Ten (Laurmani)

By ImNotHereAnymore77

7.5K 446 127

There comes a time when you have to ask yourself, is this really how I want to live my life? Scared and alone... More



650 35 22
By ImNotHereAnymore77

Today is going to be a good day. I'm almost completely sure I can keep my grades up until the end of the year and I actually feel happy for once. Things with Normani have been more or less pleasant, so I'm staying positive.

"Hey, Lauren, can I talk to you?' I looked over towards the familiar voice but only scoffed in return. Maybe I won't be staying positive. He knew damn well I wasn't going to talk to him. "I'm serious, I know you don't like me. I'm coming to you as a fellow human." I eyed him warily but the determination in his eyes was evident so I gave in.

"Fine, Adrian. Make it quick. Please. I'm trying to have a good day." I closed the book I was reading and turned towards him giving my full attention. He sat beside me thankfully leaving a good amount of space between us.

"I'm not one to gossip- really I'm not. But I feel like I should tell you this..." I sigh growing tired of his dramatic intro. If it was actually important I wished he'd just say it.

"I don't have all day, Adrian."

"You and Normani," He trailed off awkwardly, "are you..a thing? I know you've been close these past few months.." I scoffed again, shaking my head. Of course he'd pull this shit. Everything is a goddamn joke to him. I stood up, turning to him before I stormed off.

"Okay, I see where this is going and I want no part of it. You need h-"

"No. I'm not- don't go. Seriously." He held my arm in a loose grip, gently pulling me back down. "It's not about me. I'm not being manipulative. I was just asking because I thought you were and well...it just didn't really seem like it when I saw her earlier."

I pulled my arm from his grip then crossed them over my chest.

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"I saw her with a guy. They just seemed pretty close. Not a platonic kind of thing. They walked off together." He explained shrugging his shoulders. I wasn't completely sure if I believed him or not. He looked like he was telling the truth, but even so, I doubt it really meant anything. They're probably just friends.

"I'm pretty sure you're reading too deep into it buddy." I chuckled, trying to relax. There's no way it was anything more than a friendly chat. He frowned making my easygoing façade falter. "What?"

"I just.. I don't think you're reading deep enough. She...well I don't even know if you guys are even dating. Maybe it's not a big deal..."

"No, we've...we.." oh god. Are we? How have I managed to spend nearly every day with this girl going on dates and kissing and.. doing everything a couple does without actually being a couple. Unless we were? But she did refer to me as a friend. Was I? Why don't I know this? I'm an idiot.

"It's not important. Like I said you're too worried about this. Especially when it doesn't concern you." I snapped rolling my eyes. I wasn't dealing with this. I'm not stressing myself out today.

"It's 'not important' because you don't know what you are. She's not going to let you become more than a friend with benefits. That's if you're even sleeping with her. If not, I guarantee she's already fulfilling her needs with someone else- probably the Dude she was talking t-"

"You don't know her. Or me okay? You don't know what you're talking about. You're just trying to get me to turn on her. For whatever fucked up reason." This was bullshit. The first time I'm truly happy with my life and relationships and he tries to fuck it up. I wasn't dealing with it.

"No I'm not. Lauren. We aren't even friends. I have nothing to gain by telling you this. I'm not that much of a prick. I was just looking out for you. But yeah, sure, attack me." He scoffed standing up, he frowned down at me then silently walked away. He couldn't have really meant that, right? I'm sure he's just overreacting. Maybe I'll just go talk to her just in case.

After an hour of contemplation, I finally broke down and decided to go to Normani's. Hopefully she's alone. Then again, Dinah's never there so she probably was. I don't even think I've ever had a full conversation with the girl..and from the stories I've been told, I'm kind of thankful for it.

Before I was even able to knock on the door, it opened revealing a taller man. Was this who Adrian was talking about? I haven't seen him around campus- not that it's saying much. I rarely get out. He didn't say anything when he passed me, he just smirked then waved.

"I'll see you later V-" Normani gasped softly, choking on her own words when she looked over at me. "H-hey, Lo. Um why are you here?" yeah..that's not suspicious at all. 

"I can't just visit? You show up to my dorm uninvited all the time." I replied, walking past her into the dorm. She quickly ran ahead of me, shutting the door to her room. "What the hell, Mani?"

"What? It's just messy. I don't want you seeing it.." She smoothed her hair back and started adjusting her clothes. It was only now that I had noticed that she was wearing nothing but an oversized t-shirt that stopped mid-thigh and possibly panties. It's far from her normal attire and I know she wasn't wearing it to any of her classes. Why would she come here then change?

"The first time I came here, it was way messier than this. What are you hiding?"

"Nothing, Jauregui. Why are you coming in here on level 100? Chill the fuck out." She rolled her eyes and went into the kitchen grabbing a water bottle.

"Who was he?"

Unsurprisingly, instead of answering she uncapped the bottle and took a long, exaggerated drink. I sighed waiting quietly for her to stop fucking around.

"A friend. Doesn't quite warrant you coming in here like the police."

"I wasn't? I was just asking. Why are you being so defensive?" I challenged making her laugh. She took another drink then smirked. "What?"

"You're funny. You're questioning me like you actually have the right to. I said he was my friend, he is. Relax."

"I am relaxed. I just wanted to talk to you. You keep making it seem like I came here attacking you when all I've done is ask who you were hanging out with. This is escalating quick as hell for no reason.." It's like she wanted to argue. She said he was her friend and I left it alone. Now, I'm not so sure that I should have.

"Lauren you did. I can see it in your face that you think I'm lying. It's escalating because you're sitting there hoping I fucking slip up and give you some kind of ignition to fuel the fire you have burning inside of you. Just say it. Say that you think i'm lying."

"Normani. I asked you one question. You answered it. The only person being extra here is you. What the hell?" I didn't bother trying to hide my amusement. She's really trying her hardest to start an argument over this.

"I'm being extra? Lauren you fucking-"

"I literally didn't do anything. I've been here maybe 3 minutes? And you've been attacking me the entire time. I just wanted to hang out...can we just..start over? Please?" I rolled my eyes sitting on a nearby chair. She kept her glare trained on me, crossing her arms. "Normani, come on..."

"No, I'm not going to let this go. You-"

"So I guess the argument is definitely happening, huh?" I giggled watching her nostrils flare. There wasn't a reason to argue in the first place so the fact that she's truly angry over this is hilarious.

"Lauren you're laughing but nothing is fucking funny. Why am I not allowed to hang out with my friends?"

"Mani. What the hell are you talking about? I didn't say that. I asked you who he was. I've never questioned you or what you did when you said you had other plans. I get that you have a life outside of me. You're being so defensive. So what was it? Did you fuck him? Is that what it was, Mani?"

The question was a joke...kind of. I hoped it wasn't true but I was over the whole conversation at this point. I mean, I didn't actually think she was fucking him, But I knew she was hiding something and I deserved to hear it. I didn't want to look like an idiot in front of everyone. I've already been played once and it was less than pleasant. I wasn't going through it again.

"You have no fucking right to ask me that, Lauren. I don't question shit when it comes to you. I let you live your own life and I leave you the fuck alone."

"I don't- you know what? Clearly you have some issues and I'm not sticking around to deal with them. Goodbye Normani." I stormed out making sure I slammed the door behind me. She was being such a fucking prick. And now I felt bad for not believing Adrian earlier because I knew he was most likely right.

She was hiding something and I'm not even sure if it's my place to ask anymore. I just hope it's not that they're together. I really do like her even if she is being a major asshole right now. Maybe time apart is what we need.

The end :)

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