By Temiashmar

2.4K 475 40

Daniella Smith a 17years old high school students is in her final year in "Middle high school"she meets Max a... More

3-Missing my Twin Brother.
4-New faces.
5-Bro is back.
10-The party.
11-The show.
12-True life.
13-Morning show.
17-First time.
18-Thoughts and party.
19-New year party and Love.
20-James lesson.
21-A new story
22-Amelia's back
25-Why do I have to miss you?
27-Hang out.
28-2days to Prom.
29-The day.
33-That night.
34-Its good you know...
35-Who could it be,What could have happened?
36-We both
38-Game time
Author's Note
40.Travel back.
42.Bro talk.
43.Confession and new plan.
44.Cindy's plan.
45.Succesful plan.
46.Confession time.
Author's note
49.Sam's closeness
50.Sam and Austin

9-The person.

68 15 1
By Temiashmar

Sorry for the last Chapter,my phone is actually in a bad condition,the screen has been damaged,it fell from upstairs,but thank Goodness it's still kinda working but it atimes gives me headache in typing since it's an Android phone.Thanks for understanding.Ill try making this chapter less of error.

"YOU?"I screamed once again.while the familiar face was walking closer to my side.

"Yes brat it's me,do you remember me?I'm the girl you dared last time,now tell me who is missing?"

It was Amelia,she wore a red skimpy gown which showed all her curves,surely no guy would say she wasn't hot enough.....Anyways let's not talk about that now.

"AMELIA,how dare you?how would you stoop so low,I can't believe you were so childish to kidnap me just like that?"

"I'm not childish I'm just teaching you a lesson"she bent down to the level where I sat and whispered to my ear.

I didn't say anything because I wasn't ready to argue any further.After some time of weird looks on me and Amelia, Amelia phone rang and she puts it on speaker.

"Hi James,what's going on?"

"Nothing much,but you need to come over"

"Oh okay I'll be on my way but let me finish with this brat"she looked at me with killing eyes.

"What?what do you mean by brat, AMELIAAA tell me what you are up to this time and what do you mean by brat?and who is she?"

"She's that Ella girl that fought me last time,I have kidnapped her and now I need to teach her a lesson,just a little one though,so I'll meet you in about 40mins or so."

She called me a brat,well she's the bitch,such an idiot.

"Ahn?Where are you now?Tell me particularly where you are Amelia"

"Wait why do you wanna know?"

"Don't ask me questions,just do as I say".

"Jeez,okay fine I'll send you the address"she hanged up.

"I'll be back in a jiffy"

The two boys nodded in a sign of agreement.where could Amelia be going now?


Our eyes met Immediately he opened the door, was James,James,I couldn't believe it was James,one of the bad boys in school,I mean he doesn't look bad his just handsome and calm.

"Amelia? where is she?"he asked the boys furiously

"We have no idea,but she said she will soon be back"Maleek answered.

Immediately he finished, Amelia came in.

"What's your probs?"He glared furiously on Amelia.

"What do you mean?"

"Just release her now and follow me let's talk"

"Okay as you wish......hey boys release her and let her go home"

Chris and Maleek released me and it was like I was set free just the way they set birds free from their cage.

"Thanks boys"but my wrist felt bad.

"Your not welcome sweetie"Maleek answered,I looked at him innocently.

"Now just go home and don't tell anyone what happened unless you want to be kidnapped once more and this time you won't be free but dead."Chris answered.Wow he was harsh.

I went ahead and left nervous.


"Why do you have to do that James?"

"Are you insane? why will you have do that to her?I mean it's not up to that Amelia.Besides your at fault,why will you stoop so low and disgrace yourself in front of the other students?Don't you know we are totally different,you disappointed me."

"Hey,hey hey it wasn't my fault,not at all"

"Then who?"


"You see!You stooped so low, anyways don't ever take an action or decision without the boys content,do you know if Max knew you did this without him being aware,he would be mad at you by now,but I wont tell him so you won't be in trouble with him"

"Thanks alot James"

"Your welcome,now let's go and meet others they are expecting us, because we need to do preparation for tomorrow."

