Falling for a Star (Completed)

By Soshi_baby05

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This is a gender bender SNSD Fanfic Mainly YulSic!! Story of two different people who fell in love in an unex... More

Chapter 1: The CEO
Chapter 2: The Superstar
Chapter 3: Happy Trip
Chapter 4: Taeny Fever
Chapter 5: Random
Chapter 6: Angry Sica
Chapter 7: Is it Real? (M)
Chapter 8: Fight Again
Chapter 9: Back Again (M)
Chapter 10: Missing the Ice Princess
Chapter 11: Hello Paris
Chapter 12: Lovers in Paris (M)
Chapter 13: Too Much Sugar (M)
Chapter 14: Meeting His Parents
Chapter 15: Surprise Announcement!!
Chapter 17: Chaos
Chapter 18: Meeting Her Family
Chapter 19: Is It Taeny No more?
Chapter 20: YulSic Unite!
Chapter 21: Finally!!
Chapter 22: Baby Reveal (M)
Chapter 23: YulSic Is Love
Chapter 24: Baby Krystal No More
Chapter 25: YulSic vs. Krystal?
Chapter 26: Time to Heal
Chapter 27: A Scandal (M)
Chapter 28: Denying and Confirming
Chapter 29: Getting Worse
Chapter 30: What really Happened..
Chapter 31: Together Again
Chapter 32: Competition & Petty Fights..
Chapter 33: Hana, Dul, Set... Let's Go!!
Chapter 34: YulKrys Moments
Chapter 35: Welcoming Baby Taeny!!
Chapter 36: YulSicKrys..
Chapter 37: Getting Some Excercise!! (M)
Chapter 38: What will Happen??
Chapter 39: Tears, Tears, and More Tears!!
Chapter 40: The Aftermath
Chapter 41: Another Randomness!!
Chapter 42: Triplet's Birthday + SuStal Moment!
Chapter 43: YulSic Nuptials!
Chapter 44: Their Honeymoon Gone Wrong!
Chapter 45: Their Honeymoon for real part 1 (M)
Chapter 46: Their Honeymoon for real part 2 (M)
Chapter 47: Kwon Family's New Home + Sad Krystal
Chapter 48: The Kwon's Life!!
Chapter 49: Jessica's Visceral Feelings
Chapter 50: Krystal's Back with the Kwon's
Chapter 51: Finding it out
Chapter 52: Separation
Chapter 53: Finding Them
Chapter 54: Because Tears are overflowing
Chapter 55: My Lovely J
Chapter 56: Helter-Skelter
Chapter 57: Punishment or Reward? (M)
Chapter 58: Punishment or Reward? Pt. 2 (M)
Chapter 59: Sailing Again
Chapter 60: Going Back to San Francisco
Chapter 61: All the Love in San Francisco (M)
Chapter 62: Loving it in San Francisco
Chapter 63: Another Day in San Francisco
Chapter 64: Last Day in San Francisco
Chapter 65: Last Night in San Francisco (M)
Chapter 66: Home Finally!
Chapter 67: Back to Work
Chapter 68: Another Day in the Office (M)
Chapter 69: Another Day in the Office pt. 2
Chapter 70: YulSic's Day off
Chapter 71: Reunited Once Again
Chapter 72: Reunion in San Francisco
Chapter 73: Bring the Boys Out!
Chapter 74: Party All Night!
Chapter 75: Run Devil Run
Chapter 76: Show Show Show!
Chapter 77: Show Show Show pt. 2 (M)
Chapter 78: Hyonic's Wedding
Chapter 79: YulSic Moments
Chapter 80: Yulsic Moments pt. 2
Chapter 81: Celebrate
Chapter 82: Indestructible
Chapter 83: Yulsic Family is Life!
Chapter 84: Yulsic Anniversary
Chapter 85: Yulsic Anniversary pt. 2 (M)
Chapter 86: Kwon on ROS
Chapter 87: Going Home
Chapter 88: Team K2 in ROS
Chapter 89: Team K2 in ROS pt. 2
Chapter 90: Happiness for All!!
Chapter 91: Everyday Love
My Message for You!

