Come Back For Me | Jughead Jo...

By honey_starlight

405K 9.5K 5.7K

❝I don't know what you went through, and I know we aren't going to go back to where we were for a long time... More

Chapter 1: Nostalgia
Chapter 2: Locker Buddies
Chapter 3: Rekindle
Chapter 4: Youth
Chapter 5: Sleep Over
Chapter 6: Confidential
Chapter 7: Venom
Chapter 8: Bad boy
Chapter 9: Abandoned
Chapter 10: Conflict
Chapter 11: The Truth
Chapter 12: The Hurt
Chapter 13: Caretaker
Chapter 14: Realization
Chapter 15: Pressure
Chapter 16: You Came Back
Chapter 17: Behind Closed Doors
Chapter 18: Security
Chapter 19: Reveal
Chapter 20: Panic
Chapter 21: Reality
Chapter 22: The List
Chapter 23: Redemption
Chapter 24: Retreat
Chapter 25: False Promise
Chapter 26: Grief
Chapter 27: Cold
Chapter 28: Reunion
Chapter 29: A New Day
Chapter 30: Revelation
Chapter 32: Slither
Chapter 33: Restoration
Chapter 34: Bang!
Chapter 35: Desperation
Chapter 36: Search Party
Chapter 37: Reach
Chapter 38: Heart Beat
Chapter 39: I'm Staying

Chapter 31: Deprived

4.7K 112 137
By honey_starlight

↳ Monday

Jan. 16th↲

With my stomach full of hot chocolate, and my mind inspired by a cheesy Rom-Com, I left Betty's feeling a wave of confidence. After suffering through another frigid walk, I made it back home where I started my car, turning the heater on.

I waited to warm up, cupping my hands and blowing air into them. It gave me time to think about what I was about to do.

I imagined myself pulling up to Jughead's trailer, him opening the door, and giving each other a longing stare, before collapsing into a fit of kisses.

I smiled a little to myself, feeling my cheeks, nose, and ears turn rosy from the excitement.

I grew impatient and pulled out into the road, driving towards the South Side.

I imagined what could go wrong. The worst being Jughead not feeling the same way. The other is him not being home. Biting my lip, I worried about his reaction but knew that if I didn't confess at that moment, I wouldn't have any other chance.

With all of the thoughts running through my head, it made the drive much quicker. Before I knew it, I pulled up in front of his trailer. Then everything happened so fast.

I hurried up the steps and knocked on his door with a smile on my face. I waited, shivering, but happy.

The door opened, and my mouth ran. "Jughead I-"

I was cut off by the sight of another girl. My smile immediately fell, and my heart dropped to my stomach.

"Who are you? " She asked.

I blinked a few times, trying to process my thoughts.

"Catherine," I told her. I so badly wanted to say with bold confidence "Jughead's girlfriend" but the sight of another girl in his trailer, the two alone, made me lose all of the confidence I once had.

"Oh. I've heard a lot about you," she glared me up and down with what I thought was a look of disapproval.

I took a hard swallow, crossing my arms.

"Well," I spoke with a slightly broken voice. I quickly cleared my throat, not wanting to come off as weak to her. "I can see that he's busy, so I'll talk to him later."

I heard his voice, faint in the background. "Hey Toni! Is that Jingles?"

Hurriedly, I retreated to my car, stuffing my hands in my pockets. The snow engulfed my feet, making it harder to leave as fast as I wanted. Once I got in, I turned on the car, teary eyed.

Driving away, I analyzed her in my mind. It was obvious that she was a serpent. The jacket screamed it. Her look of disapproval? She obviously didn't like me. How could she not like me? She didn't even know me! Jughead had probably told her about me though, but he should've said nice things since we were on the same page now.

There was only one answer in my mind.

She liked Jughead.

I started to speed a little, my eyes watering. I couldn't tell if I was enraged, heartbroken, or both. I made it to a stoplight where I had to slam down the breaks, my car skidding a little bit into the intersection due to the ice. My eyes widened, shaken by the potential accident that could've happened. Thankfully, not many cars were out and about, especially on the back road.

I carefully drove home and finally allowed myself to cry. I stormed through the door and slammed it behind me, letting it all out knowing that my parents still weren't home.

I sobbed as waves of thoughts flooded my head, some outrageous, and some that could be true.

I had so many questions. Were they together? Was she going to take him away from me? And most importantly, what was I going to do about it?

What was I going to do about it?

I climbed the stairs, taking my backpack I previously tossed to the top earlier and chucked it in my room. I fell into bed, my sacred place, and reflected.

As I laid there, coming up with some of the craziest ideas I had ever thought of, I felt deprived.

Specifically, deprived of Jughead's touch.

A few months ago, if he had seen me at that moment, he'd shush me gently and assure that it was all okay. He'd hold my hand. He'd hug me. He'd give me rough and soft kisses. He gave me enough to feel okay.

