Right Into Place

By DarkPurple22

25.9K 1.6K 2K

All my life I'd been out of place, to my family, to the place I'm living in, to the relationships I've been i... More

Author's noteeeeessss
how many parts do I have now?


287 27 6
By DarkPurple22

I didn't want to let her go knowing that it'll be long before I get to see her again in person. Of course I could always follow Franco's advise to get a flight wherever she is so I could see her as if life is as easy as the way he paints it to be. He doesn't know how time and distances work the way it does for me. It meant a lot, especially when it comes to Taylor, who is currently in my arms.

I could not believe that morning was too quick to come around. Before I knew what exactly was going on, Taylor's flight was coming quite near. I told her a few reminders of mine, I told her to call me every so often, I told her I would be open for her any time of the day while she gave me a few bits of reminders as well. To add a bit of fun, she gave me a spare key to her apartment, saying someone needed to be there because no one would accompany her dolls —that part still doesn't fail to give me goosebumps— and that it was only fair because she had keys to my place. I couldn't exactly say anything against that. I let her take one of my dad's journals for the trip, which she was very grateful at. It was at the same moment she told me she put a picture of mine in her locket, that I gave her and I couldn't be more pleased about it.

Now, it seemed too long ago when it had been only hours.

I didn't mind the crowds walking along around us, taking their glances as if they owned the terminal. I don't care about them. What I care about is the sunshine, and my entire universe that's in my arms. She's all that exists to me.

"Harry," she whispered softly. "I kinda need to go now."

I wish I didn't have to. But I did, slowly loosening my arms, I took a step back, looked around briefly. Taylor adjusted my glasses with a smile, I don't know why but that small gesture was making my heart race unbelievably.

"I'll miss you." She gave me a soft, sweet kiss before starting to back away. I wished she didn't have such priorities. .  ."It's not a long time. I'll be back before you know it. Take care, Harry. I love you." She waved briefly before turning her back on me without letting me say a single word.

"I love you too," my mind echoed the words I never said when I know for a fact that she won't hear it, not when she was already skipping her way out of my sight. The people walking by in their suits and thick clothes with their bags pulled behind them had made sure that I lose sight of her right within a few minutes.

Goodbye for now, love.

It was not an hour after Taylor's departure, I booked a flight back to New York. It was rather tough to get a normal plane ticket as the rush of the holidays and the threat of snow storms were still around yet five hours later, I got a first-class ticket away from England and back to where I should be. It almost seemed impossible but it still happened, I was already back to Queens by the time Taylor called, telling me she just got off from a flight and she's somewhere in Portugal, I forgot the place and she'd call me again later.

No one would ever believe how much of a relief it was to get home. I walked inside the empty-looking shop, after unlocking the door that rattled, creaked and sprayed off dust when I entered it again. The smell of old wood and bricks came over me, the usual chill of the air was very different from how it was outside and it simply screamed the word, "Home."

I left my small luggage at the door as I've left most back in England. If I took all of my stuff with me, someone would have caught me leaving and they'd make me stay. I don't want to stay there. I wouldn't even go there if it weren't for Taylor. Something about that house isn't quite the same with this one. I sunk on my bed as soon as I was within its range where I took my long-deserved rest.

December 30th, I went ahead to get my car in the nearby alleyway only to find out it's been replaced by a black Toyota Land Cruiser, it looked much like Franco's car. I asked my neighbour, named Cyrus —who is usually in charge of my car. He's an eleven year-old boy, ginger with brown eyes and freckles upon his cheeks. My usual reward for him are toys, which he kept. In my defence, those are pretty good toys.

I asked him where my car was and he said it was my car. That gave me a brief moment of confusion, I blinked, looking at the car and it's not mine. I freaking use a Corolla.

"No, this is not my car. Cy, where's my car?" I asked again, losing every amount of patience I have.

Cyrus simply shrugged, "Your girlfriend came around with some other guy who told me that this will be your car from now on."

"I'm sorry?" I asked, that is way out of line and it's very far from the answer I expected. My girlfriend with some other guy?! And they replaced my car?!

"I don't know. They just left the note." Cyrus pointed to a note inside the car, there's a sticky note along with it and now I've just confirmed that this must be Taylor's doing. The other guy, I've no idea who that is.

Which leads me to the question, "How am I going to get that? I haven't got a key."

"The lady told me about a walking doll in your basement."

Shit. Taylor, what the hell?!