Chapter 16: Clingy Tiffany, Sneaky YulSic (M)

1.8K 44 1
By Soshi_baby05

Chapter 16:

Jessica just woke up from a deep slumber, She was about to sit up when She felt an arm around Her waist. She then remembered that She was in Her Boyfriend's Apartment, She went straight there from Her office and told Tiffany that She'll get Krystal from the Lim's.

She tried to untangle His Arms but He hugged Her even tighter. "Don't go, Baby, I missed You." Yuri mumbled.

"Seobang.. I need to go Home. Tiffany will look for Me."

"Don't worry, I talk to Taeyeon last night, He'll bring Tiffany to His Home. You can stay here." She looked at Yuri, He really make ways for Them to be together.

"Okay then. You miss Me that much, huh."

"I do, Baby, ever since She went back, You've been Acting strange."

"Really? I'm sorry, Babe, I'm just really busy.."

"I know." He answered and kissed Her. "I understand."

"It's been a month since We found out that Tiffany and Sunny's pregnant, We're gonna welcome two babies early next year." She smiped, "I still can't believe Tiff's pregnant."

"Yeah, it's so fun to have pregnant women around. Look at how frantic Taeyeon And Sooyoung got whenever Tiff and Sunny call Them. They look like idiots."

"Yah! Don't make fun of Them, actually I think it's sweet."

"You think so?"

"Yeah, You know it just goes to show how much They love them. I wish I could find a Guy that would treat Me like They treat Their Girls."

Yuri kissed Her, "I can do more than that to You, Baby. I will give You the world."

"Don't make promises You can't keep, Babe."

"But I can really do that."

"What if I get pregnant too, Yul? We're not really using contraceptives."

"Then I'll be the happiest Person in the World. Imagine Me, Kwon Yuri will have a Baby with the one and only Jessica Jung. That's the Best thing in the world."

"But.. I'm not ready for it. I have a Company to run and I have a Sister to take care of."

"Don't worry too much, okay? You can run Your company I'll take care of Krystal and Our, Baby." Yuri leave a peck on Her forehead.

He was about to pounce on Her when Jessica push Him and climbed down the bed. "Come on, Seobang We need to pick up Krystal."

He sighed and sit up, "I thought I can have You all day today, alone." He said sadly. He misses Her really bad. Ever since Tiffany came back Jessica keep distancing Herself to Him.

Whenever He asked Her to stay in His apartment Jessica has Her reasons. This is why They always fight, He wants Her attention and warmth but She keeps on telling Him that She's busy.

He massage his head. "Sica, do You still want Me?" He suddenly asked.

Jessica has Her eyes wide open as She look at Him. "W-what? What are You talking about?"

"Do You still want Me in Your life?"

Jessica's heart beats fast when the thought of Her future without Yuri. She then cried, She's getting emotional this past month and now She's afraid that someday Yuri will leave Her.

She went back on the Bed and hugged Him tightly. "Please Yul, Don't leave Me." She cried.

Yuri hugged Her back, kissing Her head.
"I won't, I just felt like I'm not important to You anymore."

"No! That's not true." She keeps on shaking Her head. She leaned in and captured His lips. "You are One of the best things happened to Me. Don't leave Me. Please, Seobang." She pleaded.

He felt guilty, He knows Jessica has been stressed these past few weeks, Dong Wook is nagging Her for another trip before They sign the contract with Jung Inc. but Yuri don't allow Her to go alone, and it will always start Their fight.

"I'm sorry baby. I shouldn't said that." He apologized kissing Her head. "Come on, let's go pick up Krystal."

"No, Seobang, I bet Eomma and Appa still want Krystal to stay. You can have Me all day."


They were sitting on Yuri's couch watching Movie, Yuri's back was leaning on Jessica's chest sitting between her legs while eating some snacks. Yuri will time to time leave a peck on Her face and She would hug Him tightly in return.

Her phone suddenly rings, She looked at it and sighed, Tiffany's calling Her.

"Yes, Tiff?" She answered fixing Yuri's hair.

"Hi Jess, are You home?" She asked.


"I want.. um. Can You come here? I want to see You." Tiffany has been extra clingy to Her ever since She came back from abroad maybe because of Her pregnancy.

