Empire Day ✓

By SapphireAlena

195K 8.4K 9.6K

1st place: Star Wars Fanfiction Awards Luke Skywalker is turning 8 in just a few days on Empire Day. Unfortun... More

Author's Notes & Disclaimer
Title Crawl
Chapter 1 - Binary Suns
Chapters 2 - Mos Eisley Census
Chapter 3 - That's My Son
Chapter 4 - The Beast
Chapter 5 - Bureaucrats and Starpilots
Chapter 6 - Bacta Treatments & Star Destroyers
Chapter 7 - Showdown
Chapter 8 - Pod Races
Chapter 9 - Finishing What I Began
Chapter 10 - The Sith Master
Chapter 11 - Nubian Rebels
Chapter 12 - Arrival on Naboo
Chapter 13 - The Governess
Chapter 14 - An Informant
Chapter 15 - Confronting Vader
Chapter 16 - My Mother
Chapter 17 - Silver Streak
Chapter 18 - Polis Massa
Chapter 19 - A Truly Powerful Master
Chapter 20 - Decisions
Chapter 21 - Brothers
Chapter 22 - Jedi Trances
Chapter 23 - The Great Negotiator
Chapter 24 - Lieutenants, Captains, and Commanders
Chapter 25 - All Things Made New
Chapter 26 - The Mountain Palace
Chapter 27 - Ice Wampas
Chapter 28 - Resolutions and Insight
Chapter 29 - Skyguy & Snips
Chapter 30 - A Royal Scare
Chapter 31 - A Change of Plans
Chapter 32 - Laser Brains
Chapter 33 - Mercenaries
Chapter 34 - Short, Blond, and Cute
Chapter 35 - Prelude to War
Chapter 36 - Kisses and Foolishness
Chapter 37 - This Is Where the Fun Begins
Chapter 38 - The Battle Begins
Chapter 39 - You Call This a Rescue?
Chapter 40 - For Our Children
Chapter 41 - What Did You Get Us Into, Bane?
Chapter 42 - Oh, Brother
Chapter 43 - Breaking In
Chapter 44 - On the Inside
Chapter 45 - This Is My Fight
Chapter 46 - What a Surprise Indeed
Chapter 47 - Fools
Chapter 48 - Aftermath
Chapter 50 - A New Life

Chapter 49 - The Trial

1.7K 88 128
By SapphireAlena

The golden protocol droid waddled after the speedy princess. "Princess Leia, don't you dare turn on the holovid. Your father left specific instruc—"

"Oh, hush, Threepio," the princess said as she dragged a dining room chair through the rooms. "I promised daddy I wouldn't turn on the holovid."

Threepio caught up with her in the long hallway. "Well, that's good. I never know what to expect these days."

Leia dragged the heavy, carved chair to a back bedroom that overlooked the city's central square.

"Wait a minute." C-3PO's arm jerked up. "Where are you taking tha—"

With a push of a button, Leia locked him out of the guest bedroom. She pushed the chair beside the window and crawled on top of it. With the lights out and the privacy screen deactivated, she could see the electronic billboards that extended hundreds of stories with a running caption imposed on each screen.

In unison, the variety of advertisements cut off. A shaky vid output stabilized to reveal the exclusive War Crimes Trials coverage by Holo Net News Channel. "—is Jena Duar with a report on the two civilians injured in last week's coup. A young boy is recovering from electrical shocks and burns. His doctors expect a full recovery in a few weeks. Our investigative reporters have confirmed the boy is Luke Skywalker. Speculations are that he is a distant relative of the Clone War hero General Anakin Skywalker."

A bystander in the crowd yelled, "What about the woman? There was a woman taken in, too. We hear she was an accomplice with Darth Vader." The crowd around the journalist started chanting, "Kill Darth Vader! Kill Darth Vader!"

The journalist adjusted her orange hair with purple tips and smiled at the screen. "Our sources have been unable to unearth any information on her. The med center has reported her in stable condition. We'll bring you more news as soon as we have it. And, now, back to you, Lang."

