapter 29 - Welcome to the World.
Chapter 30 - Battle (Part One).
Chapter 31 - Battle (Part Two).
Chapter 32 - The Reveal.
Chapter 33 -Meeting.
Chapter 35 - Goodbye's.
Chapter 36 - Epilogue.

Chapter 34 - Sentence.

27.8K 743 194
By LeahBates2

It had been a couple of days since the battle had taken place, the Light had made themselves at home in the Dungeon's though they had nothing to complain about.

Each cell had a couple of mattresses for the prisoners to lie on, they were given two small meals a day each and a large jug of water twice a day also. This was much better than being held in Azkaban would have been like.

Dumbledore, Molly, Arthur, Ginny, Ron, Hermione and a couple of other people had never stopped kicking off at those bringing in food and demanding to be let loose. Other members of the Light, mostly the students who had been too wrapped up in manipulations, were quiet and waited for their day in Court.

Hadrian knew that he would sparing all of the students in the school, even the ones who showed loyalty towards the Old Man. Dumbledore had fooled and manipulated Hadrian for many years before he learned the truth and the same thing had been done here. These students would remain in the Castle until Hadrian was sure that they would pose no threat in the future.

As for Dumbledore, his old friends, the Order and the teachers they would be facing a much tougher Court with worse punishments. While the Dark did not know what the punishments would be they could only hope that they would be bad.

"So the Vampire Court is arriving today?" Hadrian asked his parents.

"Yes son, they do not live with the Vampire Nation and only come when they are summoned by us. It takes them a couple of days to arrive and we have received word that they will be arriving very soon, so why don't you go and spend time with those mates and children of yours." Amara said softly, it was amazing to see her son so happy despite what he had gone through in his life.

"Okay. Bye mother, bye father." Hadrian said, he hugged them both once before speeding out of the room.

"Do you think they will receive punishment?" Amara asked her husband worriedly, she didn't want to think what their son would do if they didn't get a proper punishment.

"Yes they will, all of their crimes was centred on the Prince of the Vampires. That is a crime all of them are guilty, at the least they will be sentenced to life in our prisons. However they did many other things so I am unsure how it will add up." Balthazar said, he was familiar with Vampire law but he didn't find any use in learning about Wizard law.

"So either way they will have a long punishment?" Amara asked happily.

"Yes my love, they will never be free again." Balthazar said just as happy.

A couple of hours later and the Vampire Court had arrived, the students were unchained and brought up to throne room where the judging was to take place.

Each of the students minds was looked into, this was to make sure that there was manipulations and lies planted into the mind or if they were just loyal to the Old Man. All of the students were soon cleared and were taken to wings of the Castle, their training to overcome the manipulations would start soon.

The next lot of people who were brought before the Court was the Order and the teacher, some of the teachers joined their students in their wings as they too had been manipulated. However some teachers and all of the Order members were found guilty of the crimes they had committed and they were sentenced to have life in a Vampire Prison.

Then it was the turn of the main people. Dumbledore, Hermione and the Weasley family were brought in front of the Court. Ginny Weasley went first.

"When answering our questions be sure that you answer truthfully, we will be watching in your mind for lies and truths. If you are found to be lying then the punishment will be more severe. Do you understand?" One of the Court members asked, this was an older looking woman.

"Yes." Ginny whispered, she knew there was no way out so she hoped she wouldn't get a severe punishment.

"Did you know about Dumbledore's manipulations? And did you follow them without hesitation?" Another Court member asked, this time it was a younger male.

"Yes I did, I followed willingly." Ginny said, she knew there was no point in lying so why should she.

"Did you willingly help place Harry Potter, now Hadrian Aldane, in mortal danger? Mostly in your first year with the Chamber of Secrets?" Another Court member said, this was younger female.

"Yes, Dumbledore had always known where the Chamber was and sent me down there knowing Harry would come to help." Ginny explained, she thought that if she placed more blame on Dumbledore then she would get a lesser sentence.

"Did you help Dumbledore and your mother, Molly Weasley, create an illegal Marriage contract between yourself and Harry Potter?" The older woman asked once more.

"Yes I did, I had been raised on the tales of Harry Potter and promised that I would one day become Lady Potter. I started to believe it and would do anything to make it reality." Ginny said looking down, she wasn't really ashamed but she had to put on a show.

"Were you aware that the Prophecy was fake? And if so who created it?" The younger male asked once more.

"Yes I knew the Prophecy was fake. Dumbledore and the Order created it, the draft of the Prophecy is in Gringott's bank." Ginny said softly.

"We have the draft with us and the Goblins gave it to Hadrian. Now, were you aware that Dumbledore was stealing from Harry Potter and giving that money to his 'friends'?" Another Court member finally spoke up, this time it was an older male.

"Yes, however I have not known that long. Dumbledore was paying the Order, Hermione and Ron as far as I am aware." Ginny admitted.

"And did you accept any payment at all from Albus Dumbledore?" The younger female asked again.