That's one of the reasons why She's distancing Herself to Yuri. Tiffany has a sharp sense now. She can easily descry wether She was with other people before They meet.

There was an instance where She just made love with Yuri then Her cousin called Her up because Tiffany misses Her and when She went there, Tiffany started sniffing Her just like what Krystal do, and asked Her if She was with Yuri because She can smell Yuri's scent on Her, of course, She lied and said No. Tiffany will freak out if She finds out.

"Are You with Taeyeon?"

"I am. But I miss You." She admitted. Jessica can imagine Tiffany's pouting lips as She was saying those words.

"Okay then, anything for You, Couz." She can't say no to Her, even though They just seen each other yesterday, Tiffany always miss Her.

"Thanks Jessi, take care." Her cousin sweetly thanked Her.

"Alright, Tiff," She answered, She was about to hang up when Tiffany speak again.

"Wait, Jess. Can You pick up Yuri too?"

She has Her eyebrows knitted. Why would Tiffany wants to pick up Yuri?
"Huh? Why?"

"I think Taetae needs Him. Can You do that?"

"Alright then. Be there in a few." She pretended that She was just impelled by this but the truth is She was happy to be with Yuri.

She heard Tiffany excitedly giggled.
"Bye Jessi! I love You!"

"I love You too, Tiff. Bye." She hang up and kissed Yuri.

"Tiffany wants to see You again, am I right?" Yuri asked, He's getting used to it, Taeyeon explained it to Him that Pregnant Women needs extra attention.

At first He didn't believe it, He just thought that Tiffany always look for Jessica to make sure They weren't sneaking out but then He noticed that Sunny is also being clingy to His brother, Yoong, She would always call Yoong to go to Their house because She misses Yoong so much. That's the time He believed that it's really because of Their pregnancy.

"Yes." Jessica kissed Him again more passionately as Yuri laid Her down on the Couch.

"I thought I can have You all day? Let's have a quickie then since Tiffany will hog You the entire day." He pouted.

"Tiff, wants to You to come with Me. We can go home together and do whatever My Seobang wants, okay?" She gave Him a knowing look that excites Him more.

"Really? Okay then, let's prepare." Yuri gave Her last long kiss before He stood up pulling Her up too.


They were walking hand in hand to Taeyeon's House, They can hear Tiffany's voice shouting. They quickly run to the House to check on Them.

"What happened here?" Jessica asked seeing scattered pictures and albums on the floor while Tiffany has Her eyes red from crying, Taeyeon was on the floor picking up the pictures.

"Jessi!" Tiffany ran to hug Her. She can feel Her growing belly since She's alread four months pregnant now. She hugged Her back as Yuri went to help Taeyeon on the floor.

"Why are You crying?"

"Kim Taeyeon don't love Me anymore because I'm getting fat and I'm Ugly." She said whimpering.

"You're not ugly, Hon, You are beautiful. And that's not fat, it's just Your belly because You're pregnant that's normal!" Jessica told Her.

"He's looking at other girls pictures, sexy girls who are wearing bikinis."

Jessica looked at Taeyeon after She heard Her cousin. He was sighing and shaking His Head.

"We have a new project and We need to get attractive ones for the filming, I was supposed to have a meeting and have a look test to those Girls but I decided to just look at the pictures because I don't want to leave Her here and then this She took the pictures out of My hand and scattered it all over the floor and cried." He explained immediately because Jessica will scold Him.

Jessica faced Her Cousin and caressed Her face. "Hon, Taeyeon is working, You have to understand that He stayed here because You are more important than anything else."

"But, why does he need to look at those girls?"

"What do You want? Do You want Taeyeon to personally see Them? It's even more suspicious if He went there and leave You alone here, but because He loves You so much He chose to stay with yo6u."

"Really?" She asked like a little kid and then walked up to Her boyfriend. "Is it true, Taetae? You love Me more than anything else?" She asked.

Taeyeon hugged Her and kissed Her lips. "You are My priority, Baby. I will choose You even if there are millions of pictures here in front of Me." He said and kissed Her passionately.

