My Medieval Romance

By hopelessromantic957

37.2K 705 92

Victoria of Lyham is a girl of about 18. Her father is on the kings council but her parents didn't want to ra... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

My Medieval Romance

10.6K 121 21
By hopelessromantic957

Thank you so much for reading my story! This is my first story so please feel free to post respectful critisism. Please vote, comment, everything! Thank you!!!!! Read on ------->



Victoria of Lyham

Alex Marvin of Lyham

Sir Edward (Sub Character)

Lady Annabelle: Duchess of Lyham

Chapter 1

The sun crept through the little window in my bedroom, hitting me in the face. I swiftly got out of my straw bed and gave a big yawn. It is March 26th. Exactly one week until my 19th birthday and until my father comes to visit! My father is on the king’s council so he lives at the castle. I live with my elderly grandmother. My own mother died when I was very young and my father didn’t think it was suitable for me to live at the castle at such a young age so he left me with my grandmother. It’s not so bad but I have to do all of the housework because my grandmother is unable to anymore.

            I put on my everyday gown and made my way out of the house down to the market. It was quiet as I walked down the road with the occasional early bird chirping.  Eventually, the busy noises of the market began to meet my ears as I walked down the steep, dusty road. Saying hello to passer-by’s, I made my rounds getting all of the necessary provisions for the week. I also sold a few shawls that my grandmother had made in her spare time. Soon I was ready to head back home. That is until a Sir Edward found his way over to me. Edward was the village blacksmith and he had convinced himself a while back that I was somehow madly in love with him. He always tries to get something out of me but I’m stubborn.

“Hello Lady Victoria.” He gave me a deep bow and what he thought was a seductive smile.

 “Hello Sir Edward. I’m terribly sorry but I’m afraid I was just leaving. I must go home and check on my grandmother.” I gave him a quick smile and meant to start walking up the hill again but he grabbed my wrist.

“I don’t think so. Not until I get a proper kiss.” He said leaning forward and puckering his lips.

I pulled my hand out of his strong grip and started back up the hill.

“You’ll never get a kiss out of me Edward!” I called back down the hill where I’m sure he was standing in defeat.

            In a matter of minutes, I was back at my house preparing breakfast for my grandmother and myself. I set the small, circular table and laid out all of the food and then helped my grandmother to the table. I am starting to worry; she doesn’t eat much and she is getting rather scrawny looking. “Grandmother, are you feeling alright?”

“Yes, just a tired.” She replied promptly in her equally scrawny voice.

We ate in silence and soon enough, we were all finished and I was cleaning up again. Grandmother went back to sleep as I started to clean the house like I did every year upon my father’s arrival.


            The day was almost over and I had cleaned our small living space in no time at all with a lunch break in between for my grandmother and me. I peeked through a window and noticed that we only had one chicken left and it’s used for eggs. I let out a sigh and settled on making corn and potato stew. I peeled the corn and potatoes and set them over the fire to brew. I strolled into my grandmother’s room to get her for dinner.

“Grandmother; it’s time for dinner.” I gently shook her but she didn’t wake up. “Grandmother? Wake up.” I shook her again but she didn’t move. I let out a little whimper and grabbed my shoes. I practically ran to the village healer trying not to break down in tears and accept the worse. I rapidly rapped my knuckles on the healer’s door turning my knuckles white. He opened the door and took in my presence but before he could say anything I let it all spill.

“Please you have to help me! My grandmother is terribly ill! Please come with me…”  I begged. He merely nodded and grabbed his cloak and shoes and we were hurrying off to my house once more. A tear slid down my cheek and I tried not to let out a cry. I led him to my grandmother’s room and he leaned over her frail body while I paced back and forth across the tiny space. After what seemed like hours he just looked at me and quietly shook his head and left. I let out a distressed cry. This couldn’t be happening. My grandmother is dead and I have nowhere else to go… If the town found out that she died, they would most likely force me to marry someone…

            I calmed myself down enough to go outside and dig a deep hole to put her tiny body in. I carried her out and buried her while crying over her dead body. I found some fresh flowers and laid them atop her makeshift grave and finally went inside, forcing myself to eat and eventually crying myself to sleep.




            I was up before the sun today because it’s my birthday and my father is coming to see me! I never wrote to him about grandmother’s death because he was coming any ways and it would have been too late if I had written him. I was over grandmother’s death and I had managed to keep the house in working order. I plan to just live here until I marry. It wasn’t that hard before so I can handle it fair enough.

            I went down to the market and made my usual rounds. When I got back up to the house a gentleman on horseback was waiting. I dropped everything on the ground and ran towards him as he got off of his tired looking horse.

“Father!” I wrapped my arms around his neck and he smothered me with his embrace.

“Victoria! Happy birthday love!” He let go and grabbed my hands. “You are turning into quite the beautiful young lady! How is my angel?”

“I’m alright.” I shrugged.

“Just alright? What’s the matter?” He knotted his brows together.

“Grandmother is no longer with us.” I let out looking away into the fields.

It was quiet for a few minutes before he spoke again.  

“In the morning, we will return back to the castle.”

I looked at him in shock. He couldn’t be serious, could he?

“What? I don’t understand… I am not fit to live that sort of life father, I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself-” I began to argue.

“Don’t try to argue Victoria, we’re leaving tomorrow. End of discussion.” He tied his horse out in the field and I followed him back inside the house. “Besides, you’ll learn how to act fairly quickly. Don’t worry. Now, what’s for breakfast?” He gave me a smile and I couldn’t help but return it.

“Eggs, I managed to get some ham, and fresh milk. But I haven’t prepared it yet so you’ll have to sit tight for a few minutes.”

I busied myself with breakfast while he sat down at the table examining the house surrounding him.

“We’re going to have to sell this little house if you’re going to come live with me.” He murmured.

I kept silent knowing that I would just get upset if I argued. We ate in silence and I went about my chores all day without us speaking very much at all.

            The next morning I packed up what little belongings I had and we packed up the horses and were off to the castle. It was only a day’s journey away so we rode all day, determined to reach the castle by nightfall.

            I was getting pretty tired and was hoping when we were going to arrive when the castle came into view with the sunset right behind it giving it a look that took your breath away.  We made our way to the castle and were met by stable boy’s who took the horses to the stables and a doorman who walked us through the huge doors of the big, stone castle to the throne room where the king and queen sat waiting. We both bowed and stood before the thrones.

“Welcome back Peter; and this must be your lovely daughter we keep hearing about, is it not?” The Queen said.

“Yes, my queen. This is Victoria of Lyham.” My father responded introducing me. I curtseyed and murmured a “Your highness.”

“Well, you both must be exhausted from your journey. Peter, you will presume your duties tomorrow and Victoria my dear, I will send a personal assistant to help you settle in.” The queen gave us a smile and the king dismissed us.

            Outside the throne room my father gave me a hug and said goodnight. A nearby maid helped me find my room. It was beautiful with a double feather bed layered with several satin and silk sheets. There was a silk nightgown lying on the bed that I slipped on and soon I was fast asleep in the comfort of the soft sheets.

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