Falling for a Star (Completed)

By Soshi_baby05

133K 2.9K 121

This is a gender bender SNSD Fanfic Mainly YulSic!! Story of two different people who fell in love in an unex... More

Chapter 1: The CEO
Chapter 2: The Superstar
Chapter 3: Happy Trip
Chapter 4: Taeny Fever
Chapter 5: Random
Chapter 6: Angry Sica
Chapter 7: Is it Real? (M)
Chapter 8: Fight Again
Chapter 9: Back Again (M)
Chapter 10: Missing the Ice Princess
Chapter 11: Hello Paris
Chapter 12: Lovers in Paris (M)
Chapter 13: Too Much Sugar (M)
Chapter 14: Meeting His Parents
Chapter 15: Surprise Announcement!!
Chapter 16: Clingy Tiffany, Sneaky YulSic (M)
Chapter 17: Chaos
Chapter 18: Meeting Her Family
Chapter 19: Is It Taeny No more?
Chapter 21: Finally!!
Chapter 22: Baby Reveal (M)
Chapter 23: YulSic Is Love
Chapter 24: Baby Krystal No More
Chapter 25: YulSic vs. Krystal?
Chapter 26: Time to Heal
Chapter 27: A Scandal (M)
Chapter 28: Denying and Confirming
Chapter 29: Getting Worse
Chapter 30: What really Happened..
Chapter 31: Together Again
Chapter 32: Competition & Petty Fights..
Chapter 33: Hana, Dul, Set... Let's Go!!
Chapter 34: YulKrys Moments
Chapter 35: Welcoming Baby Taeny!!
Chapter 36: YulSicKrys..
Chapter 37: Getting Some Excercise!! (M)
Chapter 38: What will Happen??
Chapter 39: Tears, Tears, and More Tears!!
Chapter 40: The Aftermath
Chapter 41: Another Randomness!!
Chapter 42: Triplet's Birthday + SuStal Moment!
Chapter 43: YulSic Nuptials!
Chapter 44: Their Honeymoon Gone Wrong!
Chapter 45: Their Honeymoon for real part 1 (M)
Chapter 46: Their Honeymoon for real part 2 (M)
Chapter 47: Kwon Family's New Home + Sad Krystal
Chapter 48: The Kwon's Life!!
Chapter 49: Jessica's Visceral Feelings
Chapter 50: Krystal's Back with the Kwon's
Chapter 51: Finding it out
Chapter 52: Separation
Chapter 53: Finding Them
Chapter 54: Because Tears are overflowing
Chapter 55: My Lovely J
Chapter 56: Helter-Skelter
Chapter 57: Punishment or Reward? (M)
Chapter 58: Punishment or Reward? Pt. 2 (M)
Chapter 59: Sailing Again
Chapter 60: Going Back to San Francisco
Chapter 61: All the Love in San Francisco (M)
Chapter 62: Loving it in San Francisco
Chapter 63: Another Day in San Francisco
Chapter 64: Last Day in San Francisco
Chapter 65: Last Night in San Francisco (M)
Chapter 66: Home Finally!
Chapter 67: Back to Work
Chapter 68: Another Day in the Office (M)
Chapter 69: Another Day in the Office pt. 2
Chapter 70: YulSic's Day off
Chapter 71: Reunited Once Again
Chapter 72: Reunion in San Francisco
Chapter 73: Bring the Boys Out!
Chapter 74: Party All Night!
Chapter 75: Run Devil Run
Chapter 76: Show Show Show!
Chapter 77: Show Show Show pt. 2 (M)
Chapter 78: Hyonic's Wedding
Chapter 79: YulSic Moments
Chapter 80: Yulsic Moments pt. 2
Chapter 81: Celebrate
Chapter 82: Indestructible
Chapter 83: Yulsic Family is Life!
Chapter 84: Yulsic Anniversary
Chapter 85: Yulsic Anniversary pt. 2 (M)
Chapter 86: Kwon on ROS
Chapter 87: Going Home
Chapter 88: Team K2 in ROS
Chapter 89: Team K2 in ROS pt. 2
Chapter 90: Happiness for All!!
Chapter 91: Everyday Love
My Message for You!

Chapter 20: YulSic Unite!

1.7K 41 0
By Soshi_baby05

Chapter 20:

Krystal was in the kitchen with the Helper making a sandwich for Her sister, noticing Jessica is a picky eater She decided to make Her something.

"Unnie~" She ran to Her Sister with the helper holding the tray following behind.

