Forgotten- Morro X Reader

By ApPLe_29x

58.8K 2.4K 1.2K

Destiny. It must have been destiny for a little stray boy meeting a man with a kind heart. It must have been... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Christmas Special Short
Chapter 11-[A Mortal's Moral Mistake]
Chapter 12-[The Wind's Call]
Chapter 13-[Cat and Mouse]
Chapter 14-[Deception]
Chapter 15-[Forgotten Past]
Chapter 16-[Savior's Silence]
Chapter 17-[His Request]
Chapter 18-[Their Trust]
Chapter 18.5- [EXTRA]
Chapter 19- [Your Conflict]
Chapter 20-[Fight or Flight]
Chapter 21-[Flight]
Chapter 22- [Worth]
Chapter 23- [Fight Pt. 1]
Chapter 24- [Fight Pt. 2]
Chapter 25- [Recovering Wounds]
Chapter 26- [Returning Scars]
Chapter 27- [The Markings and Memories We Carry]
Chapter 28- [As Veils Unfold]
Chapter 29- [Vengeance is the Taste of Iron]

Chapter 10

1.8K 74 31
By ApPLe_29x

Previously on Forgotten, chapter 9...

    You opened the door, and stepped into the main part of the apartment. Morro was speaking to Soul Archer, but the second you walked in his eyes- like lightning- glimmered towards you.
    "Ah, girl," he announced your entrance, wafting his hand for you to come forth, "Come, come."
    Soul Archer, once Morro turned his attention, dipped his head and just like that- starting from the legs up- dispersed into a green toxic mist which evaporated into the air.
    "Did Caseem by any chance tell you anything?" Morro asked, snapping you back to him. He didn't move a muscle, meaning he was waiting for you to actually come over.
    You started to make your way over to him at a slow pace, shaking your head, "Just that you needed me..."
    "I do need you, that is correct," Morro nodded, crossing his arms over his chest, "You are finally going to come to use in destiny's time. Today though, I will show you what will be expected of you, where, and when."
You frowned, not really fully following through with his words, but you didn't say anything to it. What did these ghosts have planed for you?


"Do we have to take the dragon again?" You groaned, your hand placed upon your forehead as you sighed.
    Morro stood a little bit away, his arms crossed and eyes narrowed at you. A part of the dragon was looped around his form, as it nudged his neck with it's hook as if begging for his attention.

You were needed for a mission. You were finally being used and becoming productive rather than just sitting in the apartment and looking pretty.
You didn't know if you were relieved from boredom or nervous.... perhaps a little bit of both. Of course you weren't relieved to be helping criminals and their wicked plans, you just were happy to be out of that room.
Morro once again led you through Stiix, this time to the exit/entrance where you were told to go up to the ledge you first landed on. The one at the side of the mountain's face with the worn down shed.

"Would you much rather spend the whole day walking through a valley in the heat?" Morro brought up the point, quirking a brow at you.
You didn't answer, because he was right. But you disliked the dragon. The horrid memories of getting harshly grabbed and pulled up into the air. The sways and twists and turns and the gruesome look down. The uncomfortable feeling of literally being held by a dragon's claws by the upper body.
Morro 'tsk'ed a couple times, and as if code, the dragon unwrapped the man and lowered it's large head, at the same time lowering it's neck.
The raven haired ghost grabbed one of the dragon's countless horns and pulled himself up to be siting on its neck. He grabbed the chains which acted as reigns and turned to you with a challenging gaze. "Would you like to sit behind me? Perhaps it would be of better comfort."
Although his tone was sincere, his expression and eyes showed his cheekiness, and you immediately cursed to yourself.
You hesitated with the answer, even though 'no' was right at the tip of your tongue. It would actually be much better than putting your life in the hands of a dragon's grip, and being able to control at least some of it, but you just couldn't find a way to accept with his bold and quite brash look.
"No," you said as clearly and simply as possible.
Expecting some kind of reaction from the ghost, to your surprise and erg he just shrugged, "Suit yourself. Less things to worry about for me. Stay where you are then."

