Da Ambrophobia

39K 1.2K 121

/ˈlo͝orΙ™d/ (of a description) presented in vividly shocking or sensational terms, especially giving explicit... Altro

Chapter 1: V I C T O R I A
Chapter 2: T Y S O N
Chapter 3: V I C T O R I A
Chapter 4: V I C T O R I A
Chapter 5: T Y S O N
Chapter 6: T Y S O N
Chapter 8: V I C T O R I A
Chapter 9: V I C T O R I A
Chapter 10: V I C T O R I A
Chapter 11: T Y S O N
Chapter 12: V I C T O R I A
Chapter 13: V I C T O R I A
Chapter 14: T Y S O N
Chapter 15: V I C T O R I A
Chapter 16: T Y S O N
Chapter 17: V I C T O R I A
Chapter 18: V I C T O R I A
Chapter 19: T Y S O N
Chapter 20: V I C T O R I A
Chapter 21: T Y S O N
Chapter 22: V I C T O R I A
Chapter 23: V I C T O R I A
Chapter 24: T Y S O N
Chapter 25: V I C T O R I A
Chapter 26: T Y S O N
Chapter 27: V I C T O R I A
Chapter 28: V I C T O R I A
Chapter 29: T Y S O N
Chapter 30: V I C T O R I A
Epilogue: T Y S O N
a u t h o r 's n o t e
βœ” e p i g r a m;
βœ”p r e v i e w;
βœ” p r o l o g u e;
Act I : Foolhardy
βœ” c h a p t e r 1;
βœ” c h a p t e r 2;
βœ” c h a p t e r 3;
βœ” c h a p t e r 4;
βœ” c h a p t e r 5;
βœ” c h a p t e r 6;
βœ” c h a p t e r 7;
βœ” c h a p t e r 8;
βœ” c h a p t e r 9;
what should have been:

Chapter 7: V I C T O R I A

1.1K 33 5
Da Ambrophobia

"You're wearing that?"

I glared at Marty the entire time I looked at myself through the full-length mirror. There was certainly nothing wrong with the simple turtleneck dress I wore. It was modest with long sleeves and reaching just an inch above my thighs.

I sometimes wonder why I allow him in my new apartment here in Tokyo. My eyes once again lingering at the small studio-type apartment I have rented in my official permanent stay in Japan. My father realizing that with me constantly on the road and on the run, it would be hard for the Spencer family to live with me being a part of them, most especially if I have guest around as well.

"What's wrong with a bloody dress?" I questioned turning back towards Marty that had occupied my bed in the duration of my dressing crisis.

"It's bloody cold outside, that's what." He scoffed turning his gaze towards the window and the light drizzle of rain proves his point. "Wear something warm. A coat or sweater, maybe." He suggested pointing at the awful Bullet Club sweater he gave me last Christmas.

"Good, I hate your style." I muttered rummaging through my entire closet for something to keep warm as he points out. God, doesn't he knew London weather is far worse than this?

My eyes landing on the familiar pea coat Kate gave me. Immediately wrapping myself in the warm of the coat, I proceeded to slip on my black over the knee boots to complete the whole look. I ignored Marty's protest of me putting on the god damn sweater.

"Marty, you are not helping." I said throwing a pillow at him. "And shouldn't you be with the Bucks?" I questioned, thankful he was back in good terms with the Bucks after the little incident.

"They're coming along with Kenny." He pointed out and I gave him the look. "We are all gonna go our own way. We're not gonna follow you or anything, woman!"

I looked at him, hoping he was telling the truth. I was already nervous as it was to have a date with Kenny. God, I tried to remember what happened last night. I didn't really know what prompted him to ask me something like that. Why would he want to go out with someone like me? He could have any woman he wants, but he chose me? Bullock, this was confusing.

"Martin Scurll." I used his real name just to prove how serious I was.

"We. Are. Not. Gonna. Follow. You." he said accentuating every word but the way his eyes crinkled made me believe otherwise. He was planning something and I didn't know exactly what it was.

"Promise?" I asked.

He looked away for a moment proving my point.


"Alright. Alright, we're not gonna follow two around." He sighed.

Before I could even begin to force him to make a promise, someone knocked on my door. I turned towards the door, but my best friend had beaten me to it. Practically skipping out of my bedroom and out to the door to see who it was.

"Well look who it is."

I rolled my eyes making my way back towards the bathroom to check my make-up. I didn't know if it was a good idea to leave my face practically bare besides the light blush and pink lipstick I had on. I took a deep breath knowing there was nothing else I could do about it.

I walked back out of the bathroom with my purse at hand before joining the men out. My eyes immediately glued towards Kenny Omega, in a white dress shirt and black jeans. I smirked seeing him wearing a good leather shoes for the occasion and then I looked up to see him staring at me. The same manner I was doing to him.

"Hi," I greeted smirking at the Bucks practically gaped at the sight of me. "This isn't too much, is it?" I asked.