"Huh?" Jessica looked up from reading on the Couch.

"Kwyshtal and Aunt Lyn made You Sandwich." She showed Her sister the sandwiches They made. "Kwyshtal saw Unnie not eating and it's not good for baby inside Unnie's tummy."

Jessica purse Her lip to stop Herself from crying. Her sister is so thoughtful, She never imagined Krystal this way, She was actually worried the moment She found out that She is Pregnant because Krystal is a jealous kid but seeing Her care so much for Her baby makes Her so proud and happy.

"Come here, Baby." Krystal went near Her. "Do You know how much You make Unnie proud and happy?" She asked as She Hugged Her sister. "I am so proud of You. You will be a very Good Auntie to Our Baby."

"If baby is born Unnie will not love Kwyshtal anymowe, so Kwyshtal have to take cawe of Unnie now."

"That's not true, Baby, Unnie will love You forever." She kissed Her Sister. Tiffany then came in. She sat beside Her Cousin and sighed because She's tired.

"What's the matter? Where's Taeyeon?" Jessica asked munching the Sandwich.

Tiffany shake Her head. "He left." She pretended to be sad.

"What? You didn't even convince Him to stay?"

The Other American smiled widely, "Don't worry, Jessi, He will be back before Our Wedding." Tiffany felt happy seeing Her Cousin's concern.

"Really? I'm happy for You, Tiff!" She hugged Her Cousin.

They broke the hug, Tiffany look at what Jessica is eating.

"Seriously, Jess? Ham Sandwich with Cucumber?" She asked Her Cousin.

Jessica shrugged and continued eating."Why? It's delicious. Want to try some?" She offered, Tiffany was about to get the other sandwich when Jessica swatted Her hand away.

"Why?" She asked.

She pointed the Kitchen Area. "Go there and make Your own." She childishly meronged Her.

Tiffany smirked, at last Jessica's having Her Life back. Ever since She stepped in California, She never saw Her Cousin being playful like this.

"Nevermind. I'm not really hungry." She fish out Her phone and took a selca. "What do You wanna eat for Lunch?" She asked.

The elders weren't there, that's why the three of Them were the only ones left there.

"Not really thinking about lunch."

"Don't tell Me You're gonna spend the whole day sleeping again?"

"Yeah! Go and walk Krystal out. It's good for the Baby." She told Her Cousin and walk up the stairs to sleep.


Yuri was riding a cab to Jessica's house from a Flower Shop, He bought a bouquet of Flowers and Fruits for His love. He also brought His Gift for Her.

Excited is the only word He can think of what He is feeling right now. He don't know if He got a proper sleep last night but He's sure that He dreamed of Jessica walking in a public place carrying a Baby, He's not sure whose Baby it is but He's definitely sure that it wasn't Krystal She is carrying.

He arrived in front of the Mansion and ring the doorbell.

He was greeted by a household helper and immediately let Him in. He smiled and asked about Jessica.

"Miss Jessica is resting right now, She just finished eating."

"Can I go to Her room?" He politely asked.

"Yes, Sir. You can freely go to Her room as per Mr. Jung."

Yuri beamed at what He heard. "Thank You so much."

He walked to the direction and saw a pink decorated door that has a name on it. "THE PRETTY PRINCESSES, JETI!" He chuckled at the cute door.

He then hold the knob and take a deep breath as nervousness is starting to kick in. He slowly turned the knob and opened the door quietly.

Seeing Jessica is comfortably sleeping with Her back facing Him. He gently closed the door as He went near Her putting the flowers on the bedside table and laid down on the bed beside Her.

He wrapped His strong arms around Her petite waist and pulled Her close to Him then sniff Her neck.

He felt Her stir and turned to face Him. Her eyes still close as She sniff. "Hmm. last night it was Krystal and now You, Tiff? Why do You all have to smell like Yuri? Do You really want Me to miss Him that bad?" She asked as She hugged the person She thought was Her Cousin. He heard Her sigh then tears started to flow from Her Eyes. "Tiff, I miss Yuri a lot. Why is He always in My mind?" She mumbled crying.

"Maybe because He misses You a lot." He answered Her. He felt Her stiffened.

Jessica opened Her eyes wide as the voice She heard wasn't Tiffany's, but it was from the Person She misses the most.

She pushed Yuri away from Her and sit up. "Y-Yuri?" She stuttering called Him wiping Her tear stained Face.

He moved closer to Her, "Baby~ I missed You!" He was about to envelope Her in a hug when She pushed Him again.

