Baby Mama

By justmyluck32

176K 3.8K 554

Meredith had her life planned out. Finish high school, let loose in college, start her job right after gradu... More

Author's Note


11.3K 244 4
By justmyluck32

Today is the day. I will be going to my interview in the morning and then going to my school to get my schedule and books for tomorrow. It's about to be a full day.

I turn towards my night stand and hit snooze on my alarm clock. 6:30am it's too early. My interview isn't until 9:00am so I have plenty of time to feed the kids and get us ready. I hop into the shower trying to wash everything as fast as possible before the kids wake up. I haven't had a nice, hot, long shower in forever because I'm always afraid that the kids will either get into something or hurt themselves, especially since they are so young. So I almost always take my showers as they are sleeping. I search through some of my boxes and drawers to find a nice outfit and then I brush my teeth and hair, so I can start making breakfast. As I'm walking out of my bedroom I hear a small little cry from Rosie's room. I quickly go over to her crib and take her out and walk back to the kitchen. I quickly breastfeed her then continue with breakfast. Rosie likes breastfeeding so much that I've decide that if I'm with her I will breastfeed but most of time she'll get formula from her bottle or some solid foods. Once I finish I here tiny feet walking across the room.
"Morning mama."

"Good morning Lakelyn. Exited for your first day at daycare?"

"Yup! Do you think I can bring any of my dinosaurs?"

"I don't see why not. We'll just have to put your name on it so we know it's yours."

Once they get situated I start packing stuff up to get ready for the day. A bag of all of Rosie's and Lakelyns stuff that they'll need throughout the day, such as diapers, extra food, and extra clothes. I make sure my purse is stocked with all my information I need for the interview and for school. I'm kind of nervous for the day. If I don't get the job I'll have to work somewhere else with less costumers, which means less tips, which means less money, and I need money. I'm also scared to walk into that damn school. I'm new, I imagine there will be a few glances but maybe I shouldn't worry the town isn't small. Let's just hope that the day goes as planned.

I keep looking towards the clock. We have to leave at 8:15am. I have to drop off the kids, make sure they are situated, then go to the restaurant, I like to be a few minutes early to be polite and to show another statement that I'll be there on time, if I get the job.
"Okay hurry up we got to get dressed then we got to leave." I told Lakelyn.

"Seriously we just woke up. We didn't even get to explore." Lakelyn said.

I smiled. "We'll go this weekend when we both don't have school and daycare okay?"

"You promise?" He pouted.

"Of course I promise but we've got to get our butts moving if we want to make it to the weekend."

Lakelyn quickly finishes his breakfast then heads off back towards his room.

I look towards Rosie she has a huge smile on her face. Always my happy little girl I see. I pick her up from her high chair and walk to her room. Quickly change her diaper, pick out a cute outfit and gather up everything we need before heading out the door. I of course let Lakelyn push the buttons.

Once we get to the car park I grab Lakelyns hand and we go start the car. As I close the kids door from buckling them in I hear a familiar voice. "Hey! This your truck?"

I turn towards the voice. It's the guy from yesterday. "Uh yeah it is." I reply with a short laugh.

"Sweet I've always wanted a truck, but I also wanted a bike." He laughs, pointing towards a nice Harley taking up space that says 7B2.

"Yup, can't always get what you want."

"So are you in school?"

"I am, but I've really got to go. It was nice meeting you, maybe some other time I'll find out your name." I say as I slam my door closed, and throw my bags to the passenger seat. I look into the rear view mirror to check if the kiddos are okay before quickly pulling out of the lot.

I pull up to the daycare soon after. I grab the kids out of the truck and we head inside. Once inside I give the workers their bags and make sure they have all information needed. Once I know they are in safe hands I head back out to the truck. I have a few minutes before I need to be there so I grab a coffee and speed off.

I walk into the restaurant, no one in sight but a bartender cleaning up. "Aren't you a little early to be cleaning up the bar?" I ask with a little laugh.

He looks up a bit startled. "Oh shit didn't see you there, you almost scared the crap out of me."

"Oh I'm so sorry, I'm just looking for the manager."

"That would be me, how can I help you?"

"I have an interview today for 9oclock."

"Oh right I completely forgot, let's get started why don't we." He says grabbing two chairs off a table so we can sit. I give him my resume as we sit.

"So why are you interested in this job?"

"I've just moved from Arizona the other day, and I'm in complete need of a job. I was a waitress at The Undertoe back in Arizona for two and a half years, but I had to quit so I could move here, and this place just really stood out to me. Online it had great ratings and from the look of things always busy with a great community, so I thought it would be great for me."

"Wow interesting, Arizona, it's hot there."

"Um yeah it is." I reply.

"Anywho, you've got the job."


"You've got the job."

"But I've only answered one question."

"I'm in desperate need of a new waitress, one of the ones right now is super bitchy, and not the best towards the customers. You had a really good response to my question. You seem pretty mature, super nice and trustworthy. Plus I want to fire that bitch as soon as possible." He scowls.

I laugh. "Aren't you the manager?"

"I am, but we're like a mini family here and it's not like I'm doing anything wrong, she is."

I laugh harder then before. "Well thank you for the placement. When can I start?"

"As soon as you would like. How about you come in tomorrow, we can talk about everything important and we can start up your schedule."

I smile. "Sounds perfect, thank you. Although, I have school tomorrow so it'll have to be after 3:15."

"That's fine with me I'll give you my information and you can send me a call or email." I agree with him and leave the building once I'm done.

That was a success! Now I have almost everything figured out. Just one more place to go before I have to go run errands. Yay!

Once I get to the school it's after lunch and everybody is starting to get back to their classes. I park my truck and hop out. I make my way towards the from doors.

"Hey truck girl!" I hear someone yell out.

I turn towards the voice and see the guy from the elevator again. "Hey bike boy." I say.

"Why you here?"

"Oh, I'm about to get my schedule and stuff for tomorrow. About to finish my senior year." I say putting my hands in the air slightly.

He laughs at my gesture. "That's great, so maybe I'll see you around tomorrow?"

I nod my head starting to turn back towards the front doors, assuming our conversation is over. "I'm Axel by the way. " he says with a smirk.

"Meredith. " I say with a full turn and slight sway to my walk as I head towards the doors.

Once I leave the school, get all the stuff I need throughout my errands I go straight to the daycare. It's the best part of my day seeing my baby's run up towards me and telling me their day, well as of right now Lakelyn does, Rosie only says little words such as momma and bye.

I hug my boy before picking up Rosie. I grab there stuff and we're out. "So how was your day?" I ask.

"It was so much fun! We played games with the teachers and we painted! I even got to show everyone my dinosaur." He says as I buckle him into his seat.

"Wow, that's great buddy. Did you make any friends?" I ask hoping into the drivers seat.

"Of course I did Mama! I made so many."

"That's great baby."


Wow ok um that was interesting. So this was somewhat a filler. Next chapter will be Meredith going to school and meeting a few friends. I also wanted to mention that I'm sorry if I switch tenses throughout the book. I did a project a while back and we had to write a short story and my teacher wrote that I switched tenses and I've came to realize that as I was writing this. I'm sorry :( I know you don't have to correct me lol anyway have a great day here's a gif of Meredith aka Blake lively my girl crush other then Selena Gomez who plays Alyssa.

yaaaas Queen

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