Sherlock: The Lost Girl

By Issyf89

1.5K 261 53

When Addilyn Arterbury was just a baby her parents decided to send her away for her safety. She was too clev... More

Chapter 1: My Holmes Boys
Chapter 2: 221b
Chapter 3: Bored
Chapter 4: The game is on
Chapter 5: Where it all began.
Chapter 6: The dancing girl
Chapter 7: Replacement Sherlock
Chapter 8: I'm Yours
Chapter 9: Buckingham Palace
Chapter 10: Known Surprises
Chapter 11: Mycroft
Chapter 12: Christmas
Chapter 13: The great escape
Chapter 14: The great escape part 2
Chapter 15: Morons
Chapter 16: The End, Is only the beginning

Chapter 17: An Unwanted Present

57 3 0
By Issyf89

Have you ever wanted to gouge your eyes out? I have with every inexplicable fibre of my being. Lifting my hands to my face wet tears of blood slide down. The still innocent babe in front of me not yet weaned from it's mother's milk, eyes wide yet blank, it's soul departed. Never having lived any of its life.

Not even Sherlock words can break me from this retched spell.

"Hush, Hush my sweet, my angel it's going to be okay." I look at him anguish written across my face.

My eyes transfix on the blue eyed child, words dripping with pain. "What monster, would do this. Could do this?"

A note answer my question lying bundled up in the red blankets.

Congratulations on the announcement of your child.


"I will kill him, if it's the last thing I do."

Standing up I feel two hands holding onto my hips.

"Addy, where are you going." I turn my head to my worried fiancé as he kisses my head slowly.

"Don't worry ill clear this up, you are safe."

"I know Locky, but he's not"

I reach for my phone entering the living room. "Skylar it's me find Moriaty."

"Don't you think ever been trying to."

"Look harder then"

"What are you going to do"

"What I should have done a long time ago. Kill Moriaty."

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