She tried Her best to be cold to Him but She knows She can't keep up with it because all She want to do right now is to hug and kiss the love of Her life. "What are You doing here?"

"Don't You wanna see Me? I missed You a lot, Baby." He pouted cutely.

"I-I don't want to ruin Your relationship with Yejin. Please Yuri go away." Yuri chuckled at Her.

"Sicababy, why do You always love to jump into conclusions without asking? Yejin Noona and I never had a relationship. And She will never be My Girlfriend." He explained laughing, Her Babo Princess looks confused.

"What do You mean She's not? I clearly read Her message to You that day. She even greeted You Happy Anniversary." She shouted thinking that Yuri is lying to Her. "Please Yuri, if You still have at least a little concern for Me, leave Me alone."

"But Sica, it's rea.."

"No! I don't wanna listen to it! Please leave Me alone." She shouted.

"Okay! Okay! I'll just stay downstairs until You listen to Me." He said and went out.

Jessica sighed and wipe the tears away, She then received a call from Dong Wook on the landline asking Her to go out with Him that She gladly accepted. She should thank Him for being a Good Friend.

She prepared Herself and went out seeing Yuri, Tiffany and Krystal in the Living room.

"Hey Jessi, are You and Yuri going out?" Tiffany asked seeing Her all dressed up.

She looked at Them seeing Yuri busy on his phone then She rolled Her eyes.

"No Tiff, Dong Wook Oppa called inviting Me out." She shouted letting Him hear Her. Tiffany looked alternately at the two of Them.

"Oww. I guess the talked didn't went well." She blurted out.

"Bye Tiff, tell Mom I went out with Dong Wook Oppa." She kissed Tiffany on the cheeks and went out.

Yuri sighed, He don't know how will He tell Jessica everything since the Latter won't even let Him speak. He was actually talking to Hyoyeon asking how He will make Jessica listen to Him.

"It's okay, Yul. Be patient." Tiffany tapped His shoulder and went to the kitchen.

Jessica went home late at night, She was about to pass by the Living room when She noticed a body lying on the Couch, She looked at it closely and found out that it was Yuri sleeping soundly.

She extended Her hands to hold his face but then retracted and walk to Hers and Tiffany's room. When She was about to step on the Stairs, She felt an arm around Her waist and a hand on Her Mouth. The person carried Her to the living room, and laid Her on the Couch.

"Why did You went out with Him?" Yuri asked Her as He went on top of Her.

She wiggled out of His hold but He is so strong. "Let Me go."

"I will never let You go! I won't let You slip off Me again." He kissed Her on Her Lips aggressively. She was pushing Him but he held Her arms still Kissing Her.

"Stop, Yuri. I'm not Yejin." She half yelled. She doesn't want to make any commotions to wake up the people inside the house.

"I know. Sica.. I know."

"Stop it!"

"Did He kissed You? Did you two have sex?" He stopped, seems shocked at what He just blurted out.

"What are You talking about?" She asked as She succeeded pushing Him out of Her and slapped Him hard on His face. "What do You think of Me? A fucking slut?" Yuri went near Her but She slapped Him again.

"Get out of Our house!" She shouted pointing at the door. She stood up and left Him.


Jessica was tossing left and right. She can't sleep thinking about Yuri. Tiffany slept in Her original room tonight for some unknown reason. "Is He still There?" She asked Herself.

She went out of the room to drink water, She was walking back to Her room when She saw Him on the Veranda, His back facing Her. She heard Him talking to Someone.

She went near Him to hear who He's talking to,good thing that it was on a speaker.

"Where are You? You're not attending Our filming? Ever since Your Anniversary with Your Girlfriend You didn't showed up. How is Sicababy doing?" The person on the other line keep on talking. "Hello Yuri? Is Sicababy with You?" It was a girl's voice. She's clutching on Her glass tightly.

She heard him chuckle. "Yah Yejin Noona. Don't call Her Sicababy. That's only for Me!" He playfully shouted.

"I'm sorry. I thought Her name is Sicababy since You always say that when You tell me stories about Her. How's Your Anniversary by the way?" She put Her hand on Her Mouth at what She heard. Yuri was telling the truth.

"A lot of things happened Noona. But I'm not sure when I will be back." Yuri said in a sad tone.

Jessica was biting Her finger. She's at fault for speculating that something's going on between the two.

"Okay then, give Me a call, tell Your Sicababy I said Hi!"

"Okay, Bye, Noona!" Yuri end the call and sigh.