Before the Bucks could say a word, Kenny slapped his hands on both of their mouths.

"You look fine—beautiful, I mean." He wore a sheepish smile as the blush somehow grew from his cheeks.

I smiled turning my gaze towards Marty still pouting at me for not wearing the bloody sweater he wanted. Then trailed towards the siblings in between Kenny. Their mouths still covered by the man's strong hands.

"You can let go of them, you know." I pointed out.

Kenny simply dropped his hands, blushing still. I smiled towards the Bucks as they seem lost for words now. I've noticed both of them still sporting the black eye I gave. Guilt somehow washing over me as I handed both of them salves to ease away the bruising.

"Sorry about that, Love."

"It's nothing." Nick assured turning towards his sibling wagging his brows knowingly before eyes returned to me. "So what are you two doing for the night?"

"British feast fit for a Queen." Kenny answered for me, a wink sent to me before turning towards his friends. "It's for two people only, so I better not see you three anywhere near the area or I swear to God some nude picture would be leak."

I snorted being reminded of the DM's he released a few months back. Marty even having the balls to send it on my phone while I was in an interview. I swore I almost wanted to fly all the way to Japan just to slap him in the back for it.

I smirked instead of voicing my own thoughts, pushed all three men out of my apartment before me and Kenny followed along. I had made sure the window was sealed and I locked the door before all five of us went our separate ways...for now.

"So what are we doing tonight?" I couldn't help but ask as we continued walking the streets with me still unclear of where we were going.

"We're eating in the Aldgate British Pub." He announced with jazz hands making me giggle. "But we're going to Bunkamura Museum first to start our appetite." He added as he took hold of my hand.

"Fish and Chip and some beer?" I moaned just at the idea but what got my attention was the Museum. I've known it from my Harry, and it will certainly not start anyone's appetite. "You sure about the Museum?" I asked hoping he didn't have tickets yet.

"Of course—" he looked breathless. "Marty actually suggested it."

I slapped my forehead. Of all the men in the world to believe, Kenny just had to believe my best friend. Genuinely, I wanted to just stroll around the area.

"We can just...walk around. I don't want you to put so much effort tonight." I pointed out with an assuring smile.

"There is something horrible about the museum?" he asked and I couldn't help but nod. "I'm gonna kill Marty."

"Get in line, I'm killing him first." I said dryly reminding myself never to trust Marty in situations like this ever again.

"Let's skip the museum and let's kill him instead, what do you say?"

I smirked, tempted to actually accept the offer.

"I really don't want to ruin my appetite. Raincheck?" I offered grinned when he shook my hand in agreement.

We continued on with our walk. I've learned something new about Kenny Omega. Something Wikipedia doesn't know about. How he was the older of two sibling, has a little sister back in Winnipeg with her own family and two adorable nephews. I've learn he never really was popular back in school, being bullied because of his name and his adorable curly hair. It didn't help him in the matter when he started becoming a wrestler. All the hate grew. I've learn aside from the bullying, he was a private one. He had his own group of friends, not many, but he holds so dear in his heart. The Bucks, and Kota Ibushi. With those three, he could truly be himself. He loved his video games, that part didn't take long for me to know. It screamed him, from his name to his move set, everything was about video games. It reminded me so much of my brother, Harry. He may not admit it to our Dad, but he loved video games, and would take any opportunity he could get to play.

"What about you? I know for a fact that you were..." he halted in his words.

I turned to him as he practically blushed. He knew he shouldn't have asked, but somehow, after what he told me about his childhood, a little information about myself wouldn't hurt.

"I was bullied." I confessed. "From the moment my parents gotten divorced to the day my Mum died. I was bullied."

My eyes remembered how people looked at me in pity. The look everyone in school was giving me. From my fellow school mates to the very teachers I had. Everyone pitied the child in between the most scandalous divorce in Britain's history. It grew worst when Mum died. I closed my eyes for a moment as I tried finding the only happy place I had in that limbo of my childhood. TV. Wrestling. WWE.

"But as long as I had the telly and WWF on, I barely took any attention on any of them."

My eyes turned back to the growing crowd of people getting out of work. My eyes never meeting Kenny for a while. It was ironic to think that I used to love WWE, but here I am now. Happy to be free from any of their clutches. I was free anything to do with the very reason I felt free from everyone's judgement.

"I just felt everything in my family life just disappeared the moment I see Undertaker and Hulk Hogan on screen. Heel or face, I've loved both dearly."

I smiled remembering how Harry would place me in the Tombstone piledriver than nearly had both Nana and Dad in a fit. But I loved it, besides the pain it caused my neck for a few days, I felt alive. And it was in that very moment I realized I wanted to be like them. I want to wrestle. I wanted to live a life away from the royal duties that came with my name.

"What's your favorite match of all time?" he asked.

I held onto his hand once again as I was afraid of getting lost in the ocean of people in all directions.

