Forgotten Past

By jayjaylov

21.7K 727 57

Boyxboy don't like don't read. Naruto being the most happy and determined shinobi in the leafs village was st... More


A Feeling

1.4K 46 6
By jayjaylov

Early update since I won't be able to upload for a while again, hope you enjoy!


A week had finally passed, his memories were in shambles. Although Naruto has more than half of his memories, he still couldn't remember Sasuke Uchiha for some reason. His academy days were there, but when his memories turned to the three of them, him, Sakura, and Sasuke. The Uchiha boy's figure would be blocked out, it wasn't an outline, more like a distorted figure that was too blurry and misshaped to figure out who it was.

Naruto was unable to figure out why his past self blocked this runaway shinobi to such an extent, yet he felt, no, he knew he didn't want to know the reason, whenever he tried to think about theories his chest would clench and his head would hurt to the point he would think that it was going to explode. After that painful day he didn't think about the Uchiha anymore and reverted back to his past self's act.

As time had gone by he was sure that the Nara boy knows about his mask, yet even if Shikamaru wanted to ask he felt that his question would either be avoided or answered with another question. But that didn't keep the strategic boy from thinking about Naruto and why he needs to hide his true feelings all over again. Did all of his memories come back? Was he trying to avoid Sasuke? Or was it the fact that he somehow couldn't trust anyone? Whatever it was he had no answer to it and it made him irritated having to go through all this troublesome work for the fifth Hokage.

Naruto on the other hand just had to convince the boy genius and make him understand that his past friend was back, but he knew it would be slightly difficult, if not too challenging.

"Hey Naruto, has any memories surfaced?" Ino appeared from his left, she was in charge of keeping a close eye and ear on Naruto's memories.

"Just a couple of minutes ago I felt a little pinch in my head, I then remembered that I like a lot of soy sauce in my cup ramen." Even if they were as useless as these ones.

"Oh that's good." She said, her smile forced as she sighed internally and bid farewell to Naruto, thinking to return only a couple of hours later.

Naruto was able to live this week peacefully without too many interruptions, although Tsunade always dragged him to the hospital from time to time and scan his body for anything suspicious. He knew that the old hokage was searching for his true strength but she was unable to figure out how strong he was. And Naruto wasn't about to tell her either, he didn't want to find out what she would of, even if he could easily end her life at that very second he knew things would only get messier if he did so.

Throughout the week he had been proposing to move back into his apartment since he's been getting sick of the overly bright and white room. Of course Tsunade always refused, saying that she needs him close by to do tests and check ups.

This was one of these check ups and resulted in another argument.

"Lord hokage, can I move back to my apartment now?" Naruto began as he felt a measuring tape around his head.

"Are you going on about that apartment still?" Tsunade sighed as she frowned at the way he had called her, ever time when she heard the blond boy speak to her in such a formal way made her feel depressed.

"I think that I can remember more if I move back." He said as he turned to look at the fifth hokage.

She glared at Naruto but softened her look at his usual wide grin he always wore before he had lost his memories. She wanted to let him go to his apartment, but she couldn't, fear always riled up inside of her since she wasn't sure what kind of memories would surface and she was scared he would go into a rampage if he remembered something he didn't want to remember just yet.

"Naruto... Fine, but everyone will be going as well, we don't want you fainting again if you do remember something." Tsunade said as she sent an eagle to gather the group of friends.

"Thank you Tsunade-sama!" Naruto jumped up as he got his clothes ready, but this time instead of an orange jacket. He slipped on a black shirt on and then a dark red jacket, zipping it up he turned around and ginned back at the old woman nodding as he was ready.

She sighed as she smiled sadly, she lead him out as all of his friend stood outside, smiles on their faces except for a certain short pink haired kunoichi.

They walked in silence sometimes chatting here and there to break the tense atmosphere that Naruto didn't notice at all. When they had arrived Naruto reached into his pants pocket and took out three keys on a keychain. Choosing the house key he inserted into the lock and turned it, hearing a small click that notified him his door was unlocked, Naruto placed his tanned hand onto the door knob and turned it ever so slowly. Everyone behind him holding their breaths, since this was their first time seeing inside his apartment.

The door cracked open and Naruto paused, a memory came through as he froze, making his friends behind him tense and stand on guard to whatever might happen, Naruto gasped slightly as he closed his eyes tight.

A memory came through, he could hear his voice but was unable to see who he was talking to or what that said person was saying.

"You're the first one to ever step foot into my apartment, be honored teme." Naruto said as he grinned. His memory self seeming to show his calmer side to the other person that was distorted.

"taveerwh." A distorted voice sounded in response. "I dene ot eltl ouy omsoeingth."

"What is it?" Naruto sat on a chair as he let the figure sit on his bed making it creak softly.

"I ovle uyo."

With a quickly motion everything turned back in his mind, a flash of lips connecting each other as Naruto flushed lightly, quickly as the kiss came it ended and the figure left as well.

"Naruto?" Tsunade spoke from behind Naruto as she placed a hand on his shoulder after seeing his hand that was on the door knob tremble.

He stopped as he snapped out of his memory, his chest clenched slightly but he turned with a small smile as he blushed slightly. "Sorry, I got a memory of spilling hot ramen all over me, just thinking about it made me want to cry over spilled ramen."

"That's a relief." Kiba chuckled nervously from behind.

"I had thought you remembered something bad." Lee huffed as he nodded in approval at nothing negative resurfacing in his friend's mind.

Seeing as there was no reason to keep it from them he told them about the other memory. "Actually, another one came as well, I was kissing someone."

"Kissing?! You??!!" Choji chocked on his chips.

"Yeah, I'm not sure who it was, or if it was a girl or a boy, I wasn't able to hear their words since they sounded strange. But as soon as the kiss ended they rushed out and that's when the memory ended." Naruto explained as he opened the door more only to stop again.

Flashed of more memories came and went, lonely birthdays, lonely dinners, lunch, breakfast, holidays as well as festivals. Then the inside of his apartment, many seals and symbols everywhere, which came along information for what they do on the day of his birthday he broke loose of all the energy he couldn't keep inside and made all of those seals to help him contain it and not blow the entire village to smithereens. So he suddenly stopped and turned around, trying to make an excuse for them not to see inside and find all of the symbols.

"Hm? Where's the pink head?" Naruto questioned as he had noticed the rude girl had left, not that he was concerned, she was the least that was on his mind.

"You're right, where's bill board brow?" Ino turned around as everyone did as well, when turning back they saw Naruto gone and a soft click to his door, locked.

"Oi! Naruto, let us in!" Kiba growled out as his pup barked as well.


Naruto leaned against his door, his face has lost his flustered look but his heart kept beating when remembering those soft lips on his own. His body felt warm and calm for the first time he had woken up, yet he had no idea who this said person was that had kissed him. He wanted to find out, but a feeling kept telling him if he tried finding out he would be in pain worse than living. Yet as he did remember something, he had realized that the only figure that was that distorted was actually the Uchiha who had run away.

The thought quickly left as if emerged since there were situations that figures became like that as well, like one of the memories where he was eating chips, yet the other figure was completely blocked, days later when Choji had offered him some of his chips he had regained that distorted memory. For all he knew that person could have been anyone since the voice was odd and neither sounded male or female.

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