running from who you are skyl...

By Bekakillsquidfaceoff

13.1K 188 163

When the fluffy bacca and the mudkip find a mysterious girl in the woods appearing to be running from somethi... More

Chap one
Shit goes down
Hi again
Chapter to prepare your feelz for before you read
I decided
Oh. My. God
Music and elementary school
Ummmm ooops
Q and A
Ummm idk what to say
Chapter of oh crapness
Tada oops

Chapter shit will actually go down i hope

494 8 6
By Bekakillsquidfaceoff

Yep that's right two updates in one night. Have I gone insane? Skylox,merome,sparkant,munchingunivers,doubldil,setosolace,Bashur: YES! (in a quieter voice) help us she's insane. Me: SHUT UP AND GET BACK IN THE STORY THOSE IVE WRITTEN IN YET AND THE REST OF YOU BACK IN THE FUTURE CHAPPIES! Jason: TYLER!! Brotato: JASON!!
Seto: BRICE!! Buddersolace: SETO!! The ships scream as they are torn from each other's arms by the magic of the story. jasonandseto: (crying in a ball in a corner far away from me) Me: guys I'm so- Jasonandseto: No. FUCK YOU! Me if you let me get through da story you be reunited like always guys jasonandseto: oh yeah I forget. (off in the background)skylox,merome,sparkant,Bashur:(laughing their asses off) me: anywho this is being written at 12:22 in the morning while I'm listening to: my immortal, bring me to life by evanescence, mad world, safe and sound by Taylor swift, a lullaby for Rue and rue's farewell so prepare da feels and so jason and Seto will stop crying TO DA STORY!!! everything explodes into unicorny rainbowy and budder sprinkles

Beka's POV

~still in flashback~

I was thinking it'd be just another day spent hunting in the woods and killing cows, how wrong I was. So we got our stuff together and Liv said "wait, shit I need to run home and grab my sword" "okay i'll go with you" I said. "Hokeyp, let's go." "Let's" so we go to her house she grabs her sword and we walk out her purple door on her green house towards the woods where we hunt. We make a good haul, getting 32 raw chicken each, killing a lot of cows even getting our own Jefferys and getting really lucky and finding a budder apple tree. " We'll have to come back later and get more of those apples" Liv says after we stuff our bags, pocket, and anywhere else we can full of apples. "Indubitably, yes," I say in my best fancy voice "yes, yes quite" Liv says back in her best fancy voice. We're silent for a few seconds before we burst out laughing. "Let's head back it's getting late" "Bekaaaaa I don't wanna" she says like a little child "buuuut weeeeee haaaaaavvve tooooo." I say fake-mocking her child-like voice/attitude. "Meanie." "but that's why we're friends." "True. Leggo!" We walk back just chatting with each other about this or that new video by our fave YouTubers. When we get somewhat close to home I hear screams and say, "uhh Liv do you hear that." She listens for a second then says "OMN THE VILLAGE!" And we start running towards the village. As we get closer the screaming is louder and what we see when we reach the edge of the forest makes us both stop short. People are running and screaming, everything's on fire, people are fighting and being held captive by, "Squids." I mutter. "Come on Bek! We gotta help them!" Liv says "wait I wanna see why they're here." "Why?!?!" She whisper-shouts. "If we know what they want we can better fight them." "Oh. That makes sense." It's not long before we hear from the squid who seems to be in charge bark, "WHERE ARE THEY! I KNOW THEY LIVE HERE! SO WHERE ARE THEY! THE SISTER OF THE BEST FRIEND OF THE LEADER OF THE SKY ARMY AND THE LITTLE BITCH WHO THOUGHT SHE COULD ESCAPE OUR HIGHEST LEVEL DUNGEON AND GET AWAY WITH IT!" "Ty?!?" Liv says surprised. "How do you know his real name?" I ask. "because the first person they're looking for is me" she says. "Do you know who the second person could be Bek?" "No, but Liv if we go in there they're gonna recognize us-you. And your going to get kidnapped and I can't loose my bestest friend" "naw it'll be fine" "no Liv it won't, how do you think I got all these" I say pulling up my sleeves and the back of my hoodie and shirt to show all the scars from the whips, knives thrown at me, and all the other methods of torture used on me just because they felt like it. "They did this?" "Yes and they'll do it to both of us but worse for me if we don't stay hidden Liv. You know I want to chop them up and shoot them in their ugly-ass faces but I want my friend safe more." "Okay but I don't like it." she says grudgingly. "No more so than I Liv," I say and we sprint off.

TADA I did it I update again and shit still hasn't gone down. Jasonandseto: Tyler and Brice BACK NOW! Me: okay, okay teleports the two here buddersolace: SETO! brotato: JASON! Seto: BRICE!! Jason: TYLER!! (shipping fluffiness ensues) WELL WHILE BROTATO AND JASON AND SETO AND BRICE MAKEOUT IN DA CORNERS- hears a noise WHAT EVER SHIP IS MAKING DAT NOISE FINISH IT IN ONE OF Y'ALL'S ROOM 'KAY WE DONT NEED SMUT IN DA A/N! FUCK WE DONT NEED IT AT ALL! Anywho before I WAS SO RUDELY INTERRUPTED bye my- wait a second we need a name for y'all post a suggestion in da comments and-MITCH! JEROME! NOT ON MY FREAKING COUCH! GO TO ONE OF YALLS ROOM DAMMIT! what is with them today oh well BYYYYYYYYYYEEEEE

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