Wolves Stick Together: RWBY X...

By TheSpectre21

360K 5.4K 10.4K

You were nine years old when you met your best and only friend, who was also a wolf faunus like you. Her name... More

A Wolf Meets A Raven
Play Date
First Day and Already Trouble
Torn From The Pack
A Cold & Cruel World
Welcome To Beacon
The Alpha Wolf
To Become Stronger Than Before
A Heartbreaking Confrontation & The Kindness Of Others
The Perfect Monster Vs. The Elite Warrior Part 1
The Perfect Monster Vs. The Elite Warrior Part 2
Forgivness & Confessions
Christmas Special Part 1
Christmas Special Part 2
Christmas Special Part 3
Mommy's Not Coming Home Part 1
In Memory Of The Fallen Super Saiyan & A Loving Mother
One Big Happy Family
Little surprise for you readers :D Merry Christmas
Dance & Karaoke
Travelers From Another World
Rematch Against Perfection, Mobilize For The Battle For Remnant
The Z Fighters Join The Battle, Awaken The Burning Rage Inside You
A Wolf's Will To Survive, The Final Attack
The Truth Behind The Super Saiyan, A Farewell To The Z Fighters
Upcoming Decisions & Another Book!
Check Him Out!
Need OC teams!
Update On Picking OC Teams
Welcome To The Vytal Festival
Provoking The Wolves
I Am.....His Son
Show Him Your Strong Enough
You're Perfect The Way You Are
This Wasn't How It Was Suppose To Go
Battle Between Lost Lovers
Remember Me
Cole's Greatest Struggle
A Terrifying Monster Appears
History Of The Beast, You Were Killed Before We'll Kill you Again
A Wolf's Fury
Evil OC's Wanted! Submit NOW!
Under Arrest
Update on Evil OC's
A True Power Awakens From Anger
Taking Book Request, Visit Request Book
More Announcements, Sorry For No Chapter
The Goddess Of Chaos Descends, Sparring Session Interrrupted
Sorry, Another Announcement, But A Major Vote By You All Is Needed
A Maiden's Last Stand, Where Is Your Pride As A Wolf?
To Go Even Further Beyond
True Gods Descend, Judgement Day Has Come
Check Out The New Story
Wrath Of Gods, Protect Your Friends Cole!
Not A Chapter,Send Your Prayers
Gods Against Mortals, New Power Awakened
The Ultra Fusion, Vegito Returns
Together As One, Is This The End?
Great News, Not The Next Chapter
Not Over Yet, A New Threat Is Born
Next Book Coming Soon
It's Time, Check Out The New Book

Mommy's Not Coming Home Part 2

6.1K 102 143
By TheSpectre21

Cooler: Well, this will be most certainly interesting. Fine then, come at me, human.

With that, the two charged towards each other and Tanya's battle against cooler has begun.

Tanya's Thoughts: I'll beat this guy, and return home. Wait for me...Y/N...Pan...I'm coming.



Just before Cooler and Tanya clashed, he used his tail, and knocked away. Tanya recovered, and sped back towards him. She tried to strike him with her blade, but to no avail, as he would just dodge easily.

Cooler: Hmph, you are pathetic.

He grabbed the sword and tossed her to the side. He snapped it in half, and threw the pieces away.

Cooler: You know, I thought that those humans who came in groups were arrogant, but you were foolish to come alone

Tanya: Hmph, you don't even know what you're getting into.

Tanya moved at insane speeds, and landed a blow onto his right cheek. This caught him by surprise, and she kicked him across the face, and blasted him with an energy ball. Cooler knelt down and glared at her as she smirked.

Tanya: Come on Cooler, let's see what you got.

Cooler: Do not mock me, insignificant scum! *dashes forward*

Back At Beacon

In team (Team name)'s dorm, Cole and Christina were on the bed watching a movie, while you were with Raven in the kitchen playing with Yang and Raven. 

Y/N&Raven: PEEKABOO!! *makes silly face*

Yang&Pan: *Giggles and laughs*

Y/N: Come here my little wolf dragon! *scoops up Yang*

You picked her up and attacked her with kisses that made her laugh and giggle.

Pan: Daddy! 

Y/N: Ohh I could never forget my little Pan-chan.