Jessica walked up to Yuri and hugged Him while Tiffany isn't looking.

"She's irascible nowadays." Yuri whispered to Her.

"Maybe because of Her Pregnancy."

"You might be like Her if you get pregnant."

"I don't think so, Tiffany's a jealous cat ever since, I think it doubled since She got Pregnant."

"You won't get jealous to any Girls?"

"I will just cut your body into small pieces and give it to Your Women if I find out You're cheating. So you better be careful."

"I will never cheat on You, Baby. You are My most Favorite Girl." He said kissing Her cheek.

"You shouldn't let Krystal hear that and You're Dead." Jessica told him while giggling.

"Are you two kissing?" Tiffany asked seeing them close to each other. The two immediately parted, Jessica went to Tiffany.

"No! Why would I kiss Him?"

"Oh I thought You two are getting close behind My back."

"He was just asking about Krystal's favorite color."

"Oh, I think She likes blue. Anyway Jessi, can You sleep here tonight?"

"What? I can't Tiff."

"Why? I missed You."

"Where? Don't tell me I will be a third wheel on the bed, I will definitely disagree."

"Of course not! Taeyeon will sleep in the other room."

"If that so, I think Yuri should stay too." Taeyeon said, He knows that Yuri will be sad that Tiffany will hog Jessica tonight so he'll make a way for the two to be together.

"It's fine with Me. What about You, Jess?"

"I'm fine with Yuri around." She said faking a nonchalant reaction.

"Okay! I will cook for Us!!" Tiffany announced that made the three look at each other in horror.

Tiffany never thought of cooking and the thought of it scared Them.

"No!" They said in Unison, Tiffany looked at Them in confusion.

"Why? Don't You want to taste My cooking?" She's getting sadder, and they shouldn't make Her sad.

Jessica went to Her. "No, Babe, We just want You to rest, don't move too much it might stress little Taeny here." She explained caressing Her Cousin's Belly.

Tiffany blushed they've been calling the Baby inside Her tummy 'little Taeny' Combination of the names.

"Yeah, Babe, let Your Hubby do it for You, okay?" Taeyeon made Her sit on the couch. "Just relax with Jessica here. Let YulTae cook for our Queens."

"Jessi is Yuri's queen?"

"No! I mean, never mind." Taeyeon scratch His head.

The guys walked to the kitchen to cook and the girls were left in the living room watching TV.

"How are You, Jessi? We haven't talk too much since I left."

"I'm good, busy with the Company as usual and Krystal will start preschool in two weeks so I'll be juggling My schedule from bringing and picking Her up to school and going to the Company."

"I can bring and pick Her up to school, Jess."

"No, I want You to focus on Your Baby that is the first Great Grandchild in Our Family take good care of Yourself, Hon."

"I want to help You."

"Don't mind me, Yuri's there to help m..."


"I mean for Krystal. He loves Krystal a lot so I guess He would take care of Her."

"Hmm. Anyway I haven't heard Him having fun with different girls for a few months now. What happened to Him?" Tiffany asked.

Jessica secretly giggling, She wanted to tell Her that it's because of Her but of course She can't.

"I don't know."

"Maybe He has a Girlfriend now."


"Oh right! His leading lady! I heard They have a good chemistry on the show oncam and offcam They're hanging out. I should asked Him. Good thing He's into serious relationships now."

Jessica felt like all Her blood went up to Her head, She remembered the flirty Girl trying to hit on Yuri.

"Yeah!" She just simply said.

While the two girls were having a talk about Yuri, the guys were having a talk about pregnancy.

"I told You, When I found out She's Pregnant, I almost throw a party and make Our company on a holiday party for a month. I'm just really happy! Finally we'll have a Baby like Krystal."

"Tiffany changed You a lot. You're not the person You used to be, and I am proud of You."

"Thanks, Bro! I think Jessica changed You a lot too."

"Yeah! I'm thankful to have Her."

"You noticed Sunny and Tiffany are both pregnant, what if Jessica got pregnant too."

"Honestly I will be happy but She's not ready for it."

"Be ready, 'cause when it comes you'll have a shock of your life, She'll be jealous without any reasons. Tiffany made Me have a long patience, You should learn to calm yourself when the time comes."