But I didn't. I didn't feel okay. I felt alone. Cold. Deprived.

I could only text one person, who knew that feeling better than I: Betty.

Me: So I went to Jughead's

Betty: And??

Me: There was a girl at his place.

Betty: 😱 Who?!

Me: Some girl named Toni? I think she's a serpent. I could tell that she didn't like me though...

Betty: I know Toni Topaz. She's a bit gritty, but she HAS been showing some signs of flirting around Jughead.

Me: Help. I don't know what to do :'(

After a few seconds passed, Betty called my phone. I answered and sniffled, then cleared my throat.

"Hey," I weakly spoke, not expecting her to call.

"Are you crying?" She asked, sounding as though she pitied me.

"Yeah, but I need help," I let out a sob, before covering my mouth.

I heard Betty give a gentle sigh, then pausing in thought. "Well, if I were you, I'd get closer to him. Have it so that you're with him more often. More than her."

"So like, work the Blue and Gold more often?" I asked.

"Even. More."

I thought for a minute, before an idea came to mind. Eureka! "I know exactly what to do. I'll talk to Jug about it tomorrow," I grinned. "Thanks, Betty."

"No problem. Call me if you need anything," she said before hanging up.

I set my phone down and took a deep breath, closing my eyes. I then exhaled, knowing exactly what my grand plan was.

I was going to join the serpents.

It was the only way I could get Jughead's attention! Spending time together for some classes at school wasn't enough, and I doubt he lingered at Pops as much as he used to. He was probably spending more time at the Whyte Wyrm than anything.

I wiped away my tears boldly and stood with confidence. I was going to tell Jughead first... but tomorrow. Then when I do, I'll go to the Wyrm and find out how to join.

Suddenly, my parents walked inside the house from downstairs, their footsteps heavy as they rushed to warm up.

"Catherine! We're home!" Dad hollered.

"Okay!" I shouted back, quickly fanning my face to get rid of the redness from crying.

I went downstairs to join my family, which we had a wholesome dinner, followed by some Netflix binging together.

I held on to moments like these, knowing I may never have them again after joining a gang.

↳ Tuesday

Jan. 17th↲

I pushed through the thick crowd of students, like a herd of immovable cows. After skipping down the steps, I made a bee-line to Jughead's bike, where he was leaning against it with his arms crossed. He greeted me with a silent grin and a small nod, before turning away and hopping on the bike.

I got on right after him, putting on his helmet. He started his engine, revving up the bike a little to show off. I locked my arms around his waist before leaning forward, saying into his ear: "Let's go to Pop's."

He nodded and backed out of the parking space, before speeding off towards our destination.

Once we arrived at Pop's, I took off his helmet and locked it onto his seat. We strolled in, together, greeted by Pop, who was wiping the table closest to the door, holding some stacked plates and cups with one hand as he did so.

He looked over, his weary face turning bright upon seeing us. "Ah! My favorite customers. The usual?" 

"Yes," I laughed a little. He made it seem as though we haven't been here in the past week.

Jughead scoffed. "We're only your favorite because we probably pay the most out of anybody here."

"Oh, I don't know about that, Nighthawk. Catherine does, but your tab is breaking my bank."

I patted Jug's chest. "I'll fork over for this one."

We continued to sit at our usual booth, the second from the back. It was our booth since it wasn't the third from the door, which was the gang's booth. In this booth, we shared so many giggly and flirtatious mornings, along with many tears and arguments.

After sitting down, my smile faded, knowing that we had to talk. Before I could, Jughead started the conversation.

"So I heard you met Toni," he grinned.

I gave a faltering smile. "Yeah... she seems nice. Her judging eyes looking at me up and down didn't put me off at all!"

Jug just smiled and shook his head. "She can be like that. She's tough, but a good egg."

I looked down at my lap, trying to hide my disappointment.

"Here you two go!"

I perked up to have Pop dish out our meals.

"Thanks, Pop," I dismissed him with the same saddening smile I gave Jughead.

After Pop left, there was a long pause of silence filling the air. The only thing preventing it from complete silence was the faint noise of oldies music coming from the jukebox across the room.

"We're not together," Jughead abruptly spoke.

At first, I thought he meant him and me.

"Toni and I, I mean," he clarified, noticing how glum I seemed to be about her.

I nodded a little, returning to my meal. I couldn't help but think that she at least liked him. Why else would she look down on me so much? She wanted me out of the picture so she could make her move.

"Um, so what did you come over for? Toni didn't tell me," Jughead asked. I took a deep shallow breath, remembering that I was going to mend things. Now I'm going to add fuel to the fire.

"So, I have some news that I wanted to run past you," I gave a genuine smile.

"Finally! Some good news," he leaned forward a little, giddy to listen. "Let's hear it!"