You picked her up with your other arm, and repeated the attack of kisses on her. 

Raven: *giggles* The two pups are balls of sun shine.

Y/N: Yeah, and it's getting late, where's Tanya?

Raven: She's on a solo mission?

Y/N: Yeah, Ozpin called for her. 

Pan: Mommy!

You looked to Pan to see her facial expression was changed, it was one of want. 

Y/N: She must want Tanya.

Raven: Well, I wouldn't blame her, I remember when Yang didn't see you for a full day, she wouldn't stop crying.

Y/N: I also remember the time that when Yang hadn't seen you for a class period, she started throwing all her toys everywhere, and left huge holes in the walls.

Raven: Yeah, we got in so much trouble because of that. Glynda made us redo everyone's walls in the dormitories.

You both laughed remembering the times your kid would always complain because they missed you. You looked at Yang, and she had just stuck her pacifier in her mouth before looking at you and tilting her head at you. You kissed her cheek and she nuzzled into your chest.

Pan: Daddy.

You looked at Pan who looked like she was dying from needing attention. You gave her a kiss as well, and she nuzzled into your chest, and slightly leaned on Yang. You smiled at the sight, and just then, you felt arms wrap around you, and Raven leaned her head on your shoulder.

Raven: I can't be any happier than I already am.

Y/N: I love you.

Raven: I love you too.

The two of you shared a kiss, and you walked over to Pan's crib, and laid her down as she instantly fell asleep. You walked Raven back to her dorm, and once you arrived, you walked to Yang's crib, and laid her down as she stared up at you.

Raven: Who's turn is it to sing her song?

Y/N: Yours, I'll be right over here.

She nodded and walked towards Yang as you wrapped your arms around her, and both of you looked to Yang.


they see you as small and helpless
they see you as just a child
surprise when they find out that a warrior will soon run wild


prepare for your greatest moments
prepare for your finest hour
the dream that you've always dreamed is
suddenly about to flower


we are lightning
straying from the thunder
miracles of ancient wonder


this will be the day we've waited for
this will be the day we open up the door
i don't wanna hear your absolution
hope your ready for a revolution
welcome to a world of new solutions
welcome to a world of bloody evolution
in time-your heart will open minds
a story will be told
and victory is in a simple soul


your world needs a great defender
your world's in the way of harm
you want a romantic life a fairytale that's full of charm


beware that the light is fading
beware as the dark returns
this world's unforgiving
even brilliant lights will cease to burn


legends scatter
day and night will sever
hope and peace are lost forever

Tanya: AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

this will be the day we've waited for
this will be the day we open up the door
i don't wanna hear your absolution
hope your ready for a revolution
welcome to a world of new solutions
welcome to a world of bloody evolution
in time your heart will open minds
a story will be told
and victory is in a simple soul  


As you lullaby Yang to sleep, Tanya rest on one knee as Cooler stands a few feet away from her with a glare. He has bruises, and a few cut, but is not ultimately damaged, meanwhile, Tanya's clothes are torn, her body riddled with bruises and cuts, blood streaming from her mouth, and she was breathing heavily.

Tanya's Thoughts: Damn....I should've brought someone with me.....this guy is too much for me...

Cooler: I will recognize you for your strength. You were able to land a series of hits on my body. But you were not enough to stand up to me.

Tanya: *pant* shut *pant* up..*pant*

Cooler: Do not worry, once I destroy this world, you and your family shall find your eternal peace in the afterlife. Dying by my hand will almost be like a blessing.

Tanya: I won't *pant* let you *pant*...

Cooler: Ohh, still some fight in you? Don't worry, it will end soon.

Cooler kicked Tanya across the face, and into the air. He caught her by the neck with his tail and threw her towards a mountain, and just before colliding with it, he appeared in front of her, and punched her into the ground.

Tanya: AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

Cooler: You should've just stayed home human. Now, FEEL MY POWER!!!

An energy ball formed in his hands as the area they were at exploded from his attack. The blast was so big, it shook all of Vale.

At Beacon

It was the middle of the night, and all the students were sleeping. You were sleeping next to Pan's bed until you heard crying. You slowly fluttered your eyes open, and went up to Pan's crib. You picked her up as she was wailing and crying louder than before.

