Kisame x Itachi "Dangerous Lo...

By LuluPunkRock

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* MATURE: CONTAINS LEMON, VIOLENCE, DRUGS, AND OTHER ADULT CONTENT* Kisame Hoshigaki is a thug living in the... More

Chapter 1: The Gang's Incentive
Chapter 2: Bad Guy
Chapter 3: Ghost
Chapter 4: Trouble
Chapter 5: Everything is Grey
Chapter 6: You Look so Cool When You're Reading Me
Chapter 8: Pretty
Chapter 9: Set A Fire in My Head
Chapter 10: Room 93

Chapter 7: Hell

2.2K 80 39
By LuluPunkRock

Author's Note: Another chapter for this amazing story. xD (Overconfident much?)  PLEASE comment. I want to hear your opinions! Don't be shy.... <3

- Lulu


-----Itachi's POV-----

I watched Kisame gathering his pack of cigarettes and wallet and shoved them in his leather jacket. He definitely appeared happy since our lunch together went well. It's definitely not a date but I've got a feeling that he thinks it's a date. We stayed in that restaurant for three hours that felt like thirty minutes. Time flew by so fast when I ate with him. I didn't notice the sky darkening. Winter is coming. 

He's opening the door for me as we leave the restaurant. I honestly don't want to be around him anymore especially since I've choked on his exotic presence for hours. I just want to be home. I don't want to know what he wants to do with me after our "hangout." I'd like to walk home instead. Who knows what he'll do with me in the car after being more comfortable together. 

"I..." My mouth opens and I'm staring at my feet walking closer to his ugly car. I don't want to look at his face. "I'd like to walk home. Thank you for the meal. It was fun." I can't help but look at his face. He's smirking. 

"You sure? It's cold out. I'll drive you home Itachi." His voice sounds strong and more confident. I feel bad. But I'd feel even worse if I find myself in trouble. It's best to play it safe. I must stay logical: It's dark and cold outside. I'm with a man I know pretty well but not that much. It's better to walk home. 

"I'm sure. Thank you, Kisame." My feet are moving involuntarily away from his car. He's probably going to grab me and shove me in his car. Should I run? 

"Alright, babe. Call me when you get home. I don't want to go to sleep wondering if you're home safe or not." His body is leaned against the passenger door. He's pretty calm about this. I guess he won't snatch me. It's not my fault I hear stories about date rape incidents in my university. 

I nod and walk faster towards traffic. I finally hear his car engine turning on as I turn left at the traffic light. I feel guilty running from him after all the kind things he's done for me. It's not my fault I'm not used to being around men like him. I can't help but feel glad inside. I am glad. Only because I'm choosing a safer option despite knowing that Kisame is a kind man. It still wouldn't be enough to get in his car again, he might just be using all of this as a front just to hurt me. 

The flashing lights, the highway signs up ahead, the autumn leaves and my feet racing against the pavement. I see Maple Avenue up ahead. In about fifteen more minutes, I'll be lying on my bed. I suddenly cannot wait to get to my apartment. I quicken my pace.

I glance around me and I see the horrific, ugly, absolutely disgusting Halloween paintings* hung against the store windows. So many paintings next to each other, so many colors popping right at my face. This town really needs to take a painting class or two. It's pitiful. But it actually looks even creepier in the night than in the daytime. Which is pretty good, since it is the month of Halloween. 

I finally cross Maple Avenue and I want to run home. I'm tired of being here. I just want to be home. My feet follows my mind and I'm running past the small knick-knack shop towards a bar. I see bright lights and sad faces through the window. Their drunk hands holding their glasses so lazily. I run faster towards the next stop light. 

"Hey!" I hear a loud voice yelling at me. I don't think he's talking to me, and if he is; I'm definitely not going to answer him. I keep running.

"Hey! Pretty boy! Stop Running!!!" He's yelling louder and I hear other voices laughing. I slowly turn my head and glance behind me. I see a tall man, even taller than Kisame! He appeared probably seven feet tall. He had long orange-red hair and sharp teeth like him. He's overweight too. And I see two other men with him, one with long brown hair and green eyes. The white of his eyes are red instead of white, and it looks creepy. He's got a strange sewed up skin. I see another man next to him with black shades and white hair, he's dark skinned and looks intimidating as well. 

They are walking towards me. My feet are glued to the concrete. This is it. 

I suddenly feel a huge slap of regret as I declined Kisame asking me to drive me home. I should've followed him because walking down these streets in the night is definitely a much worse idea. Shit. 

