House Of Anubis (MySeasonOneC...

By usernameunknown_x

9.3K 159 73

This is a story that's based on the British TV show, House Of Anubis!! It did finish in 2013 but I am gonna w... More

Season 1||Chapter 1
Season 1||Chapter 2
Season 1||Chapter 3
Season 1||Chapter 4
Season 1||Chapter 5
Season 1||Chapter 6
Season 1||Chapter 7
Season 1||Chapter 8
Season 1||Chapter 9
Season 1||Chapter 10
Season 1||Chapter 11
Season 1||Chapter 12
Season 1||Chapter 13
Season 1||Chapter 14
Season 1||Chapter 15
Season 1||Chapter 16
Season 1||Chapter 17
Season 1||Chapter 18
Season 1||Chapter 19
Season 1||Chapter 20
Season 1||Chapter 21
Season 1||Chapter 22
Season 1||Chapter 23
Season 1||Chapter 24
Season 1||Chapter 25
Season 1||Chapter 26
Season 1||Chapter 27
Season 1||Chapter 28
Season 1||Chapter 29
Season 1 Finale||Chapter 30

Christmas Special!

221 4 1
By usernameunknown_x

Ninas POV

It's finally the Christmas holidays!! Well it has been for a few weeks but Trudy has finally gone and bought us a Christmas tree to put up in the living room today.
Even if it is the 20th Of December

Herself, Eddie and Mr Sweet went to pick up the tree. While they are gone we are going to surprise Trudy by setting the dinner table (making it festive), clearing some room for the tree to go and by hanging up some decorations around the whole house.

"It's really cool that all of our parents have let us stay here for Christmas, isn't it?" Patricia asked everyone in the living room whilst passing me some tinsel to put on top of the photo frames.

"I'm really glad I get to spend Christmas with this one." Fabian said kissing me on the head.

I blushed and said "Me too. Not like I have anywhere else to go." I laugh.

"Neens.." Amber began.

"Amber it's fine. I may not be spending Christmas with my gran or parents this year - or ever again for that fact - but I'm over the moon to be spending it with you all. You guys are my family now." I smile to them all.

Fabian put his arm around my shoulder and squeezed it.

"You're our family too." Joy chimes in.

"Enough with the cringiness then guys let's get some of this wrapped around the stair banister." Patricia said looking at the tinsel with disgust. I laughed.

She really hates tinsel.

A few hours of decorating later and Trudy, Eddie and Mr Sweet had finally returned with the tree. I haven't had a real Christmas tree in years. It felt refreshing in a way.

"Boys can you all come and help me get the rest of the tree decorations down from the attic please my lovelies?" Trudy asked the boys.

They all groaned and waddled up the stairs following Trudy.

"So, what have you gotten Fabian for Christmas??" Patricia asked me.

"I've got him his favourite chocolates, books on different things like science, history & Egyptian mythology - and a guitar." I replied feeling really confident.

"Neens don't you think you should of got him more than that?" Amber said quietly.

"Not really because the guitar I got him is the one signed by his favourite guitarist. He's wanted it for a while and tried getting it on one of those bidding auction things. He came to me and told me how gutted he was that someone had beat him and -" I say when Patricia interrupts:

"You were the one who beat him." She laughed.

"Yeah, it cost a fortune though. He wouldn't stop upping the price." I laughed.

Mara walked past, overheard us and said "Did this happen at the end of November?"

"Yeah?" I asked confused.

"So that's why he was sulking around the hallways at school for about a week, at the beginning of the month! I thought he got a bad grade on a test or something." Mara laughed.

The four of us burst out laughing.

After we calmed down Mara walked away and joined Joy, KT and Willow in the kitchen.

"So what have you gotten Eddie??" I asked Patricia.

"I have got him a few things but I just don't know what else to get him. I got him some chocolates, CD's of our favourite band and that's it. Ugh Christmas shopping for a boy is hard." Patricia sighed.

"Isn't that band playing in Manchester next summer? You should get him and yourself some tickets to go to Manchester for a night." Amber suggested.

"That's genius Amber! Thankyou." Patricia leaped out of her chair and ran upstairs.

"That's two people who have called me a genius now Nina.." Amber said smirking.

Me and Amber laughed.

Eddie's POV

"So what are you getting Nina for Christmas?" I asked Fabian as I passed him a box of baubles.

"I've got her some books about the chosen one, descendants & Egyptian stuff." He says and I give him a funny look.

"Well, thinking about it that wasn't the best idea...Erm anyway I got her some of her favourite chocolates, perfume that she loves, and I've booked us a hotel room in Liverpool so we can explore for the day and not have to worry about being back here on time." He finished.

"That sounds amazing mate." I reply.

"What have you got Patri-"

Fabian goes to ask me something when I see Patricia sprinting past, heading to her room followed by a door slamming.

We laugh then walk up the attic stairs "Anyway, as I was saying, what did you get Patricia??" He asks.

"Well, as you can tell she's a very difficult person to buy for. I bought her some chocolates because everyone loves chocolate. I got her some designer headphones. And I've bought us two tickets to go see our favourite band in Manchester next year. It should be really good. I hope she likes it." I say.

"I'm sure she will, it sounds great." Fabian replies.

"Let's get a move on then." I laugh as I realise we've been stood talking for longer than we planned to.



The tree looked amazing, it made such a huge difference to the house. According to Trudy, the house hasn't had a proper Christmas in centuries.

"I wish it could be as festive as this every day of the year!!" Amber exclaimed as she sat on the sofa.

"I agree, it's really beautiful." Fabian replied.