Y/N: Shhhhh...shhhh...It's okay Pan. What's wrong?

Pan: *cries louder*

You rubbed her back and tried to shush her, but then felt a sudden shaking, and it began to grow even more hostile. It shook your teammates awake and they fell out of bed.

Cole: Agh! Wh-What's going on?! 

Christina: An earthquake!?


You ducked down to cover Pan in case anything fell, and after some time, the shaking stopped. Pan was crazily crying now.

Christina: What's wrong with her?

Y/N: I don't know! I can usually calm her down, but it's not working!

Cole: I'll go check on STRQ, you guys stay here. 

He left the dorm, and you could hear students coming out of their dorms and wondering what was happening.


Y/N's Thoughts: She really wants Tanya....wait...has something happened to her?!

Raven came rushing to your side with Yang in her arms, scared from the trembling.

Raven: What was that?

Qrow: You guys okay?

Tai: How's Pan?

Summer: Where's Tanya?

Y/N: Pan's alright, and so are we. Tanya isn't here, she's out on a mission right now.

Summer: Why is she crying so much?

Y/N: She misses Tanya..

All of a sudden, Pan began to glow a light yellow aura around her as she cried.

Y/N: Wh-What's this?! Pan!?

Pan: *Cries even louder*

The shaking began again, and students hugged the walls and covered each other for protection once more. The walls cracked, and the lights flickered. After a few more minutes, the shaking stopped. 

Tai: Everyone outside! It's too dangerous for everyone to be in here!

Everyone began to pile outside, and look around. The night was cold, and clouds covered the skies. There was thunder, but no rain. Pan was still glowing, and you were freaking out.

Y/N's Thoughts: What is this!? This aura, is it Pan's!? No, it can't be, the only one with this aura is...*eyes widen*

Y/N: Th-This....

Raven: *turns to you* Huh?

Y/N: This.....this is......T-...

Qrow: What is it Y/N? What's wrong?

Y/N: T-....T-...

Tai: Y/N, quit stuttering and let it out. What's wrong?

Y/N: T-...T-.....Tanya's aura......

Everyone: What?..

What you didn't realize, nor did anyone see, a piece of your hair flashed blonde before reverting back to (H/C).


With Tanya

Tanya and Cooler were trading blow after blow, but Tanya was slowly losing her energy. Cooler didn't know, he thought he was wearing her out, but really, during her battle, she knew she couldn't win. She was secretly sending her aura in small amounts to Pan and you. Cooler punched her, and she blocked with her forearms, but the force was enough to send her into the mountain. He blasted it with two energy orbs, and a massive explosion occurred. As he tried to look through the smoke, he was hit with an energy beam that sent him flying. Tanya flew out the smoke, and began a relentless barrage of attacks. She punched him twice in the before elbowing the top of his head, sending him flying to the ground. She appeared under him, and flew up kneeing him in the back, and kicked him into the trees. He flew up from the forest and glared at her.

Cooler: You will pay for that, puny insect.

Tanya's Thoughts: I don't have much energy left...please....beat this guy for me Y/N...

She continued to funnel her energy and aura towards you and Pan slowly, and powered up once more, readying herself for one of her final attacks.

At Beacon

You were all standing around outside, and just when you were about to go off...

???: Hey! Over here!

Everyone  turned to see a student standing at the edge of Beacon, and looking off into the distance. Everyone rushed over to the edge, and when they got there, off in the distance, they could see an island, not too far from Vale, smoking and on fire.

???: Is that what caused it?

???: That's a volcano I think.

???: But what made it erupt?

Y/N's Thoughts: What's going on there?

???: Mr.L/N!

You all turned around, and saw Glynda and Ozpin rushing over to you.

Y/N: Professor!

Ozpin: Y/N, I've made a grave mistake.

Y/N: Mistake? What's happened? Where's Tanya!? 

Glynda: We sent her out on a mission alone, we thought since she was stronger than average huntsman, she would be able to handle it, but we were wrong, so wrong. This won't only determine her fate, but our planet's fate.

Everyone gasped and were shocked. You were scared beyond belief, Tanya is off on her own, fighting to protect everyone, and could die. You gave Pan to Raven and walked up to the professors.

Y/N: *Glares* Tell me, where is she.