"Where you off to pretty baby?!" The orange-red long-haired man yelled with a smile. I suddenly feel the strength to run and I quickly sprint off. My heart's racing but my mind is focused. I won't let my anxiety take over like all the other times. My eyes are jumping at each building, they aren't stores but lawyer offices that are most likely closed. I must get to a public store, so I keep running. I feel like they are chasing me. The cars passing by aren't helping me. This town is so ugly. It's a good thing I'm a fast runner. I take deep breaths and focus on finding a way to trick them. I feel my phone in my pocket and I head closer to where the street lights aren't around. I see an alley and I know it leads to Glenwood Street. So I quickly throw my bookbag in the trashcan in the alley and sprint off away from the alley taking a quick crosswalk across the street. No cars are around and there aren't enough street lights around here too; so I take advantage of the darkness and cross the street, they won't see me. The stupid thugs will see my backpack in the alley and run into it. I know they'll end up on Glenwood Street while I'm heading back to Maple Avenue. Those men will think I'm running further down from where they saw me, when really; I'm actually heading back to where they saw me. As for my backpack, I can get it tomorrow. 

I quickly cross the dark avenue filled with closed banks and bright ATM machines. As long as I keep going straight I'll end up back in Maple Avenue. I'll call a taxi to take me home. I slow my pace as I see farther ahead; many cars and many people lining up near the video game store. So many people, I'm safe. 

Suddenly I feel something against my mouth. My eyes shot wide and instantly grab the man's arm and pull it away from my mouth. I feel my heart slamming against my ribs, it's beating so hard it hurts. My instinct is to make a sound and get everyone up ahead to notice me. 

"Shut up." I hear a voice and I feel him yank me by my shirt and throw me down near the darkened alley. If only I guessed that the men split up because I only see one of them. And he's the seven feet man. His long orange-red hair looks even creepier up close. 

"What are you doing!?" I scream as loud as I can. I honestly thought I tricked them. My plan was so good. They definitely did split up to get me. I underestimated these low-life thugs. May God curse every living thug for hurting people. 

"You got to Cafe Moonlight yeah?" He leans closer and raises his leg. "Fuck off!" I scream as I try to get up from the ground. I suddenly feel his feet against my head, and I fall right down against the concrete. It hurts. My head. 

"I know you goddamit! That blue idiot Kisame was supposed to get you! Now I'm doing his job for him because he's such a pussy!" He's screaming at my face and I can't comprehend what he's saying. I'm dizzy and I just want him to let me go. 

"I got a gun you dumb bitch. You follow everything I say or you don't and the last thing you'll ever see is your own blood all over this damn concrete. Your choice." He whispers sharply as he pins the gun to my forehead. I feel like I'm going to faint. I can't believe this is happening to me. 

I'm just an innocent college student who ended up meeting a thug named Kisame. I didn't mean to speak to him or to ever associate myself with him. I'm guessing this thug and the others are Kisame's friends. 

"Tell me..." I breathe heavily as I feel the cold gun against my sweaty forehead. "Is Kisame one of yours?" His sharp eyes grow angrier, "Fuck yeah he is! And you should've been off doing business by now if it wasn't for him. I'm doing the favor instead. So follow everything I say!" He shakes the gun and quickly grabs my wrist. He pulls me up and I have no choice but to follow him. I glance down the street and see so many happy people formed in a line near the video game store. There's no way they can see me in this dark alley. It's too far and too dark. I swallow as I hear him yell to move. 

"Get in the car." He forces me into the backseat and I fall against the seats. I suddenly hear gunfire. I bite my lip and try my best to hide from the windows. I don't want any bullets to shoot through the windows at me. 

This whole moment. I can't believe what I'm seeing and hearing. I feel like I'm in a nightmare. A realistic nightmare that will only end as long as I open my eyes. There is no fucking way I'm being held captive by all these disgusting thugs. I imagine my little brother Sasuke and I feel tears forming thick in my eyes. 

I hear more bullets. Over and Over. I glance to my right and see that tall orange-red haired man shooting. I want to run out the car but he'd probably shoot me. I just hope the other man who shot the first bullet was a cop. But I don't see any police lights or cars. 

"Since when did you decide to shoot me? I'm only doing what you couldn't finish you dumb fuck!" He's screaming now and his fat neck shakes. I instantly feel my heart drop. 

"Let him fucking go Fuguki. You can settle this shit with me. Don't put him with it." I hear a voice yelling, it sounds familiar; like Kisame. I slowly look through the back window, it's too dark. I can't tell who it is that shot the first gunfire. All I ever wanted was to just be in my apartment. I'm so dizzy, my head is killing me. 