The video cut away to a Twi'lek male with deep purple eyes and claw-like fingernails. His purple lekku draped over his shoulders in a seductive manner. "Thanks, Jena." The camera panned back and then cut to an aerial droid's shot of the Senatorial Complex. "I'm standing here in the Senatorial Judgment Chamber awaiting the war crimes trial of Sith Lord Darth Va—."

The camera and audio cut to the proceedings. The immense chamber illuminated by stark white wall lights held a single catwalk that led to the defendant's circle. Two clone troopers escorted Anakin Skywalker down the path, his wrists bound in front of him by stun cuffs. His torn black cape swung limply from his back as the man in life-support suit thudded across the metal planking. Only the helmet was missing. Two other troopers awaited him there.

Leia lifted the macrobinoculars that swung around her neck to her eyes. After focusing in on the face of her father, she saw a man she didn't recognize. Sure, the face was the same, but the dark circles under his eyes and the sagging skin around his face told her how hard this last week had been on him. He had been allowed no visitors. Her father Bail had said he had refused legal representation.

And now this might be the last time she would ever see her real father again. And, Luke. Luke wouldn't see him either. And Padmé—oh, how was Padmé going to live after this? Leia knew this would devastate her.

The bailiff thumped his scepter on the floor three times to call the crowd to order, but no one was talking. The court of Senators and Jedi were silent. The camera panned to each of the jurors. Master Yoda, Master Kenobi, and ten senators whose names escaped Leia. She was worried when she didn't see her father Bail.

The prosecutor's door opened, and Bail Organa, Senator of Alderaan, stepped onto the balcony. The camera cut away to defendant's legal counsel's empty balcony.

Leia gasped, "No, no, no. Please, Daddy, don't do this."

Newly elected Chancellor rose from her throne. "Darth Vader, you have been charged with the following war crimes: murder, enslavement, ill-treatment of prisoners of war, killing of hostages, plunder of property, wanton destruction, and attempted genocide of the Tusken peoples. This court will decide your fate."

She motioned to Bail. " Prosecution, you may begin your arguments. State your name and credentials for the record."

Bail stepped to the rail of the balcony, closest to Vader. "Bail Organa, Viceroy and Senator of Alderaan. Darth Vader, video evidence claimed from Tatooine, as well as code cylinders bearing your orders, shall prove your guilt in these heinous crimes. Evidence Aurek: a security video from a Mos Eisley street wherein squads of stormtroopers rounded up Wookiees and Tuskens."

The silent video flared on the screen.

"Evidence Besh: said Wookiees hauled to transport ships. Evidence Cresh." Bail pulled a clear bag from his satchel. "Code cylinders retrieved from Mos Eisley with orders to take the Wookiees to Geonosis for slave labor on Project Stardust."

Anakin nodded but said nothing in defense.

"Evidence Dorn: another code cylinder ordering the massacre of all Tuskens from the planet Tatooine." Bail tossed the bag in front of Vader's feet.

The trial continued, with Bail providing twenty separate pieces of evidence. "I could go on, ladies and gentlemen, but the day is wearing thin. Since the defendant has refused any representation . . ."

"Wait just a minute."

Leia squealed when she heard that voice. The cameras swiveled to the legal defense balcony to reveal the pale, but feisty, Quemé Naberrie. "I will defend him."

Mon Mothma stepped forward. "I cannot allow that. The defendant has refused counsel. It is his choice."

"I apologize, Chancellor, ladies and gentlemen of the court, but I was detained in the med center. If the defendant will accept me, may I represent him?"

Mon Mothma turned to the jurors and then to Bail. He clenched his lips and nodded.

"Very well. Defendant, will you accept this representation?"

The Sith Lord nodded.

"We must have a verbal response, Defendant."

"Yes. I accept her representation."

"State your name and credentials for the record, Counselor." Mon Mothma nodded at her.

"Padmé Naberrie Amidala, former Queen and Galactic Republic Senator of Naboo."

Gasps echoed around the room and in the courtyard when the Holonet feed cut to the amassed crowds outside the complex.

"Order. Order." Mon Mothma motioned her hand to the Bailiff.

He slammed his scepter down and repeated the command. "Order. Order."

"Is there anyone who will vouch for the identity of Senator Amidala?" Mon Mothma asked the jurors.

Master Yoda and Obi-Wan both stood up. "I will" and "Will I" overlapped. Another "I will" came from the opposite direction.