She was about to go back to Her room but then She heard a sob. She stopped from walking away and looked at Yuri who has His head hanging low as His shoulders were shaking.

Her eyes went wide when She realized that He is crying. She ran back to Him and kneeled down on His level hugging Him.

"Yuri.." She called. Yuri was surprised at first but still hold Her face.

"Sica~ Please... I'm sorry.. Don't leave Me.." He cried as He hugged Him tightly. This is the first time She saw Him cry. "Don't go with Him.." He pleaded.

"Yul.. why are You acting this way?" She asked as She rub His back.

"Please Sica, I'm sorry if I said those words. Don't Leave Me." He cried harder. Jessica cried too and hugged Him even tighter.

"I'm sorry for leaving You. I promise I won't leave You again." She broke the hug and cupped His cheeks. "I'm sorry if I didn't asked first."

Jessica helped Him stand up and brought Him to Her Room. Yuri was still sobbing like a kid.

Jessica laid on the bed and tapped her side telling Him to lay down beside Her which He complied.

She hugged Him and buried His face on Her Chest. "Seobang.. I'm so sorry for what I did."

"I was about to surprise You that night but You fly away. You know how much I love it when You're jealous, but what You did to Me was too much. You left with nothing but Your apartment and Your phone, how could You do that to Your own Seobang?" He held Her hand and kissed it.

Jessica has a guilty look on Her face.
"I'm sorry for making assumptions." She held His face to look at Her. "Stop crying now."

"Next time ask first before making decisions, alright?" She nodded. "I don't wanna lose You again, Baby."

"Seobang. I missed You!" Jessica hugged Yuri tightly.

Yuri broke the hug and pouted, "I flew from Seoul to LA just for You and all I can get is a hug?" He showed Her His upset face.

She chuckled at Her Boyfriend and straddled on top of Him. Yuri held Her on the waist to support Her.

Jessica then held Him by His cheeks and slowly lean in until She capture the lips of the Person She missed. It's still the same soft and yummy Lips that She can't get enough of.

It started slow until Yuri licked Her lip and Jessica opened Her mouth to welcome His tongue.

They are in a battle of domination and of course Yuri is winning, He wants to show Her how much He misses Her.

They broke the kiss after They felt the need of oxygen, both panting. Their foreheads leaning against each other. "My Heart only beats for one Person and that is You Baby. I love you so much." He confessed.

Jessica opened Her eyes and look at Him. Tears were building in Her eyes as She heard those words from Him. She leaned in again and immediately kissed Him senselessly.

He was surprised of Her aggressiveness but still kissed back, loving the way His Girlfriend make Him feel love. "I love You more, Seobang." She whispered between Their kiss.

She hugged Him tight as She time to time peck Him on His lips. "I love you." A peck, "I love You" and another peck. "I love You!" She continued kissing Him and He's loving it.

She hugged Him, Yuri caress Her back and kissed Her neck.

He then felt Her getting heavy and when He look at Her, Jessica was already sleeping on top of Him. He chuckled and hugged Her tightly as He drifted to sleep following His Love in the Dreamland.


"Are They doing something rated?"

"I don't think so."

"They look so Cute together."

"Honey, Stop gawking at Your Daughter and prepare Us something."

"Mommy, why Kwyshtal can't entew the woom?"

"Because Your sister and Your Oppa are sleeping."

"Kwyshtal can sleep too. We always sleep togethew."

Yuri was awakened by the murmurs from the door. He gently laid Jessica on the bed to look what's going on outside, He was about to climbed off the bed when Jessica hugged Him tightly.

"Seobang, don't go." He's not certain if She's still sleeping or not but that made Him smile.

"Baby, I'll just go check outside." He whispered and tried to untangle Her arms but She climbed on top of Him again and kissed Him sloppily to stop Him from getting up.

Yuri was getting drowned and aroused at the way Jessica kissed Him. His member down there was poking on His jeans and She felt it.

"Seobang, what was that?" She stopped kissing and looked down. Yuri blushed and Jessica peck Him again. "Are you turned on?" She asked. He nodded slowly and put Her down.

"Come on, Baby, let's go out." He tried to stop himself from pouncing on Her and make love to Her because He felt in a wrong place.

Jessica was flummoxed by His actions.
"Why? Don't You wanna do something about it? Let's make You feel better." She tried to pull Him on the bed again but Yuri stopped Her.

"No, Baby, this is not the right place for that."

Jessica started to sulk, She crossed her arms and looked at Him. "Don't You wanna make Love with Me?" She asked.