"I already told you that he's not worth it." It's definitely Kisame's voice. He's here. I just don't understand how he knew I was in trouble. Did he know his friends would mess with me? Was this all planned? 

"You let him go. I'm tired of playing like cowboys." I hear another bullet followed by Fuguki's laugh. 

"Cowboys!? It's not my fault you make me want to fire so many bullets at your stupid face!" I hear more bullets. I think Kisame is dead. He couldn't have dodged all those bullets at once. I feel my heart sinking. I think he was going to save me. 

I shut my eyes tight as the silence grew. Fuguki laughed again and slammed my door shut. This is it. I'm going to die tonight. All my dreams, my passions, my visions of the future are gone. I slowly look at Fuguki turning the car on.

"You say anything and I'll kill you the same way I killed that bastard." He growls and shifts the car to drive. I swallow as I hear the wheels rumbling fast against the concrete. I have no choice but to shut my mouth. I quickly glance at all the streets we pass and wait for any turns he makes. He finally turns left onto Vintage East Street. I quietly watch the street signs and force them into my memory. 

I hear another gunfire. I instantly duck and hear another bullet. The car screeches and speeds towards a bench on the street. I hear my heart racing and I hold my breath as it speeds straight ahead. I quickly sit up and fastened my seat belt. I hear Fuguki cursing to himself as he can't control the steering wheel. My eyes are wide open as I watch the car windshield break into the bench and skid into the small tree next to it. I feel my back jump forward and bounce back hard against the seat. I instantly cough and my head feel even dizzier than before. I'm guessing a tire or two was shot. I can't help but feel so damn lucky. I quickly remove my seatbelt until I see my door open wide so fast. I flinch as I try to make up who this man is right in front of me. 

"Baby." I hear a voice. That voice. 

"Kisame?!" I can't help but yell. He pulls me out of the car and into my arms. I can't believe any of this. I instantly wrapped my arms tight around him. I feel my eyes growing thick and heavy with tears. There is no way I've been saved by the most fearsome men I have ever seen in my life.

"Are you ok? Did he hurt you?" He whispered so calmly. I can't believe he's so calm. I quickly release myself from our hug and grab his wrist. His eyes grew wide, "What is it?" 

"Come on. Let's go! He might shoot us!" I quickly sprint while gripping his blue hand. That huge blue hand that somehow always felt so warm instead of cold. Everything is blue. 

He startles into my grip and laughs. "Nah, babe! He's unconscious. I gotta call for help." He pulls out his phone and calls 911. I quickly glance down at his waist and see a gun shoved into the side of his baggy jeans. I shoot my eyes up at his face. He's so calm, almost like he sees this every day. He is definitely a thug because Fuguki told me that Kisame is part of his gang. 

"Yeah. I shot his tires and he landed straight into the car. He kidnapped my friend." His voice is calm and still has that raspy tinge to it. I watch his eyes shift from the ground towards my face. His eyes instantly lit up. I feel my chest jumping. He saved me. He fucking saved me and risked his life. 

He hung the phone up and shoved it in his pocket. "I'm glad you're fine Itachi." He crosses his arms over his chest and smiles big. "That was pretty scary huh? I'm sorry." 

I shoot my eyes up at him, "I've never had something like this in my entire life. Hell yes, I was terrified. How did you survive!? He shot so many times?!" I couldn't help but raise my voice at his smiling face. 

"I know my way out of them bullets babe. I'm pretty tough." He chuckles and flexes his left arm. I quickly laugh and wrap my arms around his waist again. I feel his arms tight around my head and I groan in pain. He quickly releases and notices blood dripping down the back of my head. 

"Oh fuck babe!" He slightly yells. "We gotta get you to the hospital. Did that motherfucker hit your head?" He grips both of my wrists as I watch his concerned face turning into anger. I feel that warmth flowing straight from his hands to my wrists. It feels nice. 

"Yeah. He kicked me I think." I slowly whisper. I instantly remember Fuguki and when he said that Kisame was supposed to kidnap me.

"Were you assigned to kidnap me? How did Fuguki know I was at Cafe Moonlight? How did you know I was in danger? Why is this all so coincidental!?"I started yelling. I need answers. I'd be terrified to death if I was being stalked. And if Kisame was assigned as the stalker. I suddenly start feeling a bad energy coming from all of this; despite him rescuing me.