"Very well. Enter the name of the Counselor into the record. Madam, you may have the floor." The Chancellor returned to her throne.

Padmé stepped to the edge of her defense balcony and stared at the accused. "Defendant, please state your name for the record."

He looked up at her and then turned his face to jurors. "Darth Vader, Sith Lord, Field Marshal of the Imperial Armies and Fleets."

"No, your real name."

"Don't do this Padmé," Anakin whispered under his breath.'

"Lord Vader, your Defense Counsel asked you a question. I demand you answer it." Mon Mothma crossed her arms and leaned forward in her seat.

"Anakin Skywalker, General of the Armies of the Galactic Republic and Jedi Knight."

Another round of gasps generated outcry from the ten senator jurors.

Mon Mothma ordered, "Silence. Who he was has no bearing on this trial, Senator Amidala. Please move along with your defense and don't waste any more of the jury's time."

"I wish to bring present a witness, Madam Chancellor."

Bail's mouth dropped forth. "I object. I was not informed that the Defense would be providing any witnesses. I have not had the opportunity to interview or prepare."

Padmé raised her hand. "Senator Organa, I may not have prepared a list of witnesses, but you did. I call Captain Rex to the witness stand."

Bail's mouth dropped. He raised his eyebrows at Padmé and crossed his arms.

Captain Rex entered the witness stand from another doorway in the grand hall. Dressed in charcoal gray tunic and slacks, he looked entirely out of place in this assembly. He had cropped his gray beard close to his face. His chiseled features and scars told the story of this man's life.

Padmé said, "Witness, please state your name for the record."

"Captain Rex, CT-7656. 501st Legion. Retired."

Padmé asked, "Lord Prosecutor, is this man on your witness list?"

"Yes, Lady Defender. You may proceed."

Padmé strutted toward the jurors' box. "Captain Rex, as a former clone trooper, you have a unique perspective. When did you remove your control chip?"

Rex opened his mouth and glared at her. "Nine years ago."

"That would place it before Order 66. How did you know about them?"

"We were on a mission during the Clone War, and one of our troopers went crazy. We were told it was virus we'd picked up, but none of the medical scanners identified it. When we were doing a scan of his body, found the chip. It was malfunctioning. It wasn't the last one, either. Not long after, well, a couple of my buddies and me, we were separated from our unit. They never came back for us."

Bail interrupted, "You mean you deserted."

Padmé said, "Lord Prosecutor, Captain Rex is not under trial here. I'm sure that whatever actions he took for his own survival when his unit thought him dead were appropriate at the time. Captain, could you please tell us how you removed your chip and what changed."

"I once told my unit that we weren't programmed and had to make our own decisions, but once I removed that chip, I knew that we had been programmed. Programmed to obey and not question orders. Programmed to kill. Programmed not to feel. Once I removed the chip, that all changed. I knew what we had done wasn't always right. And their faces haunt me even now."

Padmé asked, "How would you describe being freed from the control of the chip?"

Rex shook his head. "It was like a chain had been unlocked. I could think. My body could respond to my own commands."

Bail sighed and rolled his eyes. "I object. This is nothing more than hearsay."

Mon Mothma nodded. "Madam Defender are you finished with this witness?'

"Yes, Your Excellency."

"Very well. Lord Prosecutor, you may cross-examine the witness."

"Captain Rex, do you remember the mission on Umbara?" Bail's eyes narrowed.

"The shadow world?"

"Exactly. During that mission, you led a mutiny against the command of General Krell. If you say that you had to obey every order given, how could you have mutinied?"

"Well, what he was doing was wron—"

Mon Mothma interrupted. "Captain Rex, thank you for your testimony. You are dismissed. Honored Jurors, please strike his testimony from evidence. Lady Defender, have you any other witnesses?"

Padmé opened her mouth to respond. She looked at Anakin, his head hung low. "Yes, Command Cody, SC-2224."

"Your Excellency, I don't know what the Defense is trying to prove with this angle . . ."

Mon Mothma raised her hand. "I'll allow it, but I warn you, Lady Defender, that you get to your point quickly."