"I know, Jessica is a feisty woman, I don't know what She will become when She's Pregnant."

Their food is cooked and They are preparing for dinner, Tiffany and Taeyeon sat side by side, Jessica and Yuri too. Tiffany keeps on talking and talking while putting a lot of foods on Jessica's plate.

"Tiff, Don't put too much, I can't finish it all."

"I want You to eat more, Jessi, You're getting skinnier."

"You should eat a lot for Your baby." Jessica told Her Cousin.

"Anyway Jessi, how's the deal with Dong Wook Oppa?"

"Oh! He's asking Me to go with Him in California for two weeks before He sign the contract." She informed her, Yuri clutched His chopsticks tightly. Jessica saw it and caressed His thigh to calm Him down.

Tiffany giggled. "Oww. I think Oppa still likes You. Omo! Maybe He will confess and propose to You when You get there! After all these years You two will become officially together, You guys are meant to be!" She exclaimed. "I'm happy for You, Jess! You liked him a lot right?"

"Tiff.. I liked Him before but not anymore."

"Why? Do you have a boyfriend already that You're not telling Me?"

"No, I mean.. it's not important, okay? We have to focused on Yours and Sunny's pregnancy." She said as She held Yuri's hand under the table.

Taeyeon felt like on fire while Tiffany was talking, He could feel Yuri wants to blow up.

"Okay, I just thought You still like Oppa. And Yuri I heard You and Your leading lady were hanging out? What's Her name again?"

"Um.. Yejin."

"Right. I heard on the news that They were seeing You both having dinner together."

"Um. Well, yeah! We had dinner before. She invited me because it's Her Assistant's Birthday." Jessica's eyes twitched in annoyance, never She heard this. Yuri didn't tell Her about it.

"Woah! Seems like You found someone who will You take seriously, I'm happy for You."

"Thanks, Tiff. I'm happy too." This made Her even more mad. "I'm thinking of, You know? Cinfessing someday. Will You help Me?" He asked. Jessica crossed Her arms over Her Chest signaling that She's pissed.

"Of course, Yuwree! When will it be?" Tiffany was so happy to even noticed the tension between the two.

"In two weeks time." Yuri wasn't stopping, He's still upset hearing Her going with Him.

"Oh Jessi, when are You going out of the Country again?"

"In two weeks too." She answered eating.

"Oh that's so sad, She can't join Us."

"It's okay, Tiff, I don't think I would want to see it. I'll be busy with Dong Wook Oppa anyway, maybe when We back We could announce Our engagement if ever." She said smirking, two can play the game.

"But I thought You don't like Him anymore?"

"When I thought of it. I will never find a Guy like Him nowadays so why would I let Him slip out of My life?"

"That's right, Jessi! I'm excited for You!"

Jessica stood up. "I'm done eating." She announced and went to the living room.

Taeyeon was shaking His head silently, the couple in front of them were fighting because of jealousy.

"Where are You going?" Taeyeon asked seeing Jessica preparing to leave.

"I'm going out."

"But I thought You're staying the night here?" Tiffany asked. Yuri eyed Her moves.

Jessica looked at Yuri rolling Her eyes. "Dong Wook Oppa called asking Me for a date. I'll be back right after, Tiff." She assured Her Cousin then kissed Her cheek.

"Is that so? Okay then, come back before midnight, okay?"


"Bye Jessi, I love You!"

"I love You too." She answered and kissed Taeyeon's cheek goodbye.

Yuri's eyes turned into an angry one that would scare anyone even His Best Friend who distanced Himself to Jessica.

She went out of the house, Her phone rings. Yuri's calling Her, She decline His call and put it on Her bag, Her anger while They were eating was too much, good thing that Dong Wook called asking Her to have Dinner, so She said Yes easily.

He can see Yuri's eyes were burning in anger but She don't care, if He can date that flirty Girl then She can date Dong Wook too.


Yuri on the other hand was feeling so much anger, He wanted to ran to the door to stop Her but Tiffany was so happy to know that Her cousin is having a date.