"Okay,let's go"Amelia looked at the two boys that were at the other side of the room."Has Ella gone?"

"Yes boss"Maleek answered.

"Okay now your job is done,I'll send the money before tonight,so you may leave"

The boys nodded and left Immediately.


I went home after six,I didn't go back to school cause it was eventually closed since it was already closing time and unfortunately for me my phone was in my locker,I'll get it as soon as I go to school tomorrow.I opened the door and saw mom in the kitchen already cooking dinner.

"Hi Mom"

"How was school today honey?"

"Good,it was alright"I lied"what's for dinner?"I asked

"Okay honey,I made some Lasagna,so go change and come back, dinner will be ready in the next 20mins"

"Okay mom"I said heading to the staircase.

We were all at the dinning,Mom served us all,we were already eating,and to be sincere the Lasagna taste perfect.

"So how are you enjoying school,my son?"

"Good,it's fun."Dan said.

It's true Dan has been going to Lead British high school for some days now.

"So how about your new friends?"I asked.

"I have new ones,they seem awesome."he said briefly.

"Ohh okay cool."I wished I could tell my bro about the kidnapping stuff,but I guess it's no more a big deal.So I continued eating.

The next day,I was in literature class,when I met a girl,she had brown hair,grey eyes and she was a black American.She was sitting beside me,we have been talking throughout the class,she seems nice.we had almost every thing in common but unfortunately for her she was the only child or let me say luckily,but she liked playing table tennis,she loves cooking,she is the same age mate as my age,she loves cake,and she loves to be with her phone.

"Hey Phoebe don't be cray cray."I Smiled joking.

"I'm not."

"So where are your friends."

"Actually my parents and I just came to Chicago so we are new here, therefore I have no friend until I saw you and I knew you would be friendly."

"Awwwnnn thanks,so when did you resume here?Because this is my first time meeting you."

"Yes,you are right I just resumed today."

"Ohh okay good, welcome to Middle high school."

"Thanks alot."she giggled.

"But why did you relocate?"I asked

"It's a long story."

"Oh okay."I gave her a warm Smile,it seems she did not want to talk about it now.

Then the bell rang,it was lunch time already."Nice meeting you Phoebe,"I smiled hugging her.

"Not so fast Ella,we are gonna eat together today, consider me your friend."

"Hahahaha not just friend,but sister."I said.

"Are you mocking me?"Phoebe asked.

"No,no why will I?"

Then we sat down to eat.The sandwich taste good.We continued the talk and it seems we started considering our selves as bestie already,We both exchanged our numbers,we also took pictures and some selfie to,Phoebe was new in the school since she located to Chicago.So I was her new friend.

Two strange students came to us after some minutes.

"Hey we are the messenger of the celebrant,we are here to remind everyone on the birthday party,once again the time is 8:00pm tonight,incase the message wasn't sent to you two,here have it"He handed us the letter."All details are in including the phone number."he said with a smirk.

"Thanks."I and Phoebe said.Then they left.

"Owwww so this was the message that was sent yesterday,I was saying why every students were happy during history class."I said to Phoebe.

"Will you go? please please please say yes."she insisted.

I checked the letter once more"yes sure,the celebrant is a girl,her name is Queenie and she is in this school,so surely we are most welcomed if we come but wait,it is also written that other students from various schools will be there too,it seems cool"I said excited.It seems Phoebe also loves partying,the idea of other students from other school made her more excited."I'll come pick you by 7:00pm,so we can have time for ourselves before we leave for the party,agree?"I said.

"Yeah sure,and make sure you choose one of your best outfit tonight,we may be lucky if we find our prince charming tonight, because truly there are kinda hot guys in Chicago."she smiled.

I laughed so hard,my eyes could fall from it's position."ohh really,never knew thought."

We then both laughed and then We continued eating our sandwiches queitly.

Hey,happy Saturday,how are you all?Today's chapter is kinda long right?And yeah the picture in this chapter is the picture of Phoebe zuri.Thanks for reading my story and keep on reading cause there are more fun chapters ahead,don't forget to comment,like and vote,it means alot when I see voters.Once again Temiashmar loves you don't forget that and will always do.Merry Christmas in advance

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