You put on the face of complete annoyance, you hissed out to yourself, 'that cocky little bastard!' as you watched him flick the reigns, and his dragon spreading it's large transparent mist like wings and pushing them down, sending its body up with a large gust of wind.
The wind forced pebbles and sand from the ground to rise in a cloud, making you raise your arm to shield your eyes from becoming blinded.
Once the dust cleared, you watched as the dragon gracefully circled back around and started diving, front claws out stretching as if it was a hawk swooping down for a mouse.
As you watched, your eyes widened and you suddenly regretted not hitting Morro up with that offer. The claws wrapped around your body, and gracefully rose you from the ground. You suddenly felt that surge in your stomach as you rose up off of the ground. You really, really hoped this ride wouldn't be that long.

|-Time Skip (short)-|

The ride luckily wasn't that long. You still squirmed uncomfortably within the dragon's grasp. Soon, you felt the dragon lower, and you looked down to see the three of you were going to land within a valley surrounded by large reddish cliffs and mountains. Squinting your eyes, you could have swore you saw something dark below though. A structure of some kind.
    Morro had not spoken to you the whole ride. He only called at the start to see if his dragon hadn't missed your body and if you were okay.

    As you lowered, you bit your lip and tried to focus an actual landing. The dragon was probably going to simply let go to you once a few feet off the ground.
    To your luck this was the case. The ground was perhaps 4 to 6 feet away from you, and you felt the claws clamped around you start to release.
    Focusing on the ground, you sucked in some air, shut your eyes, and as you fell down you put your legs out to keep you up.
    To your dismay though, your legs bucked once they hit the ground on impact, and you fell to the side with a tumble. You winced and quickly clamped your legs with your arms, going into fetal position. Your ankles hurt like hell.

    You heard the whooping of the dragon's wings lower, lower, before the dragon gave off a flutter, and finally landed.
    Morro soon spoke after a while, coming closer to you, "You could have broken your ankles, idiot," he scoffed, and looked down at you.
    You opened your eyes and watched him looked down at you at your side. "W-well how do you know I didn't? Maybe a did?" You shot back, your eyes narrowing. His stupid voice and your pain got you even more p*ssed.
    He looked at you with a blank stare, before muttering out in a monotone, 'duh' kind of voice, "You would be screaming in agony."
    You looked up at him, and rested your head on the ground with a sigh, "Touché," you mumbled, before finally raising your upper body up off the ground.
    "Just sit for a second and roll them around," the ghost recommended, and crouched down next to you, his arms upon his kneels.
    Watching him, you slowly nodded and looked back down at your legs. You decided to do what he told you and you rolled your ankles around slowly once by one. You cringing at the painful movements, but with each few seconds the pain decreased.

    Morro watched your face carefully, and you referred from looking back at him to not make it awkward.
    After a couple minutes, the ghost looked away with a blink of the eye, and rose from his crouching position. He put out of hand for you to grab. "Alright get up now," he said.
    You looked at his hand, but didn't really want to take it. You reached out for it, before deciding it would be a better hold for you to grab his lower arm and wrist. He reacted the same way, grabbing yours, and with a short heave the ghost pulled you up.
    'Dang, ghosts are strong,' you thought to yourself, wincing a little as you put pressure on your ankles. You looked down at them and stepped forward and backward, making sure everything was in order.
    "You can let go now."
    You quickly looked up and realized you were still holding onto Morro's wrist. "O-oh-" you were about to let go but suddenly its feel and mass was lost, and it was like you were holding nothing. Since you were balancing a little on it you stumbled slightly, loosing that hold.
    You stood there, confused, before realizing Morro's wrist stopped solidifying. Because you stumbled, your hand went through the now transparent wrist, and it felt really cold. You quickly pulled away, and retracted your hand into a fist, before opening it back up as if to wash away the cold feeling.
    You glanced up at Morro silently, and he returned his gaze. He stared at your face, his lips in a small frown, before he cleared his throat and turned away. He started walking away, to the structure you saw before.
    'Yikes, okay, a little awkward,' You thought blinking, before slowly starting to follow him.

    You have noticed his stares. He's been looking at you a lot... but it wasn't as if he was trying to get a message across or he wanted you to see it. It was a blank stare, as if he was trying to figure something out about you. Or almost as if he had something to say, but didn't now how or when to do it.
    You remember seeing the same stare when he had first heard your name. It was a pause of confusion or something of that nature.
    Curious, perhaps you would ask him about it one day.