Tiffany was already sleeping, He was in the other room with Taeyeon, they weren't saying anything, Taeyeon tapped Him on His shoulder.

"You okay?"


"Don't lie, Yul! Why didn't You follow Her? Dong Wook might do something to Her again."

"That's Her choice. If She wants to date Him then She's Free."

"Is that really what You want? Can You imagine Jessica kissing Him? Can You imagine Her calling Him Her Husband? Can You imagine Her having saying I Do to Him in front of the altar, and can You imagine Her having His Baby?" Yuri clutched His hands in anger.

He can't let that Guy take Jessica away from Him. "Okay then, I don't know if You can sleep tonight without Her, but still Have a good night sleep  Bro!" Taeyeon said laying himself on the bed to sleep.

Yuri went out of the room, He can't sleep thinking of Jessica, She's not answering His calls. "Maybe She's enjoying." His heart ached at the thought of Jessica leaving Him to be with Dong Wook.


Yuri looked at the person calling Him, it was Tiffany. "Hey Tiff. Why are You still awake?"

"I will just get something to drink. What are You doing here? Why don't You sleep in the other room with Taeyeon?" She asked.

"Yejin just called.. um.. I can't let Taeyeon hear Me."

"Oh! Your relationship getting deeper eh." She teased. "But seriously Yul, I'm happy for You!"

"Thank You, Tiff."

"Good night, Yul!" Tiffany walked to Him and kissed Him on the cheek.

"Goodnight, Tiff! Goodnight, Baby Taeny."

When He heard the door closed, He sighed, He rested His head on the Chair.

He's looking at the clock from time to time. It's getting late and Jessica hasn't back yet. He's getting worried, He stood up, He will look for Her. He was about to turn the knob when He heard the Familiar Voice.

"Yes Oppa, I'm home. Thank You for the nice dinner... yeah, see in two weeks.. bye." He hurriedly went back to the Couch and pretended to sleep.

Jessica went in silently. She was saddened by the thought of Yuri sleeping soundly, She was actually imagining that when She go back Yuri was waiting for Her on the couch and They will talk about what happened but nothing, the lights were off and the living room was empty.

She was about to walk to Her Cousin's room when She felt an arm around Her waist and a hand on Her mouth. The person carried Her to the living room, and laid Her on the Couch.

"Why did You went out with Him?" Yuri quickly asked Her as He went on top of Her.

"Yul!" He didn't let Her speak and just kissed Her.

Yuri was kissing Her passionately, and She's starting to get drown by His kisses, She snake Her arms around His neck pulling Him to deepen the kiss.

Yuri's hands were roaming around Her waist, He tugged on Her Blouse to take it off. Jessica let him take her blouse off and kissed Her again. She felt His hands on Her clothed breast and She moaned.

"Take it off." She commanded. Yuri smiled and took it off. "Suck on them, Seobang." Yuri kissed Her lips one last time before He buried His face on Her two round mounds. Kissing, licking, biting Her slightly that made Her squirm in delight.

"Ahh." She moaned as He suck Her Breast furiously. "More, Seobang." Yuri suck Her even more until it turned hard as pebble.

He moved His way down seeing Her flat stomach. He kissed it sensually looking at Her reaction.

Jessica moaned at how hot Yuri could make Her feel. She was caressing His hair inviting Him to move downward. Yuri took off Her jeans and underwear as She spread Her legs wider for Him to feast on.

Yuri kissed Her inner thighs, teasing Her. She bucked Her hips as She keeps on pushing Yuri's head on Her aching core.

"Stop Teasing, Seobang." Yuri didn't let His princess wait and leaned in sniffing Her lovely scent that He gets addicted to. He stuck His tongue out and licked Her clit, She keeps on bucking Her hips for more friction.

Feeling her getting impatient Yuri held Her by the Hips tightly to stop Her from moving too much as He suck on Her clit slowly. "Faster, Seobang. Faster." Yuri did.

He sucked Her faster, His tongue went to Her hole as He let His tongue go in and out of Her.

She moaned even louder forgetting the two other people in the house. All she wants right now is to feel Yuri in Her. "Fuck. Harder please. Babe, Harder." Yuri did as he was told snaking His tongue in and out of Her harder and faster making Her reach Her peak.