"Yes I did, but only in recent years when I was old enough to have a vault, the money really helped my family." Ginny said, she had accepted the money because it would help her family get her more things.

"Did you know that Dumbledore intended to kill Harry Potter when he completed his task, then take credit for it?" The older woman asked seething.

"It wasn't actually like that." Ginny said, pausing to look at Dumbledore who was scowling angrily at her.

"What do you mean by that Miss Weasley." The older male asked.

"I mean that Dumbledore was not going to kill Harry after he got rid of You-Know-Who. If Harry survived the battle he was going to make Harry marry me and then get rid of him, that way I would inherit all that Harry owned." Ginny admitted, she had looked away from the sneers and angry looks of Dumbledore. Telling the truth would give her a lesser sentence, or so she hoped.

Hadrian and his family were shocked when they heard this, they had all thought that this was all so Dumbledore could have the glory and fame of killing Voldemort. However this was all about getting more money and the fame of training the Boy-Who-Lived or being friends with him.

"That Miss Weasley is no better and while we do appreciate all of the insight you have given us on Dumbledore you cannot blame all of this on him. You have no spells or potions on/in your person which means you did this of your own accord and are blamed solely for how you have behaved." The older male said shaking his head.

"You will be chained for now, once the rest of your comrades have been heard then we will pass judgement on you." The younger male said. After Ginny was placed beside her mother and father, Ronal Weasley was brought forward.

Ron was asked basically the same questions but worded slightly different for his own parts that he had played. While Ginny had told the truth throughout the questioning Ron did not, often lying and trying to make others out to be worse then him. However the Court did not buy any of it as they were able to see into his mind and see what really happened on the matter.

After Ron was questioned Hermione went, followed by Arthur, then Molly and Dumbledore went last. All of them having very similar questions but worded differently for the roles they had played, some of them lied all of the time while others told the truth as much as they lied. After every question the Court looked into the mind of the person they were questioning, this way they could see if it was truly a lie or if it was truth.

"We will now leave this room and deliberate between ourselves, once we return we will deliver our verdict." The older woman said, the Vampires all bowed as the Court left the room while the prisoners just looked at them in worry.

"I can't believe you have done this Harry." Molly said shaking her head, she needed to find some way of getting through to Harry even if it was just for a moment.

"I can't believe I didn't do this sooner, whatever they decide on would be too good for you all. You deserve to suffer for what you put me, my family and my friends through." Hadrian sneered at the woman.

"And what about this children of yours? Do you think they are going to be happy, being raised around all of this evil?" Hermione asked, she knew that a person was weakest when it came to their children. These twins could be the only way to make Harry see sense.

"The Death Eaters are not evil, you lot are. I have been with them and seen how the interact which is more like friends then comrades, besides they have all held my twins and have done nothing to them." Hadrian said smirking.

"You let those monsters hold my Grandchildren!?" Molly yelled out, this only making the Dark wish they had gagged all of them after questioning.

"Like we said and proved before, you are not their Grandmother as they do not have one. You will either be locked up, banished or dead within the day." George said, he couldn't believe that this had been their mother for their lives.

"I am so disappointed in you boys, those lovely girls you went to the balls with would have made perfect brides. And you went for this!" Arthur said, his voice getting louder as he spoke.

"Hadrian is our mate, as is each other, even if we had married and had a family we would have gotten together with Hadrian at some point. We were made for each other and we belong together, you would never understand something like that." Fred said, a sneer on his face at the thought of being with a woman.

"He turned into monsters!" Ron yelled loudly.

"Oh no he didn't, we are born Vampires. The gene just didn't come out in us until our mate entered his own Inheritance." Fred said smiling softly.

"How are you born Vampires?" Hermione asked, that just didn't make any sense to her.

"Simple really, turns out that Molly had some Vampires in her family tree and it would only be present in twins. That is why her twin brothers were Vampires and why we are Vampires, the gene would remain dormant in a single child but would activate when it was twins." George explained.

Molly looked down while her husband, son and daughter looked at her. "So all of our children have this gene in them but it will remain dormant in their children until they have children?" Arthur asked shocked.

"Yes, Jason and Edward will be born Vampires as they are twins and the sons of a Weasley. If they have twins then the gene will pass to them, how did you not know this?" Hadrian asked confused.

"She never said anything." Ron growled, he was angry at his mother but more angry at Hadrian and his traitorous brothers.

Before Hadrian could speak again the Court returned, after taking their seats they told the prisoners to step forward one at a time. Ginny going first once more.

"We find you Ginny guilty of everything brought before us, you didn't lie to us but the crimes you made against the Prince cannot go unanswered." The older female said shaking her head, Ginny eyes widened.

"We have decided that your punishment will be having half of your magic bound for the rest of your life and then being placed in Azkaban, you will never unlock your magic nor will you see the light of day for 15 years." The older male said also shaking his head.