    Turns out the structure you had seen before was a house. It was a wooden house that looked old and worn down. It reminded you of the shed, except larger of course.
    Morro stopped in front of it and turned to you, "You are going to lead the ninja into a trap. Such as moths to light, they will fly into their doom."
    You gulped at little as his quite.... gruesome explanation. You could just see the hate radiating from his eyes. "How am I supposed to lead ninja?"
    "They are looked for you, are they not? Once they realize you are the girl who escaped the prison, they'll go willingly with an open mind," Morro explained, thought, before looked over at you again, "We will get someone to tell them of your sightings. You will wait here with Caseem, and the second he sees the ninja's dragons, he will alert you."
The ghost started walking away through the valley, and you hesitantly nodded. Away from the structure the two of you walked, and Morro pointed to a narrower opening through the valley perhaps a few meters away from the two of you, "All you need to do is go through there. Then you leave the rest to us. It isn't far, as long as you sprint it you'll make good time."
"What if I get caught? What if they get me? Then what?" You asked worrying. These people were trained ninjas with dragons and unbelievable powers.
Morro glanced over at you, "If they get you once you've crossed the point then it's not a problem. They won't kill you, their beliefs will stop them, and we will be waiting for them. If they get you before the point.... well then," Morro's eyes flickered a dangerous flame, "let us just say you've disappointed us. And ghosts aren't very open for second chances."
You looked back at him with [e/c] hues, and slowly nodded. Got it. So basically don't fail. Great.

You spent the day listening to Morro's plans. He didn't tell you much, just what you absolutely needed to know. You still were an outcast in the group. They didn't trust you, and you honestly wouldn't trust yourself either if you were them.
But at the same time you didn't trust them either. Morro was close at first but has the ability to switch just like that. He had the ability to quickly form this cold shell around him. He has the ability to quickly melt it away as well.

"What is it?" Morro asked suddenly, making you snap out of your thoughts. You looked up to him confused, and he stared back at you with distinct eyes. "Do you have something on your mind? Speak it, go on. I have no time for games."
Wasn't it ironic, that he had 'no time for games' yet he was the ring master for them? You couldn't possibly say what was 'on your mind,' it'd get you killed for sure. Instead you just stares at him silently, before looking away.
A frown fell upon his lips, and he clicked his tongue, "Oh I see," he started, and placed his hands on his hips. "If I knew keeping mortals as pets would be so much work I wouldn't have even went through the trouble of getting you," he muttered, and you were left with confusion which coursed through your veins.
He raised one of his hands, and your eyes flashed as you felt him pat your head. Pat. "I apologize that I haven't been noticing you for the past couple of days. I've had a busy schedule."
You pulled away from his pets slightly, your eyes narrowing, "Um? I'm not reserved because you haven't been giving me any attention."
How much of an ego did he have that he thought you were upset because you were not in the presence of him for a couple days? Did he really think he was that much of royalty? Not to mention his apologize wasn't worth jack since it clearly was sarcastic.
"Really now? Then what is?" He asked as if oblivious.
You blinked at him, before clearing your throat not to yell, "Perhaps it is because I've been taken by a couple ghosts and now I'm their bait for ninja!" You shrugged, glaring at him.
"Oh," he stated simply, thinking, before also shrugging and turning away, carrying on with the walk, "well, I can't do much about that now can I?"
"You are literally the one that can let me go!" You called after him, your annoyance getting the best of you.
"Well," Morro clicked his tongue and looked over his shoulder with a small smirk upon his lips, "then I don't really want to do much about that."

    You stared at him, with irritation blazing. You winced, realizing you were going to be stuck with him for a while probably. He seemed pretty determined to keep you here.
    "H-hey!" You called out again to him, "Were you the person that made that wind hit the man so he would fall on the green ninja? Did you help me get away back then?"
     Morro's walk stumbled to a halt, and he turned his body sideways a good 90 degrees. His eyes were narrowed, and he replied, "Why would you think that?"
    "I heard you know how to control the wind. You're the master of wind are you not?"
    The raven haired man glanced up at the sky, before turning to you again, "Perhaps. Perhaps it was me. Perhaps it was destiny."
    You gave him a hard stare, "Why?" Your voice raised to him, as if challenging him for an answer. "Why risk almost getting caught?"
    Morro didn't reply at first. He took in your harsh look, and he challenged it with his. He didn't back down but his lips were pinned against each other for a good couple minutes before saying, "It'd be a shame putting my efforts to get you to the apartment to a waste."
    You continued to watch his face. As if looking for a sign of something. Of something else other than the calm and collected cold coming from him. His stern features. But nothing was there. In the end he turned away from your eyes, and continued walking. You followed, not speaking another word.

[ There you go, two chapters (plus a Christmas special) in the span of 2 weeks.
Thank you for reading like always! I'm planning the next 1-2 chapters being just random stuff with Morro to get y/n's relationship up with him before the real story kicks in so look forward to that!
Make sure to comment thoughts, opinions, questions and criticism! I love reading all of your comments.
Follow me if you'd like to see more Ninjago content, and remember to hit that star to show me your love for this story! The comments, views and stars really motivate me to continue!
Thank you for 1k views and I hope ya'll have a great day/night! ]

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