"I have three." I confessed. "Bret Hart versus Shawn Michaels." I grinned seeing him scoff. The Montreal Screwjob really had an effect on all Canadians, Kenny included. "Then I loved Undertaker's Match against Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania." I added smiling having taken off from any obligation from NXT just to watch that match in the front row. "But nothing could compare to Ric Flair's retirement match with Shawn Michaels."

"You really have a thing for Shawn Michaels?"

"He really is Mr. Wrestlemania." I pointed out with a firm nod. "And I actually had to ask him about how to do the proper Sweet chin music before I've ever incorporated it into my move set."

"Surprised that he did."

"He should. Or else, Paul would have his ass." I joked as we finally arrived at the train station, this time right on time. Slipping inside, and for once having a seat.

"You don't usually take the train?" he asked as I had to hold on to his arms to steady myself.

"I do." I assured. "But I am so used to ride with someone."

I didn't want to point out that some of the security personnel that came with me back home accompanied me. It was safer especially with how passionate some fans could be. And for some reason I got used to have someone coming with me. More so now, that I was practically security-free here in Japan.

"Lucky I'm here then." He smirked.

I nodded as our eyes met an elderly couple making their way inside. Neither of us somehow hesitated as we stood. There wasn't a vacant seat available and we'd allowed the couple to seat. I couldn't help but smile and bow slightly at the couple. They reminded me so much of Nana and Baba.

"Small amount of good in this world is worth it right?" he asked wrapping his arm supportively around my waist. "Seeing them smile at us like this, it's kind of worth it."

"Definitely." I assured leaning myself more into him. He was practically built like a brick shithouse. Chest solid, as well as practically everything in his body.

My head peered towards the man to see his distance look. Eyes sparkling but the smile on his lips was evident even as he tried so hard to hide it. My head rested on his chest, where I had perfectly listened to his heartbeat. Rapid. But paced.


"That was surprisingly good."

I smiled turning towards my date tonight. After an English buffet, with a few pints of Guinness, I was full. He didn't drink even sip of the beer no matter how much I forced him to. He wasn't the type to drink and I wasn't to force him if he doesn't want to. But I did, however, force him to try the Blood Sausage, which he actually liked.

"We are definitely going to work everything out." I pointed out seeing him scrunch his nose at the very idea. "I actually asked a friend for a couple of hours in his Dojo tomorrow morning."

I knew I'd eat my entire body weight of food tonight, so I had to make up for it tomorrow. And from the deep sigh earned from the Cleaner, he was relieved—partially for it. I could practically feel myself pregnant with food babies now.

"So, I never really had the opportunity to apologize to you." He said halting in our steps. In the middle of the streets, thankful for the lack of people walking around, we stood. Him with worry, while I looked at him attentively. Worried what he was sorry for.

"You've been a good date." I assured him.

"It's not that." He sighed taking hold of my hands. "My match with Juice. When I won—" he halted in his words.

It registered now what he meant.

The Kiss.

"It's fine." I assured him as I felt warmth spread on my cheeks now. Remembering the feeling of his lips against my own was something that took a while to forget. But he just had to remind me of it. Nice job, Cleaner. Real good work.

"No." he pulled away from me. "It's not my place to practically kiss you like that. And for all I know that's the final nail in the coffin for WWE to sack you."

The hell was he saying? Gone was the quirky man I spent dinner with. In front of me was a nervous wreck. He had been brushing his hair with hand for a while now. He was standing from one foot to another. Eyes on the floor as his hands were shoved to his pockets.

"I feel like it's my fault for why WWE terminated you. And I know I'm a jerk for kissing you on live TV like that—I know you said you promised me one before but it wasn't my place to—"

I cut him off with my lips. I kissed him with everything I had. Everything I got and every single thing I will ever have in me. He leaned closer to me, wrapping his arms around me. His lips taking over as I opened my lips for him to explore. He tasted like Scotch Egg and I was alright with it. My fingers exploring his chest, rising towards the columns of his neck, and finally resting on his curly hair.

The smell of his aftershave and mint gum permeated my senses. He was a good kisser. That much I could confirm.

"And that's a wrap!"

I jumped, pulling away from him. Catching my breath, still mind scrambling in question. My eyes turned towards the owner of the voice and three individuals neither me nor Kenny wanted to see right now. Someone was going to get killed.

"The Bloody hell are you three doing here?" I questioned the smug looking Marty and the popcorn wielding Young Bucks.

"Want to burn the calories now?" Kenny asked, still slightly panting for the kiss.

My eyes turned towards him and I knew exactly then and there was he meant.

"You carry the bodies and I'll find a place to bury them?"


Our eyes turned back towards the gaping trio. Pale and in fear for ruining our date.

"M-Muffin..." I didn't let Marty continue as I chased after him, unfazed by the heeled boots I had on. "For the love of God. I'm too young to die!"

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