"Well, I was thinking about joining the Serpents," I gave a shy smile, bracing myself. I looked out the window at the snow beginning to fall. "It's just that-"


I looked back at Jughead, caught off guard from his tone of anger.

"What?" I asked, surprised.

He looked around before leaning even closer, making sure his surroundings were clear of any suspicious listeners. "I don't know what's going through your head, but this isn't something you want to do. There's too much you have to commit to and-"

"I can commit!" I argued. "I've felt like I need to get in touch with Riverdale and-"

"I said no, Catherine!" He raised his voice, snapping at me. Realizing that he was a bit too loud, he looked around his surroundings one more time before returning his attention to me.

It surprised me even more that he used my actual name, which is only used during serious matters.

"It's not some club, Jingles. Where we all pass around friendship bracelets and have little badges!" He told me, almost in a scolding matter. "It's dangerous and honestly too risky after everything you've been through."

"What's stopping me?" I scoffed. "You?"

Jughead leaned back, arms crossed in defiance. "Actually, yeah! I run the serpents now, and you're not joining. That's the end of that."

I gave a bitter smile, locking eye contact as I rummaged through my pocket for some money. I pulled it out, quickly counted an estimated total, and slapped it on the table before getting up. I walked next to Jug and leaned down to his ear.

"We'll see about that."

I strutted towards the exit, before I hollered "Use the extra change for your tab!"

Upon opening the door, I was met with the freezing cold. Home was a mere ten minutes away, so I grabbed my backpack from Jughead's bike and left.

↳ Wednesday

Jan. 18th↲

It was lunchtime, and we all had just finished listening to Archie's new EP, giving him compliments and critiques. Immediately after, without warning, Jughead received a text.

I glanced over to see Toni's name on the top of his phone, but I couldn't make out the message.

"Oh my god," Jughead grinned a little, almost laughing in disbelief.

"What?" Archie asked, seeming interested.

"Nothing. It's just that Toni drove all the way here to take me to Pop's for lunch."

Betty and I made eye contact, and I gave a slight shrug, knowing that I couldn't do anything about it.

Jughead gathered his belongings and stood up. "So we're all on for Friday night at Pop's. Eight o'clock, right?"

"Yep!" Veronica confirmed. "It's been about time we all hang out together."

Once Jughead left, Archie, Veronica, and Kevin began to chat. Betty switched from her side of the table to mine, speaking in a hushed tone.

"So what's going on?"

I sighed, slouched a little in defeat. "I talked to him about it and he didn't like it, at all. We even had a little fight about it."

"Do it anyways," she encouraged. "While he's at Pop's with us on Friday!"

"What about Pop's?" Kevin leaned in, noticing we were whispering to each other. Kevin's sudden interest caught Veronica and Archie's attention.

"Well," I rubbed the back of my neck. "I can't come to Pop's because my mom's got me locked in to watch some movies or whatever. Ever since I came back they've been greedy with me."

Veronica pouted. "Aw. Maybe another time then? We'll miss you!"

I placed my hands over my heart with a sorrowful smile. "Likewise."

I turned to Betty and gave her a cheeky wink.

↳ Friday

Jan. 20th↲

It was eight at night, and I walked into the Whyte Wyrm to be met with some familiar faces. The room was warm from the smell of alcohol and the number of burly men hooting and hollering. Gordon was one of them, a serpent I interviewed for the Blue and Gold a few months ago. He looked the same, with his messy long hair and grayed beard.

I went up to him with a kind smile. "Hey, Gordon! How's life been treating ya?" I patted his shoulder roughly.

"Catherine! Oh, life has been just GREAT!" He exclaimed. It was obvious that he was drunk. Not plastered, but he was silly and malleable.

"Say, Gord. How would a girl join the serpents?" I asked, forcing a friendly smile.

A creepy grin swept over his face. "So... you're going to do the dance?"

My eyes widened. "What dance?" I asked, assuming it was a simple dance-off, or even a break dance. I thought I was ready, but I wasn't.

"To join, you gotta strip up there," he pointed towards the stage, where there was a shiny poll some other woman was dancing on. "That's it. You're in! You can borrow Lucille's lingerie tonight if you want."

I didn't feel comfortable dancing in front of a bunch of strangers, but I was determined. I looked around me, trying to find a sign to stop me.

Then, I found Toni. Our eyes met. My position was compromised, which meant I wouldn't have any other time to do this. My bitterness and anger towards her returned, and the feeling felt right.

I turned to Gordon with hard eye contact.

"Let's do this."

AN: Hey!! So I'm sorry if the whole "joining the serpents" thing seems like I got it from the show. I had the idea a while before it was even cannon for Betty :x I didn't want to change the story up bc of that since I was excited to write it out, but the whole dance thing from the show did help the story a bit ;) you'll see why next chapter.

Also, tysm for 40K!!! I can't believe it tbh and I'm so grateful :') thank you all for taking the time to read my story!

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