Chapter 29 - Welcome to the World.

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It had been 4 months since Hadrian and his two mates had learned the gender of their child, which in fact turned out to be two baby boys.

The three boys had been discussing names on a daily basis, the others around them also tried to contribute names for the children, they had many pieces of paper with boy names on them to choose from. They had never expected this to be as hard as it was.

Hadrian was 8 months pregnant now and you could clearly see it now. His stomach was very large because he was carrying babies, his mood swings were getting more erratic because he was so close to his due date (even snapping at his mates and parents) as well as being confined to a bedroom as it was hard for him to move.

"I wish these boys would just come into the world already! I can't do anything anymore!" Hadrian yelled, the twins never left his side and always helped him when he needed it. While he was thankful to his mates for looking after him as well as putting up with him, he did feel way to protected and isolated from the rest of the world.

"They will be here soon enough love." Fred said stroking Hadrian's stomach. The twins had gained the habit of stroking the bloated stomach all of the time, they said it calmed them down as well as their pregnant mate.

"Yeah, pregnancy is one thing you have no choice in being patient with." George said with a smile.

"Your one to say, your not the one who is carrying these two. The next time we want children it will be one of you two carrying them." Hadrian said, his voice was serious as he would not be the only one of them to carry and birth their children.

"I think we can agree to that." Both the twins said at the same time.

They spent the morning lying in bed together and when Hadrian was hungry at lunch they sent for the House Elf to make them something to eat. Not long after the Elf had left the room with a pop Hadrian doubled over in pain and clutching his stomach.

"Hadrian!?" Fred and George yelled at the same time, both of them reaching out to catch their mate as he fell to the side of the bed.

"Summon the Healer!" George yelled to the Elf that had just popped back into their room before turning to his mate once more.

"What's happening?!" Fred yelled in a panic, he was scared for his mate and unborn children and he didn't even know what he could do to help.

George felt something wet below his mate so he looked down, the bed was soaked as was Hadrian's sleeping pants. "I think his water broke!" George yelled, his twin looked down at the bed also and gasped.

"But he's only 8 months in George, this is too early! Is something wrong with them or him?!" Fred yelled in a panic, he was cut of as Hadrian screamed in pain.

Not even a minute later and the Healer was stepping into the room going straight to Hadrian, one look at him and she knew what was wrong. "He is in Labour!" She yelled, she got to work right away while the twins stayed in Hadrian's line of sight.

"But he's only 8 months into the pregnancy." George said, he was much calmer then his twin but still scared.

"Many male pregnancies end earlier then they should, it is something to do with their bodies not being fully able to carry full term. The child is fully developed at this stage and there is nothing wrong with Hadrian, he is just giving birth early." The Healer explained, this calmed down the twins.

"Don't you think we should have known that this was something that could have happened? We almost had a heart attack." Fred said, he was not angry but he was upset that they had never been told this could have happened to their mate (if they had then they would not have freaked out as they had done).

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