You felt anger boiling up inside, your rage slowly transforming you, but what everyone else saw was different. Your body was changing like always, but your hair was different. Instead of (F/C), it was now flashing between (H/C) and blonde. Your (E/C) eyes flashed from their normal color, and teel. A gold aura slowly surrounding you.

Glynda: Mr.L/N I-


Ozpin simply pointed towards the island that was on fire. You gritted your teeth, out of no where, power exploded from you, sending a strong wind towards everyone. You flew towards the island, determined to save Tanya.

Y/N's Thoughts: I'm coming Tanya! Just hold on a little longer! *flies faster*

With Tanya

She was leaned against a tree, badly hurt, and her aura finally gone. She held her side in pain as Cooler had used an attack previously, and blasted a small hole in her side. He walked up to her and looked down at her.

Cooler: Puny insect, you sealed your fate coming to try and kill me. Now, don't worry, I will reunite your family with you once I destroy this planet.  *evil laugh*

Cooler raised one hand towards in the air, and charged a massive ball of energy.

Cooler: Now, weakling, DIE!!!!!

Tanya watched as the energy grew bigger and bigger. She closed her eyes, knowing this was the attack that would finish her.

Tanya's Thoughts: I'm sorry Y/N...Pan...I wasn't strong enough.....I love you both...

Cooler: Hahahaha, DIE!!

???: KAMEHAMEHAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just then, Cooler was struck from behind with a massive energy beam that sent him flying deep into the mountain.


A bright energy ball went into the hole he went through, and created a giant explosion, and at the same time, reactivated the volcano. Tanya slowly opened her eyes to see the man she fell in love with, his (H/L) (H/C) hair, his (E/C) eyes, those wolf ears and tail. 

Tanya: *smiles weakly* Y-...Y/N.....

Cooler burst from the rubble and glared towards you.

Cooler: And who are you? Wait, don't tell me, you're this one's lover. Hahaha, I'll enjoy squashing you.

Y/N: You hurt Tanya, I can never forgive you for what you've done. *Powers up and transforms*

Cooler: Ohh, you look even more powerful than that piece of trash on the ground.

You shot your head to the side, and saw Tanya leaned against the tree. You flew down to her side.


Tanya: Y-Y/N...

Y/N: Don't talk, save your strength.

Tanya: N-No...Y/N...I'm sorry...I thought I could do this....to prove that I can protect my family also....I was wrong...I'm weak....


Tanya: Y/N....thank you ...you've been such a good person to me.....and we had an amazing daughter....take care of her...


Her hair was now changing color, along with her eyes. Her aura shined around her, and two streams of energy left her body, one flowed to you, while the other flowed towards Beacon, into Pan. Your body filed with incredible power, but you were too sad to notice. Her hair turned black, as her eyes went brown.

Tanya: Y/N L/N....you and Pan are the best things that have happened in my life...I love you...

She leaned in and gave you one last kiss.Her body went limp, and fell to the floor. You stood up and stared at her. 

Cooler: Do you wish to join her? Then so be it.

He blasted you with an energy beam, but you didn't feel anything. Once the beam disappeared, your  clothes were torn, body heavily beaten up, and a furious look plastered on your face. Your (H/C) hair was blowing with the wind as your eyes were reddened and stained with tears....your fist clenched tightly to the point of bleeding, and behind you, lava could be seen bursting from the crater Cooler was thrown in. Thunder and lightning struck the area as he grit his teeth, for he has lost something that was ever so dear to him....

His wife....


Blonde: I think I can like you~

Flashback over

His best friend...


???: no matter what, I'll be here for you...team leader...

Flashback over



???:*giggles* I'm Tanya...

Flashback over































Cooler covered himself and flew away as you transformed once more, your hair was blonde, and eyes were teel, and your power exploded out of you. The power was so great, it made the volcano erupt, and molten magma burst from the ground.


You glared at him.

Y/N: You will pay for what you've done. Her semblance has combined with mine and created an even stronger one. Let's see how you fair against a Super Saiyan!

Cooler: Super Saiyan? Well, this will be exciting.

He raised his hand, but suddenly, you disappeared, and reappeared behind him, and grabbed his wrist.

Y/N: What's wrong with you? You're hurting innocent lives, what have they done to you?! 