Yuri cupped Her face and kissed Her Lips. "It's not like that, Baby, I love You. But Your Parents and the whole family's outside, I don't want them to hear You scream when We do it because I don't want to hold back when I touch You." Yuri stretched His arms for Her to hold on to.

Jessica sighed Yuri is right, She don't know if She can hold back if Yuri make love to Her. She took Yuri's hand and walked to the bathroom to clean up.

After They're done with Morning rituals. They hand in hand walk to the door. They can still hear murmurs from the outside. Jessica looked at Yuri as if  asking what's going on and He shrugged.

"Are They still sleeping? It's almost noon." They heard Jessica's Mother's voice.

Yuri opened the door. They saw the Four older Women suddenly pretended to be busy.

Tiffany's Mom pretended to wipe the portraits near the room's door. Her Grandmother pretended to check on the furnitures, while Nicole's Mom who just visited the household pretended to clean the floor.

"Mommy!! Kwyshtal isn't sleepy." They heard Krystal complain.

Jessica chuckled seeing Her Mom forcing Her sister to lay down on Her arms to sleep.

"Mom!" She called out.

The four elder Women looked at Them with a fake surprise expression.

"Oh Hi, Honey! How are You feeling?" Her Mom look at Yuri. "Hi Yuri." Her Mother laughed like a crazy person.

Krystal was wiggling out of Her Mother's hold.

Jessica rolled Her eyes as She took Her sister and carried Her Downstairs.

"Annyeong Haseyo!" Yuri greeted and bowed down, He excused Himself and followed His Girlfriend.

The four Elders giggled at the Couple and went downstairs as well following the couple like fan girls.

The four older Men were talking in the garden about Their childhood while having whiskey.

Mr. Jung saw His Daughters coming, He smiled at Them and then remembered that Jessica is pregnant.

"Krysie, Princess, don't make Your sister carry You. You're getting heavy." He took His Younger daughter out of Jessica's hold and whispered. "The Baby inside Her tummy will have a hard time swimming." He kissed Her Daughter's cheek. "You want that to happen?" He asked and sat on His chair with Krystal.

The little girl shook Her head and pouted. "Kwyshtal will huwt the Baby if Unnie always cawwy Kwyshtal?" She asked.

"Yes. So don't clung to Her too much, Okay." She nodded. "Anyway, Sooyeon, Your Uncle Nick and Aunt Yoomi's here to see You."

Jessica bowed to Their Uncle. "Hello Uncle! It's nice to see You again." She greeted holding Yuri's hand.

"Nice to see You too, Jessi. Glad You came to visit Us here." Her Uncle hugged Her. "Who is this Gentleman here, Jess."

"Oh Uncle. This is Kwon Yuri." She look straight into Yuri's eyes.

"Annyeong Haseyo, Sir! I am Kwon Yuri. Jessica's future husband." He introduced Himself and hold Her hand tightly. Jessica blushed and buried her face on His chest. "I love you." He whispered and kissed Her temple.

The elder Men were satisfied with the way Yuri treats the family's Princesses.

"My.. My .. My. Our Jessi is blushing!" Her Mom shouted lugging a tray of foods. "Don't cling too much on Him. Okay?" She teased.

"Mom! Stop it."

"Honey, let Your Daughter be happy."

"It's okay, Mom. Sica can cling to Me whenever She wants to." Yuri hugged Her tightly.

"Yuri, Son. Come over here and join Us." Mr. Jung called Him, Yuri looked at Jessica asking permission if He can join the Guys.

"Go ahead, Seobang. But don't drink too much, okay?" Jessica reminded Him.

Yuri nodded then kissed Her lips in front of Her family. "Don't worry, My Princess." He whispered.

They heard squeals from the Living room as the Guys chuckled at Their wives.

Krystal was sulking on Her Father's lap. "Yuwee Oppa said Kwyshtal is His Pwincess, Why not now?" She pouted.

Yuri pinched Krystal's cheek. "You are My Princess too." He told Her but She was still sulking. "Jessica Unnie is My Queen then." This made Krystal smile and went down to hug Yuri.

The guys laughed at Her. "Seems like the Siblings are competing with Your attention, Yuri." Mr. Hwang teased Him.

"No need to compete, Uncle. I love Them both." Jessica went down on Her knees and hugged Her Sister.

"Don't worry, Baby, Unnie loves You." Krystal kissed Her Sister's Lips.

"Love You too, Unnie." She answered.