We are all gathered in the living room to watch one of the many Christmas movies that were on the TV. I must admit, out of all the Christmas films that were on, I had persuaded everyone to watch Harry Potter and the Chamber Of Secrets. I love how british television has Harry Potter on for like a week straight at Christmas time!

Trudy had made a massive buffet of food in the kitchen for us to pick at. We all sat in front of the TV with everyone scattered everywhere.

Fabian and I were cuddled together on one side of the sofa. Amber in the middle, and Eddie & Patricia on the other side. On the other two single sofas were KT and Trudy. Joy and Jerome were laying on the floor together. Willow and Alfie were sat on the floor together, as were Mara and Mick. With blankets of course.

After Harry Potter, Eddie had made everyone watch Elf. Elf is the funniest Christmas film ever. You have to watch that at Christmas time.  It's a top priority on the "to do" list.

None of them had seen it before except myself, Eddie, KT and Amber.

It was the perfect Christmas Eve. The girls all had matching Pyjamas and so did the boys. We all looked so festive. It was amazing.

I can't wait for tomorrow...


Ninas POV

"ITS CHRISTMASSS!!!!!!" I fell out of my bed at the sound of Amber squealing so so SO loud.

"NEENS GET OUTTA BED RIGHT NOW!! ITS CHRISTMAS!! Time to see what daddy bought me eeekk!!" She squealed, jumping up and down.

"AMBER!" I shouted covering my ears.
I swear I will be deaf by the end of today.

I heard the door next to us slam shut and then Patricia walk through ours two seconds later.

"Amber shut the hell up! It's 6AM!" Patricia shouted.

Willow then came running in the room squealing just as loud.

"Its CHRISTMAS! SQUEEE!!" Willow screamed.

Amber just looked at her and ran out of the door, grabbing Willows hand and dragged her down the stairs - which was followed by several bangs on the downstairs doors. She'll be waking the boys up.

"She will be the death of us. Not just us, I mean everyone in this house." Patricia sighed slapping her hand on her forehead.

"Won't she." I laugh. "Let's get the girls and go downstairs."

"Fine." She sighed.


We were all in the living room and were greeted by a Christmas breakfast buffet from Trudy. She must of woke up before Amber.

After eating we all gathered in the living room once again, this time to give each other our presents. Everyone had gotten each other something, but I waited until everyone was done to give Fabian mine and same with him.

All the couples wanted to give each other theirs in private so everyone went to a different part of the house.

Me and Fabian sat in his room.

"I'd like to apologise in advance for the presents I got you, I'm terrible at buying for people so I hope you like what I got you." Fabian said to me.

"Whatever you will of gotten me will be perfect Fabian, I would be fine if you got me nothing." I smile.

I opened my presents and I was over the moon!

"Fabian, how did you think I'd hate this? These chocolates are my favourite! I can't wait to go explore Liverpool either, thank you gorgeous." I give him a kiss and hug and go to get his presents.

"Right, shut your eyes, one of them isn't wrapped up okay." I say with a smirk.

"Okay I'm closing them." He said laughing.

I walk in the room and say "Right, put your hands out - flat."

He does what I say and I gently put the guitar in his hands and put the other presents on the bed.

"Open in 3..2..1." I say.

He opens his eyes and his jaw instantly drops to the floor.

All I can do is laugh.

"Nina you sneaky little woman!! Oh my god, YOU were the one who out-bid me?!" He says shocked.

"Maybe..." I laugh.

"I love you. I love you so much." He jumps up and hugs me with so much love. I love him.

I laugh and say "I love you too silly."

"This guitar, Nina, I've wanted it ever since he announced he was giving it away! Oh thank you so much gorgeous!" He says with a smile that just won't disappear.

"Anytime, right lets open the others then." I say laughing.

He grabs my hand and we sit down.


Eddies POV

"I think you're going to LOVE my gifts." I say to Patricia as we sit in the living room.

"And you're going to love mine even more." She smirked.

"Alright then yacker, let's open our presents at the same time okay?" I suggest.

"Sure." She replies.

We swap presents and instantly start opening them.

"Aww Eddie! These headphones are sick, thank you!" She says.

"Their new CD's! I've been wanting these for ages! Thankyou." I say to Patricia.

I opened the card to see what was written and what was tucked in.

Oh no.
No she didn't.
That's my present ruined too.

I start laughing. Patricia looks at me funny.

"What are you laughing at??" She asked.

"These." I hold up the concert tickets laughing.

"What about them?" She asks getting angrier.

"Just open the card I gave you." I laugh again.

She opens the card and sees the same tickets and holds them up.

We both start laughing.

"Great minds think alike I guess." I say.

"Well, what a surprise." She says.

"Definitely." I reply.

After about a minute of silence and snickering Patricia speaks.

"We are using MY tickets that I bought YOU because they're the best seats." She says.

"Fine but we're staying in the hotel room that I booked for us." I laugh.

"Deal." We both say laughing.

"Well, who shall we give the other tickets to?" Patricia asked.

"Nina and Fabian might want a look out somewhere?" I suggest.

We stare at each other and just start shaking our heads.

"Nah it's not really their scene." I laugh.

"Let's just sell them on eBay." She says.

"Sure." I reply.

"Oh And thank you for the presents, love you." I say giving Patricia a kiss.

"Love you too weasel." She says back.


Ninas POV

For the rest of the day we all chilled and relaxed. We had Christmas dinner made by Trudy and it was the best. Her roast potatoes are to die for.

We were all over the moon with our presents and couldn't be happier with each other.

We watched films and spent the rest of the day with each other as one big family. It was the best christmas I've had in years.

Hey guys, I probably won't be updating until the new year but I would just like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year wherever and whoever you are!


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