"Itachi. I was assigned to kidnap you and send you off to prostitution. That day when I first met you, I decided not to." He calmly explains with his fingers tapping against his crossed arms. 

"Why?" I quickly ask. He chuckles and starts rubbing the back of his head, he starts sighing. "Ahhh... Well. I chose to not do what Fuguki wanted me to ever since I saw you through that window. I was tired of doing the dirtiest jobs in the gang. I chose to sell drugs instead of selling you. And I explained that to him but I guess he still wanted to eradicate you from my life. He probably sensed something strange about me not taking you captive; and decided to fix it himself." His voice remained so calm and his yellow eyes were amused. I'm grateful he decided to not hurt me that day. But I still didn't understand how he knew I was in danger.

"How did you know I was in danger just now?!" I quickly threw another question at his grinning face. He quickly nodded and leaned closer towards me, "I drove my car and followed you as you were heading home. You think I would leave you walking home in the dark?" I furrowed my brows and stared up at his confident face. 

"How come you're so calm!? I feel like I'm overreacting because you're so calm about all this!" I can't help but scream. He chuckles and whispers close to my face.

"I've seen a lot of this before. I've fought with Fuguki many times. This isn't new for me." I feel his hot breath and sharp yellow eyes. It's even scarier up close. I swallow and nod as he leans back away from my face. 

"If you said that you were always the one doing the dirtiest jobs in the gang. Then does that mean you've forced people into prostitution before me?" I can't help but whisper because I don't feel confident with this question and I'm terrified of his answer. 

His eyes shift up at the sky and he pulls out a cigarette. The October stars slightly twinkle calmly against the dark night sky. 

"Yeah. I've done it before. It wasn't until I saw you, that I chose to stop doing it and instead sell more drugs to compensate." He lights the cigarette and takes a deep inhale. Suddenly, everything is grey. Again.

"So you're a thug?" I quietly ask as I watch his edged face exhaling the smoke. This was the moment of truth. It's obvious he is a thug. But I wanted to hear it from his lips. Those thick lips that spell trouble. 

"Yeah. I'm a thug. I've been a thug for almost twenty years." He inhales again and looks up at the stars.

I inhale right before I was about to yell why he chose to save me and not sell me; And then I hear emergency cars and police cars pulling towards us. Kisame quickly throws his cigarette and carries me into his arms easily. I gasp and look down at his calm face. I'm too dizzy to complain.

"We're gonna get you to the hospital. I'll come with you." He says as his arms tightly squeeze the back of my thighs. I turn my head and see so many flashing lights and paramedics rushing towards me. 

"The driver is unconscious in the car." He calmly says as the the paramedics nod and runs towards Fuguki. Another one comes up to us and before she could speak Kisame starts talking, "He needs medical attention as well. He got kicked in the head and it's bleeding in the back." 

"Alright. Let's take him to the truck and send him to the closest hospital. He might have a concussion." She speaks as she motions us towards her big truck. 

"I'm coming with him." Kisame states as his forceful yellow eyes pierce through again. I knew it. He definitely uses those piercing, persuasive, exotic eyes against everyone he sees. She quickly nods and opens the back door. I quickly look back at Fuguki's car and see a bunch of men carrying him out of the car. I inhale deeply as I witness everything coming together. He saved my life. I am in his debt because no one would've helped me. All the people farther down Maple Avenue lined up near the video game store didn't care. I'm sure they couldn't see me, but it's strange how they seemed like they didn't hear me. I was very loud and made sure they could hear me. I'm assuming this town is hopeless. And they've given up on rescuing victims because it's a typical reoccurring incident in this town. Of all the people who saved me, it was a thug. It was a man I only spoke to three times. It was a man who could've been like the others in his gang. I'm convinced he's different from the others. He has to be. There's no man who would rebel against his gang leader and fight him with a gun just to protect me. I have no idea what to say or what to give him as my thanks for saving me. I'm speechless and dizzy.

I look down at Kisame's sharp face and I place my hand on his cheek and slowly push his face upwards. His calm face looks up at me and instantly smiles at me.

"Thank you," I whisper. And he slowly lowers me down on the bed strapped to the truck. The paramedics shut the door.

"You're going to be alright, babe." He whispers and leans his face down. I slightly gasp as his lips touch my forehead. 

My eyebrows furrow and I feel my face growing hot. I can't see anything above me. It's blurry. And full of water.


* There's a tiny town south from where I live that has really ugly Halloween paintings hung on every store window. It looked really creepy in the night. Every October they have them hung and I can only pity them and their taste. Lol I'm so mean... xD 

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