Church Boy |Yoonmin|

By -LovelyHoe

446K 26.2K 35.8K

;Being gay is a sin. ;Wait intill I have you on your knees sucking me off, church boy. More

Author's Note


19.1K 1.1K 1.6K
By -LovelyHoe

Monday arrived with dread since Jimin knew what was ahead of him for the day. His father showed him a photo of Alexis who was pretty and all but Jimin didn't particular like girls.

"Good luck out there champ."

His father pats him on the back Jihyun laughing as Jimin grumbles in annoyance. The two siblings get out of the car and head their seperate ways.

"What!? You have an arranged girlfriend?"

Jungkook gasped taking pity on his friend.

"Yeah and her name's Alexis."

He groaned, laying his head onto his desk. Jungkook rubbed his back trying his best to comfort his friend in such a time of need.

Yoongi had his earphones in pretending as if he were listening to music but in reality he was eavesdropping on the two.

"What classes does she have you in?"

"I don't know. I actually don't care."

Jungkook and Jimin conversed in hushed tones not knowing that a group of girls were eyeing the two.


"N-No, i'm too shy. He's way out of my league I think it's better if we don't date."

"Quit being a loser and make the move."

The girls push her towards his desk almost tripping over her own two feet. The two boys look up at her in confusion in till Jimin immediately noticed who she was.

"H-Hi i'm-"

"Nice to meet you Alexis. I'm Park Jimin."

The two shake hands as she tucks a piece of hair behind her ear. Yoongi silently watches the situation unfold before him.

"W-Wanna hang a-after lunch?"

She stutters, looking down at her hands nervously just wanting to disappear right then and there.


Jimin shrugs not thinking much about it since the two didn't really know much about each other.


She quickly turns around and walks away to her group of friends.

"She's pretty."

Jungkook nudges Jimin playfully earning a glare in return.

"Why not date her then? I would be more than gladly to give her to you."

"Just saying, anyways we both know that we don't swing that way."

Alexis had long brown straight hair, hazel eyes, pale skin, she basically looked like any other regular girl at school.

The long hours past by in boredom lunch finally approaching. Jimin sits with his group of friends as they eat and goof around, Yoongi sitting across from him as Hoseok braids his blue hair.


Jimin feels a soft tap on his shoulder turning to see Alexis. He excuses himself from the table getting up he waves goodbye to his friends, the two dumping their trays and exiting the cafeteria. Once the future couple were no where to be seen Jin exploded.

"What!? He's cheating on Yoongi!"

He spat in anger, Namjoon trying his best calm him down. The group turns to Yoongi to see his say in the whole situation.

"We weren't even dating according to him."

He shrugged, playing around with his food.

"I call bullshit."

Jungkook and the rest agree.

//At A Random Hallway//

"Wanna hold hands?"

Alexis asks Jimin worrying about being rejected. He just shrugs and grabs a hold of her hands linking their fingers together. He turns to see her reaction, blush dusting her cheeks.

"Do you think that we'd last as a couple?"

She asks, making eye contact with him.

"I really don't know. I doubt it."

He answers honestly scrolling through his phone getting messages from the groupchat that all his friends were in.

PinkPrince: Jimin's a straight boy.

Rapmonster: He likes boobies.

Hobi: I do too.

GucciBoi: Huh? What's going on?

Kookie: BABY!

Suga: We aren't dating so it's cool.

Jimin frowned not realizing that Alexis was looking over his shoulder.

"Who're you texting?"


He shoves his phone back into his pocket, the two just walking around the school awkwardly holding hands.

"My father wants to meet you this week."

She breaks the silence with a smile pulling him closer to her.

"Oh. I don't know if I can. I have a lot of things to do since Christmas is near."

"Oh. Then come over for Christmas dinner."

"I'll ask my father."

"If you can't you can come over today."

"I have priest classes after school everyday."

"Ooo! I always wanted my future husband to be a priest."

"But aren't all priest not allowed to date?"

"Some are."

The week passed by in clingy hugs and holding hands. Alexis tried rushing their relationship which Jimin absolutely despised. She tried kissing him on the lips and cheeks yet he was quick to avoid such intimate touches with her.

"Why can't I kiss you?"

"We've only been dating for a whole week. We can't rush things."

"You're such a party pooper."

"I have to go. I have to prepare for the Christmas play and most of my friends are helping out."

"Aww. I'll see you later then."

She attempts to kiss her lover on the cheek yet he immediately dodges the blow and heads to the nave. He meets his friends there along with Yoongi who's been ignoring him for days.

"When will you and Yoongi get back together? You guys were cute."

Jin frowns, placing streamers down the aisle.


Jimin places he hands on his hips, sneering at the comment thrown at him.

"Anyways Namjoon and I are officially dating."

"Congratulations. Must be nice to actually like someone."

"Don't you like Alexis?"


"Well I think Hoseok is starting to like Yoongi."

Jin finishes taping the streamers onto the side of the pews as he turns to see Hoseok grabbing Yoongi's waist, watching him hang a banner onto the wall.

"Why should I care?"

"Because we all know that you like him. Since the time he got here you two have been inseparable."

"I'm not gay."

"Oh and i'm straight. Jimin we all know that you are, quit denying it."

//Two More Days Intill Christmas//

Everyone was in the Christmas spirit especially Alexis. She would get her friends to place a mistle toe above the couple forcing them to kiss yet Jimin would push and avoid her.

He noticed that Hoseok and Yoongi became closer by the passing days, leaving a bad taste in his mouth. He watched as they laughed and joked around, making Jimin jealous yet he pushed the negative thought towards the back of his mind.

His friends gave each other presents, well the couples did. Namjoon recieved a box of chocolates from Jin and Jin recieved a rare collectors Mario figurine with roses. Jungkook mailed Taehyung love letters and a gucci belt that he saved up for months to buy.

Jimin recieved a teddy bear, chocolates, flowers, and more from Alexis and yet he didn't bother to get her anything. Hoseok gave everyone cookies that his sister made and candy canes. Lunch ended with sappy couples holding hands and kissing, leaving the single teens feeling annoyed.

Alex made Jimin walk her to class and hugged him in front of everyone making him uncomfortable. He turns to leave and runs into Yoongi who had a bag in his hand. Jimin moves aside feeling Yoongi grasp at his wrist.

"I got you a gift."

He avoided eye contact with Jimin while handing him the medium sized christmas bag.

"I-I didn't get you anything."

"It's fine. I just hope that you like it, it's not much."

"I'll love it regardless."

Jimin sheepishly looks down at his feet, Yoongi looking over his shoulder to hide his small blush as he takes his leave. Jimin heads to class and takes a seat digging into the bag to find a large soft dark grey scarf, soft bulky socks, a Christmas glass consisting of a brownie mixture, and a single rose at the bottom of the bag with a small note attached to it.

"Take care of this rose as if it were my heart yearning for your love."

Cheesy af.

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