After the commander had stated his name and rank for the record, Padmé questioned him. "Commander, are you a clone from the Jango Fett breeding pool on Kamino?"


"Do you still have a controller chip inserted in your brain?"


"When was it removed?"

"Fifteen days ago."

"Recently, then. Have you noticed any changes in your compulsions? Your behaviors?"

"Since the controller chips were activated eight years ago, my only focus has been destruction of the Jedi and the Rebels. In fact, the controller chip would send out shockwaves when our brains thought of anything else. If it wasn't pertinent to the mission, we couldn't think about it."

"And you don't experience that anymore?"

"No. You don't see me jerking in front of you."

Bail interrupted. "That's hardly proof, Your Excellency."

Cody stepped forward. "Well, Senator, why don't you go pull one of the clones who still has his chip in? There are some in Tarkin's fleet. That's if they haven't gone crazy yet not knowing what their mission is now with no direction."

A rustle emanated from the jurors' box.

Mon Mothma raised her hand. "Lady Defender, what is your point in all this. We know that treatment of the clones must be addressed, but right now how does this apply to Darth Vader's crimes?"

Padmé drew herself up to her fullest height and authority. "Your Excellency, will the New Republic prosecute the clone troopers for executing Order 66 and terminating the Jedi?"

"No, of course not. They had no choice."

"I submit to you that Vader had no choice either. This time it was not the compulsion of a controller chip, though, but of his very soul. I present to you Evidence Usk: video evidence from Chancellor Palpatine's office eight years ago."

R2-D2 rolled onto the platform.

"The Lord Prosecutor's astromech droid has retrieved security recordings from the Chancellor's Office eight years ago. Permission to submit?"

Bail nodded without hesitation. Mon Mothma agreed as well.

After R2 extended his data arm into the jack, a scratchy recording flickered onto the screens.

A dark Jedi held a purple blade to the former Chancellor's throat. "You are under arrest, my lord."

The Chancellor looked up from the floor and said to the newly arrived Anakin Skywalker, "Anakin, I told you it would come to this. I was right. The Jedi are taking over."

The Jedi said, "The oppression of the Sith will never return. You have lost."

"No. No. No. You will die." Bolts of blue lightning shot forth from the Chancellor's hands, attacking the Jedi. "He's the traitor."

"He is the traitor."

The Chancellor said, "I have the power to save the one you love. You must choose."

"Don't listen to him, Anakin."

"Don't let him kill me." The Chancellor's voice weakened as the Force currents surrounded his own body. "I can't hold it any longer." He mumbled some unintelligible words. "Too weak. Help me! Help me!" Nearly destroyed, he said, "I-I-I-I can't hold on any longer."

Master Windu said, "I am going to end this once and for all."

Anakin finally spoke. "You can't. He must stand trial."

"He has control of both the Senate and the courts. He's too dangerous to be left alive." Windu continued to hold his blade at the fallen Chancellor.

"I'm too weak. Don't kill me. Please.

"It's not the Jedi way. He must live."

Padmé interjected, "Freeze the frame." The picture solidified on Anakin's youthful face. "Look at the face carefully, Honored Jurors. Look at his eyes. He is distraught, but still the core of Anakin is the same. Continue with the video."

Palpatine said, "Please don't."

"I need him."

"Please don't."

Windu struck out at the Chancellor, but Anakin blocked his swipe and severed the Jedi Master's right arm. The Chancellor sat up and gave the Jedi Master one last charge of Force-lightning. Windu fell through the window.

Anakin collapsed on a bench and moaned, "What have I done?"

The recording dissolved into scratches and hisses before changing to black.

"Is that a Jedi or a Sith, Honored Jurors? I grant you, he made an error in judgment. But he honestly thought he was preserving the Jedi Code by insisting on a fair trial for the Chancellor. He regretted his failure. He regretted his decision."

The Jurors mumbled.

"I present Evidence Vev: video evidence from a few minutes later."

A new black-and-white video appeared on the screen, just as shaky and distorted.

"Because the council did not trust you, my young apprentice, I believe you are the only Jedi with no knowledge of this plot. When the Jedi learn what has transpired here, they will kill us, along with all the senators," Palpatine said before cloaking his deformed head.

