Chapter 8

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Hello readers! Thank you once again for reading my story! I won't be able to update in 5 days because I'm going on another little trip. I should get it up by Friday or Saturday so please be patient! Love you all! Please vote, comment, an become a fan! Everything is very much appreciated!


       I was woken by a beating on my door.

“Victoria! Wake up and unlock the door!” Amelia’s voice echoed through my room from behind the door.

            It was still dark outside but I got up and unlocked the door to expose a frazzled Amelia.

“What is it Amelia. I was asleep!” I groaned.

“It’s about Alex! The King wants you immediately!”

That through me into high gear mode and before I even knew it; I was off to the throne room. I came crashing through the doors to find the king sitting looking tired, the queen silently crying and the duchess comforting her. They all looked up at my entrance before returning to their previous positions.

“What’s wrong? What happened? Is Alex alright?” There were a million questions I wanted to ask at once but my mouth wouldn’t allow it.

“Victoria, Alex is going to be fine.” The king said to me looking grave.

“Is going to be fine? What’s wrong with him?” I whimpered.

“He just has a little scratch. They took care of everything and he’s coming home in three days.” He said.

I simply nodded and looked down at my feet. I collapsed on a nearby couch and cried myself to sleep.


            It was still dark outside like it had been two nights ago when Amelia had woken me. I hadn’t necessarily left the library except to get a glass of water or a piece of bread. I hardly slept either. My eyes just felt like they were glazed over in a different world. It also seemed as if I had a massive, never ending headache.

            It was probably around 3 in the morning. I stared around at all of the books but took no comfort in anything. The squeak of the door and a flame from a candle caught my attention. It was Amelia. She and Lady Annabelle had been staying with me the past few days. Amelia would occasionally bring me a meal but I would only eat the bread.

“Victoria, are you awake?” Amelia asked quietly.

“Of course I’m awake. I can’t ever get to get any sleep these days…” I whispered.

“Alex and the group are nearing the gates.” She told me.

I instantly got up and started out the library doors and through the hall with Amelia following with her candle close behind. When I saw the entrance doors, I ran though them, probably startling the guards outside, and rushed to the approaching horses and carriages. I pushed through people and horses trying desperately to find Alex. I finally spotted his mess of blonde hair and rushed forward.

“Oh, Alex I’m so glad you’re alright!” I hugged him causing him to groan. “I’m so sorry! Did I hurt you? Where are you hurt?” I babbled on.

“I’m fine Victoria. Just a little cut.” He whispered with a smile on his face. I couldn’t see anything since it was dark so I waited while men carried him into the castle. I never left his side.

            As soon as he was settled in bed and had some water, I got a good look at him. He was sweating a little and still had some mud on his face from his travels but that didn’t stop him from smiling as if he had gained the whole world.

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