I have no idea what pushed Taylor to do this but I'm going to have a talk with her. I am very tired because of my trips and now, this is what I have to face?! She couldn't have said something?!

"Right. Uh, thanks Cy." I almost ran away but I stopped myself. "Cy, does the other lad have auburn hair and green eyes?" I asked since he's the only one Taylor could have teamed up with.

"I'm not sure about the eyes, Harry but yeah, kinda."

Good God!

Once I got to my place, I opened the trap door leading to the basement, praying that Taylor didn't leave anything creepy. . . but with the walking doll, creepy is probably what I should expect. I cautiously moved down the stairs, flipping the switch to turn the lights on. It mostly revealed how I left it, the neat yet dusty shelves, the couch near the middle, the unopened toys around.

Alright, where's the walking doll?

I've never been much of a fan of dolls, especially the ones that move on their own yet to solve the mystery Taylor left behind, I have to forget about that. Looking around the basement, I started listening for tiny sounds or movements, feeling like I'm in a horror movie. The hair at the back of my neck already rose up and the unshattered silence is not making it easier for me.

Then I heard the tiny footsteps. I followed where the sounds were coming from and when I found the doll, it had a key taped to its hand. I lifted it up and turned it off, I don't want it talking or walking. I just want the key. Taylor even left a note saying,

First challenge finished. Victory???? Happy New Year.

I love Taylor, but this is one of those times when I'd question what the hell is with her I found irresistible.

I'm certain of one thing though, this is not my Baby Alive Wanna Walk doll. It's tan and got green eyes with hair in pig tails. Mine was blonde and kind of white. . . carrying the doll in one hand, leaving it hanging in the air as I walk, I made my way to my shelves and fair enough, the doll I bought, the Wanna Walk doll was definitely still unboxed so this has got to be Taylor's doll. I'm going to have to put it back in her apartment later. I'm not keeping a walking doll in my place when it's already unboxed.

Then I went out, realising that my sole focus wasn't about the doll, it was about the car Taylor and —probably— Franco came up with. I opened the car door and took the note from the inside and all that's written in the note is for me to dial a certain number whereas the sticky note just says "surprise."

I dialled the number, feeling only desperation to know why my car disappeared and got replaced by a Land Cruiser. Not that I was against the car, it looked great added by its black rims. It should be Franco. If it's not him, I might go insane.

"Wow, it took you ages," he said, laughing right after. "Sort of busy right now, baby brother but I hope you love the gift. Don't tell anyone I gave you that. Don't worry about your old car, it's gone to a better place and, well, everything you have inside your car, even in the glove compartment are already in your new one. See? I'm such a great brother. You're welcome, I know you love me. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year which, you are not going to spend with us."

I reckon Franco had already said what he needed and wanted to say because the call ended right there but it was enough for me to figure out what is going on. The car was his gift, and he didn't tell me because he knows I might turn it down and then he even got Taylor to go along with him. I cannot believe they've conspired for this.

Nevertheless, I was thankful and I needed to take the new car out for a spin. I am still very worried about my old car but it's not like I was that sentimental. I rarely even used it since everything was nearby, walking distance until Cara moved here and Taylor came along in my life. Now, I've got a new one I didn't ask for. If my old car was still around, I would have returned this one but Franco was that good in planning, making his "no return, no exchange" policy every bit successful.

This is expensive.

I could honestly say I was not as used to it as I was in my old car, it still needs a break-in.

I drove around town, ending up in Cara's apartment first where luckily, she was spending her time there sprawled all over the couch while binge-watching The Family Guy. I've never appreciated those kinds of shows that much but, I couldn't really say it out loud. We spent our time catching up with the usual beer and chips. She asked me about the doll I was holding and I told her it was Taylor's. I'll put it in her apartment later.

I told her all about the reunion and all the things that occurred after. She had a good laugh once she heard about the pond incident and a special opportunity of telling me how much of a moron I can be at times. And then, she got serious once the subject touched about how I spend my New Years.

"You know you can't go back to habit," she said, very sternly as if she was not stating the obvious. She drank from her second can of beer very slowly, doing the mafia stare on me.

"I know that," I replied casually, taking a few fish chips and playing with each before putting them in my mouth. "I'm not doing that to her."

"Uhuh, I've heard that before, and guess what? You did it," she reminded me.

"Well, this time, I'm not going to fool around," I said, knowing full well that her last statement was nothing but the truth. I have said it before and I swallowed my own words. I could at least defend myself because this time around, I'm going to have to be determined and I plan to be.

