
De libra_babe101

1.3M 55.4K 6.2K

She was lonely She wanted someone to calm the storm inside. She had waited for him for over 300 years. And... Mais

40- Epilogue
Covers 2
New Book and Social Media


21.3K 1.1K 96
De libra_babe101

Alexei POV

She was ignoring me.
She was fucking ignoring me!
And I am pissed.
And hurt.
And worried.

What did I do?

My breathe got knocked out of me when she waltzed into the room with a woman that looked a lot like her.

She looked exquisite.

My desire flared when I saw her, but I tried to control it.

She was all I could think about from we parted ways this morning. I was going to call her when I got a call from Darius telling me about what happened to Lukas and that should go to Kitty's house.

When I got here and saw that she wasn't here, it took all of me not to flip. I could sense that she was upset, but I didn't know why. Since the bond isn't complete, I couldn't feel her all that well.

It was Kassie who calmed me down. Somewhat. Between her sobs, she told me what happened. I wanted to go after her, track her down, but Jaceson wouldn't let me.

I had to stay with the council.

Now she was back her, with her mom, and she was ignoring me.

I could see that she was pissed. That asshole Drake had it coming a long time. He deserved what he got.

I was so proud of my kitty.

The other members, however, looked terrified. Some even looked disgusted by her display.

I tried to control my temper. My Kitty was powerful and she did what was right. None of these people have the right to judge her.

I stated at her intently. I knew that she knew that I was looking at her. But she ignoring me.

And I don't get fucking why.

I gripped the counter infront of me. It was getting hard to put a leash on my temper.

Jaceson grabbed my arm.

"Chill man. Before you break the counter. She's fine"

"I know that she fine. But she's ignoring me. And these people are judging her"

"Look man. Talk to her after just try to relax"

I tried to. I really did. But man was I pissed. And hungry. And lustful.

I took a deep breath. I need to chill.

She was talking with the other members about what happened in the morning.

They were firing questions after questions at her, but in a orderly fashion as she asked. A smirk made its way to my face. I was so proud.

"Kass informed us that the smoke surrounded you when I approached it. What was there?" Darius asked.

"There was a message"

Her voice, though cold, heated my already heated blood. I wanted her really bad.

"From who" Caspian, the Angel rep butted in.

"From the Rogue king and his associates" Rasma, the Oracle rep answered.

I clenched my first.


My no good brother had to be in on this. I just knew it. Why the hell did he kill a beta? And why the hell was I not informed. I need to have a chat with my informant. 

'I got a premonition. It wasn't clear. But I knew that the rogue king was up to something "

"Why weren't we informed?" Talon, the fae rep, asked.

"It was not clear. I did not want to report false news"

Wow. Gods damn oracles were the fucking worst.

"Back to original question. What did the message say?" Darius interrupted.

Kitty inhaled sharply. I saw she eyes flicker to me, but she quickly averted the back. She was trying so hard to ignore me.

"It said that they had the sword. And I knew what to do"

"What sword?" Kass butted in.

Her eyes were puffy, but they had this newfound steely look in them. She must have really cared about the guy.

"I don't know. I thought it was Sword of Styx......."

"The Sword of Styx is real?!" Riaa interrupted.

The Sword of Styx. I looked at her. That damn sword should have been destroyed. It's too dangerous. Now I had to find out if Romario knows about it.

"That's impossible. It was destroyed in the last great war" Caspian said.

"It wasn't. But it isn't the sword that was taken"

"Then which sword was taken. No one has reported any powerful sword gone missing. So what is it?" Helena, the fairy rep said.

"That's why I'm here" Kalanna's melodious voice said from the door.

Kitty's mother was a very beautiful woman. She had this ethereal look about her. The crown on her head confirms the look. Which gets me to thinking......

She's the Queen of what?

"The sword isn't an actual sword. It's a person" she stated.

Everyone in the room was shocked to silence.

Kitty looked at her mom with a raised brow.

"A person" Darius said, looking confused.

Rasma, the Oracle, gasped, and grabbed on to table. Her violet eyes were glowing a startling purple. She stood from the table and walked towards Kitty.

Kitty was looking at her with a raised brow. Her looked said

What does the damn Oracle want now.

"Daughter of the Queen of darkness, your time has come to fulfil your destiny" she said in a deep, rumbling voice. "The sword is in grave danger. You must find her and protect her. Your sister"

"My what? How is she my sister?" Kitty asked, her brows furrowed.

"Time is against you. The evils of the world are coming. You are going to need the Sword if you hope to survive"

"How do I find the sword?"

"You shall find salvation were you suffered the most"

Kitty's face hardened. Her beautiful brown eyes frosted over, flashing a deep blue, then a startling orange.

"Beware the eyes that see too much and the lips that speak too fast"

"What does that mean?" Her voice was too calm.

Rasma just looked straight ahead, ramrod straight. She exhaled sharply then collapsed.

Kitty levitated her before she hit the ground. Darius and Riaa took her up and rested her on the chair. She was slowly coming around.

"W-w-what happened?" Her voice was raspy.

"You had a vision. You collapsed" Alberto said walking up to his daughter.

He strokes her hair, but she wasn't paying him any attention.

She stared straight ahead, her eyes cold and dead.

Kalanna walked up to her and took her face in her hands.

"Trina. Look at me"

Kitty continued to stare straight ahead.

"Trina. Snap out of it and look at me" her mom shook her.

"What's wrong with her?" Alberto asked. He looked worried.

Kass was staring at her sister with wide eyes. Jace was holding Kass's hand, using his powers to calm her. Jacqueline was wringing her hands. She wanted to help Kitty, but she didn't want to intrude on the little family.

"She's angry. And she's trying to suppress her emotions. She need to snap out of it before she hurts herself.

Hurt herself?! Hell no!

I pushes away from the table and stalked towards were the family stood.

I squatted beside Kalanna. I looked at Kitty. She was staring straight ahead, seeing nothing.

I grabbed her soft, small hands in mine, intertwining our fingers. Her skin was hot and cold. I stroked her face, and run a hand through her hair.

"Kitty" I called her name softly.

Her eyes flickered to mine.

"Kitty. You need to come back to me" I stroked her palm, trying to calm her.

"I need to get out of here Alexei. Please take me away" she grabbed my shirt, shaking me.

"Where do you want to go?"

"I want to go home"

Stroking her hair, I asked were home was.


She hugged me, resting her face in the crook of my neck.

I stroked her back.

Everyone in the room was looking at us. I gave them all a cold stare, daring them to say something. 

They all looked away, clearing their throats. Her mom was still looking at me with narrowed eyes though.

"Who are you to her? And where are you taking her?"

"I'm Alexandro Ives, your daughter's mate"

"Incubi prince. I knew that marking looked familiar" she said, eyes still narrowed but a bit more relaxed now.

"You better take care of her or else" her eyes flashed a black so deep and dark, it took everything in me not to scamper way.

I nodded. Hugging Kitty to my chest, I saw a mental image of a living room enter my mind.

Nodding one last time at Kalanna, I disappeared.

Hey. I hope u liked it😊. Just wanna wish y'all a late Merry Christmas and an early Happy New Year😜😊.
And remember guys:

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