He broke from your grip and punched you in your gut, but it did nothing as you kept glaring at him.

Y/N: I can't let you take it out on them anymore. 

He backed away, and continued to move away from you.

Cooler: What are you talking about? I'll kill everyone you know and love. THE WEAK DIE, AND THE STRONG SURVIVE.

You turned up your power even more, and a golden aura surrounded you. 

Y/N: Alright then, we'll play by your rules, Cooler. Let's GOOOOOOOO!!!!!

You released an energy wave that knocked him back, and you flew towards him at great speeds, and punched the side of his head, and followed with a knee to his gut. He held it as he flew back a bit, and began to chuckle. 

Cooler: I love this, you're too much! AAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

He blasted you with an energy beam, and once it died down, you looked up through the smoke, and were shocked when you saw he formed a massive ball of energy the size of a star. 

Cooler: Sleeping on the job Super Saiyan? I can gather energy a lot faster than any being. You shouldn't have taken your eyes off me. NOW DIE WITH THIS PLANET! RRAAAAAAHHHH!!!


You powered up to your max, and began to push back the massive energy ball, but it wasn't oing much, and you were being overwhelmed. 


You were standing on the ground, and it was making you lean back as you tried to push harder. 

Y/N: You'll burn millions of people! 

You were being overtaken, and your feet sunk into the ground. It pushed you down on your back, and you were underneath it. 

Cooler: HAHAHA! YES! IT IS I WHO DECIDES WHO LIVES AND WHO DIES!! All you insects are mere play things to me! No one can comprehend my power and cunning-

He was cut of when rocks and debris started to fly back to him. He looked down and saw the energy ball being pushed up.

Cooler: WHAT!?!

You were starting to stand up, and push it away from the ground. 


You fired a massive kamehameha wave into it, and sent it flying back to Cooler. 


It began to push him back, and out into space. 



The blue energy beam erupted into a blinding energy blast, and sent him even farther away. Cooler looked behind him, and saw the sun.

Cooler's thoughts: It's the star of their solar system. Maybe I'll just blow that up instead and let them freeze to death in darkness. Wait a second. I'M HEADING RIGHT FOR IT! 

His back collided with the scorching sun, and began to burn alive.

Cooler: GGGYYYYAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The energy wave, and your final flash blew up, and Cooler was disintegrated into nothing. The blast was so massive and bright, it lit up the entire sky, making everyone on Remnant shield their eyes. You floated down and landed next to Tanya. You picked her up and flew back to Beacon.

At Beacon

Raven was with Pan and Yang, trying to calm down Pan. Yang tried snuggling with her, but didn't work. There was a gold aura around her and she continued to cry.

Raven: Shhhh, it's gonna be okay Pan. Mommy and Daddy are gonna be back soon.

???: Look!

She turned to see a bright light flying towards Beacon. It landed, and died down to reveal you in your transformed state. People were astonished, but turned shock when they saw Tanya in your arms. You laid her down, and knelt by her side. Pan's cries became even louder than before. Everyone looked at you and saw tears falling from your eyes, but you didn't make a noise. 

Summer: Oh no....

Cole: It can't be...

Christina rushed pass everyone with tears in her eyes, and knelt down next to her.

Christina: SIS!! NO! WAKE UP!! WAKE UP SIS!!!!!

Everyone watched in sadness and shock, seeing one of the most powerful students now laying dead in front of them. Ozpin walked up to you.

Ozpin: And the creature?..

Y/N: Dead...

Ozpin: We'll give you time. Everyone back to your dorms.

Everyone began to leave, and Raven picked up Pan, as Cole took Christina back. Raven stared as you knelt there.

Raven: Y/N....

Tai: Raven, come on.

She looked to him to see he has a sympathetic look on his face.

Tai: He needs time...let's give him some..

She only looked down, and walked in with Yang and Pan. You stared at her body as it began to rain. You closed your eyes, and even though no one was there, you felt the warm embrace that she could only give. The wind blew as you heard her voice in your head.

Tanya: *in head* Take care of Pan, and use my power that I gave you to protect everyone. Tell Raven it's been awesome sharing you with her, and that she's lucky. I'll be waiting on the other side for you my love. Y/N.....












































Tanya: *in head* I love you...

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