Jessica was about to carry Her Sister when Krystal pushed Her. Jessica was bewildered by this. "Why baby? Don't You like Unnie carrying You?"

Krystal cupped Her cheeks. "No, Unnie..Kwyshtal is a big giwl alweady." She halfheartedly answered. Jessica hugged Her. "And Kwyshtal don't wanna huwt Unnie's Baby." She whispered.

She knows that it's a secret between the family but she don't know why.

"Aww. You are such a Sweet Kid. Come on." She took Her Sister's hand and they walked inside the house.

"Jessi! I love Your Boyfriend, huh." Her aunt Miyoun told Her.

"But Oppa is Unnie's Husband. And Auntie ish Uncle Leo's Husband." Krystal butted in.

"That's not what I mean, Sweetie. Anyway We made You yo5ur favorite Chocolate chip cookies." She showed Them the cookies.

Krystal immediately took a handful of cookies while Jessica just stared at it.

"Eww. I don't like that Auntie." She pushed the tray away from Her and pinched Her nose.

"But this is Your favorite."

"Not anymore." She said and walk to the Couch.

"Must be the Pregnancy." Nicole's Mom commented.

"Where's Tiffany by the way?" She asked as She drink the juice on the center table.

"She went out for a shopping." Her Aunt Yoomi answered as She sat beside Jessica.

"This early? She should've told Me. I wanna go shopping too."

"She can't disturbed Your sleep since We found out that Yuri was sleeping in Your room." Her Aunt has a teasing look on Her face. "Your Mom told Me that Yuri still didn't know that You're carrying His Baby. When are You going to tell Him?"

"Uhm. Well, I don't know yet. I'm just waiting for the perfect timing." She nonchalantly answered.

All the ladies gathered in front of Her like They are having a plan or something.

Tiffany then came in holding Her shopping bags. She stopped as she saw Them in the living room.

"What are You Guys doing?" She asked. Her Mom waved at Her telling Her to go near.

"We are going to have a surprise pregnancy announcement for Yuri!!" Nicole's Mom exclaimed happily. Tiffany and Jessica rolled Their eyes.

"Shhh. Yuri shouldn't be hearing this. Anyway, here is Our plan..." The four ladies kept planning while Jessica and Tiffany were just sitting there listening.

"Kyahh! I'm so excited!!" Their grandmother childishly exclaimed clapping Her hands.

"Aww. I miss My Nicole!! She loves this kind of planning!!" Aunt Yoomi said.

Meanwhile, the Boys are no different, Yuri confided to Them about His Plan of proposing to Jessica.

"You don't need to have a Grand proposal, Yul. Your presence is enough for My Granddaughter. She maybe a CEO but She is a simple Girl." Older Hwang advised.

Yuri nodded His head, but He was still thinking of how to surprise His Girl. He needs His friends to help Him out.


"I told You not to drink too much, didn't I?" Jessica wrapped Her arms around Yuri's waist as She support Him to go to Her Room.

Yuri laughed. "I'm sorry, Sicababy, I was just so happy that We're finally back together. I love You, Baby." He exclaimed and kissed Her cheek.

"Yah! Don't make out! Go to Your room,Jessi!" Tiffany shouted as She saw what Yuri was doing.

"Tiff, can You give me a hand, I need to put him down on the bed." Tiffany rolled Her eyes but still helped Her.

"I never did this to Taeyeon! Oh my gosh! He is so heavy."

"Thanks Fanny Fany, Tiffany!! I love You My Friend." Yuri chimed.

"Yah! Stop that, Yul. Good night Jessi." She peck her Cousin on Her cheek and went out of the room.

Jessica showered after She cleaned Him up, She lay beside Him and kissed Him on the forehead. "Good night Yuri-ah! We love You!" She said holding onto Her still flat belly.

Yuri woke up in the middle of the night, He saw Jessica hugging Him like a Human bolster. He chuckled at Her possessiveness and kissed Her lips.

He then pick up His phone and called someone. "Hello, Hyo!" He went out of the room.

"Yep, Dude."

"Can You come here?"

"Of course, All of Us are coming there before Taeny's wedding."

"Come earlier I need You all. I'm planning to propose to Sica." He told Him.

"Really? Finally! Okay, Dude I'll tell everyone about the plan. Be there as soon as possible. Bye."

"Thanks Dude, bye." He happily went back to the bed and hugged Jessica tightly that awakened Her.

"Where have You been, Yul?" She sleepily asked.

"I just talked to Hyo." He caressed Her hair and kissed Her Temple. "Goodnight Baby, I love You."


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