Anakin said, "I agree. The council's next move will be against the Senate."

Palpatine's voice scratched through. "Every single Jedi, including your friend Obi-Wan Kenobi, is now an enemy of the Republic."

"I understand, Master."

"We must move quickly. The Jedi are relentless. If they are not all destroyed, it will be civil war without end. First, I want you to go to the Jedi Temple. We will catch them off balance. Do what must be done, Lord Vader. Do not hesitate to show no mercy. Only then will you be strong enough with the dark side to save—."

"Stop the video. I present to you that Anakin Skywalker was manipulated and controlled by the Sith Master Darth Sidious for his own purposes. From that moment, he was no longer in control of his own actions or motives. Wanting to save his . . . his . . . wife, the Emperor played on his fears, lied to him, murdered his wife, and controlled his every step and thought from that moment. Darth Vader was an instrument with no feeling and no control. How can we blame him any more than we can blame the clones for the execution of Order 66?"

The Jurors murmured. Yoda looked at Obi-Wan. They both grimaced and stood for attention.

Bail interrupted again. "I object, Your Excellency. Whatever his motives were, he still slaughtered the Younglings in the Jedi Temple. He still ordered the genocide of the Tuskens on Tatooine only three weeks ago. And I demand that you charge our Lady Defender on two counts of perjury to this court."

The court broke out in utter chaos. The Bailiff slammed his scepter on the hard floor multiple times and yelled for order. Mon Mothma waited long minutes until the court settled. "Lord Prosecutor, those are serious charges. Please explain."

"Your Excellency, the Lady Defender is a long-time acquaintance. She claimed that Darth Sidious murdered Skywalker's wife, but that is impossible. She perjured herself in her very first statement. And she did it again in her last. Honored Jurors, I give you Padmé Naberrie Amidala Skywalker, the wife of Anakin Skywalker."

Chaos broke out again. But this time, Master Yoda stepped to the front of the Juror's Box. "Enough. Enough. Time for all to be made clear. Padmé died. Master Kenobi there. I was there. Her life-Force slip from us we felt . . . after she gave birth to twins. The darkness was so strong at that time, nothing we saw in the Force before it happened. Certain am I it was Sidious."

All eyes and cameras were riveted on the green man. "The death, convenient. No one knew of the children, but the three of us there. Obi-Wan, myself, and the Lord Prosecutor. Master Kenobi and Senator Organa secured homes for the children, to live in obscurity and anonymity, while I took Padmé to Naboo for burial."

"But how did she survive?"

"Life and death are part of the Force, and their boundaries can merge at times. The rest, only a powerful Jedi can undertake. One of our earliest masters learned how to cheat death itself," Obi-Wan supplied.

The crowd babbled again.

Yoda held up his hands. "No, no questions. It is enough, she lives. It is enough Anakin lives. As a Jedi, the heart of a man I see. The heart of a man freed from the compulsion of the Sith. Freely chosen this he has. However, for his crimes he must pay."

Mon Mothma held up her hands. "Master Yoda, Master Kenobi, I must request you both recuse yourself from this jury. We will reconvene with a new jury selection from the remaining senators tom—"

"Your Excellency, I demand Senator Organa recuse himself from the Lord Prosecutor's position as well," Padmé interrupted. "He is not innocent in these dealings either and stands to gain something personal should the accused be sentenced."

"Senator Skywalker, think carefully before you speak. Is this really what you want to do?"

Padmé glanced at Bail and then at Anakin. Her husband shook his head.


"Counselors, in my chambers, now."

The video cut off all screens in the market. Lang Dyas's face appeared on the screens after a few seconds. "Well, there you have it. New jury selection tomorrow. What did you think, Jena? Senator Amidala was hiding something."

"Definitely, Lang—"

Leia turned her back on the screens and opened the bedroom door.

"Princess Leia!"C-3PO said.    

Did you know . . .

● This was not how this scene was supposed to go. Stupid Padmé breaking out of the med center . . .

● Both The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels animated series used news broadcasts. This is nothing new.

Tell me what you think . . .

● What was Padmé going to reveal?

● How upset is Mon Mothma?

● What's Anakin thinking right now?

● What if Padmé had not cut the video where she did? Would it have been a problem?

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