Lets Add Three

By samevans17

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Raising four kids isn't easy, especially when three of them aren't even one yet. And then it only gets harder... More

Poop Party
"Your Phone's a Ring-ging!"
We Gots A Married!
Oh Ma Gosh
"No! NO I Want To Go To MY Class!"
"Can I hold Angel-la Now?"
"I'm In Mrs Alice's Class Now"
"She Wouldn't Know To Fake Sick Yet Would She?"
"Now Let's Finish This So We Can Eat The Cookies"
"It's Too Late To Be On The Naughty List?"
"Daddy Olaf Ate The Toothpaste"
"I Think We Need To Have A Mommy-Martian Chat"
"Daddy, why are ya dressed fancy?"
"Yes Your Honour"
"Thank You Rosa-leeee!"
"Is There Leftover Icing?"
Where The F*** Is Marcia?
"I Need A Car Seat Or I'll Die!"
"Yeah, It's They Birthday"
"My Tuf Isa Muvint"
"Taa Daa!"

"Um... A Hatch Animal?"

183 17 26
By samevans17

A/N: Woo first up date in a while and it's part of what could be a three part thing at this point I don't know, but it's a Christmas thing (a little late on my end, yeah, sorry about that :P)

Nonetheless, hope you enjoy :)

Chapter 11:

The court date is set for January 25th, three days after Kirstie and Avi's second wedding anniversary. There is no way they'd be able to enjoy it with the threat of their daughter being taken away looming. Not to mention the triplets first birthday a week after.
     December came quicker than expected, the months flying by with preparations with Rosalie. It hit the first of the month and Kirstie realised they hadn't done any shopping. With four to shop for she'd promised herself she'd get it done early, she has a month still, but it just didn't seem like enough time. Especially not when the Olusola's came over and Esther had everything planned down to the last tee, easy for her though, she only has one baby and that baby only just learnt to roll over. Kirstie and Avi are outnumbered with babies in every direction and touching things they shouldn't.
     The toilet is their favourite , and they're starting to pull themselves up on things. Kirstie tried the toilet latches but Avi was entirely incapable of opening those, the decision for them to go was made when Kirstie caught Avi peeing in the sink. Marcia could open the locks, a five year old, sorry six year old, but he couldn't.
     Marcia's sixth birthday went down pretty well, Kirstie and Avi took her out to dinner, just the three of them. Scott had very kindly offered to baby sit, so Mitch came too, naturally. The only incident was to do with changing diapers and the only problem Kirstie and Avi encountered was that all three of the babies diapers were on backwards.
     Scott said he never wants to baby sit them again, so something else must have happened, they chose not to ask though.
     Kirstie is sitting at the kitchen bench writing a list of everything she needs to do and buy for Chrismukkah , everything bar food because that is Avi's responsibility.
     "What are you doing?" Avi asks as he enters carrying Bella.
     "Christmas stuff. Did you know it's the first of December today?"
     He is about to open the fridge but freezes, "You're kidding?"
     Kirstie shakes her head, "Nope. Do you have any idea what Marcia wants for Christmas?" she asks with a sigh.
     "Um..." he hesitates. "A hatch animal."
     "You mean a Hatchimal?"
     "Yeah I think so."
     Kirstie writes on her list. "We don't need anything majorly special for the other three, just a cute toy or something, they'll only want the paper anyway," she shrugs.
     Avi nods in agreement, that was Marcia's first Christmas with him in a nutshell. "Do we even have to get them anything at all?" Avi jokes.
     "No, but we probably should," she chuckles. "I wouldn't want to be a bad mom like that."
     "Fair enough," he smiles
     "So what should we get them? Any ideas or should we just look when we're out there?"
     "Just look when we're out there. They're glued to every advertisement unlike Marcia who comes running when she hears the Hatch Animal's ad."
     Kirstie nods, ignoring his mess up, Marcia would put him in his place when she got the toy.      "And what do you want?"
     "That fancy barbeque sauce pack, mines running low, and new jeans. What about you?"
     "Black jeans?" she raises an eyebrow even though she knows the answer.
     "What else?" he chuckles.
     "Okay well I want that necklace I pointed out last week and a new dark red lipstick, Marcia smooshed mine."
     Avi's eyes shoot up as he tries to remember the necklace. "Is that why she was in the corner yesterday?" He asks to avoid suspicion.
     "You bet."
     "Is that also why Olaf had a pink tinge?"
     "That was because it was all over Aurey's hands, Giselle's clothes and Marcia's mouth."
     The hand that isn't holding Bella shoots up to his mouth, "How come you didn't tell me yesterday?"
     "Because you had a face like thunder when you got home, then you told me about what happened at work. And I'd already told her off, we didn't need to traumatize the child with dad-voice as well," she giggles.
    Avi smiles, happy that she is happy again. Now he just has to remember what necklace she is talking about.


Kirstie and Avi manage to carve out time to go shopping, just the two of them. To start off with they go in opposite directions in the mall to get each other's presents, they knew what they were getting but if the other found something else for them to the surprise would be nice. And since they'd gone out as early as possible they met up again for morning tea at a cute little café, Kirstie is beyond ready for a coffee that isn't instant.
     "I'm gonna get a milkshake," Avi tells Kirstie as they line up, this didn't really surprise her since Avi didn't drink coffee, but she didn't know why he was telling her. After a long pause he continues "Can you pick a flavour for me? I can't choose, it's too difficult."
     Kirstie stifles a laugh at his silliness, shaking her head. "What can't you choose between?"
     "All of them."
     "Well," she looks up at the options, "You don't like coffee flavour, you never get chocolate because you reckon that no one ever gets chocolate right," she chuckles. "The last time you had something banana flavoured you didn't go near Marcia for the afternoon because you were scared you were going to infect her," she side eyes him.
     "Not my finest moment," he smiles sheepishly.
     "Well she is allergic, I understand where you were coming from, but she's only allergic to real bananas, not the artificial flavours," she giggles.
     "And I know that, but I must have been having some sort of mental break down or something," he laughs it off.
    "Anyway, back to the flavours, it leaves vanilla, lime, strawberry and orange. Your favourite colour is green, so let's go lime," she nods, not giving him time to protest as she steps up to the counter.
     They sit down with a large piece of cake to share and with their beverages on the way.
     "So we're going to the toy store next?" Avi asks.
     Kirstie nods, sticking her fork into the cake and breaking off a small piece and popping it into her mouth. Avi copies her and his eyes widen.
     "This is really good!" he quickly takes another bit before looking up at Kirstie's smirk. "What?" he asks, his mouth full.
     "Oh nothing," she says in a sing song voice, and then takes another bite.
     "Stop being suspicious," his eyes narrow before he slowly, carefully takes another bite. Kirstie continues to watch him as they eat, smirk barely leaving her face.
     Avi puts his fork down, leaving the last bite for Kirstie and takes a sip of his milkshake.
     "I can make a cake like that at home you know?" she pops the last piece into her mouth.
     "Then why haven't you before?"
     "Because you wouldn't let me," she giggles.
     He frowns, "What? Why?"
     "Well you said it was unnatural and just plain wrong."
    "I have no idea what you're talking about."
     "It's carrot cake Avi, we just ate carrot cake," she says through laughter.
     His jaw drops, "You're kidding."
     She shakes her head, laughter still rocking her, unable to speak.
     Despite not finding this funny at all Avi is unable to help himself and laughs just a little with her, it's infectious, she is just laughing so damn hard.
     "You ate carrot cake and enjoyed it," she cackles.
     Avi nods slowly and with a sigh, "I guess I did."

A/N: Merry Christmas, I hope you all had a good one,

Hannah :)

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