Chapter 8 - Lesson's and the Dursley's.

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It had been two weeks since Hadrian's birthday, since the day his life changed for the best. In those two weeks he had gone through a Creature Inheritance, learned he was not a Potter, gained close friends in people he was taught were enemies, he had more training then he ever had in all his years at Hogwart's and he had two mates out there waiting for him.

Hadrian had not met all of the Death Eater's as Tom didn't think it was time, he had only met with the Inner Circle. Severus, Lucius, Draco, Remus, Sirius, Bill, Charlie, Draco and Bellatrix were the only member's of the Dark who knew about him as they were most trusted by Tom.

Hadrian's lessons were also coming along very well, he had each lesson 2-3 times a week depending on the lesson. He had 4 lessons a day and often asked to be taught specific ones over the weekend.

Hadrian had Spell Work, Potions, Dark Arts and Torture 3 times a week. He had Ward/Curse Breaking as well as Politics and Etiquette 2 times a week. Hadrian had chosen his Animagus and Magical Creatures to have an extra lesson over the weekend. This totalled to 22 lessons weekly for Hadrian.

Hadrian was excelling in his Spell Work, he was able to learn all about a spell in a couple of days and he would be able to execute the spell a couple of days after that. Since he had only been training for 2 weeks he had only learned a couple of the spell's that he would have to learn.

He was very surprising in his Potion's lessons, he would be handed the list of ingrediant's and the instruction, he would then work with no distractions and have the potion finished when it should be and with good quality. He had only learned how to brew two potion's and they were quite simple, the harder potion's would come later.

In his Magical Creatures lessons he was shocking Charlie, after learning all about a Creature for a couple of days Hadrian would be able to track one down and befriend it within the next week. Since his training had only begun two weeks ago he had only met one Creature, but he knew there was many more coming.

His Curse and Ward Breaking lessons were coming slowly as it is one of the most challenging he would have to learn, on top of that it was a little boring no matter how much fun Bill included. He had been able to partly dissolve a Ward surrounding a small object but he had not been able to disable it fully yet, he hadn't even begun his training on the Curse's yet.

Dart Arts and Muggle Fighting/Weaponry was one of Hadrian's best subjects. He had so far been able to learn and cast a spell that created fire (not Fiendfyre), he had been to 'injure' one of the dummies and was now allowed to try on one of the Muggle's in the Dungeon's but he hadn't reached that stage just yet. With his Muggle Fighting he was struggling more then he was in Dark Arts as he was used to having a wand or something solid in his hands, he was not used to using his fists, feet and other parts of his body to cause harm.

In his Torture classes he was excelling quickly, he had only been taught the theory behind one spell as well as practicing it since he was only two weeks into his training. He felt ready to perform the spell on a dummy, but not on a real Muggle just yet.

In his Politics and Etiquette lessons he was being made into the perfect Pure-Blooded Vampire, so far he had been taught how to speak properly when around other Pure-Blood's (he could talk normally around his friends and family) as well as how to stand, sit and walk correctly. He had come to like Narcissa and Lucius dearly but their lessons were very boring to him.

Hadrian's Vampire lessons with Fenrir had come and gone within a couple of days, it turned out he had better control over his Vampire then most do. He was able to pass from his Vampire form to his Human form easily and quickly, thus this lesson was finished. His Animagus lessons was another he was doing very well in, he had not been able to transform just yet but he knew he was getting close. It was this exact lesson Hadrian was in at the present time.

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