"I've heard that before too," she pointed out in a tone of pity as if I were in a helpless situation.

"This time, I mean it."

"Heard that too."

"Cara, what do you want me to say?" I asked, sighing. There seemed to be no winning as I know I've said promises before and never kept them. It turns out I must have said thousands of them.

"It's not what I want you to say, babe." She licked her lips, pausing for effect before continuing, "It's what she wants you to do. She wants you to be someone she can trust. You know sunshine can't handle two consecutive heartbreaks that harsh."

I caught her point right there so I nodded, just a second right before I took a few gulps from my beer. "I won't fool around, I promise."

Cara nodded, "If you do, I'll push you off the Brooklyn Bridge."

"If I do break her heart, you'll find me there," I said with a wink before continuing with my drink. Much as I used my playful tone, I was way more than serious when I said I won't break her heart. New Years are my critical time but that never meant I couldn't resist. I think I've got a lot more control than I let on.

We both paid our attentions back to the TV, eating and drinking for more than just a few minutes.

"But, babe, you brought her to grandma?" She asked. "Really?"

I did not give her any satisfaction by making my face and tone as blank as possible. "Sort of. Gran did ask for me to bring her there."

"Well, of course but fair reminder that she asked you to bring all of your girlfriends there yet she's the only one that had the lovely honour. Babe, you are so in love with her." I stared at her, eyebrows knitted together and all she does is give me an innocent smile.

I simply drank once again, "I might be."

She brought her can of beer to my forehead, the sound giving a tiny thunk before she drank from it once more. "Don't hurt yourself in the process. You know I love you, dork."

I nodded, never bothering to reply those three words as she knew I cared for her the same way she does about me. "Happy New Year, babe."

"I'm going to spend my New Year in a bar," she said. "You coming, babe?" She teased, knowing full well that I am not planning to do exactly that.

I groaned, rolling my eyes in annoyance as I elbowed her, which gave her a reason to punch me a solid on the chest, and another and another while we're both laughing. Alright, she's going too far. The fish chips and cans of beer got scattered all to the floor while we're both still laughing. I got on top of her, pinning her against the couch while she laughs like an uncontrollable maniac. I held her hands against the couch, no matter how she struggled, she couldn't move.

I grinned at her, in a maniacal way that would speak for itself saying, give up. She was still laughing as she struggled until she completely calmed down, sweat breaking off at her forehead.

She heaved a sigh of surrender. She lifted her head and let our noses touch as if she's ever gone further than that. "You're a real expert at that, aren't you?" She asked in a teasing voice and I know what she meant.

I got off her, knowing that she'd just won the argument —as ladies always do when it's with me. I sighed, picking up the scattered objects apart from the food that fell to the floor. Cara muttered something along the lines of "Great, now I'm going to have to clean this up." Of course I helped her clean everything. Once I was done, I told her I would crash in Taylor's apartment and she let me walk out without a single word.

I still held the doll in my hand, making other people glance at my direction yet discomfort barely touched my mind. I didn't care about them.

I entered Taylor's apartment without a sweat, seeing as she gave me the key. The place seemed slightly odd without Taylor in it, but it felt alive for some reasons. Either way, I stepped right near her TV set where some of the dolls are arranged and I placed the doll on an empty space.

I looked around her place, framed photographs around the walls, modernised furniture and a few dolls here and there. The nightlamp I gave her during her birthday was there near her bed and I smiled, knowing that she uses it. It was simply beautiful to be there. It reminded me not to break her. More than that, I need to reassure her that nothing would be done to hurt her.

I've thought of how I was supposed to do that and when my mind mustered the idea, I left her place. The next thing I knew, I was driving to her family's house. It was not a wonder that they were preparing for the New Year's celebration and when I came around, they were all speaking in odd phrases until Brandon told me they were trying to speak Klingon, from Star Trek as their New Year would consist of every fandom that has anything to do with space. That was rather nice as of course, New Years, they could pretend the fireworks are planets crashing against each other or supernovas and that seemed like a good idea. They said they debated whether it was Disney themed or Space themed. Taylor was the one who settled the argument when they called her up and she said the Disney theme seemed better at Christmas and not New Year so space theme it is.

When I got there, they were quite busy but I asked them a tiny bit of favour and they were delighted to oblige but only if I help them set up the entire house for the New Year.

I thanked them and helped them with what they're doing.

I wasn't wrong when I said their family has better holidays than mine. I wonder what it'd be like with them during these holidays. But I reckon I'm going to have to wait for the complete revolution to find out.

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