Gush of gush of Her sweet nectar came out of Her throbbing hole. Yuri lapped all Her juices, licking Her clean.

He went up to kiss Her lips, Jessica moaned in His mouth when She tasted Herself. Yuri's magical hand didn't stop from making Her feel loved. His hand went to Her Clit massaging it, making Her moan and turned on again. She opened Her legs wider to feel His hands in Her pussy.

"I want to finger fuck You, Baby. Will You let me?" He asked.

Jessica was so turned on to even think. She just nodded Her head like a lunatic. This is the first time they will try it. Yuri never tried it to other girls before.

"Yes, Babe. Yes." Jessica said panting as She offer Herself widely to Yuri. He slowly inserted His long middle finger in Her as His thumb was massaging Her swollen clit. He slowly pumped in and out as he added another two fingers stretching her out. Jessica felt herself swearing. "You are so great, Seobang, Fuck faster."

Jessica was about to reach heaven when They heard the door open. Yuri stop moving while Jessica's eyes went wide, Her heart was beating fast.

"Yuri? You're still here?" It was Tiffany. Yuri slowly took the pillows and put it on Jessica, His fingers were still inside Jessica's core.

"Y-yeah! I-I can't sleep." He said stuttering, His heart was beating even faster as Tiffany went near Him.

"Why don't You watch TV or Something. It might help You Sleep." She innocently suggested without knowing Her cousin was already there.

"Y-yeah. I will try it.." Yuri said as He started to pump in and out of Her again. Jessica was restraining Herself from moaning because of what Her Boyfriend is doing. "Why are You still awake." He asked. Looking at Tiffany His thumb still massaging Her clit making Jessica release in His hands silently.

"Oh! I'm gonna get another set of water. And I thought I heard Jessi's voice here. So I thought She's already here." She said as She sniffed. Yuri stopped pumping. "What's that smell? It's weird."

"W-what do You mean weird?" He asked nervously.

"I don't know. I can smell Jessi's scent but there's a mix scent. Something familiar though." She went to the light switch and turned it on. Yuri jumped out of the couch to block the couch while His right hand has Jessica's cum dripping.

"Oh this is Jessi's bag, why is it on the floor?" Tiffany pick up the bag, as Yuri pulled Tiffany in the kitchen with His hand with Jessica's juice.

"Oh My Gosh, Yul, why are Your hand so sticky. Eeww." Tiffany swatted His hand and was about to smell Her arms that Yuri held when He pulled Her to the sink and wash it with hand soap.

"I'm sorry I was putting lotion on My legs when You came, So yeah, It was lotion." He explained.

"Oh yeah? Okay then, Where's Jessi anyway? Don't tell Me You didn't see Her?" She asked suspiciously.

"Uh... She went out to garage. She forgot something important in Her car. Yeah that's it."

"Aww, Okay. I'll wait for Her here then."

"No! I mean, You can wait for Her in Your room. I'll just tell Her You are waiting for Her."

"Why are You acting weird, Yul? Anyway, tell Her I've been waiting for Her, okay? I want to hear story about Her date. Good night, Yuwree." Tiffany went inside Her room again.

Yuri sighed in relief as He walked to the couch again.

He was about to pull His shorts down to continue when He saw Jessica sleeping soundly. He smiled and went down to clean Her up, after He's done cleaning His Princess up He picked up Her clothes and dressed Her then kissed Her on the lips before waking Her up.

"Baby, Tiffany's looking for You." He whispered and Jessica instantly woke up.

"Where is She and Why didn't You stop?"

"I stopped for a moment but I can't leave You hanging. And don't worry, I told Her You went out to get something in Your car. She's waiting for You to ask about Your date." Yuri almost whispered the last line.

Jessica kissed His lips. "I only want You, Yul. You should know that." She said as She stood up. "We haven't finish yet, Seobang, wait until We go home. And I'll give You the world." She winked at Him and leave a peck on His lips again.

"Goodnight, Seobang! Thank you!" Jessica smiled and walked to Tiffany's room.

Yuri arrange the couch and went to sleep too.


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