Chapter 4

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Hey everyone! Thank you so much for being patient with the update. I had a wonderful trip! Thank you so much for reading my story! I hope you are enjoying it so far. Feel free to leave comments, vote, and become a fan! Who's your favorite character so far? Mine is Alex :D Thanks again!!! Love you guys!!!!!

Chapter 4

            The sunlight filtered through the curtains causing me to wake from my pleasant night of dreaming. It was a beautiful day outside with the sun shining, a slight breeze it seemed like, and the birds chirping outside. I slipped out from under my covers and made my way over to the water basin. I splashed the cool water on my face feeling refreshed. Today I wore a silky dress made up of blues, purples, and turquoise-y greens. I pulled my blonde hair into a loose side ponytail and proceeded out of my door into the corridor.

            I noticed a figure leaning against the wall in the shadows who obviously noticed when I emerged from my chambers. They made their way towards me and I soon recognized Prince Alex’s features as he approached nearer.

“Good morning.” He gave me a smile.

“Hello.” I managed to say.

“Would you accompany me to breakfast?” He asked casually.

“Of course.” I took his arm and he led me in the direction of his dining quarters.

Since it wasn’t that far of a walk, we walked in a comfortable silence until we arrived at the huge oak doors. The guards let us pass as they had done the prior night and we took our seats next to each other. Of course, Alex pulled out my chair for me first before sitting down at his own seat. Servers brought out steaming plates of eggs, sausages, and toasted breads with jellies and butters. It all looked so delicious! We began to eat and all but two of the servers left, just in case we needed anything. As I took a bite of egg, I could feel the intense stare of someone on me. I looked at Alex to see his eyes fixed on me.

“What? Is something wrong?” I started to be concerned. Did I have something stuck in my hair? Had I accidently spilled something on my dress?

He cracked a smile. “Nothing’s wrong. I was just admiring you.”

“What about me?” I questioned once more.

“Everything.” He replied. “Your eyes, your face, your hair… your personality. You are a very beautiful person.”

I could feel the blood rushing up to my cheeks as I shyly smiled and turned my face down.

“You’re cute when you blush.” He commented as he had before.

Of course that comment made me blush even more. I continued eating wishing for the blush to fade away but I knew it lingered retained in my cheeks.

            As we finished eating, a short, pudgy man with curly, caramel colored hair, wearing a footman’s uniform walked towards the table. He waited to be acknowledged by Alex and once recognized preceded in telling his news.

“Your highness, your daily training is in twenty minutes. It may be suitable to go and prepare for your training.”

“Thank you Reginald. We were just finishing up.” Alex responded.

Reginald bowed deeply and left the room quickly. Servants came and took away our plates and we rose from the table. Alex took my hand in his naturally and we walked down the corridor.  

“Would you like to come watch me train up close instead of admiring me from afar?” He joked.

“Do not flatter yourself dear prince.” I giggled. “But yes I would.”

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