A Heart In Hell (Dean X Reade...

By deanwinchesterloml

32.4K 861 122

Dean had had the mark of cain for almost a year now. It was so difficult for you to see your boyfriend in suc... More

Chapter 1: Secrets and Sacrifices
Chapter 3: Horror Stories From The Past
Chapter 4: Losing Control
Chapter 5: Breaking Point
Chapter 6: Deceiving Dean
Chapter 7: The "Research" Session
Chapter 8: Demon Deal
Chapter 9: Demon Or Not
Chapter 10: Hell's Prisoners
Chapter 11: A Cure and A Confrontation
Chapter 12: False Fantasies
Chapter 13: Here Comes The Cavalry
Chapter 14: Advances
Chapter 15: Sam's Inner Demons
Chapter 16: Trapped In A Blue Haze
Chapter 17: Damian Won't Let Go
Chapter 18: Gone
Chapter 19: She's Never Coming Back
Chapter 20: You Took Everything From Me
Chapter 21: I Missed You

Chapter 2: The Mark

2.4K 70 11
By deanwinchesterloml

Word Count: 1.2K

Your Point of View

"Y/N, I'm not sure how I feel about lying to Sam and Dean." Cas said shyly.

"It's for the better and you know it. If they were to find out, they wouldn't let me go through with it." You said.

"Are you sure about this?" He asked.

"I'm positive. Dean would do the same for any of us. He has made enough sacrifices, it's time for someone else to take one for the team." You responded defiantly. "Start the spell."

"I already have most of the ingredients." He said motioning towards the small table in the crappy-ass motel room you had taken refuge in. "But there are, still, a few things I need from you."

"I have some of Dean's blood." You pulled a vile full of red liquid from your satchel.

"How'd you manage to get this without Dean noticing?"

"I put some sedative in his beer and used a syringe." You said. Cas was somewhat taken aback that you had actually done that, but he brushed it off and continued to work on preparing the spell that would transfer the Mark of Cain from Dean to you.

"All I need now is your blood to complete the spell." He said beckoning you over to the table.

You pulled out your dagger and sliced the inner part of your hand, letting the blood drip down into the bowl. He moved your hand back when the amount of your blood in the bowl had become sufficient for the spell.

He started the incantation. "Pa veh or tal un gon med don tal mal na gal."

The bowl ensued itself in flames. You felt overheated and a searing pain on your right forearm. You fell to your knees and screamed out in agony. You could see the Mark taking its place on you.

The flames slowly went out, and at that same moment the pain subsided. Your panting started to slow down as you tried to catch your breath. The Mark still branding itself into you.

You fell onto your back and tried to calm yourself, but the world above you was spinning and you were very lightheaded. Your vision began to blur as you saw Cas bend down to you, before darkness filled your eyes and you fell unconscious.


When you woke up you were at the bunker in Dean's bed. You could see Dean sitting next to you, cleaning his colt. Once you started to sit up, he noticed that you were awake.

"Y/N?" He said, relieved to see that you were awake.

"Sup." You responded as you rubbed your eyes.


"Yeah. It means 'what's up.'"

"Y/N, stop messing around." He looked frustrated.

"I'm not. Who put a stick up your ass?" You scoffed.

"Why'd you do it?" You could see the anger in his eyes.

"Why'd I do what?" You asked. You had no idea what he was talking about.

"This, Y/N! This!" He exclaimed pulling your right sleeve up. You then saw the Mark of Cain on your arm and noticed that Dean's right forearm was blank.

The memories of the spell started flashing back in your head. How could you have forgotten about that?

"Please don't be mad." You said timidly.

"Of course I'm mad Y/N! How could you do this? It was my curse. My burden, My—."

You interrupted him. "Stop it, Dean! Just stop. Let me fucking explain! Goddamn it." He was surprised at your loud and angry tone. You took a deep breath to calm yourself down before continuing on.

"I'm sorry, but I had to. I had to. You and Sam have sacrificed so much for me... and the world. You two have suffered enough. After everything you had to go through after Metatron killed you and the effects of the Mark on you. You've been fighting it for the past year. I took action and decided that it was time to free you from it's curse."

"But now you have the curse! I'm not gonna let you do this. I'm not." He protested as he stormed toward the door.

"Where're you going?"

"I'm going to get Cas and have him reverse it. I am NOT letting you suffer the same fate as me!"

"Dean stop! It can't be reversed." You said.

"What do you mean 'it can't be reversed'?"

"I mean, that I knew it was irreversible before we even started the spell, Dean. There's no way to transfer the Mark back. This son of a bitch isn't moving."

"GODDAMN IT Y/N!" He kicked the night stand and punched the wall. "Damn it." He ran his hand through his hair. "This is all my fault and... if you- if you go dark side, I'm the one responsible."

"I'm not your responsibility, Dean! You're not responsible for everyone! You bear the weight of the world on your shoulders, when you don't have to! I made this choice of my own free will. There's nothing that can change that. So just fucking let it go!"

Unknowingly to you, your voice had, dramatically, raised in volume. Realizing your sudden burst of anger, you apologized.

"I'm sorry, but can you just let it go Dean? Please."

He stood there in silence for a moment, attempting to compose himself, and walked out of the room. You assumed that he was going to rant to Cas and Sam about how they had to do something, but you knew that it wouldn't change anything. Cas had most likely already explained the situation to Sam and he was an understanding guy. You knew that he would understand, whether he agreed with your decision or not.

You decided to take a shower, thinking it might clear your head. While you were showering you started to go over everything that you had done in the past few days. You had lied to Sam and Dean about the case in Nebraska. You didn't tell Sam what you were doing with the Mark. You made Cas lie to the boys, and you had kinda blown up in Dean's face, which had never happened before. You felt so guilty. And as you looked down at your right forearm, you took a moment to study the Mark that had taken up permanent residency on you.

Dean had been host to the Mark for such a long time that with every passing moment it grew stronger and more powerful. You saw what it did to him.

Since you were new to the Mark you thought that it would only affect you as much as it had affected him when he had first gotten it. But what if you were wrong? What if you weren't going to be to control it like you thought you could?

As you got out of the shower you could hear Dean yelling at Cas. The thought of going out there, but you knew that it wouldn't solve anything. If you were to go out there, it would just make him even more upset.

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