Ginny was shocked and begged with her eyes as she knew she would not last 15 years in Azkaban, when she was dragged back to where the others were standing she knew that it was over for her.

"Hermione Granger, we also find you guilty of everything you have been accused off, you lied to us but not completely." The younger female said.

"You will be having all of your magic bound for the rest of your life and will be placed in the Muggle World, you will not be able to unlock your magic nor will you be able to enter this world. However you will retain all memories. Your parents memories will be wiped of any knowledge of the Magical World but will remember you." The younger male said.

Hermione blanched, here in the Wizarding World she was a genius and she was loved, people looked up to her. All of that would be gone if this punishment went through, she too tried begging with her eyes and knew that it was all over when she was dragged to stand beside Ginny.

Ron was very scared when he was told to step forward. "We also find you guilty of everything you were brought her for, you lied slightly but told the truth most of the time." The older female said.

"You will have the same sentence as Hermione, since you do not know about the Muggle World we will allow you to remain with Hermione and allow her parents to know you. Small details of the Muggle World will be implanted into your brain to help you but Hermione will have to do most of the explained. Your magic will also be bound and your memories intact." The younger male explained.

Ron also blanched when he heard this, he knew nothing of the Muggle World and he would have no magic at all. The only good thing was that he would be with Hermione and her family, when he was dragged towards his friend and sister he knew there was no point in arguing the point.

Arthur Weasley was brought forward next. "Arthur Weasley, you have also been found guilty and told the truth throughout all of your questions. However we have agreed with Hadrian and his family that you didn't have a major role in all of this. " The younger female said.

"You will receive mostly the same punishment as your daughter Ginny, more of your magic will be bound as you have more then your daughter, enough will be taken where you have the same amount of magic. However you will only remain in Azkaban for 5 years as you did nothing against Harry directly, this has been approved of by Hadrian Aldane himself." The older male said.

Arthur was upset and slightly shocked but happy, he had just done what his family had wanted him to do and he never gone against Harry directly. He would take his punishment and he would make sure he lived to get out of prison and apologise to Hadrian. He let Hadrian know all of this through his eyes and Hadrian nodded at him to show the man that he understood.

Molly was then brought before the Court where she received a glare from the two females. "You have also been found guilty of the crimes brought to us, you also lied in all of the questions asked by this court." The younger male said.

"You are going to be sentenced to the same punishment as Ginny and to a degree Arthur also. Your magic will be bound to the same as theirs with no hope of bringing it back and you will not see the light of day for 15 years." The older female said with a glint her eyes.

Molly was shocked, she knew that she would not be able to survive 5 years in that prison with her depleted magic and with the Dementors. She also knew that the Court knew this also, but as she was dragged to stand beside her daughter she also knew that there was no hope for her.

Dumbledore was then brought forward and all of the Court members eyes narrowed on the man. "We also found you guilty Albus Dumbledore, of everything you have been accused off, you lied in every single one of your questions and showed no remorse." The older female said with a sneer.

"You have been sentenced to draining by Vampire, we usually choose the one Vampire that will drain you but with all of the crimes you have committed we thought that it would have to change." The younger male said, also with a sneer on his face.

"You will have your magic bound when this is done, which will make the experience even more painful as your blood and magic is taken forcibly from your body." The younger female said, her eyes narrowed in hatred.

"You will then be presented to the Inner Circle members who are Vampires where they will drain you, they may torture you to their hearts content for a single day. However you must be fully drained of blood and dead before the next morning." The older man said, you could tell by the look on his face that this was the worst punishment one could have.

Dumbledore, Molly, Ron, Hermione and Ginny were shocked at what they were hearing. They had horrendous punishments when Arthur would spend 5 years in Azkaban in an isolated cell, that meant there wouldn't even be any Dementors to feed off of him.

The Court saw the looks that the 5 were giving them. "Like we said before, Hadrian and his family agree with us that Arthur only went along with you all because you were his family and had been manipulated as Hadrian once was." The younger male explained.

"When he is released from Azkaban his bound magic will be unlocked which will help him recover from his years in the prison, once that is done he will move into Slytherin Castle where he will trained to get rid of all the manipulations you put him under." The younger male said smirking.

"Arthur will have a new and happy life when we are done with him, he may even find a family and friends who care for him. Not what he can do you for them." Hadrian said, with that done he shook hands with Arthur. He could sense the regret in his eyes and smiled at the man, he put some of his magic into Arthur just to make sure the man survived his sentence.

"Thank you Hadrian, for giving me this opportunity." Arthur said.

"You have to thank my mates for that Arthur, they smelt the potions and noticed you were acting very submissive to your friends and family. If they hadn't have done that then this would have been a lot worse." Hadrian said, he watched proudly as his two mates walked forward and hugged their father. They both knew that he had been manipulated as much as they were, they would be very happy to see him once he was out of Azkaban.

Everyone promised to visit him at least once a week and the twins also promised that they would be there with their mate when he was released, walking out with him as a free man.

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